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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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[spoiler=Experience - Klotho]She's not sure what to think.

​That… thing with Cassandra. It certainly wasn't BAD. It was nice, fun even. But when she compares those warm, bright, fun kisses with the one she got from Phoibus… it's like comparing the snow with fire.

Cassandra's had been kind, gentle, and sweet. Like she was scared of breaking her. Like she couldn't even get the strength to do so. ​Phoibus's, though… it had been fierce, kind, and desperate. Like he was both trying to break her and hold her together, at the same time. That fascinated her, intrigued her.

She WANTED someone to break her. Someone who recognized that she wasn't some innocent doll, that would be broken by a mere action. She was… she was a PREDATOR. Fierce and unstoppable.

Sweetness was tempting, cloying… a means to an end to satisfy a base desire, made even sweeter by the fact that she DID like her. But is was that fierceness and desperation that… EXCITED her. That made her just want more and more and more.

She didn't know what to think. She must be insane.

But she did desperately want to see Phoibus again.

[spoiler=Revelations - Phoibus and Kat] *reading through the notebook that Silvia handed to her, carefully jotting down the notes* "I wonder if we can use that shading trick to find out more information."

"Must thank you for dealing with her. I totally wasn't planning on asking her questions or anything."

"Sorry, maybe you should've given me a head's up."

"Michel HATES to be disturbed when she's playing."

"Especially with her favorite TOY?"

"What can I say? I'm good at what I do."

"Are you here just to complain or to see what we've found out? Also, I've a question for you."

"If it's about the arm guard, I've no fucking clue myself."


"Find out anything?"

"Welp, there's a very long list of a bunch of Annas who've gone missing." *passes him the list*

*reads over the list* "Yeah, I know about…" *trails off as he catches the last name on the list. He pales. His eyes widen. His voice shakes as he continues* "W-what's with this last…?"

"Apparently the next target. Anna Aimee, one of the-"

*completely furious* "ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!"

​*startled at the vehemence. She takes a bit before answering* "Phoibus… keep it down. People are asleep."

​"Absolutely… not." *hasn't heard her. He tosses the paper to the side and punches the nearby window, completely shattering it.* "Unacceptable. I refuse… I refuse to let that happen!"

"Phoibus, you're fixing that window, right? Get over her so that I can get the glass out of your hand."

*doesn't move*

"Phoibus, if you don't, I'll cry."

*absolutely silent, but moves so that he's sitting on a chair by the bed and holding his hand out. Glaring at the floor and muttering curses under his breath*

*carefully digging through his hand to remove the glass* "That's not anatomically possible, Phoibus."

"Doma, help me, I'd make it!"

​"Phoibus… Phoibus, remember your-"

"I don't need reminding." *clenches his fist so hard that they start to shake. As the blood oozes out, he continues talking in a hiss* "But she, at least, will have a clean death. A quick, clean death. I OWE that to her."

"You made the glass go deeper." *continues digging through the wounds* "You… love her."

​"…Not the first time I've fallen for a mark."

"I know."

"Then you also know I'll do my job. But that… I wouldn't wish that on your worst enemy, Sister. Much less her. She… she deserves a…"

"Phoibus, you're crying."

"Huh?" *reaches up with his free hand to touch the tears* "Oh, I am. Huh." *gives Kat a shaky smile through the tears* "I'm an idiot."

"I've always said that." *picks out a particularly large piece of glass from the wound* "Well?"

​"If… if I arrange it, will you…?"

"That will be awkward as all hell, but so long as she doesn't attack us, I'll get Sorin and Dusk to let her travel with us until her death, Phoibus. Because it's not often you ask ME for a favor."

​"Thank… thank you…"

"Also, stay away from Klotho. She's a good girl."

"She's got the same eyes as you and me."

"All the more reason to keep you from you until you get your head on straight." *gets the last piece of glass out of the wound and brandishes it in his face* "If you go after her, it's got to be serious. No flings."

"I haven't been TRYING anything, you know."

"…I know." *smiles wryly* "She hasn't had any hickeys yet."

*laughs bitterly as he roughly wipes away the tears* "I… need to head back."

"…I love you, brother. Don't ever forget that."

"Thanks." *smiles tightly at her* "I never will. Let me… get something to cover that window."


[spoiler=Promise - Phoibus and Klotho] *walking out of the infirmary instead of staying like Yuffie had wanted* "I wonder if Crimson is still in my room? That would be… fun if so. Oh, but Meanie broke the door, so…" *looks up and notices someone* "Phoi….bus….?"

​*startled, turns to see Klotho in the hallway with him* "…Of course, the first thing that happens after Agrona makes her request is that I see her. Of course. Because life really likes kicking people when they're down."

"What are you doing here?" *jogs up to him* "What's that plastic you're carrying? And why are you bleeding?"

​"Was on a job to kill Anna Vivienne and destroy anything she had on her. I'll pretend that actually happened." *holds up the plastic* "This is to cover a broken window. I'm bleeding because I'm injured."

"Well, it needs to get wrapped up. And I have extra bandages this time." *produces the bandages from her pocket and seizes Phoibus's hand to bandage it*

*had been a little distracted by her and almost didn't notice her grab him* "You really don't need to do that." *tugs his hand out of hers* "Weren't those given to you for a specific reason?"

"Just my feet. They'd be fine."

​"Your feet? Again?" *glances down, noticing Klotho had some… very nice legs* "I… see… er, but really, you should use them for whatever the healer told you to. Angry healers are the second scariest thing in existence."

"What's the scariest?"

"An angry almighty mom."

"? If you say so." *pauses* "Say, Phoibus?"


"Can you promise me something?"


​"Okay. I just don't want you to move, at all, for the next… oh, minute or so?"

"Oddest promise I've heard in a while, but okay." *stands absolutely still*

*Hesitates a moment, before stepping close, bracing her hands on his chest, and kissing him shyly*

*Startled and just barely manages to hold still*

*breaks away from the kiss, blushing furiously* "O-okay. I-I'm done now." *turns to walk away*

"Hey…" *voice is very soft and borderline husky*


​"Am I… still bound by that promise?"


"Okay." *drops the plastic and whirls on Klotho, pinning her to the wall and kissing her fiercely*

*surprised, but quickly responds, tugging slightly at his shirt*

*breaks away briefly for breath and almost kisses her again, when he realizes his hands are in her shirt, touching bandages. Blood was seeping through* "…You… need to get your back re-bandaged."


"Bleeding through bandages isn't a good sign."


*steps back from her with a reluctance that startles him* "Also, weren't you the one who said you should only kid people you like, or something?"

"I did."

​"…" *looks away and says under his breath* "Agrona's right. My head is too much of a mess to properly deal with this."


"Nothing. Thinking aloud." *shakes head* "Do you want me to heal them?"

"No, you'll just hurt yourself. I'll be fine."

"Right then." *almost walks away, but finds himself kissing her again* "Good night." *picks up the plastic and walks away*

​"Night…" *briefly touches her bruised mouth before returning to the infirmary*

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[spoiler=They Stop, Because Suddenly Even Walking Feels Reckless]

The chess game passes over her head entirely.

She's playing it, but her heart isn't into it. She doesn't even want to win.

All she can think about is the shredded book upstairs, the first Act of a masterpiece ripped to pieces. In a way, it feels symbolic.

