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Hey, John

Hello Dodge~

Hello again Dusk! I'm not John but whatever.

Hello again to you too Glaceon~

I think we all want to try the 100 crits run thing (though the Iron Rune would be a game breaker).

and guaranteed x3 damage? that would make things crazy. ><

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Hello Dodge~

Hello again to you too Glaceon~

and guaranteed x3 damage? that would make things crazy. ><

The enemies get it too. So Iron Rune would stop this flat, and if this will ever be done in FE8, Callech or however it was spelled would be torture.

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So would Lloyd in Cog of Destiny with his Light Brand ><

I don't think Light Brand negates crits. The thing about the Rune is it negates crits. Unless Lloyd has an Iron Rune and I'm just forgetting something. Even then, you can just steal it, I suppose. Or just Longbow him to death. Rebecca (squee) will work wonders, probably.

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I don't think Light Brand negates crits. The thing about the Rune is it negates crits. Unless Lloyd has an Iron Rune and I'm just forgetting something. Even then, you can just steal it, I suppose. Or just Longbow him to death. And Archer with Green hair


Fuck Rebecca though.

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I don't think Light Brand negates crits. The thing about the Rune is it negates crits. Unless Lloyd has an Iron Rune and I'm just forgetting something. Even then, you can just steal it, I suppose. Or just Longbow him to death. Rebecca (squee) will work wonders, probably.

It's not the crit negating i'm talking about, it's the fact that you can't 2 range him safely. ><

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It's not the crit negating i'm talking about, it's the fact that you can't 2 range him safely. ><

You're still scoring crits like madmen too.

Also Lyn's niche (Mani Katti criticals) would be gone since the main point of her offense is to crit stuff to death. Eli and Hector would be definately better due to having higher Str. Also, crit boosts in supports would be void of purpose.

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You're still scoring crits like madmen too.

Also Lyn's niche (Mani Katti criticals) would be gone since the main point of her offense is to crit stuff to death. Eli and Hector would be definately better due to having higher Str. Also, crit boosts in supports would be void of purpose.

Eli having str? Not in L/HHM he doesn't lol.

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He follows normal lord criteria. Weak start, good growths. But that doesn't change:

Eli's Str:

5 base, 45% growth, 27 cap.

Lyn's Str:

4 base, 40% growth (pretty darn good considering the class on which she's based), 24 cap.

Secret shop abuse intact, Eli has more Str. He might be a pain, but he is still very good. Also, JTA.

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