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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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technically shinori's role is a slightly weaker version of mine in the investigation department

because technically i should learn how many people visit my target anyway (unless it's the co-drivers, lol)

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Votals, D4

kirsche (4) - Manix, Prims, Polydeuces, Elieson

Polydeuces (2) - kirsche, BBM

scorri (1) - Refa

Not voting - scorri, Shinori, Shin (the players whose names begin with S again. . .) :P:

Here's the time to phase end~! You've got a bit over two days and 2 hours (sorry, I had to type that out again). Hammer is 6!

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okay my sleep schedule's totally messed up and i don't feel like re-reading but i still feel good about kirsche lynch. sorry for being useless, im gay & bad at mafia

also my role is also op, and i'm still alive, so lol

but i've also been constantly dicked out of results

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im bored, time to do something

I know I haven't been exactly memorable but I swear Shinori/BBM have just been coasting by ever since they claimed

*snip for length*

Poly >> BBM > Other people*

like, i understand that you had a BBM suspicion back from whenever (i skimmed your iso), but why is shinori better than BBM? if you think shinori is coasting, why wouldn't he be on the lynch list?
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I don't think his role makes a lot of sense as mafia and I agree with other people's sentiments that the way he claimed was town. His actions since then haven't been, but I want to hear more from him before making a decision.

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and now that i'm actually reading this in detail, it's not great

I DID think you were scum but if we're to assume the courier's messages are priming people then that fixed result actually does make sense and the mixup is what made me suspect you/your slot.

see, that doesn't really hold any weight because you basically suspected my playerslot yesterday for being potential SK. considering my role results leading toward knowledge of the arsonist, wouldn't you think it could be entirely possible that I was faking that because I knew the kill method if I was SK? for all anyone knows (besides me), it could have been someone else's role result. it could have been my own prime/whatever, for all you know

Did venno really crumb alignment cop that hard though?

yes, actually. you wonder why I immediately jumped to the assumption that elie was town yesterday? and that I was never going to lynch venno? it was plain as day. I probably shouldn't have drawn so much attention to it, but i can't do anything about that now

I'm just wondering because he would've looked like a solid mislynch target and there are other powerful roles floating about(Safeguard, Voyeur, Driver) and it's making me paranoid.

the moment venno claimed cop, there was no way he was ever going to be lynched due to the godfather flip. unless someone cc'ed him, but i'd have lynched the cc'er straight away because crumbs too strong. and cop probably the role mafia wanted dead the most because one scan on them would have made their situation even worse. (aware I asked to be scanned, but who actually does that)

also lol voyeur isn't powerful, and neither is safeguard

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I don't think his role makes a lot of sense as mafia and I agree with other people's sentiments that the way he claimed was town. His actions since then haven't been, but I want to hear more from him before making a decision.

alright, question the second: bbm is proven safeguard from shinori/scorri shenanigans Dwhatever. scum!safeguard is really strong and has major overlap with ninja/strongman (and is arguably better than either of the two separately). noting that scum fakes have been part of their roles, would you think bbm could be scum based on that?
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and now that i'm actually reading this in detail, it's not great

see, that doesn't really hold any weight because you basically suspected my playerslot yesterday for being potential SK. considering my role results leading toward knowledge of the arsonist, wouldn't you think it could be entirely possible that I was faking that because I knew the kill method if I was SK? for all anyone knows (besides me), it could have been someone else's role result. it could have been my own prime/whatever, for all you know

I think if you were faking the role you'd say it was corrected to say courier and not arsonist, considering there's nothing so far this game indicating an arsonist. I guess you could be SK trying cause arsonist panic but I don't think that's what you'd do as SK.

Also if you were the arsonist you would say it was a courier message and not a prime to keep people guessing.

yes, actually. you wonder why I immediately jumped to the assumption that elie was town yesterday? and that I was never going to lynch venno? it was plain as day. I probably shouldn't have drawn so much attention to it, but i can't do anything about that now

I've already said I didn't read that much and I didn't get alignment cop from his crumbs but then again I was overlooking like 50% of all posts up until yesterday.

the moment venno claimed cop, there was no way he was ever going to be lynched due to the godfather flip. unless someone cc'ed him, but i'd have lynched the cc'er straight away because crumbs too strong. and cop probably the role mafia wanted dead the most because one scan on them would have made their situation even worse. (aware I asked to be scanned, but who actually does that)

Meh, if the crumbing was as obvious as you said it then yeah this point is dumb.

alright, question the second: bbm is proven safeguard from shinori/scorri shenanigans Dwhatever. scum!safeguard is really strong and has major overlap with ninja/strongman (and is arguably better than either of the two separately). noting that scum fakes have been part of their roles, would you think bbm could be scum based on that?

