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What if Fire Emblem brought back fatigue?


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Recently, I've been playing FE- Thracia776 for the second time. One feature that is present in that game but was never used again is the fatigue meter. As much as I hate this feature, I can't ignore the fact that it adds a different way of thinking and thus adds a little more difficulty because it requires the player to use more than 3-5 characters. Personally, I hope IS never brings this feature back to Fire Emblem, but I want to hear what others have to say about this. Do you want fatigue to be used in the next Fire Emblem?

Think how much harder those lunatic+ runs would be with this feature. Who's willing to take on this challenge?

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They wouldn't so much as be harder as be much more RNG based. Consider the case of the prologue: with Fatigue, you couldn't use the water trick without wrecking your stamina. Cht.2 is already barely possible with an overleveled Avatar, and if Avatar either can't come or had to sit out cht.1 because of fatigue, you won't have that and will have to waste exp on Fred, wrecking your longterm potential. Actually, you can't even choose who to deploy until cht.3, so it doesn't matter, but this is a prime example of why this wouldn't work.

Here's another reason why this wouldn't work in Awakening: every time you want a free restore, fight a weak spotpass team or Golden Gaffe/EXPonential Growth to reset your fatigue meter. Mow it's even more of a problem for the early chapters (which are hard enough as is) and completely irrelevant later.

Min deployment is already in this game: Chrom. He's that troll who wrecks your attempts to solo RaR3 with anyone but Avatar when grinding for LB, and requires a place to hide when you're turtling in Lunatic+.

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Fatigue didn't apply until you got the deployment screen, and in that chapter you were given half a dozen fresh units and a relatively easy chapter. And obviously skirmishes and the like would not reset the meter.

I could see Fatigue working well in future games. One thing that would need to change is fatigue being harsh on healers (unless staves are as powerful as they were in Thracia)

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Fatigue didn't apply until you got the deployment screen, and in that chapter you were given half a dozen fresh units and a relatively easy chapter.

You've never played Lunatic+, have you? Cht.2 has an incredibly high chance of giving you a situation unwinnable with any tactics. Even with perfect tactics and perfect skill distribution, those "fresh units" are so weak it takes all of them teaming up just to take down one foe, and most of them will be left with a pile of damage. On classic they're more of a burden than a boon because ~6 enemies start out right next to you and it's very difficult to get them to safety (you need to have them fight at least two foes).

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Thracia actually did Fatigue correctly

Healers are stupidly overpowered, so its okay for them to be easy to get tired. Thankfully the game gives you FE5 version of Vulnerary, so unlike every other FE, Healer is actually -less- useful before you explore there overpowered side

For the first time the system is introduced, you 2 strong units(well, Halvan is not that good IMO but he's plenty), and Finn to contribute, maybe even a Pegasus Knight as well. Thankfully, the stage itself is extremely easy

After that, you get Dagda(who can pretty much be used for free, and is useful 90% of the game) and it kinda snowballs from there on, with the team getting a lot of powerful combat unit with broken features

Edited by Eradicator Boner
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Stamina drinks, buy now, 50 cents each!

As stingy as FE5 is with money, thats still too much. Awakening however, I'll take 40!

Now there would be some benefits because these were also in FE5. For example, any unit that you are required to take is immune to fatigue which would include your avatar unit and Chrom. I just think that you wouldn't have enough units to play through the game efficiently because most of your better units will have to sit out when you need them. Sure, you can argue that skirmishes might help with fatigue, but I was never able to survive one battle in lunatic mode. Streetpass units match the difficulty you play, so its still not easy to take out the weakest units on higher difficulties. And not everyone has DLC, so its not fair to assume that players have that option. Awakening would be very different if fatigue was in it, but I think the added difficulty would be a turn off for players.

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Just saying, but the Risen in Lunatic are very possible if you know what you're doing and make use of the Bonus Box weapons, Renown items, and a little bit of Lethality abuse (and plenty of resets). I ground up a team on Lunatic and defeated Normal Apo using the Risen as my only source of extra exp without hiring any *pass units or doing any other DLC maps.

Lunatic+ is a different story that takes a lot more Lethality (especially early on), but is still doable if you're very patient.

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Fatigue would be great to bring back. I loved how it made you rotate people

Along with dismount. Matter of fact lets try FE14 as FE5+ with other FE mechanics

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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TBH, the only reason I liked the way capture worked was because you were low on supplies in thracia, granted, I imagine future games would take it into account (I'm just thinking of slapping capture in another game instead of a new one). I'd love to see no kill runs :p

Fatigue... I like the idea, but I like the forced minimum deploy limit more, personally.

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Personally...for a game like Fire Emblem, I wouldn't really want to see Fatigue. I've never experienced it myself, but I can imagine that it'd probably be more tedious to me. I enjoyed fatigue in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, but that was because it recharged. I don't know how it works in Fire Emblem, so I can't say for sure, though.

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Fatigue accumulates every time a character does anything except wait. If they accumulate more fatigue than their max HP, they have to sit out a map. The only ways to cure fatigue are sitting out maps and very rare items. They're supposed to be a measure to limit low-manning maps by forcing you to train multiple units.

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Fatigue accumulates every time a character does anything except wait. If they accumulate more fatigue than their max HP, they have to sit out a map. The only ways to cure fatigue are sitting out maps and very rare items. They're supposed to be a measure to limit low-manning maps by forcing you to train multiple units.

Fatigue didn't really force the player to use more units that much than usual though.

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