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Super Underrated Units?


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What are the most underrated units in all the FE games? I find FE13 Cherche to be pretty underrated. Seems like a lot of people think she's bad because of her spd growth. These are the ones I think are underrated from each FE:

FE6: Sue (from what i've seen anyway)

FE7: Fiora, Lowen (Fiora tends to be overlooked in favor of her Lyn Mode Sister, but she's a great unit too. Lowen tends to be bashed hard due to his growths)

FE8: Garcia (well hes bad but people act like hes the worst thing ever, but he has garm and actually doubles 80% of FE8 as a hero because the enemies suck. He also hits like a motherf'ing truck)

FE9: Soren (great sieger and isn't actually that hard to feed kills to imo)

FE10: Marcia (str growth problems get brought up as a reason why she sucks in FE10, but I don't see it when there's forges and drops)

FE11: Caeda (not overrated enough IMO :P)

FE12: Ryan, Cecille (Ryan tends to be overlooked or bashed by some players due to the eternal 50 spd growth, despite being easily high tier material and if used to his max potential: a top tier unit IMO. Cecille tends to get bashed a lot in FE12 too but idk I find her to be pretty great. Possibly better than Rody due to Lady Sword easing kills)

FE13: the aforementioned Cherche.

So, who do you think is underrated?

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FE4 Gen I: Noish. All because he doesn't have Pursuit doesn't mean he's crap.

FE4 Gen II: I've seen Fee be put off to the side more than her brother. Personally, I believe her excelling is more important than Ced ROFLstomping everything. Besides, he can't be screwed, anyway.

FE5: Haven't played this much, but maybe some of the Manster escape crew, such as Machua and Brighton? I haven't heard much about them and I think they're pretty great.

FE6: Noah and Treck. Definitely. Also Garret.

FE7: Lowen is the epitome of this.

FE8: Garcia. And Dozla, for that matter.

FE9: Maybe Makalov? He's pretty solid. He's a terrible person, I know, but hey. He's usable.


FE13: Cherche, Lon'qu, and Maribelle.

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FE4 Gen I: Noish. All because he doesn't have Pursuit doesn't mean he's crap.

FE4 Gen II: I've seen Fee be put off to the side more than her brother. Personally, I believe her excelling is more important than Ced ROFLstomping everything. Besides, he can't be screwed, anyway.

FE5: Haven't played this much, but maybe some of the Manster escape crew, such as Machua and Brighton? I haven't heard much about them and I think they're pretty great.

FE6: Noah and Treck. Definitely. Also Garret.

FE7: Lowen is the epitome of this.

FE8: Garcia. And Dozla, for that matter.

FE9: Maybe Makalov? He's pretty solid. He's a terrible person, I know, but hey. He's usable.


FE13: Cherche, Lon'qu, and Maribelle.

Ah I forgot Dozla. I don't think Makalov is underrated. He's just the worst of the cavaliers due to his availability. Still a heck of a unit though~

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Amelia; all you need to do is spend like an hour in the Tower of Valni, and then she's like the fastest General ever!

On a serious note, I don't think Lowen is underrated at all. He was considered better than the other Cavs for years because of his bulk, until people got better and realized that the best defence is a good offence.

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Ah I forgot Dozla. I don't think Makalov is underrated. He's just the worst of the cavaliers due to his availability. Still a heck of a unit though~

Yeah, all because Dozla has a SPD base of 9 doesn't mean he's worthless. Seriously, he doubling more than half of the game anyway, and his SPD growth (40%) is not bad.

Haha, I guess. I just haven't seen much praise for Makalov compared to Titania/Oscar/Kieran/Astrid.

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What are the most underrated units in all the FE games? I find FE13 Cherche to be pretty underrated. Seems like a lot of people think she's bad because of her spd growth. These are the ones I think are underrated from each FE:

FE6: Sue (from what i've seen anyway)

FE7: Fiora, Lowen (Fiora tends to be overlooked in favor of her Lyn Mode Sister, but she's a great unit too. Lowen tends to be bashed hard due to his growths)

FE8: Garcia (well hes bad but people act like hes the worst thing ever, but he has garm and actually doubles 80% of FE8 as a hero because the enemies suck. He also hits like a motherf'ing truck)

FE9: Soren (great sieger and isn't actually that hard to feed kills to imo)

FE13: the aforementioned Cherche.

@Sue: Hey, you're right. She grows into a speedy with bows...which is self-explanatory. Her Str could use quite the work, however. I think I should give this character a better try, next time.

@Fiora: I don't think she's preferred over Florina...actually the opposite. People find her hotter and LM isn't always in play.

@GARcia: Wait, really? Also, since we're on Garcia, I'd like to consider Dorcas in FE7. He feels underrated.

@Soren: Yeah, I agree. His Avo can also grow nicely thanks to moderately decent Spd & Ike's support. He also starts hitting hard enough to 1RKO, later.

