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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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I didn't read much of the thread, but why is Reyson not tiered? You could run something like Ike + Shinon + Gatrie + Reyson + Royal. Reyson with the Ike support is giving Shinon something like 18 hp a turn, which I think could let Shinon survive for at least 3+ rounds if he's got a Laguz Guard for the royals (too bad there's no crit-negating item in this game). And if he ever gets to transform, that goes up to 20 hp. Sure he's dead as soon as Shinon dies, but I feel that it's not a completely unviable strategy. You could maybe even throw in Tormod for a Sage who can double Brom (which Ilyana can't I believe) depending on just how long Shinon with Reyson heals is surviving.

BTW, Tormod being able to double Brom with Bolting with Shinon support is more than anything Soren can do, regardless of whether or not Reyson is in play. It's a very specific counter, so he's still pretty useless considering the opponent might pick Gatrie over Brom, whom Ilyana can double, in which case she's way better, but yeah. Tormod and Soren should switch spots IMO

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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I didn't read much of the thread, but why is Reyson not tiered? You could run something like Ike + Shinon + Gatrie + Reyson + Royal. Reyson with the Ike support is giving Shinon something like 18 hp a turn, which I think could let Shinon survive for at least 3+ rounds if he's got a Laguz Guard for the royals (too bad there's no crit-negating item in this game).

shinon could very easily get ORKO'd by an SM.

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Well I ragequit FE9 and built a somewhat gimmicky FE8 team if anyone wants to give that a go. I believe there's already one going on atm though, and two at the same time might be somewhat confusing?

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Some questions about TRS LA:

You don't have some skills listed (Charge, Gale, Life or Death, Big Shield, Awareness, Charisma, MUG). Did you simply choose not to list those, for whatever reason, or are you purposely excluding them? If it's the latter, why?

Are AoE spells usable?

Can Meriah choose between LoD and Geomancy (assuming the former is being allowed)? Also I think you have her AVO calculated wrong; should be 64 instead of 54.

There are some pretty broken weapons in this game (coughcoughSaliaLancecoughcough). Are we allowing the * weapons or not?

Narron getting Blazing Wind is dependent on earlypromoting. So then he doesn't get to level 40 without a Super Proof, in which case why is he the only person to get an item for other than promo purposes? So I think if you choose to give him Blazing Wind you have to calculate his averages for max level 31 or something. Similar arguments apply for Norton and Geomancy Meriah I think.

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Elieson: Aether's activation goes like this with brave weapons -

(check for Aether)

No Aether ( X Y Z)

OR if it activates - (X Y Z) to see if Sol connects (it can miss)

Then (X Y Z) again to see if Luna connects

And again for the second hit of a brave attack, (1)

(1 2 3) / (1 2 3) (4 5 6)

Astra works the same way with brave weaponry but with a poorer activation rate, while Adept (big thing because Soren is actually viable in the max stats meta) is checked once before the whole attack rather than each hit.

We should probably re-do that round of combat entirely (inb4 4% Killer Axe crit on Ike).

I didn't read much of the thread, but why is Reyson not tiered? You could run something like Ike + Shinon + Gatrie + Reyson + Royal. Reyson with the Ike support is giving Shinon something like 18 hp a turn, which I think could let Shinon survive for at least 3+ rounds if he's got a Laguz Guard for the royals (too bad there's no crit-negating item in this game). And if he ever gets to transform, that goes up to 20 hp. Sure he's dead as soon as Shinon dies, but I feel that it's not a completely unviable strategy. You could maybe even throw in Tormod for a Sage who can double Brom (which Ilyana can't I believe) depending on just how long Shinon with Reyson heals is surviving.

BTW, Tormod being able to double Brom with Bolting with Shinon support is more than anything Soren can do, regardless of whether or not Reyson is in play. It's a very specific counter, so he's still pretty useless considering the opponent might pick Gatrie over Brom, whom Ilyana can double, in which case she's way better, but yeah. Tormod and Soren should switch spots IMO

We didn't put a whole lot of thought into the tier list and there's not even enough playing done thus far to be certain about some of the placements. I don't think anybody compared Tormod with Soren seriously considering both kinda suck.

As for Shinon with Reyson, nobody's tried that yet in the averages meta. In the max stats meta, it seems like a good idea to ban Provoke because Shinon is bulkier and Reyson has more magic, making Shinon really hard to kill with HP recovery and allowing him to spam Brave Bow without punishment for a while. In any meta with custom skills, Shade should be banned entirely because you can run siege/sniper + 4 walls and just continue to annoy from a distance. Shade Shinon would be so much worse than Provoke Shinon. Resolve + Wrath + Shade can fit on the same foot unit too.

Also what's the policy on Braves in FE8? They're buyable in CC but idk if having them unlimited is a good idea.

