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Personal Favorite Ests

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Ah Ests...Units which teeter between "not worth it" and "worth the weight" more than once.

They're set up as units that join late, but grow into powerhouses given enough time and effort. Sadly, a lot of them join REALLY late, and why drag along dead weight that'll only be of use near the endgame, when you have perfectly viable units that have been kicking ass since the first act?

But we can't deny how satisfying using one is. Sure, it's impractical, and time-wasting, but it feels good to murder an entire portion of the final maps, with the same goobers who've been the cause of half of your restarts.

Enough babble, on to the question...Do you guys have any personal "Est"-esque units? It can be for any reason; either for gameplay, or because you like their character.

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Donny, hands down. No Farmboy, no Lifejoy

Oh, and I guess Est is up there for FE11, because you can never have enough fliers in that game.

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I adore Nino; both her character and the potential for destruction that she has. I always use in my FE7 runs and its always so satisfying to see her kicking ass with Jaffar as her A Support partner. Just beautiful!

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I adore Nino; both her character and the potential for destruction that she has. I always use in my FE7 runs and its always so satisfying to see her kicking ass with Jaffar as her A Support partner. Just beautiful!

The first Est I ever used Ahh, the nostalgia. I always used to view her as Harry Potter, with Jaffar being like an extremely grumpy Hagrid. Is that bad?

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I love Nino; The girl's been through so much shit I can't help but want to hug her (Thankfully, Jaffar's way ahead of me). I tried using her once, and...Eh, she made decent endgame filler, but wasn't good enough to bring to Light.

Yes; L'arachel is a goddamn riot.

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Sun from Tear Ring Saga. Maybe she joins to early but when Donnel counts, so should she.

Anyway, she is easy to use and gives an hell of a payoff for the effort needed to raise her.

For one thing, Sun joins right of the bat with Canto, so she is rather save to level up. She also learns Paragon at level 5, allowing her to quickly rush to her promotion.

Her promotion turns her into a powerful Black Knight, which is just like the Paladin but more powerful and with a cooler palette. Black Knights also get the awesome Charge skill thrown in for free.

They were even so generous to give even her portrait a palette change when she promotes.

Edited by BrightBow
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Ewan: After his first promotion he beasts everything. Worth the HUGE hassle to begin with.

Nino: Best personality of the Ests. REALLY tough to feed kills initially, but kicks it after promotion.

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Sara, because she has Staff rank in a game where staves are the tactical nuke.

Zeiss, even if his growths are rather poor for an Est being a Wyvern Rider is a good incentive to train him (or at least early-promote him into an 8-move armored transport).

Farina, because again flight and her join chapter and the next are great for training.

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Does Kurthnaga from RD count?(he's considered one on the Wiki), because I tried my best to raise him in my last playthrough and seeing a maxed out Black Dragon against Ashera was pretty satisfying.

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Zeiss, even if his growths are rather poor for an Est being a Wyvern Rider is a good incentive to train him (or at least early-promote him into an 8-move armored transport).

Aren't Zeiss's growths really good? 60 Strength is really nice, and for a Dragon Rider, 35 speed isn't bad.

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