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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I'll refrain from quoting because double posts are made even more aggravating with double quotes and it seems like the thread is in a double posting mood.

Purgatory was definitely the best April's fools. Though I guess this year's can get an honorable mention for the Sakura's Forest theme, which went well with the Linde theme I used earlier this year.

It's true I've seen weird stuff happen on SF.

Edit: And of course the forum decides to stop double posting right after I post this.

Edited by LuxSpes
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uh ok kim i don't think i can answer the question completely cuz i haven't reread the story at all and to summarize the message would be kinda wack so i'll just put important things that u can probably use for ur answer

if I had to think of the message though it would be like vengeance is self-destructive or pointless or both given how every character seeking revenge succeeds but under unsatisfactory conditions

ok so fortinbras and laertes are foils to hamlet because their fathers are all killed and each death is pretty closely related to hamlet himself (him/his father/claudius are the culprits)

fortinbras goes to extreme lengths to get revenge against hamlet's father, waging a pointless war against poland (iirc only to reclaim norway's lost territories because his uncle redirected him to that cause) before marching on denmark, but this is really futile because by the time he arrives in denmark basically everyone is dead, hamlet's father is long since dead and there's no personal victory. he's the most successful though obviously because he claims denmark and he's not dead, but his father's killer dies incidentally to someone else. he was very active but strayed from his goals to the point where he "failed"

laertes doesn't think much at all about revenge, simply that hamlet was the one that killed his father so he must be the one who kills hamlet. he doesn't care about purgatory or heaven or hell or confirmation of guilt or anything that really holds hamlet back. he's very PASSIONATE and decisive compared to how indecisive hamlet is, but his revenge is pointless because while he manages to draw blood from hamlet with his poisoned blade, he doesn't live to see the results of his work because hamlet fuckin kills him before succumbing to the poison lmao owned

hamlet being the TITULAR CHARACTER is ofc the posterboy for what i think shakespeare's message is, because really everything is a result of his actions (or inactions really) unlike the other two he is very INDECISIVE and a THINKER perhaps TOO MUCH. he has many opportunities to kill claudius but he puts it off for various reasons (don't want to go to purgatory, don't want to send claudius to heaven, don't know if the ghost is telling the truth or is a demon, etc) so he feigns madness constantly which really causes him to lose everything like his lover ophelia, his friends rosencrantz and guildenstern, he becomes a murderer and incites laertes' wrath, pretty much everything bad happens because of the approach he takes. like the other two he succeeds in getting his revenge, but he dies having been poisoned by laertes, though it's rly poetic I GUESS?? because had he lived he would've already lost everything as fortinbras was on denmark's door ready to take over, and hamlet couldn't have done anything either way

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19 minutes ago, Hitori said:

how could i forget purgatory wow, especially when it was just down to us two and freohr.....like gosh there hasn't been any april fool's as great since then

Point. Heh, it seems I made the mistake of underestimating both you and it

Idk, I've been in a weird mood lately

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So I didn't get any of the dancers from banner, but I was surprised by a +Spd/-Def Amelia after spending 80 orbs on the banner. I guess the Black Knight just found himself a friend. Armor March hype.

1 minute ago, Hashuni Mei said:

it just looks really painful

and it was so LOUD i-

I never cracked my neck, but I remember one day I stretched myself when I woke up and my back made a pretty noisy crack. I was afraid for a second.

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So I didn't get any of the dancers from banner, but I was surprised by a +Spd/-Def Amelia after spending 80 orbs on the banner. I guess the Black Knight just found himself a friend. Armor March hype.

1 minute ago, Hashuni Mei said:

it just looks really painful

and it was so LOUD i-

I never cracked my neck, but I remember one day I stretched myself when I woke up and my back made a pretty noisy crack. I was afraid for a second.

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16 minutes ago, Hashuni Mei said:

it just looks really painful

and it was so LOUD i-

haha when i do it there’s almost no noise, i guess if it’s loud it can get weird

14 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

So I didn't get any of the dancers from banner, but I was surprised by a +Spd/-Def Amelia after spending 80 orbs on the banner. I guess the Black Knight just found himself a friend. Armor March hype.

100 orbs here

no sign of any 5 star unit, just a 4.25% pit rate and no orbs left

i’m so fucking angry at this game r/n ;~;

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Just now, Nobody said:

haha when i do it there’s almost no noise, i guess if it’s loud it can get weird

100 orbs here

no sign of any 5 star unit, just a 4.25% pit rate and no orbs left

i’m so fucking angry at this game r/n ;~;

If it makes you feel better, I once spent 150 orbs before getting a single 5* on a banner and those were paid orbs. This is why I stopped whaling.

At this point, you may want to think whether you feel the dancer units are worth enough to continue to spend orbs or if you'd rather cut your losses and save for the next banner. I think I'll stop pulling myself since I got a 5* exclusive I didn't own and I'm lucky enough to have both Ninian and Azura, so it's not like I'm hurting for dancers (having one dancer per arena assault match would be nice, but I don't think it's necessary and if the luck I had during the last banners I spent money holds, I'd need to sell my soul to afford the orbs I need to get all of them. I saw someone say it costed them around 500 orbs to +5 the unit they want. I once spent that amount of orbs on a banner without getting a single copy of the unit I wanted)

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10 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

If it makes you feel better, I once spent 150 orbs before getting a single 5* on a banner and those were paid orbs. This is why I stopped whaling.

