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Does anybody even unironically like Sephiroth anymore?

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Around ten years ago Sephiroth was considered to be the best FF villain and maybe the best video game character ever by more than a few fanboys.

Nowadays he's considered overrated and a terrible villain while fans tend to worship Kefka instead (who is just the jRPG version of The Joker, but I digress).

To be fair, FFVII is pretty old, so not many new people on the Internet know who he is...

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FFVII's age isn't much of a hurdle to public awareness, given that a) "older" people are still talking about it ravenously in some context or another so "newer" people are guaranteed to hear about it, and b) Squeenix has been vomiting so many Sephiroth-heavy sequels and spinoffs to it over the years that the poor corpse of the original game has barely had a chance to rest

which makes the ongoing absence of milking the original game itself even more odd. i know they've stated their reasons for not going ahead with it but come on, it's Squeenix. since when have they ever turned down a route to make more money no matter how timeconsuming or dumb? they certainly didn't stop themselves from shitting out All the Bravest, and thinking up something so abjectly stupid can't have been a quick job

when did this turn into a relatively serious post what am i doing

Edited by bookofholsety
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FFVII is a game about mental people

Cloud is completely deluded and Sephiroth is downright nuts

And I think that's quite brilliant

What he said. I honestly don't like Sephiroth as much as the next guy, except in three games,: Crisis Core, Advent Children, and Kingdom Hearts 2. Crisis Core for his backstory being more exposed, and he wasn't a cliche villain anymore, due to Genesis being the reason to his madness. AC for the reason that Sephiroth's fight with Cloud was cool, and his quote"I will never be a memory" And Kingdom Hearts 2 the main reason for the challenging fight and his relationship with Cloud and Tifa as well as the strongest Keyblade(Don't quote me on that) Fenrir.

Sephiroth sucks pure ass in FF7. But he's made a kickass character sometimes.


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Though I'll admit Sephiroth's character design is cool, I never really liked his personality and his motives were hardly interesting to me. I'm not sure if I'd call him overrated or underrated, since the fanbase and hatebase of Sephiroth are both quite vocal.

On a side note, I'm hardly fond of Kefka. I prefer villains with tragic backstories and interesting motives or reasons behind their actions.

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I quite liked Sephiroth. He was a bit of an enigma during much of the events of FFVII. Later installments just focused on how ultra-powerful and pretty he was, but the scenes where he progressively descended into madness were pretty interesting and deserved some expounding upon. Oh well.

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I quite liked Sephiroth. He was a bit of an enigma during much of the events of FFVII. Later installments just focused on how ultra-powerful and pretty he was, but the scenes where he progressively descended into madness were pretty interesting and deserved some expounding upon. Oh well.

Like Crisis Core. His madness. He wasn't a bad guy...More of led into disbelief.

Edited by Shadowfrost Zenbiniar
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I still like Sephiroth and don't have a reason to dislike him at all, especially in Crisis Core since we get to experience ourselves, what caused him to go nuts... the passage of time means nothing to me when I like something

FFVII's age isn't much of a hurdle to public awareness, given that a) "older" people are still talking about it ravenously in some context or another so "newer" people are guaranteed to hear about it, and b) Squeenix has been vomiting so many Sephiroth-heavy sequels and spinoffs to it over the years that the poor corpse of the original game has barely had a chance to rest

which makes the ongoing absence of milking the original game itself even more odd. i know they've stated their reasons for not going ahead with it but come on, it's Squeenix. since when have they ever turned down a route to make more money no matter how timeconsuming or dumb? they certainly didn't stop themselves from shitting out All the Bravest, and thinking up something so abjectly stupid can't have been a quick job

They actually haven't doing anything with Sephiroth for some time, in the modern age, Square seems quite content on milking the lackluster FF13, all it's plot inconsistencies and WTFs, and it's very bad protagonist, Lightning, they have literally milked this.... "character"(trying to avoid an insult) to death, and she isn't even a good character, she is purely one of the worst characters in a game, not to mention a bad protagonist... my apologies for the slight derail

Edited by Soledai
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FFVII is a game about mental people

Cloud is completely deluded and Sephiroth is downright nuts

And I think that's quite brilliant

Yes, pretty much.

I still like Sephiroth. I think, in the original game, when you just saw the results of his actions without seeing the man himself, it was pretty terrifying. So yes, I still like him very much.

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Oh so its "in" to hate on Sephiroth? Hmmmm.

I love me some Sephiroth, but i also stayed away from the spin-offs outside Advent Children. I didnt really play Crisis Core or anything. I still love Sephiroth to bits for killing Aeris. Like, a lot.

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Only reason I dislike Sephiroth is because he killed my fav character in ff7. And the fact I tend to dislike villains in general

All and all he is pretty interesting when you get to the core of the matter. Like in Crisis Core and the ff7 flashbacks

My favorite Villains in the franchise remain Golbez and Kuja

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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  • 1 month later...

There is a few Sephiroth fanboys and fangirls out there still, but he is becoming more and more hated by gaming fans.

Screw Kefka and Sephiroth though, Kuja is where it's at. <:


TBH, I never cared much for Sephiroth or Kefka, but FF9 being one of my favorite games in the series, I could tolerate Kuja, I suppose. Dem Zidane/Kuja plot twists doe.



Edited by Truest of Blades
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I quite liked Sephiroth. He was a bit of an enigma during much of the events of FFVII. Later installments just focused on how ultra-powerful and pretty he was, but the scenes where he progressively descended into madness were pretty interesting and deserved some expounding upon. Oh well.

This. The plot wasn't the best thought out thing, but I was intrigued by him even just two years ago. A focus on hero gone mad without some kind of demonic possession isn't something I see often.

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