She admitted, freely, she had no idea what Henry was when she first met him. He was weird, too interested in that light tome and too interested in her, and all she wanted was to be left alone. She remembered just how... crushed, she had been by her failure to save Emmeryn and she didn't feel any sort of joy in killing Gangrel. She just wanted to be left alone.

She would have rather died.

And initially. she hated him for bothering her, for being there, for actually caring. And then when she met him again, she was scared because he knew of that moment of weakness she had tried so hard to just... bury.

But he hadn't... judged her for it. He'd told her just as much. That he understood and sometimes you just "kinda want everything to go away, or you'll make it go away, y'know?". She had been thoroughly prepared to slam the book shut and walk away from it, but he re-opened it, wrote another chapter. Brought from one act into the other.

And that first, awkward act had just been ripped to shreds. That act in which she didn't want to live, in which she was an awkward mess of a girl trying to move on.

In a way, she was slowly shredding the imperfections.

She didn't know why she was so obsessed with perfection. Silver told her so many answer lie in her past, a thing she would never be able to access again, and all she could do now was live with it. He was the one who told her to take her flaws and use them to her advantage.

And she wanted something to be perfect, she would start with herself.

She lazily moved a hand forward, a ghost of a smile that didn't fit the setting on her face as she knocked Klotho's king aside with her bishop, the grin growing as it clattered to the floor.


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[spoiler=Liability - Kat] She was almost killed.

​She and the baby who she both loved to pieces and was absolutely terrified of… they were both almost killed. And why? Because she couldn't move properly. She couldn't dodge.

Surrounded by foes, cornered in her room… if not for the amulet Phoibus gave her, she'd have been ripped into pieces. What a pathetic way to die. What a pathetic woman.

She was a liability, even worse than she expected. She hated it. She loathed it. And all that loathing turned inward. It was HER fault, after all. There was something wrong with HER body that made it so hard, so tiring to carry a child. It wasn't the baby's fault, for trying to grow. It certainly wasn't Dusk's fault. It was hers.

She hated herself. She loathed herself.

But through the pain, she tries to smile, tries to play it off. Because the others are convinced that somehow it's THEIR fault. And that makes it hurt all the more. So much trouble, just because she's pregnant, bedridden. A LIABILITY.

She was almost killed. And part of her is just mourning that it was ONLY ALMOST, as anything would be better than being a weak and useless liability like what she'd become.

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[spoiler=For Every Star In the Sky, There's A Soul Attached]

She looks up at the night sky and wonders where they are.

Bernadette was easy to find - she was the star attached to the other, the two so close they were almost one. She and her true love, united at all. She smiled and moved her finger to the left, seeing a star almost on the fringe of being all by itself but still too close to be considered a loner. That was Ciel, and trailing eternally behind her was Jeanette, trying to keep her from doing something too dangerous or too risky.

And there, to her right, surrounded by other stars like some sort of focal point was Margeaux, always the mother figure. The girl was known for getting horrible headaches over her worries, and Theresa would always hover nearby, immediately by her side if she so much as twitched. She'd heard the rumors, that Theresa was maybe TOO attached to Margeaux, but she never believed it. Theresa was quiet, shy, and Margeaux spoke her mind for her. Of course she'd be attached.

And there was Theresa, right next to Margeaux just like she always was.

Aimee giggled and waved to the two, before shifting her gaze to a star that winked the color rose. Rosaline.

Rosaline was always a bit of a rebel, never liking to follow guidelines and walk her own path. In fact, when Rosaline announced her intent to leave, no one was, really surprised.

Her death by Theresa's hands, however, was, and Aimee felt her lip quiver at the thought. She'd gone through all those deaths in her mind, but now she was wondering about how they felt. How that... must have felt, being at the end so suddenly.

Aimee broke her thoughts with a wail, burying her face into her hands and sobbing. She couldn't - she can't - there was no way she could think about this anymore. She didn't even understand why she thought of death so much nowadays, she was just so bothered by the thought of her life ending - or anyone's life ending, especially now...

She slumped herself to the balcony before tilting her head up towards the sky, pointing a shaking finger at the cluster of three stars he pointed out. "Please..." she pleaded, trying to choke back her tears. "D-Don't ever let me see four... I - I'd rather wait for you... than have you wait for me..."

She wiped the tears away, forcing a quivering smile on her face. "And that's a promise..." she said after a moment of staring up blankly at the stars, tracing her finger around a blurred green one that looked like it was running away from something, one she didn't recall seeing before. "I don't want... to see you up there before me, trying to protect me. I can protect you too. That's what lovers do, look out for each other!" She said, giggling and clasping her hands together. Lover. That word made her so... giddy. And the fact that she had one to call her own?

But there was a downside to this: she'd never been so paranoid over one person in all her life.

Every time she left she'd hug herself at night and imagine the most awful things, and only total exhaustion from her crying put her to sleep. And every time he appeared again, she just wanted to hold him, forever and ever and ever - and never let go again.

"Just... be careful... out there, will you? I don't want to find you up here... I w-want you here..." She moved her finger from the sky to the ground beside her and smiled, finally content with her thoughts. "With me. And THAT'S a promise!"

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[spoiler=Confusion - Phoibus] She confuses him.

​He finds it hard to walk away, actually. He wants to turn right back around and pin her to a wall, a bed… whatever's closest. Pin her so that she can't run and break her into thousands of pieces, screaming in pleasure.

​He doesn't, of course. He has a job. An important one. One combined with pleasure, of course. That was how he'd always worked. Not even Alexandra could make him WANT to stop working. While not necessarily fun, he knew the importance. Even more so here.

​So… so who was Klotho? Who was this predator-assassin woman and what sort of magic did she cast on him to make him LONG to discard his job for simple pleasure?

[spoiler=Confusion - Klotho] He confuses her.

​She finds it hard to let him walk away. She wants to chase after him and have him kiss her again. Pinned against a wall or… maybe even a BED… Anything really to get that rush of heat as he kisses her over and over again.

She doesn't, of course. It's… not right. She barely knows him. This is just a… gut reaction. Instinct. Oh, one that's pleasurable, even with all the heat that makes her feel like she's going to break.

Who IS Phoibus, to make her feel so… powerful? Naive? What sort of magic did he cast on her to make her LONG for something so confusing and… fierce?

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Does Klotho want to know the secret behind Phoibus' seductive powers?


That. Voice.

XD And she DOES have keener hearing.

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Okay~! Grand debut of Anna Maylis!

[spoiler=Anna Maylis and Phoibus]Phoibus: More tea, milady?

Maylis: Ah, Phoibus. Thank you. Do you want to join me?

Phoibus: Milady, that wouldn't be proper. Milk? Sugar?

Maylis: [/laughs] Implying I care so much for propriety. I enjoy the company, please, sit. And sugar would be fine, thank you.

Phoibus: This tuxedo you gave me makes me feel like I need to play the proper part. *carefully makes her up the tea*

Maylis: Ha, well, you look dashing in it. How could I not? So, I have to ask, heard anything of interest lately?

Phoibus: Plenty, but I'm not sure what exactly would interest you. *hands her the cup* …Your mother is doing worse, though.

