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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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I agree the vote was kinda weak but it doesn't really give me a read on Prims or anything from it.


I don't really understand the reason I'm being voted? "Coasting" in RVS is a weak reason at best, and none of the active posters felt like they were scummy to me at the time. Rajam was basically posting questions about literally everything and nothing really stuck out as alignment indicative to me early on so I didn't say anything about it, and I thought his double-vote request was just him joking around. I don't get how he went from me being town to me being scum based on reasoning that already existed before Prims' case on me showed up though?

Not really coasting when you were actually posting stuff. You even asked Rajam a question; I wouldn't call that coasting, you were obviously here, reading, and doing things. You just didn't do 'anything'. That's why I voted you.

I don't like RD or Kaoz right now. RD feels like he's trying to subtly go against my wagon without really putting any effort in to say why it's bad or anything, it just looks like he's avoiding early wagons. Same with Kaoz, even though he thinks I'm scummy he said he'd only vote for me depending on my response despite him lacking a serious vote to begin with.

Doesn't like RD or kaoz. Says cause they are avoiding early wagons. I don't really agree with this considering RD had made one post before this and all he had asked was why a wagon was forming on SB. I do however dislike that RD has no vote down. This stands out to me. I also disagree because Kaoz said he does find SB scummy and he would swap based on posts. And it's kind of obvious that Kaoz appears to have a serious vote now on Rajam, so I wouldn't even come close to calling that a not serious vote so I feel like that partially misreps Kaoz. I heavily dislike that.

JB's Rajam attack just feels like a poststyle attack rather than actually voting for someone who he thinks is scummy, which is bad.


##Vote: Radiant Dragon

Haze: who is scum other than Rajam?

As for this he commented that you were; although he does need more thoughts out in the open I feel.

Read the bolded stuffz.

This is bad imo.



This vote I feel is like, absolutely awful. IT's RVS. Most votes are contentless.

I don't think he's preventing the game from moving forward however he's just giving answers to other people which he shouldn't be. I don't really like this post in general or any of his other posts.

I kinda wanna just mimic this post and go ham all over SB.

##Vote: SB

Other than that I was heavily disliking Bear's posts early on but I don't feel there is really anything scummy here. Rajam is like crazy active and serious for so early in the game which strikes me as off but maybe that's their playing style. And Randa seems to be

defensive towards Rajam which is just newbish to me I guess but I think both Ra's are noob-ish.

More to come later! But for now; ALL ABOARD THE SB TRAIN!

These are the only two post were you give any reads other than SB. The bear one had already been discused as had your points bout me and Rajam. The other one you gave some original reads on RD and Kaoz. Aside from that I can't find anything else.

However I will, for the time being, ##Unvote and give you time to show what the other reads were.

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I'm not gonna be around for phase end and it doesn't look like the JB lynch is gonna happen today, so for the sake of reaching the threshold required for a lynch to go through at all:


##Use Master Spark on: Paperblade

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Reading Page 11 still but here's this stuff.

So what he's possible newbscum because he has no clue what he's doing? If a first time player doesn't look at guides and whatnot they're more likely to do stupid stuff as town than scum because they don't have buddies giving them advice.

Paperblade is maybe worse but I originally didn't want to switch my vote until Rajam responded, and so I didn't bother deciding which of them was worse at that time.

Most of RD's post feels more like reporting than actual analysis.

Agree on RD, largely because his posts that I've read have reminded me heavily of ToS mafia.

Haze: what stops Frosty from just being a confused newb!town who doesn't know much about playing? It feels like you aren't actually looking for scum intent and are just saying he's bad, especially when you're not looking into anyone else. It just feels like you're trying to get away with an easy vote and not looking into anyone else. Also the only case that uses meta on Paperblade is Prims' (who also said he was sheeping BBM's) so I'm not sure why you're so quick to dismiss the wagon?

JB's last post is weak too, it feels like the Frosty/BBM/RD comments aren't actually reads and the Paper comment seems more like an afterthought that's based around him not doing much, so basically it's just more voting for Rajam.

People need to have more reads in general this game.

I partially agree with this. Also you didn't really explain why FFM is Newb!Town > Newb!Scum. I frankly dislike this awkward defense of him.

