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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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It doesn't really but I might as well poke at people for having the worst logic while there isn't anything better to go off and see what their responses are.

Rajam, is Bearclaw scum?

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A scum wouldn't draw attention to themselves by answering for other people when others have the opportunity to screw up (unless you think Kaoz is his scumbuddy, but then he is drawing unnecessary attention to them). Your push on bear is bad.

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What are people's thoughts on Poly. I'm getting a null read so far, but one low content post with weak reasoning which he never backed despite saying he would...

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wow 3 pages

Rajam is trying super hard lol. It seems unnatural to me how much he's been pressuring bearclaw without commiting to a vote. He's also asking a lot of QUESTIONS which are okay but are weird here because they don't match up with his actions - I can't tell why he's keeping his vote down on Randa, and he's going and questioning BBM for making the same vote. Basically it makes me suspect he's trying to fake seeming like overeager town. Rajam, what's your opinion on Randa's responses, and why is it worth a vote more than bearclaw?

##Vote SB

Don't like he was just popping up to post some short comments but not giving real opinions on what Rajam was saying. bearclaw was at least engaging in discussion, SB is just sort of there. Why the coasting?

Randa reads like newbflailing to me, I'm not sure what the big case there is. Having two new players with "Ra___" names is probably going to give me a headache. I'm not fond of bearclaw but agree with Paper he'd be more reserved as scum. imo he looks more like a relatively inexperienced townie running his mouth off.

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A scum wouldn't draw attention to themselves by answering for other people when others have the opportunity to screw up (unless you think Kaoz is his scumbuddy, but then he is drawing unnecessary attention to them). Your push on bear is bad.


you're putting words on my mouth, 'cause I'm not pushing the guy, rather I'm telling him to shut up and stop being a nuisance

Talk to me about Randa

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randa do you have anything to say about anything

if you're suspicious of poly then why aren't you voting him? I mean you can change votes whenever and there's no risk of hammer.

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wow 3 pages

Rajam is trying super hard lol. It seems unnatural to me how much he's been pressuring bearclaw without commiting to a vote. He's also asking a lot of QUESTIONS which are okay but are weird here because they don't match up with his actions - I can't tell why he's keeping his vote down on Randa, and he's going and questioning BBM for making the same vote. Basically it makes me suspect he's trying to fake seeming like overeager town. Rajam, what's your opinion on Randa's responses, and why is it worth a vote more than bearclaw?

##Vote SB

Don't like he was just popping up to post some short comments but not giving real opinions on what Rajam was saying. bearclaw was at least engaging in discussion, SB is just sort of there. Why the coasting?

Randa reads like newbflailing to me, I'm not sure what the big case there is. Having two new players with "Ra___" names is probably going to give me a headache. I'm not fond of bearclaw but agree with Paper he'd be more reserved as scum. imo he looks more like a relatively inexperienced townie running his mouth off.

Randa's responses haven't turned on the alarms for me so far

Why would I vote dragonfang

I can agree with your vote. At first I got a good impression on SB but reading this and thinking retrospectively I can see you're right


##vote: Shark Bait

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Because I'm still more suspicious of Bear. I don't like Poly's reasoning behind voting, but that's probably because its directed towards me. However I don't like bear trying to remove any pressure from Kaoz or myself, it could be he's trying to make people think we're scum buddies or I could over thinking things, but that more warrants a vote than disagreeing with poor logic on the one post Poly has made.

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ok dude in the future, if you're gonna reply as you read the thread, can you just condense it into one big post and post that when you're all caught up? This method is pretty confusing.

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that was addressed to rajam, the way he's posting is confusing and also made me think he was deliberately ignoring me and BBM when apparently he just hadn't read our posts


I don't think Bear is a huge concern right now. It's pretty easy to see if he is mayor. Come the first votal we can see the validity of his claim. If its false then we should begin working on a case, but if its true then why would we try to get him out of the way, besides if we let him defend people and it turns out he lied then we have leads on who's scum.

Because I'm still more suspicious of Bear. I don't like Poly's reasoning behind voting, but that's probably because its directed towards me. However I don't like bear trying to remove any pressure from Kaoz or myself, it could be he's trying to make people think we're scum buddies or I could over thinking things, but that more warrants a vote than disagreeing with poor logic on the one post Poly has made.

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Just because I don't think bear is a concern doesn't mean I'm not suspicious of him. The last line of the first quote is what made me suspicious after thinking it over for a while. Could it be a trick so that the leads that we gained from bear's early move were town and make us mislynch. Besides I'm gonna say it again I'm not getting any vibes from others. SB is just coasting along. Rajam is more of a null than a scum read, and you come of as a town read right now. So I'm sticking with my null read that is closest to scum.

