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pet peeves. you know, annoying shit in your everyday life

wet socks

public buses

getting a haircut

busy places


damp cold weather


Dude, I love getting a haircut.

If you want to see other people's opinions of this that may not post, there's a really old topic you could search for called "what really grinds your gears" or something like that. Good stuff there. Hopefully we'll get some good stuff here, too.

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When I "need" get a haircut and I keep getting bothered about it.

When people leave their left over time on the microwave (ESPECIALLY, if it's more than 5 seconds. Like seriously, measure that shit)

When people leave their dirty dishes in a place that isn't the sink or the washing machine. Bonus if it's on the counter above the washing machine.

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When you're getting a haircut and your ear gets itchy from the hair but your too self conscious to do anything about it.

Its absolute torture. TORTURE I TELL YOU!!! Especially when it lasts for ten minutes.

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People who chew with their mouths open.

Large groups of people who have conversations in the middle of crowded hallways.

Any and all users of Pinterest.

Drivers who don't signal their turns.

Trying to get some rest when you're sick, but not being able to because the sun in out and one teeny, tiny ray of light is shining into your eye, and even if you adjust your curtains it STILL manages to shine through, ensuring that you'll have a migraine until fucking 9 at night.

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Slush, as in half-melted greyish snow.

Also, all those idiots with racer bikes and aerodynamical helmets who think the bicycle lane is some sort of a high-speed racetrack. Fuck this kind of people, there are small kids biking to school in those bicycle lanes.

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When people crunch things loudly with their mouths open I want to karate chop them in the clavicle.

Also when someone interrupts me continuously. I'm pretty sure that's just a human thing in general but holy shit does that get on my nerves.

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Usually my pet peeves are among the grammatical stuffs... When people don't know how apostrophes work (particularly when they use it as slang like s'pose or something like that), you're your, their they're there, etc.

Even though I often make grammatical mistakes of my own~

People who start arguments and refuse to finish them.

Pffft you're usually among the ones who refuse to finish them because you never give up your side of the argument XD (but I say "among the ones" because often the other people are the same way too and that that's what it takes for an argument to never finish =D)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Pffft you're usually among the ones who refuse to finish them because you never give up your side of the argument XD (but I say "among the ones" because often the other people are the same way too and that that's what it takes for an argument to never finish =D)

By refuse to finish I mean actually refuse to continue; try to cut it off without a resolution. People who say something confrontational and then say 'I don't want to talk about it anymore'.

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I get why people want to drop things if they didn't start them. The peeve is about commitment. There is something about the contradiction between starting something and refusing to finish it that irks me like nothing else. Why challenge someone to a game and then call it quits halfway through? It's infuriating...

Worse when something other than simple competition is on the line.

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People who chew with their mouths open.

And the fucking guy that lives upstairs from us that seems to reenact elephant stampedes at any given hour of the fucking god damn day or night and is either a douchey lifter or the clumsiest asshole on the face of the earth and seems to just drop heavy shit on the floor and who also seems to have his fucking alarm clock that goes off at 6am on the weekends on the fucking floor of his bedroom which is above ours that he refuses to shut off until i slam on the ceiling.

And run-on sentences.

EDIT: And people who misspell.

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Ooh, nice topic at hand.

I have a ton of "pet peeves", to be honest...I can't even remember all of them without having to write them down, either when they happen or when they come to mind. But the ones OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD:

- Some people chewing gum

Yes, some people. Other people actually manage to not be incredibly annoying and/or disgusting, when they do it. I don't know, it just really pisses me off.

- Annoying, shitty sneases that don't sound like sneases

You know those awkward sneases that make you think it's a cough? Yeah, those things.

- Prejudice

This is sort of a new one, started last year.

I'm not talking about the one that's really heavy...but even the smallest bit of it really throws me off. I hate it when think you're a certain kind of person based on an irrelevant kind of action that has little to nothing to do with it.

And I'll go posting more as I go on remembering them all.

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My sneezes probably fit that category~


they're really really really loud I don't know how much they sound like sneezes though because I'm too busy being deafened

I can't even try to get them to be any more quiet. One time I tried and it really hurt (and failed miserably as well~)

So yeah my sneezes do quite bother me ;u;

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