@Cherche: ...Spd growth wat. How is a 50% Spd growth anything but decent? You may argue that it's her Spd base that holds her back, but a Spd support really gets her 1RKO'ing Cavaliers and she 1RKO's Knights with a Hammer. This gets her around 3 level-ups in her startings chapter. She's a great unit.

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Wait, again another underrated units thread? Ok then...

FE7: Lowen - his growths are pretty meh and people tend to prefer Sain and Kent over Lowen, but Lowen really helps earlygame and ends up as a speedy tank.

I also agree Fiora is underrated. People prefer Florina becuase omg she comes earlier and dat sp. Bue Fiora is pretty good and isn't a trouble at all to make an awesome boots flier.

FE10: Pkl, I don't think Marcia's underrated, I'd say Sigrun is much more underrated because she's in a far more worse position because terrible stats for a level to get to Third Tier.

I'd say Leo is horribly underrated. His utility in the DB isn't comparable to Edward's, Nolan's or Ilyana's but he can contribute pretty much the same, even in drafts. He just needs the right choices to become a pretty good pick. Being bowlocked isn't an issue even when lowturning P1 and P3, specially because Part 1 is all about Sothe and Resolve!Caiah and Part 3 is all about Beastfoe and a couple of Crossbows.

Also, I still think Ilyana is underrated. People tend to prefer Soren because of a more comfortable statistic situation. Hey there are statboosters, BEXP and time. People is just lazy.

I don't think on anyone else right now though...

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i honestly thing lowen's returned to his old form of being horrendously overrated

anyway I have a few


FE4: Cuan, Aideen, Midir

FE5: i'm honestly not sure of people's stance on this game but I always thought Homeros was pretty awesome and overlooked

FE6: Astohl, and Gonzales went from being super popular to like super hated, but honestly I still think he's pretty solid, I don't know if he's that popular anymore

FE7: Canas, but not because of Luna, Geitz

FE8: Forde.

i would say Lon'qu for fe13 but I don't even know what's considered good in that game anymore

but honestly I think most people's underrated units end up being mediocre units that turn out better than average or are just like more by the people listing them, myself included

Edited by General Horace
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I definitely agree with Horace, particularly with Ryan in FE12. Unless I rig levels for him, he always ends up like shit for me :/

Speaking of FE12, I always kind of thought Gordin was a bit overlooked.

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FE9: MAKALOV (Good growths and decent availability/bases)


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FE7: Lowen - his growths are pretty meh and people tend to prefer Sain and Kent over Lowen, but Lowen really helps earlygame and ends up as a speedy tank.

I fail to see how Lowen can end up as a speedy tank, given that he only has a 30% growth in speed.

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Out of the games ive played:

FE6: Agree about Sue. She held my team together mid-game.

FE7: Dart is a bit underrated. He can be a bit of a pain to train and the Ocean Seal comes pretty late (and is easily missable) but hes kinda cool for axing things in the face.

FE8: I feel Gilliam doesnt get a lot of love.

FE9: Makalov. Yes. YES!!

FE10: Poor Sigrun. Shes got a nice luck base and growth too. I love her to bits even if her strength is meh.

FE13: Definitely Cherche. I feel Virion to be horribly underrated but i understand why people dont get into him. Dat starting class.

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I definitely agree with Horace, particularly with Ryan in FE12. Unless I rig levels for him, he always ends up like shit for me :/

Speaking of FE12, I always kind of thought Gordin was a bit overlooked.

Thing is, the naysayers of Ryan also base it on their awful (or lack of in a certain person's case) experience with him. I think I'm proving average Ryan is rather great.

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FE6: sue, noah, shin, klein, igrene

FE6 has a lot of overrated units, though. deke is pretty overrated, alance a bit less so. all of the magic users except niime and cecilia are hugely overrated.

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He's so easy to train it's hard to ignore him.

Someone like Hicks, Fred, Trewd or Ralph won't get much regonition however.

so turns out he's not really underrated, good to know

I always forget Ralph exists haha, agree with you there

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Maybe Oujay? There are two other heroes in FE6 who are great, and he joins underleveled, but IMO he is in a similar situation to Fir, since he also has swords and joins right before the western isles. Okay, she has much better bases, but it isn't that harder to use him, since after killing some axe units in those chapters he gets pretty good, since he has amazing growths for FE6.

I can totally see why many people don't like using him, though

EDIT: Now that I think of it, yeah, he's rated rightly.

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FE6: sue, noah, shin, klein, igrene

FE6 has a lot of overrated units, though. deke is pretty overrated, alance a bit less so. all of the magic users except niime and cecilia are hugely overrated.

How is Shin underrated?

And yeah I agree Deke is overrated. He's good for a good while but he's like meh afterward.

Alance are good in casual, but I bet they suck in LTC a fat one.

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