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We'd also have to deal with mach bike stuff to get fossils in Emerald. I don't know if those would be possible at all. Does the Twitch Plays program just do single presses, or holds? Because you need to hold down for the mach bike stuff.

They'd be able to work something out. Like, down[duration] or something. I want to see it.

WRT ice puzzles, I think that the chat generally has enough people who know what they're doing and are able to convince a reasonable amount of onlookers of the best solution?

Also darn it now you've got me trying to think of a good solution to holding down buttons.

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The Ice Path will be fine, even in anarchy. It may take a few hours, but it's not impossible. It's not like Safari Zone where we have a step limit, so I don't consider it a real problem. IMO we have already passed the biggest challenge.

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Hate Dumb: A portion of the mob has complained that Feraligatr has grown too powerful and thus makes battles boring. Fair complaint, he is indeed overleveled. So why is it a Hate Dumb? Because their course of action was to try to deliberately release him, which has become the series' equivalent of murder. Note also that Feraligatr is the only member of the party that knows Surf, which is necessary to progress and significantly delayed the previous stream while lacking a surfing member. Luckily, a compromise was reached so he was merely boxed.

From TV Tropes.

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Note that even if we do play Emerald, we don't need to do the Sky Pillar puzzle. When you first go up there to awakening Rayquaza as the plot demands, the tiles are not damaged and you can't fall down. After completing the event, we can go up there to catch Rayquaza but the cracked tiles will now be present. So while the Sky Pillar is required, we don't need to go through the puzzle. Nevermind that's it's impossible because of the way the emulator seems to read button presses. We need momentum to navigate the puzzle and we are not getting it.

Sootopolis Gym is possible.

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The main roadblock for Gen 3 is simple: Shedinja.

I don't remember if there's a mandatory Shedinja fight in gen 3, but if there is, that's hardly a problem. Even if Torchic isn't the picked starter, flying types aren't difficult to come by.

I can't think of anything in gen 3 that would be impossible, at least as far as simply beating the game. I'm pretty sure none of the bike tricks are mandatory and the ice puzzles (like in Sootopolis) aren't time based, but instead break when the character steps over the same space twice.

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Sad this thing kinda died when they finished Red. It lost its novelty and most people got really attached to the whole Helix and Bird Jesus thing that this playthrough seems to lack. You know they're getting desperate when they want to release to willingly release their starter to make thing interesting. The admin should have made a mod where they started Crystal as Red with the whole team from the original game

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They have an Espeon now people. They have an Espeon.


I called this

And yeah I think that the play through this time lost a lot of originality from the first time

I so want them to have hacked Red to have the old team

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Personally I have not been invested nearly as much in the Crystal run than I was for the original. Partly due to some of the novelty wearing off, and the uncomfortable amount of blithering idiots clamoring for the release of our starter. I still follow along occasionally, and I'm looking forward to the final battle with Red.

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I agree. Also I kind of feel that TPP Crystal isn't as fun to follow as TPP Red was. I mean, TPP Red was a goldmine of hilarity and epicness, such as the entire ordeal with Eevee/Flareon, the Dome Fossil, and the PC, how the Helix Fossil spawned to become one of the biggest memes ever, Bird Jesus, a level 36 Venomoth battling a level 62 Dragonite and WINNING, Bloody Sunday (not saying this was funny or epic, this was a very saddening day ;n;), and more.

TPP Crystal...just doesn't feel the same way. It's funny, yeah, but I just wish it was as interesting as the Gen I run.

My post still stands.

I'm glad they have an Espeon, though.

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I followed Red because it was a curve of "haha they'll get stuck" and then "wow they're farther then I thought" and near the endgame it was just like "THIS IS HAPPENING" and so much stuff just accidentally happened that it was great.

Crystal is just like "yeah alright they'll get it eventually"

I love all the fanart of the curse leaving Red and and going to Gold though.

Edited by PKLucas531
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People know what to do now, so there's a lot less failure, which was always the fun stuff. I mean, it took more than two weeks to beat the E4 last time. Pryce was beaten on the fifth day. Progress has been too good for fun stuff to come up.

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I thought it was funny until people started trying to turn every single thing that happens in the run like Pokemon getting released into some dramatic story for the sake of making it look "deep" and "MY FEELS!!!11" with a bunch of religious allegories and the like slapped on various Pokemon though it seems toned down some in Crystal at least

I mean its a group playthrough not some story-building exercise idk man I still read recaps on what happens from time to time but thats about it.

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I thought it was funny until people started trying to turn every single thing that happens in the run like Pokemon getting released into some dramatic story for the sake of making it look "deep" and "MY FEELS!!!11" with a bunch of religious allegories and the like slapped on various Pokemon though it seems toned down some in Crystal at least

I mean its a group playthrough not some story-building exercise idk man I still read recaps on what happens from time to time but thats about it.

Watching people develop cults was always the interesting part, though. Internet-Anthropology, man. Really, what else was there to be interested by?

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