At this point, you may want to think whether you feel the dancer units are worth enough to continue to spend orbs or if you'd rather cut your losses and save for the next banner. I think I'll stop pulling myself since I got a 5* exclusive I didn't own and I'm lucky enough to have both Ninian and Azura, so it's not like I'm hurting for dancers (having one dancer per arena assault match would be nice, but I don't think it's necessary and if the luck I had during the last banners I spent money holds, I'd need to sell my soul to afford the orbs I need to get all of them. I saw someone say it costed them around 500 orbs to +5 the unit they want. I once spent that amount of orbs on a banner without getting a single copy of the unit I wanted)

Idk Lux, those are limited units and getting an azura or inigo would be nice and my pity rate is too high for me to stop now. I won’t spend money, but i will keep using whatever free orbs i get until i get something. Snipping green as well, since there’s like a 7/10 odd of a 5 star green unit being focus this banner. I only have a ninian and the olivia, so another dancer, specially one like the green ones who can pull their own weight would be nice.

this game can be cruel sometimes. It’s a reminder for me to not spend money on it.

the hardest part will be playing the arena with only three functional units and with a 4 star loser lowering my score, though. As of now, I have no problem with deathless runs, but let’s see how i will do next round.

oh well, at least I got a Nino with perfect ivs, so it’s not been entirely terrible.

which unit did you spend 500 orbs for?

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2 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Idk Lux, those are limited units and getting an azura or inigo would be nice and my pity rate is too high for me to stop now. I won’t spend money, but i will keep using whatever free orbs i get until i get something. Snipping green as well, since there’s like a 7/10 odd of a 5 star green unit being focus this banner. I only have a ninian and the olivia, so another dancer, specially one like the green ones who can pull their own weight would be nice.

this game can be cruel sometimes. It’s a reminder for me to not spend money on it.

the hardest part will be playing the arena with only three functional units and with a 4 star loser lowering my score, though. As of now, I have no problem with deathless runs, but let’s see how i will do next round.

oh well, at least I got a Nino with perfect ivs, so it’s not been entirely terrible.

which unit did you spend 500 orbs for?

I do find it extremely scummy that they made this banner limited. Now more than half of the dancers in the game are only available for a month. I'm pretty sure people would have still spent money even if it they had been added to the main pool Nintendo... 

But I guess it makes sense to continue pulling since a green dancer would help you. I'm personally not hurting too much for them, but it's because Lucina and Nino need to be on my offense team if I want to stay in Tier 20 and a blue dancer like Azura completes the trio perfectly, especially since she's my dancer with the highest merge level. Speaking of Arena, I'll probably need to finally 5* Alfonse for next season. Considering he'll pretty much be a worst version of Elincia, I'm not holding my breath as far as his performance is concerned, but maybe I can give him Bowbreaker to act as a B!Lyn bait. 

I can vouch for Nino being a great unit.

It was B!Lucina. I was already considering stopping whaling after getting pretty unlucky for a couple of banners, but CYL was the last straw. I got five non-focus 5* units, Alm, Lucina, Boey and 2 Abels, all of which I already had as 5* and only got 3 focus unit, 1 Ike and 2 Roy and they all had terrible banes(-Def, -Atk and -Spd respectively). And that was despite me focusing on blue orbs. 

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16 hours ago, Hitori said:

dude ya like what the fuk, i was reading the comments of a vy2v3 video the other day and i was really warm inside because people were complimenting his voice and he deserves it bc no one ever fuckin uses him but anyway then i saw someone say something like "lol, my ovaries" like calm down hes a robot tf

i always scroll down to comments rly tentatively now because i like seeing people say nice things about my boy but instead i see VY2V3 IS THE HOTTEST VOCALOID!!! xddddd!!!


i thought i was done seeing girls say that after kpop but apparently people still wanna fuck vocaloids

anything can be fucked if ur brave enough??

you know i used to think vocaloid was an anime because no one acted like they were voice robots and i didn't know how to use google so i was so confused when i tried to find the episodes

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Just now, sylveonzoroark said:

anything can be fucked if ur brave enough??

you know i used to think vocaloid was an anime because no one acted like they were voice robots and i didn't know how to use google so i was so confused when i tried to find the episodes

I thought the exact same thing because my first introduction to Vocaloid was through a friend who showed me all the various "Story of Evil" vids. 

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5 hours ago, Hashuni Mei said:

This guy in front of me just cracked his neck how even


5 hours ago, Nobody said:

I just cracked my neck

it’s not weird :c

Didn't know you guys were in the same class 

4 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

So I didn't get any of the dancers from banner, but I was surprised by a +Spd/-Def Amelia after spending 80 orbs on the banner. I guess the Black Knight just found himself a friend. Armor March hype.

Managed to snatch a few

...not optimal IVs but eh

and I refuse to go to colorless hell for Olivia

Armor march sounds better than any dancer tbh

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1 minute ago, Trisitei said:


Didn't know you guys were in the same class 

Managed to snatch a few

...not optimal IVs but eh

and I refuse to go to colorless hell for Olivia

Armor march sounds better than any dancer tbh

I haven't used Armor March yet, but I wouldn't go that far.

Dancers can be good on any team and two of the dancers in this banner can run a TA Raven set to counter some of the most common Meta units on top of their dancer utility.

Armor March just works if you run at least 2 armors, which makes it more situational. Though I might change my mind one I actually try it. Would probably find it even more useful if the next GHB is indeed Arvis and he ends up being an armored mage.

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11 hours ago, PKLucas531 said:

kim literally the only person that would get me to type something like that then go to sleep cuz it's not due soon

lmao thx i appreciate it a lot esp bc i didn't expect that u'd type so much. thx

12 hours ago, Motendra said:

Point. Heh, it seems I made the mistake of underestimating both you and it

Idk, I've been in a weird mood lately

like a GOOD weird or a BAD weird...,

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