Maylis: [/almost drops the cup in surprise, but just manages to catch it before sighing] I... I shouldn't be shocked... I hate to be a downer, but I'm resigned to the worst for Mother... I - I feel she's gone.

Phoibus: If you feel that way, why do you continue protecting Michel? Even pretending to be her for the troops when she's away, hiding your own identity.

Maylis: Her actions are... well, drastic, but her cause is just. I want a place of peace as well, where Mother can rest for her final days and the world is layered in calm. I just wish there were a better way...

Phoibus: And you do not feel there is one?

Maylis: Nothing I see before me anyway. And plus, I was never one to be directly in the action. Michel is the leader, the... charismatic one. I don't have her charm, I'm afraid.

Phoibus: But, milady, I find you QUITE charming.

Maylis: [/sighs, smiling faintly] You and you only, I'm afraid. The others find me a stuffy old bore, and really I don't care much. Like I said, I'm not a person for the front lines. Let them wage their war. I'll merely profit off of it.

Phoibus: With what remains of your family in peace.

Maylis: [/cringes and sets her tea down] ... You're quite blunt, aren't you? I suppose I shouldn't complain but... all this confusion and fighting and death. I wonder if this is for the best...

Phoibus: Forgive my undiplomatic tongue, milady. If you feel this is the best course, then continue walking it. Or riding it, if need be. Would you like me to saddle your horse?

Maylis: It is a lovely day for a ride... Actually, that would be lovely, Phoibus, thank you.

Phoibus: 'Tis my honor, milady. *bows formally and takes her hand to kiss it* I shall do so now, unless you have need of me here?

Maylis: No, it's fine. I don't. [/smiles at him] Will you ride with me? You mentioned other things you wanted to tell me.

Phoibus: I will arrange for the double-saddle, then. I believe there are some things you need to be aware of. The prisms, for starters.

Maylis: Prisms... I apologize, Phoibus, but I have no idea what you're talking about...

Phoibus: Precisely, milady. There is… a lot you've not heard yet. It will have to be a long ride, to hear everything.

Maylis: I'm horrifically concerned now. [/sighs] Sisters, what exactly have you done? I suppose I can't stay in the dark any longer. [/nods at Phoibus] ... Let's ride.

Phoibus: At your leisure, milady.

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[spoiler=Sacred Stones: A retelling through their eyes]

[spoiler=Chapter 9]

Sorin: *Voices* Gheb... You are an imbecile. You have the nerve to defile my family name now of all times? Bad idea. I'm g-

Tana: Let me go! Stop it! That hurts.

Sorin: Tana? Gheb any mercy you would have received is gone now. *Hides*

Purigon: Seems you are in love.

Sorin: ...*sigh* Such dry humor...


Shadow: Hey Gheb. Keep your fetishes to yourself. The Shadow Stone needs to find a guy named Sorin.

Gheb: The traitor? Yeah I'll find the trash after my interrogation. Where is he now?

Shadow: I don't have time to tell you that. I SHOULD be in Jehanna already. Caeleach is going to have a fit if I don't show. Also like I said, keep her safe for a while. You have a prince and his army coming. Now if you excuse me.....I have other things to do.*Warps*

Gheb: ...The Idiot thinks he can tell me what to do? He is lucky I didn't kill him for that. And I finally get to kill that Sorin kid. Serves him right for thinking he was smarter than me.

Soldier: B-but sir. He has been given the title the "Silver Flash" by the people for how he rescues or kills and disappears. He has to have some intellect to do that. All your insults have done is make him angry.

Gheb: Sounds like you plan to defect. To the front lines you go.

Soldier: N-no please. St-*Gets dragged off*


Tana: ....I need to get out of here. *sigh* But I need my lance... So much for not being a burden.

Soldier: H-hey what are you do- Argh! *Ground*

Sorin: *Takes the keys to the cell* I'll be taking these. *Walks over* Hello Princess. Beautiful as always I see. Looks like you could use a hand.

Tana: Sorin?! What are you doi-

Sorin: Shh... We don't need to alert the other guards. *Unlocks the cell*

Tana: Right. Thank you. But what are you doing here?

Sorin: *Smile fades* ... I was gonna take care of something. We really have to start meeting under better circumstances. Maybe a dinner for two sometime?

Tana: *Blush* W-what? ...*Whispers* I s-suppose sometime we can...

Sorin: Hmm? I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Care to repeat that?

Tana: *Still blushing* N-nothing. We need to get moving right? Can you help me find Achaeus and my lance?

Sorin: Of course. Follow me.

[spoiler=Chapter 13]

Shadow: How's it going Selena?

Selena: What do you want?

Shadow: You've been replaced by yours truly. The Black Diamond is now sixth. You have become the seventh stone of Grado.

Selena: ...

Shadow: I guess his majesty really didn't like you that much eh? But now you can redeem yourself. Kill the man known as Sorin. His majesty wants him dead. He's the one responsible for Glens death.

Selena: If that is his majesty's words. You better not be lying to me.

Shadow: I have Lyon AND the empire on my side. You can do nothing. Cheerio!*warps*

Selena: ....


Sorin: H-hold it... Is that... Duck? Hey Duck!

Tana: Err... Duck?

Sorin: A friend of mine from my mercenary days. He's a cool guy.

Duck: Sorin! Is it really you? And who's the chick?

Sorin: Well unless Shadowfrost is actually good at his self-given job of killing me, yeah it is. And this is Tana. The Princess of Frelia. Modest and beautiful.

Tana: S-Sorin stop talking... Hello Duck. It's a pleasure.

Sorin: Hey, at least I didn't lie.

Duck: The princess of Frelia... Aren't you the one who hired me and my comrades?

Tana: Umm... no. Are you sure you aren't thinking of my brother Innes?

Duck: Eh, prince, princess, pretty much the same thing. I assumed he had communicated with you. Anyway, did you say someone was trying to kill you? If you need some assistance, then I'll help free of charge. Wait, what about my chief? Have you seen him?

Sorin: Eh, just an immortal that has a vendetta against my family. I'll probably end up sealing him somewhere. If you want to help, I won't stop you. And I can't say I have. Tana?

Tana: Nothing, although if you were supposed to be with our army they'll pop up soon right?

Duck: Huh. I just saw him earlier. His name's Gerik. I'm sure he'll turn up sometime. Anyway, an immortal wants you dead? I hate it when that happens. I've been looking into the Sacred Twins, and I think I've found one that suits me. *pulls out drawing of Audhulma*

Tana: Wow... Even as a drawing...

Sorin: W-when did you... How did you...*sigh* A mercenary can never tell his secrets right?

Duck: Right. I think it's in Jehanna. I've also heard that Eirika of Renais is being pursued there. But, we have some business to attend to here... *aims hand axe at a charging Pegasus knight* Don't we?

Shadow: I often wonder what did happen to the weapon... Or having Jehanna taken already. I'm crying.

Sorin: *To Duck* We do... Hey Duck. That guy I was talking about? *Points to Shadow*

Tana: ...

Shadow: Not cool to point. At. All. Can't we be civil? And hello princess. I see you've been rescued from Gheb's perverted grasp.

Sorin: Not cool to make my ancestor basically all but die. Not cool to kill the innocent because of who their family is either. But you are guilty of both. I'll be civil once you leave me the hell alone.

