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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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OT3 time?

I think it would be OT6 at this point.


You guys really need to stop giving Klotho ideas. XD

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Obviously somebody doesn't watch Game of Thrones

Uh… I'm more or less certain that, historically, there were kings with harems.

But I'm too good to do such a thi-

Marth and his halidom of bitches

.....I died from this ROFL

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Here are Klotho's thoughts while meeting and talking with everyone.

[spoiler=Klotho 2] I feel alone. No, worse, I feel like I'm trapped in a glass cage. I can hear them, see them, but I can't reach out and touch them, hug them. Reassure myself that they'll never leave me behind.

They're all happy to see each other. They're friends. Family. They understand each other. So, they joke and tease. All I seem to be able to do, though, is screw up. I make them mad or ruin big surprises. I try to break through the cage, but then they get angry and I have to run and hide again. It hurts worse than broken glass in frostbitten feet, seeing them mad at me.

I have to learn. I have to make myself useful around them. I have to. If I don't… if I don't, they might abandon me, and I can't stand that thought. At least in the glass cage, I can see and hear them. At least in the cage, I can pretend that everything is okay.

If I don't have that? If I can't have that? I might as well disappear forever.

Edited by Kat
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[spoiler=The First Steps Taken, Are Paved With Good Intentions]

Silvia groaned and wound her fingers into her hair, slamming her head backwards into the wall with a thump.

This... had been the most pointless all-nighter she had ever pulled. Maybe she wasn't understanding the theory, maybe she wasn't properly reigning her hate and regret, it could have been anything at this point. And asking Henry was, naturally, out of the question.

Althought it still bothered her. So much.

Ever since Nathaniel told her what was required for wielding such magic, thinking about it made her a bit ill. Hate and regret? Such awful negative emotions, and yet it was the branch of magic her family excelled in. Henry, she understood, even if she didn't exactly LIKE it. He had been abandoned so often that it wasn't surprising he held so much hatred. She had even seen this, very early on, after he revealed to her why the Book of Naga was so torn and shattered. But Morgan? Her precious baby boy? She distinctly remembered him preferring Fire tomes over Dark ones solely because they responded to him better. Now, all of a sudden, she comes back and he can wield them with ease?

There was NO WAY that wasn't her fault.

But for some reason, no matter how sharp her regret was or how... deep her loathing, the tomes never fully responded to her. The text would react to her touch, yes, which meant it COULD be used, but its response was... weak. If she did manage to actually pull the spell, it would evaporate in her hands, a shadow of its true form.

She had spent hours and hours and hours toiling away at it, draining one Flux tome dry and working on the second, only to get faint wisps of magic and a mental exhaustion too complex to describe with words.

Silvia cracked her knuckles before massaging her left wrist again, pondering. Wasn't there some way to boost her magic? Some sort of spell, or hex? Henry had told her once there was a way, but the method to do so was risky, if not outright dangerous and required a significant draining of someone's life energy. Push too hard, and the wielder could effectively kill themselves.And the delay between the cast and the body's reaction to the sudden loss of energy was deceiving - you could cast the spell and feel perfectly fine, and then suddenly collapse, never to wake again.

"... Then I guess I just... have to push only a little." Silvia found herself murmuring the sentence without much deliberation on the subject. It seemed like a VERY slippery slope - once you started, you couldn't exactly stop - but she'd be damned if she was going to resort to being useless. Dark magic was extremely potent and she had yet to meet an Anna skilled in any sort of light magic. It wasn't much of an advantage, but it was one, regardless.

She blew out a sigh and shoved herself away from the wall, heading downstairs in search of a book detailing this exact hex.

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