Well actually my vote against Paperblade was more of a gut feeling. Hard to tell what everyone's alignment is at the moment.

You joined one of the larger wagons based on gut alone > logics? That's not really that good of an idea. >_>

So far before reading page 11:

Dislike both RD and JB, and feel that one of them is most likely scum, but not both. Also that Newb!Town defense of FFM from SB wasn't good.


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Could you try to point out something specific that makes you feel awkward about him? Btw Prims, did you miss this gut-read or is there another reason why you didn't ask for elaboration here like you did with Randa and Eurykins?

Randa was actually voting me. Eurykins, I'm not certain about her alignment and wanted to see what she'd say to discern if she had a genuine thought process or if she was just making stuff up because she's scum and didn't want me to seem obvtown. I wasn't bugged by Raymond because he's been a town-read since his response to me ED1, can't wait to see him die N1 on his first game back. For what it's worth I also don't see how his scumhunting has been more shallow than, say, JB's.

I still like the Paperblade wagon. FFM is also a good lynch. JB is an Uninteresting D1 Wagon to me as of his recent post-spam which I thought was genuine. Not convinced by the case on SB although I don't think he's town. That said, generally I would like to get a scummy lurker who won't be much use down the line out of the way D1 instead of a talker like SB or whoever.

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holy fuk i really don't like rd's posts

#1 and #2 say nothing

#3 super safe

#4 nothing

#5 ehhh other people have already said why parts of this were weird

first part of #6 feels like omgus

#7 is saying a whole lot of nothing

More dysfunction between jb and RD. You guys should like, get in bathing suits and have a jello fight since this just feels like a slap fight. At least make it entertaining to watch.

wtf JB the only meta in that paragraph is the very last line. Everything else is just based on what scum in general do- they try not to associate themselves with wagons if they don't have to.

@Prims- The point isn't that FFM is town because badnewbtown also do the same stuff- it's that he's not necessarily scum, because everything anyone's said about why he might be scum falls just as much into the former as the latter.

@Shinori- "At the time he was posting everybody else had reads". wtf no, he was posting in RVS and the only important thing that had happened was Rajam voting Randa for lurking and then berating Bearclaw for answering questions he made to other people.

Paper > Rajam. Not interested in lynching anybody else except maybe JB; still haven't reread him. I'll do that after I come back in the night. Still haven't seen a good vote on FFM, so I don't support the wagon on him at all.

Really not interested in lynching anyone except paper or Rajam? OR TURBOING ME OF COURSE. This seems like awful play and awful town imo. "I only want to lynch one of these two people damn it all!" I'm sure there have to be other people that you would be willing to meet halfway on of some sort.


Shinori: Not giving any reads and not really helping to progress. But I'm not ready to lynch yet. Also most of his posts centered around SB which seems weird.

All that being said I'd like to see some more from Shinori. But I'm willing to change my vote to Paper, Eury, or Rajam if need be.

##Question Shinori

"Not giving reads" Bull. "NOT READY TO LYNCH YET." "VOTES SHINORI" LOGIC EVERYONE. There isn't that long left in the phase dropping a pressure vote sub 12 hours from phase end is just poor tactics and a poor thought process. What do you expect to come out of that? Either you are pressing me this late into the day phase, which is awful and worthless and basically says you don't really care what happens. Or you do want me lynched in which case you lied about your read on me where you said you don't want to lynch me? So which is it?

Tired and off my laptop. Making this quickly.

Don't like Rajam's last post, there are a lot of misinterpretations of Raymond's play like "saying someone seems confused means you think they're town, so you're going back on what you said earlier". That wasn't a townread at all, and even then opinions can change over time and he provided a reason why iirc. There's also discreditting the JB attack based on the fact it mentioned word choice, when the point was that he said very little using a lot of words, among other things.

Ugh too tired going to sleep


##Vote: Paperblade

Scummiest person who has a chance of becoming a wagon imo

I kind of dislike the paperblade vote here but he's only doing it cause he's leaving and phase end is soon I guess? BLAH. Fuck this paperblade wagon sucks.

