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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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@Poly: So, is that going to be anytime soon or what? If you're town this attitude could be gamethrowing so it needs to stop. Prims too.

I was in the process of doing so, but the town bomb claim makes me ehhhhhhhhhh on this feeling.

Going back, I don't remember exactly what it was about your content that bugged me, it was just... something felt off. Like I said, I kinda felt like you were just coasting, but that kinda makes sense now if your claim's legit.

Not sure where I want to put my vote now, so I'm leaving it. But I'm thinking my options over.

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Being L-2 means 4 votes. That's <4 people I have to convince of my towniness and when I was originally cagey I had 48 hours to do so and not 24. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that half of the people voting me were just voting me because they're too lazy to look elsewhere I admittedly might've held onto my claim even longer.

@Poly: Why does it make sense for me to coast as bomb? Bomb would want to paint as big a target on his/her head as possible. I couldn't do that because of my schedule, which is why I am annoyed that I got this role.

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@Poly: Why does it make sense for me to coast as bomb? Bomb would want to paint as big a target on his/her head as possible. I couldn't do that because of my schedule, which is why I am annoyed that I got this role.

Coasting gives the impression that you're playing overly cautious so as to not get caught, which puts a target on you in a different way, at least, in my opinion.

I'm going through Scorri's ISO now. I suspect that either her or Shinori is lying about their roles. If one gets lynched today I'll just scan the other to test their alignment and make sure it all checks out.

Prims may as well claim also if he's on, since everyone else has dropped their claims in.

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I have an information role, I targeted kirsche last night, I have a reason to believe he's not bomb. This shit's all in-thread and I'm not lying about anything in this post.

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Oh, I guess he is at L-3.

elie if you're going to let obvscum go just because I don't want to give scum more information than they need then it's your fault for throwing lmfao

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Holding off on lynching him today, Because I wanted to hijack someone onto kirsche and lynch him tomorrow, since I can act tonight. Otherwise I Dunno who to target with my compulsiv role

Scorri why aren't you voting?

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uhhhh that's a terrible idea especially since kirsche probably isn't actually bomb. we're definitely not doing that. you can hijack refa to target himself tonight or something

N4 target

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I'm still voting Kirsche though. I never unvoted earlier.

Elie should vote Kirsche though. Who am I targeting with my cop scan tonight?

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