Infinite use. So far I personally don't see braves as being too broken, but time will show.

shinon could very easily get ORKO'd by an SM.

With Adept/Astra procs though. It's somewhat luck-reliant (but so are a lot of other things).

Some questions about TRS LA:

You don't have some skills listed (Charge, Gale, Life or Death, Big Shield, Awareness, Charisma, MUG). Did you simply choose not to list those, for whatever reason, or are you purposely excluding them? If it's the latter, why?

Are AoE spells usable?

Can Meriah choose between LoD and Geomancy (assuming the former is being allowed)? Also I think you have her AVO calculated wrong; should be 64 instead of 54.

There are some pretty broken weapons in this game (coughcoughSaliaLancecoughcough). Are we allowing the * weapons or not?

Narron getting Blazing Wind is dependent on earlypromoting. So then he doesn't get to level 40 without a Super Proof, in which case why is he the only person to get an item for other than promo purposes? So I think if you choose to give him Blazing Wind you have to calculate his averages for max level 31 or something. Similar arguments apply for Norton and Geomancy Meriah I think.

Fixed Meriah's avo (I'm sure there are other errors in the databases compiled that need to be found).

I only listed the skills with stat-reliant activations. The ones you listed depend either on current to max HP ratio, AS, killing things, level or are always active. I wouldn't have the space to list all of them too.

We're going to try allowing AoE spells, and right now we are in agreement that after using AoE the user is unequipped next turn (like enemy AoE users usually are).

* weapons are allowed, and we're even going to make Dullahan function non-stop until there's nobody else alive in the player's team in which case Shigen isn't revived and the player loses.

I think it's much simpler to assume Super Proofs for anybody needing them, and that all compatible skills can be learnt. I think only Meriah gets to choose between two skills (and it's prettty clear which one she should get).

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Kinda interested in FE13 Meta but I think it would be huge mess

@Dio: I'm interested in FE5 myself. Wanna try?

OTOH I need to know the ruling with Item Slot(FE5 have like.... 8 Item Slot), Scrolls(obviously for anti crit), Skills etc. Not to mention the whole Mareeta roflstomping

Edited by JSND
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Ill redo because I did Aether's activation all wrong, but it's 6 (20, Luna) dmg. I filled my table wrong.

Edited by Elieson
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I asked about the AoE thing because allowing them means you have to worry about exact positioning of units.

Also, are we going to just declare neutral maps and discount all Fighter skills? I think it could be kind of interesting if we rolled for a random map at the beginning but eh.

And supports count, yes?

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OTOH I need to know the ruling with Item Slot(FE5 have like.... 8 Item Slot), Scrolls(obviously for anti crit), Skills etc. Not to mention the whole Mareeta roflstomping

How many viable weapons can you fill those slots with? Looks like most good characters will just battle with the same sword or tome.

Ill redo because I did Aether's activation all wrong, but it's 6 (20, Luna) dmg. I filled my table wrong.

Remember that for Luna/Flare activations with odd def/res numbers, you receive more damage rather than less (the stat is rounded down when halved).

I asked about the AoE thing because allowing them means you have to worry about exact positioning of units.

Also, are we going to just declare neutral maps and discount all Fighter skills? I think it could be kind of interesting if we rolled for a random map at the beginning but eh.

And supports count, yes?

Up to now I've been counting any supports regardless of the units' order in a team. Maybe with TRS we'll make supports active when inside support rante only, to go with the 'positioning matters' theme imposed by the AoE magic.

Right now we're going to make Arena Fighter give everyone with the skill +20 hit/avo, and that's it. "Everyone" is just Lionel and Shigen though, both pretty decent units for this thing.

And yeah, all supports stack as usual.

Processing Nicolas's query now. Let's see how much time I can cut with that really simplistic formula in Excel.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

SB's team


Warrior!Garcia, General!Amelia, Ranger!Neimi, Paladin!Franz, Paladin!Seth


Nicolas's team!


Wyvern Knight!Vanessa, Sage!Moulder, Mage Knight!Lute, Great Knight!Kyle, Assassin!Colm

Turn 4.

xxj1.pngvs vk4m.png

Nicolas's Vanessa (Vidofnir) attacks SB's Neimi (Zanbato)!

28 dmg 80% hit 0% crit 20% Pierce

(26 21 9 92)

Neimi receives 28/40 damage!

Neimi counterattacks!

4 dmg 46% hit 0% crit

(87 34 58)

Neimi misses!

Both sides survive the fight.



Garcia 0/59

Amelia 49/49

Neimi 12/40

Franz 52/52

Seth 47/47


Vanessa 39/39

Moulder 49/49

Lute 8/37

Kyle 59/59

Colm 49/49

SB acts next!

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