Tana: Sorin... *Looks at Shadow* No thanks to you. You watched him throw me in the dungeon.

Shadow: *To Sorin* I did. I would have killed him but....I had better things to do. Like take over Jehanna. And sorry. I can't leave your life. Kinda hard to do when you keep appearing in my life.

Sorin: More like you couldn't anymore. The two of you fought once more. Or is your memory failing you in your old age? I'm protecting what matters to me. Hard to do so when you keep trying to kill those people that matter to me.

Duck: Not cool to pursue one's family across time either. Can't you get a life?

Shadow: Eh. Not on my list. Both of you, are though. Since I know your ancestors well.

Sorin: *whispers*...If Gheb had touched you again, I would have done more than kill him.

Tana: *whispers* Sorin, relax...

Sorin: ...

Duck: Gheb? What a joke. But... wait. What did you say about my ancestors?

Shadow: I knew them. And then killed them promptly. Just like his. And then you kept on showing up over and over again. But then again I have all the time in the world. Get it? Because I live forever..

Duck: You won't be alive forever once I get my hands on the Audhulma. But before you die, tell me why you killed them. What did they do to you?

Shadow: Your blood. It made your ancestor a target. So he was killed.

Tana: *Looks around* This is a distraction. We are being surrounded.

Shadow: I'll leave. Both of you aren't strong to kill me. Not yet...*Warps*

Duck: *throws hand axe at a mage* What's so special about my blood?

Sorin: Watch your back. *Cuts a fighter's gut open* He's gone.

Tana: *Stabs a mercenary with her lance*

[spoiler=Chapter 14]

Sorin: It has been so long since I came here... I hate this place.

Tana: Sorin... I'm sorry...

Sorin: Don't be. They died because I was overconfident and because apparently my family made an immortal hate us... (If anything I should thank you for being near me. I wish I could tell you...)


Lyon: Shadow.

Shadow: Yesssss?

Lyon:...I feel tired once more. Where is Riev?

Shadow: (Not again...)Gone to Jehanna. Go rest. I will tell Vigarde to attack.(Worthless corpse..)

Lyon: Thank you..*Warps away*

Shadow: Vigarde. You will protect Grado Castle.

Vigarde: I will...Master Shadowfrost.

Shadow: Heheh. Now I might join the fun...where's my berserk staff..?*leaves*


Sorin: Colm, you are welcome to stop attacking me at any time. *Dodging*

Colm: Think I'm doing it on purpose? I can't control my body.

Sorin: Berserk Staff... How did you get hit? Usually- *Dodge* you are fast enough to dodge them.

Colm: It was either me or Neimi. Don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same for Tana.

Sorin: Knocking you out now. *Leaps behind Colm and hits him in the back of the neck. Catches him as he falls.*

Natasha: You didn't have to knock him out Sorin. I have a Restore Staff.

Sorin: He talked too much. Can I lea- Ephraim, Sleep Spell. Move left!

Ephraim: Thank you! *Dodges*

Sorin: *Looks for Tana and sees her fighting closer to the Throne Room. Goes to her.*


Shadow: Natasha!? Dammit. If I'm found here.....This is the best time to leave and return to Jehanna. I wondering if the stone is broken already...Soon though. The Demon King shall be returned to flesh. Hehehe...HAHAHA!*warps*


[spoiler=Chapter 15]

Shadow: Valter.

Valter: What do you want you corpse?

Shadow: The Shadow Stone is just saying hi. Well and that the rebel army is here. I gave you that Fill shield for a reason. And Cormag looks VERY bloodthirsty looking at him. Did you ever tell him about Glen?

Valter: No. Too bad. The truth will die with him. And for that will you fufill your part of the deal?

Shadow: Yes, yes, grab Erika, bag and bondage her so you can marry her. I'll do that.

Valter: Good. Get out of my face. I need to focus..for the hunt and kill....

Shadow: Heh.*Warps*


Sorin: *sigh* Jehanna huh?

Tana: Is the sand slowing you down? You can ride with me.

Sorin: Thank you but I think I'll manage. There is something else I'm worried about. Someone actually.

Shadow: Excuse me, I'm looking for a woman named Natasha. Where is she by chance?

Sorin: Speak of the devil. You have a lot of confidence to even dare show your face around me.

Tana: Who is he?

Sorin: ...The one who killed my family... Shadowfrost.

Tana: ...And what do you want with Natasha?

Shadow: (Damn.) Natasha is my lover. I'm just here to say hi. Is that all?

Sorin: You could have appeared in front of somebody who doesn't know you. You tried to kill me.

Tana: *Grabs Sorin's hand* ...You can't keep him from the one he loves Sorin. You would be no better than him.

Sorin: ... *sigh* Answer my question first. How did you, a murderer, get Natasha to love you?

Shadow: I saved her from being caught in that in town from the guard. And then proceeded to murder any person who got in my way. Glen was pretty steamed about it but, he managed to live with it. They didn't know who the Seventh Stone of Grado was. The Black Diamond, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar.

Sorin: ...

Tana: Satisfied now Sorin? She was looking to see if we had a Hammerne Staff last I saw her.

Shadow: See? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a staff to give...*Walks by Sorin and whispers* Next time, I won't be friendly...

Sorin: *whispers back* The next time we meet, Tana won't be persuading me not to fight you

Tana: *watches him leave* Sorin, are yo-

Soldier: Lady Tana! *Kneels* You brother wishes to see you and Master Sorin immediately.

Tana: Thank you. *Soldier leaves* I wonder what for... Well let's go find out.


Shadow: Natasha. I've been looking for you.

Natasha: You have? Why?

Shadow: Here. Grado left this.

Natasha: I-it's a Hammerne staff. Grado had one?

Shadow: They did. I would give it to the one who wears my ring. And no other.

Natasha: O-oh. Thank you my love.

Shadow: It's no problem.*Kisses Natasha* I'll be back. Miss me alright?*Warps*


[spoiler=Chapter 17]

Shadow: What to do what to do......How do I say what I want to say...

Natasha: Yes Shadow?

Shadow: (Here's goes nothing..) Natasha. From the first time we met in that town, where we met each other when the soldiers attacked. I fought and beat them for your safety. And I did. But then when I saw you I had became a man who never felt love in a long time. I thought I gave up on such a thing. I loved you because not of your looks but of your heart and spirit. I didn't care If the others hated me. I want to protect you for the rest of your life...

Natasha: Before you arrived, I gave up on all hope. But you saved me from my death. And since then, thinking about you is almost impossible. I see a heart who can be seen differently then the others. If they would force me out then I would come to you.

Shadow: Then...You would marry me?

Natasha: I will. I promise. I swear It on the gods.

Shadow: I love you. And if the world harms you, then I would harm the world.*Wraps around her and kisses her and walks into her room together* Until death my beloved. Until death...


Duck: *sees Marisa* Oh! Sorin, princess, would you excuse me for a couple minutes?

*walks over to Marisa*

Duck: Hey, babe.

Marisa: Duck. Did you get lost again?

Duck: That's completely ridiculous. When have I ever gotten lost?

Marisa: Well, there was that time in the desert, there was the time when...

Duck: Okay! You don't need a list.

Marisa: *smiles* Oh come on. Can't you take some banter?

