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thoughts about new ssb

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having mixed thoughts on it so far, but mostly negative. the graphics are beautiful, they added mega man, and made bowser awesome, but it looks like jigglypuff(my favorite ssb character) won't be there, and the lack of a story adventure really ticks me off.

when it came to brawl, i hated the controls and physics with a passion after playing melee and n64. however, the subspace emissary made up for that SO much. it was even the best way to unlock the characters.

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it looks like jigglypuff(my favorite ssb character) won't be there

we're still anywhere between four months and a year away from release and only fifteen playable characters have been confirmed so far (compare to Brawl's total roster of 35), not to mention the only confirmed Pokémon character is Pikachu. it took a while for even some the most obvious picks, like Olimar and Peach, to be confirmed. there's still plenty of time for Jigglypuff to be announced as part of the cast, and even if she isn't confirmed prior to release, that obviously doesn't preclude her from being a "secret" unlockable like in every other SSB game

with all this in mind, i certainly wouldn't write any of the Brawl cast (maybe except Ike) off just yet, and honestly i'd argue that Jigglypuff is particularly safe solely by virtue of having been there from the beginning. she may not be as franchise-important as any of the other N64 cast members, but she's still got the longstanding precedent with the series in her favour. frankly if they were going to get rid of her at all, Melee or Brawl would've made a lot more sense than now, given she's now at least got being one of the first confirmed Fairy-types making her more relevant to modern Pokémon releases than she was getting in the gen2 (igglybuff yawn who cares) or gen4 (ahahahaha not even part of the sinnoh dex) eras

Edited by bookofholsety
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however, the subspace emissary made up for that SO much. it was even the best way to unlock the characters.

Ugh. I hated SSE.

Copying this from another forum:

SSE's story sucked. It did absolutely nothing to explain what the f*** was going on or why anyone was doing anything. Why the f*** was Marth in that castle? Why was Snake on the Halberd? WHO/WHAT IS TABUU?

The levels are boring as well. There's no variety in them at all. They're all just boring 2D beat-em-ups.

All the characters being silent is stupid. Most of the characters in the game ARE able to speak in all of their games at some point, so there's no excuse for it. And it only makes the lack of explanations even worse.

Oh, and it was a huge drain on development that took time away from other, more important parts of the game.

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having mixed thoughts on it so far, but mostly negative. the graphics are beautiful, they added mega man, and made bowser awesome, but it looks like jigglypuff(my favorite ssb character) won't be there, and the lack of a story adventure really ticks me off.

when it came to brawl, i hated the controls and physics with a passion after playing melee and n64. however, the subspace emissary made up for that SO much. it was even the best way to unlock the characters.

They're going to pull a Pikachu and replace Jigglypuff with Wigglytuff,or do a reverse Pikachu where they replace Jigglypuff with Igglybuff

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but it looks like jigglypuff(my favorite ssb character) won't be there,

I seriously doubt that they will replace Jigglypuff. Being in since the original game he's pretty much a staple of the series not to mention as bookofholsety said with Fairy type Jigglypuff is now relevant again.

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Man they should have the old guy from Pokemon Red and Blue that taught you how to use pokeballs in this game. I mean, freakin' Lucas and Diddy Kong got in

That dude is totally in the game, he is inside Mr. Sandbag. The reason he never speaks is because he passed out from all da RAMPANT DRINKING.

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but shooters suck and I suck at shooters

i used to think that too until SERIOUS SAM enlightened me

serious sam and l4d2 are the only good shooters

and maybe team fortress but i haven't tried it yet

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honestly i'd argue that Jigglypuff is particularly safe solely by virtue of having been there from the beginning.

i wanna say yes okay, but this is sakurai we're talking about...

Ugh. I hated SSE.

Copying this from another forum:

SSE's story sucked. It did absolutely nothing to explain what the f*** was going on or why anyone was doing anything. Why the f*** was Marth in that castle? Why was Snake on the Halberd? WHO/WHAT IS TABUU?

The levels are boring as well. There's no variety in them at all. They're all just boring 2D beat-em-ups.

All the characters being silent is stupid. Most of the characters in the game ARE able to speak in all of their games at some point, so there's no excuse for it. And it only makes the lack of explanations even worse.

Oh, and it was a huge drain on development that took time away from other, more important parts of the game.

i love ssb's basic controls, so i love being able to feel like i'm playing a co-op adventure using those controls. also i don't know who that guy is, but using "story sucks" as the commencement as your argument for a fucking videogame is just stupid.

as for the levels being boring 2d beat em ups...isn't the rest of the game just "boring" 2d fighting by that sense? and i'm not sure what they could have done so much better with the rest of the game if they didn't make sse. if sse took too much away from the rest of the game, they wouldn't have done it. that's why it was lacking.

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He has a point - SSE was awesome because the story doesn't matter and the co-op was fun. I thought it was fun even without co-op. I wish they'd done more with the stickers, really. It was cool being able to equip an item that would be with you with each room you entered. Fox, Falco and Wolf with permanent beam swords? Hell yes.

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