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I was trying to develop early reads from the questioning? It didn't really provide me with anything and by the time I got back the game was way past that point so there was no need to push it further.

I disagree with this by the way. If you thought it was important enough to question in the first place then obviously you cared about the answer and learned something about it and it should be important enough to pursue or at least comment on again. Even if it was something as small as "Okay I feel better about blah and blah now."

Like seriously, this is lazy play. And not my kind of lazy play.

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"Not giving reads" Bull. "NOT READY TO LYNCH YET." "VOTES SHINORI" LOGIC EVERYONE. There isn't that long left in the phase dropping a pressure vote sub 12 hours from phase end is just poor tactics and a poor thought process. What do you expect to come out of that? Either you are pressing me this late into the day phase, which is awful and worthless and basically says you don't really care what happens. Or you do want me lynched in which case you lied about your read on me where you said you don't want to lynch me? So which is

I explained why I don't think you had been giving reads. And I thought that we had 29 hours instead of the 5 that we do. S I figured that a pressure would be fine at the time. Besides nobody would follow a train when there is nothing major against you.
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Actually I thought about it and I do like Raymond's case on JB even though I thought JB's postspam was genuine. Still probably not getting lynched today and still not as good of a target as Paper.

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Please? <3

Paperblade (5) - BBM, Prims, Frosty Fire Mage, SB, Raymond
Frosty Fire Mage (3) - Haze, Eurykins, JB
SB (2) - Shinori, Paperblade
JB (1) - Radiant Dragon
Rajam (2) - bearclaw
Scarlet (1) - Rajam
BBM (1) - Kaoz

just because I can, and I feel like helping Clipsey


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Cause I'm town.


##Vote: FFM

For not paperblade lynch cause I don't wanna lynch Pblade.

Would love to lynch SB or alternatively Randa or JB.

Everyone knows my SB thoughts; Disliking Randa's posts and his last vote on me was really bad and he still hasn't moved it to someone actually getting lynched; Would prefer a JB lynch over a RD lynch at the moment but honestly either one of them ties for this spot.

SB > Randa > FFM > JB/RD

Still like Null on prims leaning scum.

Everyone else is either null or town read or leaning town and stuff like that.

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Why don't you agree with the Paper wagon? It's easy to say a wagon is bad and make no effort to explain why............. if you're scum and know who the mislynches are #ShotsFired

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I don't see why he would do what he did if he was scum. I mean what's the point? I feel that if Paper was scum he would also be fighting this wagon more, honestly he seems like he doesn't care too much about the wagon that's built up on him. Paper isn't generally apathetic imo. I just don't think he's scum. I know this was stated before but why would he vote swap and draw attention to himself for a questionable vote if he was scum? I just don't see the logic.

I mean maybe I'm dumb or maybe paper's dumb or maybe the universe is changing and hell froze over and this is how things are now but I don't see it.

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"Why would scum do scummy things if they were scum?" are you fucking kidding me shinori

Paper is busy, so him not posting doesn't have to be linked to alignment. It's also possible he's demotivated because he's scum and has a wagon on him. Also he hasn't actually posted since the wagon built up on him in the first place lol.

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1. Paperblade has requested a sub. First person to contact me gets the slot.

2. I am feeling like utter crap, and I need to test something which will basically incapacitate me. Phase extended to February 27 at 7:00 PM.

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I said I was willing to go on the paperblade wagon if it came to it. I have some vibes from FFM but between a pretty null read-slightly scummy read and not wanting to tie up the votals.

##Vote PaperBlade

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I'm still catching up on the day's content. I will say that SB does have one legitimate point, and that's that I didn't consider Rajam's wagoner's actions if we assume he's scum. Will do so in a bit.

There are others I'd like to see hang today before Paperblade, but I'm not particularly excited about the FFM lynch either, and I'm not going to tie up the vote besides. I don't suppose we have the time to form a more reasonable wagon? I'll finish doing my analysis of recent events and move my vote here in a bit.

Post preview:

1. Now I really don't want to lynch Paper's slot.

2. Feeling too lazy to do math on top of the billion other things I'm doing right now, anyone want to be kind enough to tell me how much more time this gives us?

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