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I'm terrified


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Tomorrow (actually today, it's already 13/12 here), i have a test. The subject isn't hard, it's from a class that i'm doing quite well, yet i'm extremely scared of it. I'm exhausted but not able to sleep. I don't know why i'm so scared of this test... Ok, i haven't studied properly, but i almost never do that, and i just need a 3 to pass (and a 5.5 to get a very good overall grade on the class).

Still, i'm frightened.

Anyone else ever felt that way?

Edited by Nobody
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For the past 2 or so years I've been feeling like that for pretty much every exam, even after a lot of studying. Results... vary...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Taking my driver's test, i was a mess. Just try to think positive.

I failed 2 driver's tests before being able to pass. All my friends in college made fun of me for like 2 months because of that haha

But, yeah, i guess staying calm and positive is a way to feel better in those situations

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I failed 2 driver's tests before being able to pass. All my friends in college made fun of me for like 2 months because of that haha

But, yeah, i guess staying calm and positive is a way to feel better in those situations

So did i actually. I think my DMV had a deal with the largest driving school in the area, cuz once i took a course from them, the DMV fucking passed me. Wat. I drove better than 98% of the people on the road in my town. How did those jokers get licenses is still beyond me. That was ages ago though.

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but yeah paranoia about unwarranted things is a thing i've been there on and it sucks but at the end of the day it'll be over soon, just focus on that if you can

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Man that's like me with every test

The classes I'm good at I'm afraid I'll mess up my otherwise pristine A with it

The classes I'm bad at I'm afraid I'll fail (and by fail I mean below a B because anything below a B has a chance of threatening my lowest scholarship grade threshold so it might as well be a fail)

I need to keep up this GPA so the school keeps on paying me

Edited by Thor Odinson
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i'm extremely scared of it. I'm exhausted but not able to sleep... Ok, i haven't studied properly, but i almost never do that

Still, i'm frightened.

Anyone else ever felt that way?

With the edits I did above...YES I FEEL LIKE THAT ABOUT EVERY SINGLE TEST I TAKE. Well, all the science ones anyway...no matter how much I study it's never enough it seems...

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I do not know that feel ;_____;

I'm thinking about going to a doctor to ask for anti-anxiety meds

I feel like those would make you more anxious and/or suicidal, like every other pill for mental conditions ever.

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One of my friends actually has anxiety issues and it has wrecked havoc on her gastro-intestinal system. And you can always bring it up to your doctor at your next appointment about having anxiety. They can help you decide if you need those meds or not.

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I feel like those would make you more anxious and/or suicidal, like every other pill for mental conditions ever.

Well...I'll admit I'm somewhat motivated by having taken some of a relative's Valium recently and having felt much better then.

I suppose that with such medication could come a state of dependence or side effects from their use, but I'd rather not be miserable if I could avoid it.

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If you're having severe anxiety issues that are interfering with your daily life, you absolute BEST bet would be to talk to a therapist to get thinking tools that'll work much better in the long term than medications. Medications are good, but there are effects of dependency and… well… side effects, especially with anxiety medications if I'm remembering my studies correctly. (Psych Major, btw.) They're more like band-aids. They help keep you stable until you can get real help.

That said, anxiety IS a part of life. If it's not affecting your daily life, just do something that helps you relax, like playing a video game or reading a book.

And now that the mini-lecture is out of the way… yeah, I get anxious before every test. It's a sign that you care about your grade, I think.

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Being constantly anxious about how psychotropic meds might affect you as a person and worrying about whether they'll "change who you are" probably affect your actual brain more seriously than actually taking psychotropic meds does in the most common kinds of cases

Not to say that ingesting serotonin or dopamine or whatever is something to take lightly, or that should be done without ample reassurance from somebody who bothered to become an M.D. on the subject and has heard you out enough that they can make an educated estimation of the effects it'll have on you in particular, but in the preponderance of all cases, current medications act more like temporary stat buffs (or debuffs) than, I don't know, augmentations

It's more common by far for your brain to physically change just by having having life experiences. It's possible to build up dependences on meds if you're on them long enough, but it's also possible to get off them safely (as far as the data shows) if you're in a position to do so and reduce the dosages gradually (which is also how people are introduced to them)

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