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Could a Fire Emblem Anime Work?


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So could Fire Emblem benefit from a Anime/TV counterpart if done correctly?

It's been attempted before, and we all know how that turned out, but I feel that there is a lot of untapped potential.

FE13 even adopted anime cut scenes that were really well done.

Fire Emblem's gameplay is actually presentable in an episodic format unlike games like zelda or mario.

Fire Emblem's story has enough depth to have a good plot

Fire Emblem has lot's of action and even romance

The problem is finding a team that could actually pull this off, make a profit, while retaining the series atmosphere

What do you think? Could a Fire Emblem anime work? Maybe even benefit the series?

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There actually was an FE anime, but it didn't last long. :P

It's possible to make a good one, but there's one problem. FE often has different possible scenarios that can occur, and not just involving pairings either. There'd be plenty of fan rage if they didn't get the scenes or pairings they wanted.

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It could only work if it had "arcs" and was a long-running show like Naruto or Bleach--the length would support the relatively gigantic cast. Otherwise, some major cuts would need to be made.

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There actually was an FE anime, but it didn't last long. :P

It's possible to make a good one, but there's one problem. FE often has different possible scenarios that can occur, and not just involving pairings either. There'd be plenty of fan rage if they didn't get the scenes or pairings they wanted.

IS was so incredibly ambiguous with in-story plot elements and character ties. I could see it as working, if at least on the basis that the children who come back from the future have their parent's original hair color.

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But what if the anime is based on a game that isn't Awakening? Or what if it is, but it makes references to past FE titles? For example, just the thought of Geoffrey x Elincia being used makes me shudder and I'm sure I'm not the only one this would happen to. And Awakening wasn't completely ambiguous. It pushed Chrom x Sumia, which would make Chrom x Female Avatar fans rage. I wouldn't actually mind it seeing as Sumia would be my second choice for Chrom, but still.

And speaking of the Avatar, how would he/she be presented?

Edited by Anacybele
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I would like them to continue the old OVAs into a full multi season anime. I saw a lot of promise in it that was held back by a pitiful budget.

It also left out a few characters that were unimportant but I think they knew that this may not last long and didn't want to over saturate the cast at that point.

Episode 2, featuring Navarre was well done, I think. While the first episode was generic, they still managed to recreate scenes from the games exactly. But Episode 2 showed some promise and I hope that they would consider bringing it back.

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If done right, sure. But, as stated above, if some pairings or events or whatever are done or not done...fans will rage. I'd rage if they made an FE7 anime and pushed EliwoodxFiora instead of EliwoodxNinian, ya know? So it'd have to be done really carefully...maybe make it on games that don't really have that "mystery" element, like 1/11 and follow up with 3/12.

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If F Zero and Kirby can have successful anime's then FE can too.

Also the amazingness of people worrying about pairings in an anime. You know the games let you pick right? Deal with animated adaptations pairings. No one seemed to care about the pairings they picked in those fe7 manga or the fe4 one

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Also the amazingness of people worrying about pairings in an anime. You know the games let you pick right? Deal with animated adaptations pairings. No one seemed to care about the pairings they picked in those fe7 manga or the fe4 one

Yeah, but the anime wouldn't let you pick. It'd force you to watch one pairing get lovey-dovey, whether you like it or not. And I doubt many of us pairing nuts really WANT to care or worry. I know I wish I didn't as much as I do. It's just that for me, if a character gets with someone and I really wanted them to get with someone else, it just feels like a big punch to the gut.

Now, I wouldn't go all insane like certain Harry Potter fans and Avatar fans did over the official pairings in those stories. That would just be going way too far (seriously, Avatar fans even sent hate mail. The fuck?). I'd just feel VERY disappointed.

Thankfully, there aren't many pairings that would actually make me feel like this. Only a small few, in fact. But then again, who knows, I could actually learn to like those few pairings that I currently dislike so much...

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I could see it working if the proper effort was put in, but I don't see that happening any time soon. I mean, the first FE anime was released around the peak of the series's popularity, but didn't lift off. The next time the series peaked was with Awakening, but while we've had a flurry of merchandise, an anime (or even a manga) hasn't surfaced yet.

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An Awakening manga probably wouldn't work because of the Avatar, who doesn't have a set gender or appearance. So I'm not surprised one hasn't been made yet.

They could put the hood over their head and give them an androgynous voice. They could make an OVA like they did with Pokemon Origins.

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An Awakening manga probably wouldn't work because of the Avatar, who doesn't have a set gender or appearance. So I'm not surprised one hasn't been made yet.

Didn't stop the drama CD though : P

Okay, there's no appearance specified, but they do pick the gender.

Edited by VincentASM
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There actually was an FE anime, but it didn't last long. :P

It's possible to make a good one, but there's one problem. FE often has different possible scenarios that can occur, and not just involving pairings either. There'd be plenty of fan rage if they didn't get the scenes or pairings they wanted.

Yeah, they already made an FE4 manga, your complaint is invalid.

It's quite possible,the problem is how do you use or present every single character?

They get the FMA girl to make it or they don't.

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A Fire Emblem anime definitely could work. I think the two episode OVA set the frame work of an anime really well. It is a shame they only managed to get two episodes but the potential could clearly be seen. And about those that worry about pairings, the pairing aspect of the game doesn't even need to be a huge aspect of the adaptation. Aside from the games where you have playable children, there is more than plenty of other important plot points to keep the story going.

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I actually think the biggest problem is having an FE plot that can stand on its own, divorced from the gameplay. I do love some of the FE storylines but it's the gameplay itself that makes FE unique, and there'd have to be something that would make an FE anime adaptation stand out from being just another fantasy storyline that appeals only to people already interested in what's historically been a niche market. What's the hook? If the actual strategy elements aren't the hook of an adaptation, what have you got?

Pairings are the least of the obstacles-- hell, manga adaptations have had no problem featuring pairings that are not favored even slightly in the games. How 'bout that Ares/Julia smack in the middle of Light Inheritors? An anime adaptation might cut characters, conflate characters, expand the developers' favorites and minimize the role of other characters and ship any damn pairing they want to, but will the actual storyline give people something to care about over 13 episodes?

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