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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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Damn I need to go out now and I'll be V/LA today+tomorrow saturday. The way Balcerzak claimed is NOT HOW TOWN CLAIMS. He just hasn't been here toDay and all he did was come in here and say "lol I'm doc", without even stating his targets from previous nights, and quickly disappeared again.

I'm claiming now because I'm leaving, though I really wanted Bal to claim before me to see if I could catch him in a lie. Whatever. HE STILL NEEDS TO DIE; DON'T GIVE HIM A FREE PASS BECAUSE OF HIS DOC CLAIM.

My claim:
Song: Gold Rush
Role: I'm a Redirector/Lightning Rod. Basically I target a player, and whatever happens to that player happens to me instead. I'm like a Bodyguard that drags everything onto me, not just NKills. N1 I didn't took an action because I didn't want to mess with NActions. N2 I targeted Shark Bait because he is (still) a strong town read due to how he lead the RD push and wagon. Although it's not direct, I think my role conflicts in some way with Bal's role.

Did Shinori claim Bodyguard¿? I just remember him claiming Backup. If he claimed Bodyguard though, there is no way my role + Bodyguard + Doctor can all be town roles at once, and Shinori would also enter into this scum-by-role-speculation game (plus Shinori not doing anything lately).

Also I still want BPM to tell us if he got informed of the redirection N2; could've caught Bal in a lie if he claimed to have targeted SB N2 without info about being redirected, but that's out of the table now. If BPM confirms there is info, my role could eventually be tested. I'm planning on protecting BPM toNight, which guarantees he'll be alive toMorrow with info unless there's a roleblocker.

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actions taken N1 N2?

Also Bal, please state very clearly if Eclipse has told you whether your night actions have succeeded, failed, been redirected, received no mod-report, etc. Spit all out in your next post; whether you're a traditional doc or you have some twists, and motives/reasoning for choosing your targets.

N1 Protect FFM. Wanted to be sure he'd live to make a report on Day 2 so we could see if he was telling the truth or not.

N2 Protect Kaoz. One of my stronger town reads, a traditionally good player, thought he might be a target.

I was not told that I failed on either night. On N2 I was explicitly told that I succeeded, but nothing further. If you think it's a big deal, I'll go ahead and ask eclipse if she just forgot to PM a "success" message to me on N1 or not.

Simple no-twists doctor. I don't know why I'm bothering to explain it all to you, because fmpov you have to be scum, but since my night actions are probably being dictacted by consensus for tonight, and there's not much hope I'll live too much longer as a claimed doctor anyway, I don't supppose you or anyone could infer my thought processes and try to pick targets I'm not, so it can't hurt, and putting forth genuine effort may help convince the non-scum voters currently on me that I'm forward and forthcoming.

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N1 Protect FFM. Wanted to be sure he'd live to make a report on Day 2 so we could see if he was telling the truth or not.


##Vote: Balcerzak

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Does anyone still want to say anything? If not I'll hammer. Also, if we lynch successfully and I get some breathing room as a result, I might take a bit of a risk with tonight's shot, haven't really decided yet.

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Well, I got confirmation that my N1 action failed, for what that's worth, but it looks like I'm still getting lynched. I have to at least try for not me over me though at this juncture.


##Vote: FFM

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Balcerzak (4) - Rajam, BBM, FFM, Prims

FFM (3) - Shinori, Haze, Balcerzak

Not Voting - Kaoz, SB

You have 40 minutes remaining in the phase. Timer.

(darn ninjas)

Edited by eclipse
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Huh I thought phase ended in an hour... guess not. Won't be here for phase end then, if it lasts that long. I don't believe Bal at this point.

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"NOT AGAIN!" The assistant cowered behind a table, as the host held up a role PM. "That's the wrong reading! How could you do this?!"

"But it's the natural reading for someone like you," came the whimpered reply.

"It's 'bachi' in Hawaii, but this song was made in Japan!" Rather than risk life and limb over a typo, the assistant threw a movie into the room, and ran.