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Why would I vote dragonfang

That could be because half of your posts are talking about how him answering for other people is bad? And then you keep dancing around explicitly saying whether or not you think he's scummy. >_> But I guess at this point I'll infer that you do not find him suspicious. Also, are you seriously going from asking SB five times whether you can sheep his vote to then sheeping a case against him?

Randa- what do you think of what Paperblade stated? That Bearclaw wouldn't want to draw attention to himself by defending others when he could let them answer and possibly slip up? As for him trying to draw possible buddy connections to you and Kaoz- that would then be him going for a strategy where he purposely gets himself lynched, which very rarely results in a mafia victory on D1.

I don't see that particular case on Bearclaw, but his posts as a whole remind me kind of of Fakeclaim where he was there and talking but just kind of commenting on stuff and not actually making much of an effort to say who was scum. So I'm sort of wary there.

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define "concern" in this context because it sounds like you have a different definition than I do. if somebody is suspicious then aren't they naturally a concern?

also after further consideration I wouldn't vote either Ra___ right now, pretty sure my weird read on Rajam is because I find his posting style confusing.

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That could be because half of your posts are talking about how him answering for other people is bad? And then you keep dancing around explicitly saying whether or not you think he's scummy. >_> But I guess at this point I'll infer that you do not find him suspicious. Also, are you seriously going from asking SB five times whether you can sheep his vote to then sheeping a case against him?

Randa- what do you think of what Paperblade stated? That Bearclaw wouldn't want to draw attention to himself by defending others when he could let them answer and possibly slip up? As for him trying to draw possible buddy connections to you and Kaoz- that would then be him going for a strategy where he purposely gets himself lynched, which very rarely results in a mafia victory on D1.

I don't see that particular case on Bearclaw, but his posts as a whole remind me kind of of Fakeclaim where he was there and talking but just kind of commenting on stuff and not actually making much of an effort to say who was scum. So I'm sort of wary there.

I think more than a plan A it's a fail safe if he gets lynched day 3 and neither Kaoz or I were night killed. It would buy Mafia an extra day or two. It's not an action I expect and because of that I'm suspicious of it.
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define "concern" in this context because it sounds like you have a different definition than I do. if somebody is suspicious then aren't they naturally a concern?also after further consideration I wouldn't vote either Ra___ right now, pretty sure my weird read on Rajam is because I find his posting style confusing.

No I don't have a full scum read on Bear. It's like paper blade said he normally wouldn't be this open if he were scum. But the is unusual which makes it suspicious but not enough to try pushing for wagon on him yet.

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##Unvote there's no point in keeping it on Randa just for the sake of having a vote.

Reread SB; he only has like one non-RVS post. So, Rajam, what exactly were you on about with SB earlier? Were you talking about sheeping his RVS vote? And what exactly gave you a good impression in the first place?

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That could be because half of your posts are talking about how him answering for other people is bad? And then you keep dancing around explicitly saying whether or not you think he's scummy. >_> But I guess at this point I'll infer that you do not find him suspicious. Also, are you seriously going from asking SB five times whether you can sheep his vote to then sheeping a case against him?

Randa- what do you think of what Paperblade stated? That Bearclaw wouldn't want to draw attention to himself by defending others when he could let them answer and possibly slip up? As for him trying to draw possible buddy connections to you and Kaoz- that would then be him going for a strategy where he purposely gets himself lynched, which very rarely results in a mafia victory on D1.

I don't see that particular case on Bearclaw, but his posts as a whole remind me kind of of Fakeclaim where he was there and talking but just kind of commenting on stuff and not actually making much of an effort to say who was scum. So I'm sort of wary there.

bad =/= scum

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Guh, my head feels like it's split apart at any moment... So many posts, too...

Let me try to make sense of this mess with this headache:

- Randa kinda makes sense and at the same time doesn't. Seems confused to me more than anything

- Meteor's logic is totally flawless

- Rajam, not making sense and sheeping on D1 like a boss after just some pressure. That's kinda terrible

- I like trains.

##Inspect: Haze

Mainly just want to see a serious post from you

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bad =/= scum

It doesn't always, but it can, and you didn't explicitly say that it didn't in this case even after Prims and I asked you to clarify and Paperblade voted you for it. Also can you answer those questions about SB? What exactly was the stuff about sheeping his vote and what exactly gave you a good impression that then changed so fast?

Raymond- why Haze over Rajam when you seem to actually find the latter suspicious? And if you want to make a content prodvote, why Haze over, say, Shinori, who made two non-content posts even at a point when stuff was actually going on?

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