BBM's in thread behaviour is worse than Shinori's IMO.

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let me ask that again, because it didn't answer my question.

safeguard has overlap with ninja. it's only other use is strongmanning kills but wouldn't you think they'd be trying to do that every night? bbm's safeguard was proven on scorri N2 (iirc), which clearly wasn't a nightkill target.

from role related info only, is bbm scum? i didn't want a repetition of "bbm is scummy due to in thread actions", I already gleamed that from your posts. you're avoiding the question

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let's extend this a little: scum had a watcher. the only reason for functional ninja safeguard is to apply it to the killer to make them untrackable, basically the same function as the ninja, but could be applied to ~any~ mafia member taking the kill.

the fact that the ninja was non-consec would further imply that having a safeguard that can do it's job better is completely superfluous.

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My role makes absolutely no sense as scum. It would be extremely OP if it works the way I believe it does, and that's all I'm going to say on the matter.

I'm not insanely strong, I'm just interesting. And lol like I'm going to try to WIFOM the mafia's targets.

So are you op or not op? >_>"

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Don't like BBM honestly. I'm eh on Scorri.

Not sure why Kirsche is getting lynched atm. I'm kinda dumb.

Think Manix slot is pretty town but with the news of a third party could easily be this slot.

And both Refa and poly are also slots that I think could be scum.

Lynch preference would be BBM > Scorri > Refa > Poly

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Don't think Manix could be ITP because Bizz would be too pumped up if she rolled it to get depressed. #StrongLogic

@Kirsche- if the reason I'm one of the "scummiest players on in-thread interactions" is because my activity hasn't been as great over the last few days, that's probably not going to change because exams. If you mean interactions with flipped scum, unless you think Vhaltz's D1 plan was to bus all his buddies, idk what you're going for.

@Shinori- why?

Looking through Kirsche's posts, most of his D1 content was on Eury and me. I think the content about me is bad logic, as I said then, because finding the people who find you scummy also scummy isn't inherently suspicious unless the reason is for nothing other than finding you suspicious. There's no reason presented for why I'm attacking them solely for attacking me other than that me not liking people who find me suspicious happens more than once. But there are also cases where it doesn't happen, which are ignored. On D2 he says something like "oh man, 1 or 2 counter-examples, my argument is in tatters" when Refa mentions this, while conveniently ignoring that he himself only has 1 or 2 examples, being like Kay and Vhaltz, except I change my opinion on Vhaltz on D2 anyways.

The Eury stuff is good, but I keep thinking of Shinori's Weapons vote in Kirby. When Kirsche went to sleep, there were only 2 votes on her, including his, so there wasn't really a very high chance of her getting lynched at the time. His D2 is only a few posts though, and his Grass vote at the end is sort of weak and he even admits himself that he's not very sure about his scumreads. So I don't really like how sure he is on D3 about the Grass vote in comparison. D3 is whatever, a bunch of spam that took place in the overall spam session that was D3.

His D4 is okay though, and I like his Poly case. But I can't see who else could be Courier. I mean, if you're not going to claim Courier, why even bother with sending messages? So I don't think that anybody who claimed/crumbed their role before people started thinking the Courier was scum could be the Courier. It makes sense for anyone after that point to lie about it, but not before.

Overall without the Courier thing I don't think I'd find Kirsche suspicious but with that... ugh idk. Overall I'd still rather go for Poly.

@Refa- so if you didn't know from the beginning that SB was your co-driver, just that Vanille was, then how did you realize that SB was Vanille?

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I don't think Vhaltz bussed you that hard and you were not only hesitant about voting Eury (you had your vote parked on Kay for far too long D1 IMO) but you had Vhaltz listed as a suspect when you never voted him as well which can be seen as distancing following a flip.

D3 had me assuming Manix actually had an incriminating result and not just speculation.

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