Dear Paperblade Balcerzak,

Your song is Tsumi to Bachi. Just. . .go watch the video. I'm horribly disappointed that a full version of you doesn't exist yet.

During the DAY, you may reply to your role PM with Day X - Those who abstain aren't innocent. If you do so, anyone that didn't vote for the lynchee will automatically cause protective roles targeting them to fail. However, you can't use this on consecutive day phases.

During the NIGHT, you may reply to your role PM with Night X - Punishing PLAYER. PLAYER will spend the night eating apples, and will forfeit their night action.


You are allied with the mafia. You win if all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

It is now Night 3! Night 3 ends on March 8 at 9:30 PM HST. I might be a wee bit late for this.

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You wake up the next morning, and can only describe what you see as this:

Dear Kaoz,

Your song is THE DETONATOR. Your full version is vastly superior to your game cut (IMO). As a result, you never made it off of GOLD's console version.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM with Night X - Detonate PLAYER. You'll blow up PLAYER's base and trigger all the kicks, making PLAYER the victim of the beat (yeah). In other words, you'll kill PLAYER, but I'll only let you do this twice.

Due to the fact that you're a dance floor terrorist who's out to gxterminate the core, anything that pries into your alignment will see you as mafia.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated.

Dear Frosty Fire Mage,

Your song is Follow Tomorrow. Everyone and their llama plays you, including me. Your video also proves that Mayumi Morinaga is a much better dancer than Kanako Hoshino.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM with one of the following:

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - Follow PLAYER, you'll see who PLAYER visited.

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - What will you see tomorrow, PLAYER, you'll get a copy of PLAYER's night results (though if it's a success/failure message, you won't see who was targeted).

You have four shots total - how you use them is up to you!

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated.

It is now Day 4! Phase ends on March 11 at 8:00 PM HST. Timer

Edited by eclipse
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actually I'm uncertain about what I just posted, need to check with the mod on something

still want target claims and results from BBM, Shinori and Rajam

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hm ok

Fullclaim: I'm a Jack of All Trades, I used a 1-shot watch on FFM N1, a 1-shot commute N2 and a 1-shot martyr on BBM last night.

Wanted to see if I could catch Shinori in a lie but NOBODY LISTENED TO MY NIGHT ACTION REQUESTS.

Right now I'm most suspicious of Haze, the flip-flop on FFM was very convenient even if he lampshaded it - he never really explained it beyond "FFM is probably scum's info role" but there was no reason to believe scum couldn't have just had a rolecop or something that didn't claim their actual role. Also unsure he would drop Rajam to vote FFM when he seemingly still suspected Rajam earlier in the day unless he just wanted to support the most probable counterwagon toward his buddy.

Not gonna vote until the mod answers my question about MYLO, though.

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If we are in *YLO then I'd go with Shinori as the buddy just because his claim is super iffy and I think Haze and RD bussing him for acting like an imbecile is more likely than SB pissing his buddies off constantly. Although I guess if Haze is the scumteam "leader" he could have planned it out. Would probably re-read some if it came down to it.

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eh changed my mind, Haze/SB are definitely smart enough to fake those interactions and I think SB going into lurkmode D3 after a previously solid game and also conveniently flip-flopping on FFM after brushing him off for the rest of the game (possibly white-knighting?) is scummier than Shinori being himself.

where is BBM

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it also fuckin sucks that scum didn't buy into the giant martyr chain since a kill on literally anybody but kaoz would have killed shinori (if shinori is town) and made endgame easy mode

oh well

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6. Paperblade Balcerzak - Mafia Protection Stripper/Hooker, lynched D3

Bal returned "Hooker" to BBM's action, and yet his actual role name was "Protection Stripper / Hooker". So scum really did try to tailor him N1 but got fucked by the RNG. That's some funny shit right there.

Meanwhile, which remaining player is essentially confirmed to have targeted Balcerzak before? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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