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Which FE do you you think was the most well-written?



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FE9 definitely has my vote. The Beorc vs. Laguz deal that played a huge part in the game was well executed, and I always liked how even minor characters have different reactions to both races (the one lady in the village in Chapter 11 would react negatively to a laguz, but not a beorc for example). Not only that, but the battle conversations were pretty great. The fact that every one of the GMs has a battle conversation with Shinon in Chapter 18 is very interesting.

And the supports were some of the best in the series, too.

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I completely agree with ZM also the fact that Ike himself talks to each team member at least once after they join is pretty neat. Ike is also my 2nd favorite lord. His journey and growth into the Legend he is in Radiant Dawn is great

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FE8. Almost every FE missed the team aspect of the army.

FE1 is Marth and that.... princess with Sheeda being awesome offscreen

FE3 might as well be called Triumphant Conquest of the Hero King

FE4 is all about Leif(seriously, where's Aless after introduction? Where did Shanan goes? Who are those gen 2 and why did they matter? Why is Seliph such an "audience avatar"? After Leif appeared on screen its basically Leif game, which is pretty funny considering that he is the only one who is mainly motivated by revenge, and gen 2 is all about revenge

FE5 is August vs Dorias "better love story than something about vampires". Also Leif. Yeah, apparently we forgot Miranda and that pink haired girl even exist. I demand more screentime for Glade as well

FE6 is Roy being super awesome(gameplay facts not included)

FE7 revolves around.... okay I don't know its kinda all over the place. Kinda limited thanls to being a prequel

FE13 tried to do this, but lets not even begin to talk about how much the failed on this note.

In FE8, things are different. We saw Innes being awesome. We are treated with Ephraim doing his stuff on the other side of the world. We got to see L'arachel being hilarious, and contributing in her own ways, even though I hate how she only started to become relevant in Ephraim route very late to the game. And we saw Eirika being a naive bystander.

Sure at the end, its Eirika and Ephraim's conflict with Lyon that become the centerpiece, but the fact that throughout the game, FE8 manage to make the group looks like an actual alliance instead of one group doing the talking all day long(coughHardincough) is pretty amazing

Edited by Eradicator Boner
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I imagine my answer would change depending on the aspect of the writing- character-building/interaction dialogue, arc, world-building, other things I'll probably not put into words very well

Having only completely played through 4 and 7-10, I guess 9 seems like "the least flawed," but 4+5's scale and setting do the best job of getting my imagination fired up.

PKL man can this thread just be about what people like about these games for once, and have the negativity stop at the door

Edited by Rehab
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Sorry, wasn't the intention. I like both FE10 and FE13 (though i've been on and off with this one in particular), was just giving them a shoutout for their rather suspect writing.

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Sorry, wasn't the intention. I like both FE10 and FE13 (though i've been on and off with this one in particular), was just giving them a shoutout for their rather suspect writing.

can we actually talk about how dodgy ferds writing is because i dont think this is something that ever gets discussed

like even ignoring bonkers bullshit claims about sues n shit, just the writing itself on a purely technical level

the amount of shitty fucking similes the narrator spouts is gagworthy, it makes me want to cry

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omg what

thats the redemptive moment

thats the point where the story tredges out the mire of its selfcestuous swamp and raises its arms in triumph

Sorry, but I just enjoyed the other parts more, especially part 3. Part 3 was loads of epic. <3

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Man, I'd love to have another game as well made as FE9... it had some great narrative flow and design that pushed almost to the very end of the game. Most of the time in a Fire Emblem game, events start to fragment into justifying the gameplay more than telling a story in which you control its characters.

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Tied between 8 and 4, but I'll give it to 4 since FE8 was already my favorite in other things too. I really wish it gets remade or manages to make it over here at some point, because I love the whole Descendants of the Crusaders fighting amongst themselves politically while the looming threat of Lopto creeps up and throws the game into Gen 2. And 8 was awesome all the way through!

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20 votes for FE9. Heh.

Throwing mine to 9 too, there are just so many characters that all play their part, the support system is the most robust in the series, the whole Prejudice/Racism/Invader guilt thing is executed well. Although i would agree with banzai that the plot kind of derps out a bit near the end of the game. But on the other hand, FE10's plot is so insufferably bad that it's probably a good thing we didn't get the full package...

HM to 8 but minus points for important story detail like Natasha/Duessel and Knoll support being so hugely important and yet hidden in a crappy character who's only good for summoning and healing.

Edited by Irysa
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FE8 has the best writing overall in the series. It accomplishes what it sets out to do, and does it well.

Honourable mention to Shadow Dragon for making the best out of a limited story.

Yeah. FE8 skimps on the world-building that its predecessors (and Tellius) had, but it had a well-developed cast that's integrated well into the plot of the game and a lot of nuances and parallels that stayed with me for a long time. Also, all the characters stand on their own without having to look to a sequel, an artbook, or DLC to understand them. The plot borrows chunks of FE3 and FE2 but hey, what else is new in Fire Emblem?

And I second, third, and fourth the honorable mention for Shadow Dragon. Just compare any random scene in FE11 to a scene in Book 1 of FE3 to see the difference.

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Tied between 8 and 4, but I'll give it to 4 since FE8 was already my favorite in other things too. I really wish it gets remade or manages to make it over here at some point, because I love the whole Descendants of the Crusaders fighting amongst themselves politically while the looming threat of Lopto creeps up and throws the game into Gen 2. And 8 was awesome all the way through!

Gen 1 of FE4 is so, so good in the way the plot is set up and executed. Gen 2 just really feels like a bit of a mess, though. They should've done more with Ares, for a start.

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