Duck: *kisses her* Yes, I can. Now, let's get back to the task at hand, but how about dinner later? Or a double date? I have some friends I'd like you to meet.

Marisa: Why are you so carefree? Didn't someone just threaten your life?

Duck: He doesn't know who he's challenged.

Marisa: Be careful. I don't want to lose you.

Duck: I will. For you.


Innes: Look, either tell her the next time you see her, or lose my blessing.

Sorin: Is that an ultimatum?

Innes: It can be. But I'll leave that to you. I have to go tighten my bow strings. *Leaves*

Sorin: ...Why is it so hard to say, "Tana I love you."? It's not like I'm lying when I say it... Maybe I'm afraid Shadow is going to take her away... But it's just that... *Smiles genuinely* Tana, you don't know what you do to me. When I'm by you, I can't breathe. When I'm away, I can't think. When you give me one of your smiles... Despite all the emotions they hold locked away, I feel an emotion akin to happiness, yet sadness still finds its way in. You were right you know... I had forgotten how to truly smile and what it feels like to smile. But being with you has made me care to learn, want to even. I want to make you smile. Not like I usually do, but the way you are making me smile now. I want to be able to say I how I feel about and have all the false smiles disappear. You deserve to smile Tana. And I'm going to ensure you can. I love you...

Tana: *Blushing madly.*...D-do you really?

Sorin: *Surprised* H-how long have you been standing there?

Tana: I heard the whole thing. You have a handsome smile by the way. Innes told me you wanted to tell me something. Although I had no idea...

Sorin: *Also blushing* ...S-so...was I wrong?

Tana: No. Its funny actually. I have wanted to hear you say that phrase for so long. I finally hear you say it genuinely and... I am at a loss. I don't know what to say... You say I deserve to smile... but Sorin, loving and being with you will give me all the smiles I could want and need. I love you. *Kisses Sorin as he wraps his arms around her comfortingly and protectively*

Shadow: Now that I saw that, when's the wedding?

Sorin: *Irritated* You couldn't even let us have our moment could you? Tana I'm sorry. My choice of location wasn't the best...

Tana: Even so... Couldn't leave Sorin alone? Murdering his family wasn't enough?

Shadow: I let you have your moment....because I went to go have mine. Now I wonder what starts first. Better sword training or private training with Swords and Lances. Maybe both.

Tana: I don't...*Blush* W-what? I-I... We...

Sorin: *Also blushing* T-that has nothing to do with you. I heard most swords dull with time though. I wonder how Natasha likes dull swords.

Tana: S-Sorin! That was inappropriate...

Shadow: I'm surprised your even in that part of your relationship already. Couldn't wait for marriage so you sped the process up? How many times have you pierced Tana with your sword? Was it lightly? Or hard and edgy?

*Duck walks in with Marisa.*

Duck: What the hell. Why are you here?

Shadow: I'm here to talk to my wife. Then I found these two. I guess using Swords and Lances run in the family.

Tana: W-we haven't done anything like that.

Sorin: I have good self-control... *Looks at Duck with a pleading expression*

Shadow: Next time, there's this place called a room. Use it.

Sorin: And there is this thing called business. Mind yours.

Tana: *sigh* Sorin, is your head starting to hurt?

Shadow: ...I came to take the stone of Renais. His majesty wants it.

Duck: ...Wife? What idiot hooked up with you?

Marisa: You are very dirty minded. What pit did you come from?

Shadow: That is not your business to discuss. Again I'm here for the damn stone.

Duck: So it's not our business to know about your disgraceful existence, but we have to be bothered with your idiotic comments? And you're not getting the stone. I have the Audhulma now, and you will not defeat us.

Tana: You aren't getting the stone. Eirika and Ephraim worked too hard to obtain it.

Sorin: Over my dead body.

Tana: Please don't say such a thing. I don't want to lose you...

Sorin: ...And you won't. My apologies.

Shadow: ...Listen. Do you hear that? I hear Frelia troops, falling one by one. And if I can't then Prince Lyo- I mean The Demon King will. Just look outside.*Warps*

Tana: ...Syrene! Sorin she's in trouble.

Sorin: A friend of yours? How do you know he is telling the truth?

Marisa: You two are adorable. But we have a battle to fight.

Tana: Marisa's right but we need to find Syrene. I can feel it Sorin, she is in danger. If Vanessa can't get there, I need to.

Sorin: ...Alright let's move. Try not too go to far Tana. The battlefield is emanating dark energy.


Lyon: Shadowfrost.

Shadow: My lord. Where is the stone?

Lyon: With one of the twins. Kill the fleeing refugees. I want no survivors.

Shadow: As you command.*Leaves*


Shadow: ....*looking around for survivors*

Natasha: Shadow. There you are.

Shadow: .....I'm guessing you must hate me now? I've lied to you all this time.

Natasha: Yes and No.

Shadow:....? But why?

Natasha: Because I still love you. I said no due to the fact you've tried to kill my friends.

Shadow: Then why...Don't you hate me?

Natasha: Because I believe you can still change.

Shadow: ....

Natasha: You have walked on darkness the entire time. Every time I see you, a different person appears than the one that they say appears. You have a giving heart. You just need to show it to the others.

Shadow: I need to think. Come with me. We both need to talk...*Leaves*

[spoiler=Chapter 19]

Shadow: Riev. I'm going now.

Riev: Tell the imperial prince that the stone will be broken. Heheh.

Shadow: ....

Riev: Something wrong?

Shadow: I'm not leaving yet. I have to find someone. Start the attack.

Riev: As you wish.

Shadow: .......(Natasha..)


Ephraim: Lord Mansel, I ask that you leave your defense to us. Just keep a hold of the stone.

Mansel: Yes but be careful. L'Arachel does not need to lose another so close to her.

Ephraim: !

L'Arachel: U-uncle...

Sorin: As nice as this is, *Dodges a Warrior's Axe* we have a something to handle before you can figure out your relationship.

Innes: *Fires a arrow at a Sniper while laughing at Sorin's comment due to the irony.*

Sorin: *sigh*


Shadow: * in treasure chest room* Where is it? Latona... I'm taking her and the staff...To leave and fight the demon king...where is it dammit....

Sorin: Looking for... this? *Holds up Latona* Lord Mansel was going to wait before giving it to us but I persuaded him otherwise. I was just contemplating who to give it to. Recommendations?

Shadow: I'm going to need that. Please.

Sorin: That's a first. I never heard you say please before. If it's all the same with you though, why should I give this to you?

Shadow: I'm off to fight the imperial prince. So taking that staff could come in handy.

Sorin: And he lies to my face.

Shadow: ....

Sorin: I have no reason to believe you and all the reason to doubt you. You hate me for living and crossing your path on your journey of selfish hate.

Shadow: If not for me, then give it to me for the one I love. Please..

Sorin: Good idea. I'll give it to Natasha. At least I trust her.

Shadow : *walks away*

Sorin: ...(I..can't do this.) ... Wait Shadow...*Throws Latona* ...I have a battle to be fighting...

Shadow: Thanks...I'll tell her your appreciation..*warps*

Sorin: ...

Tana: Sorin! *Relieved* I had been looking for you and when I couldn't find you, I feared the worst.

Sorin: ... Are you injured at all?

Tana: No... Are you ok?

Sorin: Good and I'm fine... Let's go back.

