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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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I thought your bussing was well-done this game, the interactions with RD/Haze looked realistic and I probably would have fallen for it had PoE and role madness never set in.

I guess, but I feel kind of like I'm getting bad at bsing cases on townies as mafia right now.

oh also I disagree with the jan on Randa. Randa was obv town so no one was really questioning his alignment after his death. imo scum should've jann'd someone more talkative yet less obv town, and I think Randa didn't fit any of those criteria. My two cents.

Alignment is pretty much always town barring antitown crossfire so there wasn't really a point to it.

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relatively oldschool super large mafia game where paperblade carried by bussing all his teammates via mod message as a town announcer, then everybody went inactive after he died

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Also I loved the setup. I love chaotic - all PR setups overall, since that's what got me into Mafia. I can enjoy vanilla-esque games but it gets lame after a while. BPM's PGO fake claim was a master piece, and his role looks like an amazing alternative to traditional cops. Prims played amazing too. BPM and Prims MVP imo. SB had me fooled all game.

I'll be back to play more games here. Sadly, due to some factors I can't really play more than one game at the time (slow reader by nature, sorta inactive by nature -I swear this game was an exception lol- not a native english speaker, and since it's mafia I must read carefully and study things!). A game in the site where I come from -which I joined- is starting now, but once that's over I'll return here to play more!

Finally, I liked the faster pace (from which I'm used to). I usually play games where Day Phases last 8 rl days in average, and Night Phases last 48 hours. I'm used to Day 1 Phases having as much as 1000 posts! which is almost the duration of this whole game lol. I was of the idea that more time and more posts = better for town, but I think this game proved me wrong. Some other changes are the full-role-reveal upon death (I'm used to just Role Title reveal), and that lynches can still happen without a majority. In this regard I disagree a little with the rule "If game no lynches more than once, it's a universal loss". I can see that rule helping to prevent games from getting stale, specially if it has already happened in the past in this site, but overall it's an anti-scum rule. After all, it's town responsibility to use the Day Phases in a productive way. In a far second, minor way, it's also the mod's responsibility to help with this by replacing players which aren't playing (although I understand replacements aren't really abundant). Day Phases that end without a lynch because of town's inability to reach a decision are an award for scum, since there is no alignment info and overall it's just a Day wasted. If scum manages to provoke no lynches more than once, then the better for them. imo I'd eliminate that rule, but if mods insist, at least should be changed to "If game no lynches more than once, town losses" since, again, Day Phases being productive is town's responsibility.

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@SB: it's really only worth reading for kelsey green and the novelty, it was late 2011 and cross-site so most people still sucked at mafia

Edited by Prims
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Finally, I liked the faster pace (from which I'm used to). I usually play games where Day Phases last 8 rl days in average, and Night Phases last 48 hours. I'm used to Day 1 Phases having as much as 1000 posts! which is almost the duration of this whole game lol. I was of the idea that more time and more posts = better for town, but I think this game proved me wrong. Some other changes are the full-role-reveal upon death (I'm used to just Role Title reveal), and that lynches can still happen without a majority. In this regard I disagree a little with the rule "If game no lynches more than once, it's a universal loss". I can see that rule helping to prevent games from getting stale, specially if it has already happened in the past in this site, but overall it's an anti-scum rule. After all, it's town responsibility to use the Day Phases in a productive way. In a far second, minor way, it's also the mod's responsibility to help with this by replacing players which aren't playing (although I understand replacements aren't really abundant). Day Phases that end without a lynch because of town's inability to reach a decision are an award for scum, since there is no alignment info and overall it's just a Day wasted. If scum manages to provoke no lynches more than once, then the better for them. imo I'd eliminate that rule, but if mods insist, at least should be changed to "If game no lynches more than once, town losses" since, again, Day Phases being productive is town's responsibility.

imo discussion time definitely does benefit town to a point, but then after that, letting the day drag out just gives town time to second-guess themselves and make bad decisions (see: me switching to FFM on D3)

full role PMs flipping on death isn't something everybody here does, like generally I just flip alignment+titles when I host. basically a lot of early SF players took mafia notes from smogon, which has large games with outside contact, tons of roles and full PM flips on death, so that influenced some of the oldschool hosts here.

not requiring majority to lynch is another "depends on the host" thing which is why I was confused about it day 1. the universal loss rule is a holdover from when people sucked at getting a lynch and just didn't care

in any case I'm glad you'll be back to play again, was fun having you.

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out of curiosity, would my role have triggered if i had used it on d1?

because i only remembered to log in at 2nd recess which was at like 1330

Yep. And it would've been hilarious.

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just pretend you killed bearclaw or something

speaking of which I apologize for being an asshole about the D1 modkill thing, I still maintain that modkilling over post edits was a bad move but it definitely didn't warrant threadrage + a sub request, I dunno why I got so pent up over it. bearclaw probably should be more careful about posting while on meds too. I was reading him as town so :salt:

Edited by Prims
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Prims, it's fine. You're awesome for apologizing, BTW.

Though, I'd like to hear your thoughts about what you'd do if you got multiple people editing their posts in-game.

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if they're changing minor things like spelling mistakes I'd probably give them warnings on a personal level? and like second/third time it's a modkill depending on how much I expect from them. I think it's overzealous to modkill for a first time offense even if somebody else already made the same mistake, although I understand you trapped yourself into doing it

if they outright change game content that's definitely grounds for a modkill though and i wouldn't blame anybody for modkilling somebody who did that

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I feel like BBM was the actual town MVP just because my play wouldn't have been half as good without Kaoz shooting all the townies I was misreading (sorry to Eury btw, your play was actually pretty strong and I could tell you were putting in a lot of effort regardless of alignment, just try to be more clear about your priorities), plus that PGO gambit

it was definitely a group effort though

I also thought Kaoz's late D2 post was really good, even if he was wrong about some stuff it completely turned around my read on him, so there's that.

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Make sure you're paying attention to who did what and who said what. Don't contradict yourself. Don't let yourself be swayed by every little thing your suspects say but don't tunnel on them when your case is getting nowhere. Effort, and a lot of it.

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"put in more effort" is really the best advice I can give, I mean I was calling you out for not doing anything and you did nothing to answer my posts or do more in general, it just looked like you didn't care about the game.

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I think what Prims said in his quicktopic basically. Better scumreads and looking townie (as either alignment) comes more with practice and time than anything else, but effort is something you can put in from Day 1 (quite literally in this context). If people find you suspicious, take time to respond to their questions and suspicions.

Even if you're not sure about who's scum and who isn't, pursue your reads and try to flesh them out as much as possible. Even the best players generally just get gutreads or uncomfortable feelings at the beginning of the game. What you have to do is follow up on misgivings by looking through the posts of your suspicions and putting words to those feelings. Not only does it help in convincing other people, it also helps you yourself determine whether your feeling was based off something that didn't really matter much at all or something that's more substantial.

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that said I stand by the opinion that going after FFM was valid. Fuck rolespec.

so one-shot watcher for a ninja?

(ps: remember that ffm claimed D1 before jans?)

case in point:

claim post

d1 end

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so one-shot watcher for a ninja?

one-shot watcher for a one-shot ninja and potentially an investigative thing in randa's role yeah

(ps: remember that ffm claimed D1 before jans?)

doesn't prevent randa from having been something like an actual follower or watcher
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so exactly what could randa have been, considering tracker/watcher/follower for the only things that a ninja deals with? (i don't count voyeur because getting a no result when a player dies is not at all useful)

(read: Too Much Investigation if all three of those existed)

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