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Jeigan Appreciation Thread

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Oifey is definitely useful throughout the game. But of course, he doesn't even compare to all the other broken characters.

True enough.

I was mostly just explaining to the guy what people generally mean when they use the term. Making a distinction between "Oifeys" and "normal" Jeigans is kinda dumb.

Edited by shinpichu
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Seth is a scrub who can't even solo chapter 10 Ephraim with all the favouritism. He's not fit to lick Sigurd's boots clean.

The legendary weapons in FE4 are overrated. They are potent, but so expensive it's usually more worthwhile to use an ordinary weapon on mooks, and more often than not the first Hero Sword will be even more effective, especially when it has 50+ kills on it. Their main use is to use the Spd/Res boost for dodge tanking/status staff tanking.

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Once you look at the story, its fairly apparent that Eyvel is "The Protagonist parent who get killed early in the story to motivate the character" >_>

She is basically Greil

In other words, Stuffed In A Fridge. Only you get to use Eyvel.

My favorite Jeigan is Seth.

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Titania is my obvious favourite Jeigan. I did an Ike + girls only run of FE9 and without her it would have been a far messier affair. She always ends up high in battles/wins even if I don't even try, just because he's so good at smoothing out the early game. Also she's a super hot redhead with awesome hair and axes.

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Forseti Corple is da funnest though :P

Hey, man. Berserk!Sharlow was worth Patty feeding him gold for two and a half chapters.

But out of all holy weapon users not named Corple, Ares is always the one with the cash-flow problem in my PTs. Putting the Thief Bracelet on him made life loads easier.

Oifaye and 2nd Gen Finn may be awfully cheap to feed (Armor Cutter/Javelin and Horseslayer/Javelin being my preferred gear for them) but that doesn't make them as useful come endgame as Ares and Seliph with their amazing holy weapon RES boots.

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In other words, Stuffed In A Fridge.

That's a trope. Don't pretend tvtropes are real words.

Jagens with potential I pick up later, Jagens without I... don't use. It just doesn't appeal to my playstyle. I'm not denying they're good, and nobody has denied they're good on this site for years now.

They tend to be good in regards to character, though.

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You say 'you' as if to imply that I've posted in this thread before.

(Also, again. TVTropes. It's the slow death of linguistics. Cease in its use save as a trivia resource.)

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Nobody else loves Frederick and his OCD and making enemies pick a god and pray? D:

(I do like Seth and Titania too though. More so Seth. Don't get me wrong lol)

Edited by Anacybele
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Nobody else loves Frederick and his OCD and making enemies pick a god and pray? D:

(I do like Seth and Titania too though. More so Seth. Don't get me wrong lol)

I wish they'd toned down the OCD moments, frankly. His supports with Virion were great, but the Henry supports were ridiculous. Chrom up and recruits a Plegian dark mage who's cackling to himself about blood, and all Frederick the Wary can take him to task for is... his training habits? Freddy just comes across as being a little too quirky to do his job effectively.

But we can all celebrate Frederick for being the only Jeigan to be in proud possession of nude pix of his Lord and master. At least I certainly hope he's alone in this.

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Whaaat. Freddy's support with Chrom is freaking gold. So FUNNY. XD

Same with the Henry support! Frederick shows his softer side here by giving him a big bear hug and crying tears of joy! This is one of the main things that makes him so lovable to me lol. I like pretty much all of Frederick's supports, actually (with one exception, which some people already know of, but even then, that support still has a few good points).

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Whaaat. Freddy's support with Chrom is freaking gold. So FUNNY. XD

Same with the Henry support! Frederick shows his softer side here by giving him a big bear hug and crying tears of joy! This is one of the main things that makes him so lovable to me lol. I like pretty much all of Frederick's supports, actually (with one exception, which some people already know of, but even then, that support still has a few good points).

You say, "lovable," I say, "If this is the most mature and competent guy Ylisse has to offer aside from Fellblood Tactician over there, no wonder they all lost and died horribly the first time around."

Man, if I were a Lord, and I had to pick between all Jagens as to which one I'd have watching my back, I'd pick Frederick over Arran... but not over anyone else.

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So a man is immature if he cries and gives hugs? That's kind of dumb, imo. :/

Frederick seems quite mature to me, it shows in his serious nature. But whatevs, each to their own. :P

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Nothing wrong with showing emotion, but there's a time and place for it. When a slacker in the army starts being more diligent, the appropriate response for a commander is measured praise and encouragement. Frederick's response is more suited to the comic relief buffoon rather a lord's most trusted lieutenant.

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So a man is immature if he cries and gives hugs? That's kind of dumb, imo. :/

Frederick seems quite mature to me, it shows in his serious nature. But whatevs, each to their own. :P

My problem is not that he cries. Oifaye cries, Finn cries, that's all fine.

My problem is that is that Frederick is written in a way that I cannot really embrace him as a serious character. He's set up to be one thing, and consistently undercut by sequences like the Henry supports where it doesn't appear to remotely faze him that he's talking to an emotionally disturbed Plegian lad decked out in Grima cult robes. After all the talking-up Frederick gets about being vigilant and skeptical, after the way he interacted with Virion, I expected something and instead I got... Training Freak Funnies. Again.

He looks nice and has some great lines, but the center isn't there in my personal opinion.

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I never really got to know Frederick enough to really have an opinion. I never used him, so I don't know his stats, all I did was think 'oop Jagen/Oifey/whatever I should bench this guy ASAP!' I always left him as the lonely guy too, since the only good skills he gives are Pavaise (for some reason I don't think I'm spelling that right) Aegis, and Luna.

I think RD!Sothe was the only Jagen/Oifey/whatever I ever used, mostly since he's got an eternal requirement and game over deaths looming over his head. Which is annoying, his job should be just opening chests and doors and stuff, because he's a theif. Now theives, should be trained a little because of Bolting and such (or if they are Colm). Titania and Seth I used a bit, but that's really about it. Yeah, I also feel bad for sacrificing Jagen in SD now this thread exists... but from a gameplay standpoint, BEST DECISION EVER BECAUSE NORMAL MODE.

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