Edited by Sorin
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[spoiler=Smile - Tabitha] It's been a long time since she's seen Elspeth smile so brightly.

She smiled a lot when their parents were alive, of course. You couldn't keep the smile off her face. Everything was a joke or happy memory. Her sister always made the best of things… even when their parents died and suddenly Arthur and Elspeth were out working for some weird people.

It took her a while to figure out that the smiles she loves so much had dulled. In fact, it had been the day her son was born that she realized the slow, gradual change that had happened. After all, seeing her nephew had led Elspeth to smile like her old self again.

That's when she did some digging, and learned the awful truth and just… snapped.

Worse still, though, was watching the aftermath through the windows in the stars. Seeing the devastation and trauma her precious older siblings went through. Seeing Arthur become Phoibus and Elspeth become Agrona and then Kat.

But now, she's right here, taking advantage of a chance to step through and say hello. And Kat smiles so happily, so brightly, so fearfully while explaining she's engaged now, just in case she hasn't seen, and how she's pregnant with her own baby, and how she's so happy so see her.

It's been over 200 years since she's seen her sister smile so happily, and she was going to do everything she could during this one brief night to help her sister keep it.

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[spoiler=Smile - Tabitha] It's been a long time since she's seen Elspeth smile so brightly.

She smiled a lot when their parents were alive, of course. You couldn't keep the smile off her face. Everything was a joke or happy memory. Her sister always made the best of things… even when their parents died and suddenly Arthur and Elspeth were out working for some weird people.

It took her a while to figure out that the smiles she loves so much had dulled. In fact, it had been the day her son was born that she realized the slow, gradual change that had happened. After all, seeing her nephew had led Elspeth to smile like her old self again.

That's when she did some digging, and learned the awful truth and just… snapped.

Worse still, though, was watching the aftermath through the windows in the stars. Seeing the devastation and trauma her precious older siblings went through. Seeing Arthur become Phoibus and Elspeth become Agrona and then Kat.

But now, she's right here, taking advantage of a chance to step through and say hello. And Kat smiles so happily, so brightly, so fearfully while explaining she's engaged now, just in case she hasn't seen, and how she's pregnant with her own baby, and how she's so happy so see her.

It's been over 200 years since she's seen her sister smile so happily, and she was going to do everything she could during this one brief night to help her sister keep it.


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[spoiler=Sacred Stones: A retelling through their eyes]

[spoiler=Chapter 9]

Sorin: *Voices* Gheb... You are an imbecile. You have the nerve to defile my family name now of all times? Bad idea. I'm g-

Tana: Let me go! Stop it! That hurts.

Sorin: Tana? Gheb any mercy you would have received is gone now. *Hides*

Purigon: Seems you are in love.

Sorin: ...*sigh* Such dry humor...


Shadow: Hey Gheb. Keep your fetishes to yourself. The Shadow Stone needs to find a guy named Sorin.

Gheb: The traitor? Yeah I'll find the trash after my interrogation. Where is he now?

Shadow: I don't have time to tell you that. I SHOULD be in Jehanna already. Caeleach is going to have a fit if I don't show. Also like I said, keep her safe for a while. You have a prince and his army coming. Now if you excuse me.....I have other things to do.*Warps*

Gheb: ...The Idiot thinks he can tell me what to do? He is lucky I didn't kill him for that. And I finally get to kill that Sorin kid. Serves him right for thinking he was smarter than me.

Soldier: B-but sir. He has been given the title the "Silver Flash" by the people for how he rescues or kills and disappears. He has to have some intellect to do that. All your insults have done is make him angry.

Gheb: Sounds like you plan to defect. To the front lines you go.

Soldier: N-no please. St-*Gets dragged off*


Tana: ....I need to get out of here. *sigh* But I need my lance... So much for not being a burden.

Soldier: H-hey what are you do- Argh! *Ground*

Sorin: *Takes the keys to the cell* I'll be taking these. *Walks over* Hello Princess. Beautiful as always I see. Looks like you could use a hand.

Tana: Sorin?! What are you doi-

Sorin: Shh... We don't need to alert the other guards. *Unlocks the cell*

Tana: Right. Thank you. But what are you doing here?

Sorin: *Smile fades* ... I was gonna take care of something. We really have to start meeting under better circumstances. Maybe a dinner for two sometime?

Tana: *Blush* W-what? ...*Whispers* I s-suppose sometime we can...

Sorin: Hmm? I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Care to repeat that?

Tana: *Still blushing* N-nothing. We need to get moving right? Can you help me find Achaeus and my lance?

Sorin: Of course. Follow me.

[spoiler=Chapter 13]

Shadow: How's it going Selena?

Selena: What do you want?

Shadow: You've been replaced by yours truly. The Black Diamond is now sixth. You have become the seventh stone of Grado.

Selena: ...

Shadow: I guess his majesty really didn't like you that much eh? But now you can redeem yourself. Kill the man known as Sorin. His majesty wants him dead. He's the one responsible for Glens death.

Selena: If that is his majesty's words. You better not be lying to me.

Shadow: I have Lyon AND the empire on my side. You can do nothing. Cheerio!*warps*

Selena: ....


Sorin: H-hold it... Is that... Duck? Hey Duck!

Tana: Err... Duck?

Sorin: A friend of mine from my mercenary days. He's a cool guy.

Duck: Sorin! Is it really you? And who's the chick?

Sorin: Well unless Shadowfrost is actually good at his self-given job of killing me, yeah it is. And this is Tana. The Princess of Frelia. Modest and beautiful.

Tana: S-Sorin stop talking... Hello Duck. It's a pleasure.

Sorin: Hey, at least I didn't lie.

Duck: The princess of Frelia... Aren't you the one who hired me and my comrades?

Tana: Umm... no. Are you sure you aren't thinking of my brother Innes?

Duck: Eh, prince, princess, pretty much the same thing. I assumed he had communicated with you. Anyway, did you say someone was trying to kill you? If you need some assistance, then I'll help free of charge. Wait, what about my chief? Have you seen him?

Sorin: Eh, just an immortal that has a vendetta against my family. I'll probably end up sealing him somewhere. If you want to help, I won't stop you. And I can't say I have. Tana?

Tana: Nothing, although if you were supposed to be with our army they'll pop up soon right?

Duck: Huh. I just saw him earlier. His name's Gerik. I'm sure he'll turn up sometime. Anyway, an immortal wants you dead? I hate it when that happens. I've been looking into the Sacred Twins, and I think I've found one that suits me. *pulls out drawing of Audhulma*

Tana: Wow... Even as a drawing...

Sorin: W-when did you... How did you...*sigh* A mercenary can never tell his secrets right?

Duck: Right. I think it's in Jehanna. I've also heard that Eirika of Renais is being pursued there. But, we have some business to attend to here... *aims hand axe at a charging Pegasus knight* Don't we?

Shadow: I often wonder what did happen to the weapon... Or having Jehanna taken already. I'm crying.

Sorin: *To Duck* We do... Hey Duck. That guy I was talking about? *Points to Shadow*

Tana: ...

Shadow: Not cool to point. At. All. Can't we be civil? And hello princess. I see you've been rescued from Gheb's perverted grasp.

Sorin: Not cool to make my ancestor basically all but die. Not cool to kill the innocent because of who their family is either. But you are guilty of both. I'll be civil once you leave me the hell alone.

Tana: Sorin... *Looks at Shadow* No thanks to you. You watched him throw me in the dungeon.

Shadow: *To Sorin* I did. I would have killed him but....I had better things to do. Like take over Jehanna. And sorry. I can't leave your life. Kinda hard to do when you keep appearing in my life.

Sorin: More like you couldn't anymore. The two of you fought once more. Or is your memory failing you in your old age? I'm protecting what matters to me. Hard to do so when you keep trying to kill those people that matter to me.

Duck: Not cool to pursue one's family across time either. Can't you get a life?

Shadow: Eh. Not on my list. Both of you, are though. Since I know your ancestors well.

Sorin: *whispers*...If Gheb had touched you again, I would have done more than kill him.

Tana: *whispers* Sorin, relax...

Sorin: ...

Duck: Gheb? What a joke. But... wait. What did you say about my ancestors?

Shadow: I knew them. And then killed them promptly. Just like his. And then you kept on showing up over and over again. But then again I have all the time in the world. Get it? Because I live forever..

Duck: You won't be alive forever once I get my hands on the Audhulma. But before you die, tell me why you killed them. What did they do to you?

Shadow: Your blood. It made your ancestor a target. So he was killed.

Tana: *Looks around* This is a distraction. We are being surrounded.

Shadow: I'll leave. Both of you aren't strong to kill me. Not yet...*Warps*

Duck: *throws hand axe at a mage* What's so special about my blood?

Sorin: Watch your back. *Cuts a fighter's gut open* He's gone.

Tana: *Stabs a mercenary with her lance*

[spoiler=Chapter 14]

Sorin: It has been so long since I came here... I hate this place.

Tana: Sorin... I'm sorry...

Sorin: Don't be. They died because I was overconfident and because apparently my family made an immortal hate us... (If anything I should thank you for being near me. I wish I could tell you...)


Lyon: Shadow.

Shadow: Yesssss?

Lyon:...I feel tired once more. Where is Riev?

Shadow: (Not again...)Gone to Jehanna. Go rest. I will tell Vigarde to attack.(Worthless corpse..)

Lyon: Thank you..*Warps away*

Shadow: Vigarde. You will protect Grado Castle.

Vigarde: I will...Master Shadowfrost.

Shadow: Heheh. Now I might join the fun...where's my berserk staff..?*leaves*


Sorin: Colm, you are welcome to stop attacking me at any time. *Dodging*

Colm: Think I'm doing it on purpose? I can't control my body.

Sorin: Berserk Staff... How did you get hit? Usually- *Dodge* you are fast enough to dodge them.

Colm: It was either me or Neimi. Don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same for Tana.

Sorin: Knocking you out now. *Leaps behind Colm and hits him in the back of the neck. Catches him as he falls.*

Natasha: You didn't have to knock him out Sorin. I have a Restore Staff.

Sorin: He talked too much. Can I lea- Ephraim, Sleep Spell. Move left!

Ephraim: Thank you! *Dodges*

Sorin: *Looks for Tana and sees her fighting closer to the Throne Room. Goes to her.*


Shadow: Natasha!? Dammit. If I'm found here.....This is the best time to leave and return to Jehanna. I wondering if the stone is broken already...Soon though. The Demon King shall be returned to flesh. Hehehe...HAHAHA!*warps*


[spoiler=Chapter 15]

Shadow: Valter.

Valter: What do you want you corpse?

Shadow: The Shadow Stone is just saying hi. Well and that the rebel army is here. I gave you that Fill shield for a reason. And Cormag looks VERY bloodthirsty looking at him. Did you ever tell him about Glen?

Valter: No. Too bad. The truth will die with him. And for that will you fufill your part of the deal?

Shadow: Yes, yes, grab Erika, bag and bondage her so you can marry her. I'll do that.

Valter: Good. Get out of my face. I need to focus..for the hunt and kill....

Shadow: Heh.*Warps*


Sorin: *sigh* Jehanna huh?

Tana: Is the sand slowing you down? You can ride with me.

Sorin: Thank you but I think I'll manage. There is something else I'm worried about. Someone actually.

Shadow: Excuse me, I'm looking for a woman named Natasha. Where is she by chance?

Sorin: Speak of the devil. You have a lot of confidence to even dare show your face around me.

Tana: Who is he?

Sorin: ...The one who killed my family... Shadowfrost.

Tana: ...And what do you want with Natasha?

Shadow: (Damn.) Natasha is my lover. I'm just here to say hi. Is that all?

Sorin: You could have appeared in front of somebody who doesn't know you. You tried to kill me.

Tana: *Grabs Sorin's hand* ...You can't keep him from the one he loves Sorin. You would be no better than him.

Sorin: ... *sigh* Answer my question first. How did you, a murderer, get Natasha to love you?

Shadow: I saved her from being caught in that in town from the guard. And then proceeded to murder any person who got in my way. Glen was pretty steamed about it but, he managed to live with it. They didn't know who the Seventh Stone of Grado was. The Black Diamond, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar.

Sorin: ...

Tana: Satisfied now Sorin? She was looking to see if we had a Hammerne Staff last I saw her.

Shadow: See? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a staff to give...*Walks by Sorin and whispers* Next time, I won't be friendly...

Sorin: *whispers back* The next time we meet, Tana won't be persuading me not to fight you

Tana: *watches him leave* Sorin, are yo-

Soldier: Lady Tana! *Kneels* You brother wishes to see you and Master Sorin immediately.

Tana: Thank you. *Soldier leaves* I wonder what for... Well let's go find out.


Shadow: Natasha. I've been looking for you.

Natasha: You have? Why?

Shadow: Here. Grado left this.

Natasha: I-it's a Hammerne staff. Grado had one?

Shadow: They did. I would give it to the one who wears my ring. And no other.

Natasha: O-oh. Thank you my love.

Shadow: It's no problem.*Kisses Natasha* I'll be back. Miss me alright?*Warps*


[spoiler=Chapter 17]

Shadow: What to do what to do......How do I say what I want to say...

Natasha: Yes Shadow?

Shadow: (Here's goes nothing..) Natasha. From the first time we met in that town, where we met each other when the soldiers attacked. I fought and beat them for your safety. And I did. But then when I saw you I had became a man who never felt love in a long time. I thought I gave up on such a thing. I loved you because not of your looks but of your heart and spirit. I didn't care If the others hated me. I want to protect you for the rest of your life...

Natasha: Before you arrived, I gave up on all hope. But you saved me from my death. And since then, thinking about you is almost impossible. I see a heart who can be seen differently then the others. If they would force me out then I would come to you.

Shadow: Then...You would marry me?

Natasha: I will. I promise. I swear It on the gods.

Shadow: I love you. And if the world harms you, then I would harm the world.*Wraps around her and kisses her and walks into her room together* Until death my beloved. Until death...


Duck: *sees Marisa* Oh! Sorin, princess, would you excuse me for a couple minutes?

*walks over to Marisa*

Duck: Hey, babe.

Marisa: Duck. Did you get lost again?

Duck: That's completely ridiculous. When have I ever gotten lost?

Marisa: Well, there was that time in the desert, there was the time when...

Duck: Okay! You don't need a list.

Marisa: *smiles* Oh come on. Can't you take some banter?

Duck: *kisses her* Yes, I can. Now, let's get back to the task at hand, but how about dinner later? Or a double date? I have some friends I'd like you to meet.

Marisa: Why are you so carefree? Didn't someone just threaten your life?

Duck: He doesn't know who he's challenged.

Marisa: Be careful. I don't want to lose you.

Duck: I will. For you.


Innes: Look, either tell her the next time you see her, or lose my blessing.

Sorin: Is that an ultimatum?

Innes: It can be. But I'll leave that to you. I have to go tighten my bow strings. *Leaves*

Sorin: ...Why is it so hard to say, "Tana I love you."? It's not like I'm lying when I say it... Maybe I'm afraid Shadow is going to take her away... But it's just that... *Smiles genuinely* Tana, you don't know what you do to me. When I'm by you, I can't breathe. When I'm away, I can't think. When you give me one of your smiles... Despite all the emotions they hold locked away, I feel an emotion akin to happiness, yet sadness still finds its way in. You were right you know... I had forgotten how to truly smile and what it feels like to smile. But being with you has made me care to learn, want to even. I want to make you smile. Not like I usually do, but the way you are making me smile now. I want to be able to say I how I feel about and have all the false smiles disappear. You deserve to smile Tana. And I'm going to ensure you can. I love you...

Tana: *Blushing madly.*...D-do you really?

Sorin: *Surprised* H-how long have you been standing there?

Tana: I heard the whole thing. You have a handsome smile by the way. Innes told me you wanted to tell me something. Although I had no idea...

Sorin: *Also blushing* ...S-so...was I wrong?

Tana: No. Its funny actually. I have wanted to hear you say that phrase for so long. I finally hear you say it genuinely and... I am at a loss. I don't know what to say... You say I deserve to smile... but Sorin, loving and being with you will give me all the smiles I could want and need. I love you. *Kisses Sorin as he wraps his arms around her comfortingly and protectively*

Shadow: Now that I saw that, when's the wedding?

Sorin: *Irritated* You couldn't even let us have our moment could you? Tana I'm sorry. My choice of location wasn't the best...

Tana: Even so... Couldn't leave Sorin alone? Murdering his family wasn't enough?

Shadow: I let you have your moment....because I went to go have mine. Now I wonder what starts first. Better sword training or private training with Swords and Lances. Maybe both.

Tana: I don't...*Blush* W-what? I-I... We...

Sorin: *Also blushing* T-that has nothing to do with you. I heard most swords dull with time though. I wonder how Natasha likes dull swords.

Tana: S-Sorin! That was inappropriate...

Shadow: I'm surprised your even in that part of your relationship already. Couldn't wait for marriage so you sped the process up? How many times have you pierced Tana with your sword? Was it lightly? Or hard and edgy?

*Duck walks in with Marisa.*

Duck: What the hell. Why are you here?

Shadow: I'm here to talk to my wife. Then I found these two. I guess using Swords and Lances run in the family.

Tana: W-we haven't done anything like that.

Sorin: I have good self-control... *Looks at Duck with a pleading expression*

Shadow: Next time, there's this place called a room. Use it.

Sorin: And there is this thing called business. Mind yours.

Tana: *sigh* Sorin, is your head starting to hurt?

Shadow: ...I came to take the stone of Renais. His majesty wants it.

Duck: ...Wife? What idiot hooked up with you?

Marisa: You are very dirty minded. What pit did you come from?

Shadow: That is not your business to discuss. Again I'm here for the damn stone.

Duck: So it's not our business to know about your disgraceful existence, but we have to be bothered with your idiotic comments? And you're not getting the stone. I have the Audhulma now, and you will not defeat us.

Tana: You aren't getting the stone. Eirika and Ephraim worked too hard to obtain it.

Sorin: Over my dead body.

Tana: Please don't say such a thing. I don't want to lose you...

Sorin: ...And you won't. My apologies.

Shadow: ...Listen. Do you hear that? I hear Frelia troops, falling one by one. And if I can't then Prince Lyo- I mean The Demon King will. Just look outside.*Warps*

Tana: ...Syrene! Sorin she's in trouble.

Sorin: A friend of yours? How do you know he is telling the truth?

Marisa: You two are adorable. But we have a battle to fight.

Tana: Marisa's right but we need to find Syrene. I can feel it Sorin, she is in danger. If Vanessa can't get there, I need to.

Sorin: ...Alright let's move. Try not too go to far Tana. The battlefield is emanating dark energy.


Lyon: Shadowfrost.

Shadow: My lord. Where is the stone?

Lyon: With one of the twins. Kill the fleeing refugees. I want no survivors.

Shadow: As you command.*Leaves*


Shadow: ....*looking around for survivors*

Natasha: Shadow. There you are.

Shadow: .....I'm guessing you must hate me now? I've lied to you all this time.

Natasha: Yes and No.

Shadow:....? But why?

Natasha: Because I still love you. I said no due to the fact you've tried to kill my friends.

Shadow: Then why...Don't you hate me?

Natasha: Because I believe you can still change.

Shadow: ....

Natasha: You have walked on darkness the entire time. Every time I see you, a different person appears than the one that they say appears. You have a giving heart. You just need to show it to the others.

Shadow: I need to think. Come with me. We both need to talk...*Leaves*

Chapter....19 is missing...
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[spoiler=Ace: Mother and Daughter]

Mira: “So tell me, Ace. What happened in the years after my death?”

Ace: “Well, I vowed to run my sword through my father’s head and reduce the rest of the Grimleal to ashes. And protect Christine.”

Mira: “That sounds pretty hot blooded there, dear.”

Ace: “When I said that, I was pretty distraught. But moving on, Christine and I traveled with Gaius for five years till we wound up getting separated. Christine collapsed suddenly one day, we get found by Chrom and the Shepherds, and I think you know the rest of the story from there, right?”

Mira: “Of course, dear. I still watch you and your twin sister from heaven.”

Ace: “Then…you know…about the other time I slid into a blind rage.”

Mira: “Because Gaius was killed before your eyes.”

Ace: “Yeah…I was so mad, so distraught. I wanted this outrealm to burn so badly. I felt so alone, so lost…”

Mira: “And now you have friends here.”

Ace: “Yeah, I do. And now I must do all I can to save this outrealm. Because this is where Alicia is going to live now…”

Mira: “That reminds me, I never did get to speak with my son in law.”

Ace: “You gonna pop by in his dreams then like what you did with me?”

Mira: “Perhaps I might. I know someone else who’d like to speak with him.”

Ace: “Who would that be?”

Mira: “Your Uncle Jack.”

Ace: “Why isn’t he here?”

Mira: “I couldn’t find him. Now I’ll have to hear about it when I go back soon.”

Ace: “Already? Drat, the sun’s starting to come up…”

Mira: “I’m proud of the young woman you’ve become, Ace. You’ve grown up so much and gotten so much stronger and smarter. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.”

Ace: “Mother… *sniff* You’ll say hi to Sis, right?”

Mira: “Of course I will. In fact, I’ll be seeing her right about now. *the sun comes up and Mira fades out*”

Ace: “Goodbye…Mother… I’m so happy that I got to see you again…after seven years.”

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