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The PS4 already sold more units than the Wii U


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Well, getting a Wii U is also still on my "to-do list". But I don't feel like kidding myself here.

Some people will buy a Wii U when Hyrule Warriors come out. Some will do so when Smash comes around.

Will it be enough people so that Nintendo can sell several million new Wii U consoles? Unlikely.

It's too bad hat Nintendo is at such a disadvantage towards Sony and Microsoft. To the regret of Steve Ballmer, Microsoft hasn't actually started making money with the XBox series until relatively recently. But they can get away with such long time investments because they make a lot more then just games. So they can sell their hardware at a loss and stuff. But Nintendo can't just not make money with these things nor can they live for very long relying on a unprofitable console. They only have two legs to stand on.

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You said that Nintendo deserves everyone's money and that people who didn't recognize how great they are were idiots, which pretty directly translates into "people should buy Nintendo's products". You can't really blame people for not responding well to things like that. You should really avoid suggesting that people with conflicting opinions are stupid or trying to tell others what their opinions should be. We've all done it at some point, and all of the flak we got for it could've been avoided then just like you could've avoided it in this instance. You can express your views without having to aggressively call into question the legitimacy of others' :P.

And again, we've all done it. Perhaps people overreacted or were less understanding in this thread than they could've been, but again people make bad decisions when they're angered or provoked, and calling people stupid is a pretty textbook way to do that!

Yes, I did say I think more people should buy Nintendo's stuff and that some people have idiotic reasons for hating them. But I never said that this was the reason that the Wii U is failing. You're still making no sense to me.

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"But I see little difference in Sony's and Microsoft's consoles other than size, power, and graphical quality. How can people say these are better when Nintendo keeps going fresh every time? How can Wii gamers not be okay with making a transition to the Wii U, but find moving on to an Xbox One or PS4 to be just fine?"

How is this not a commentary on the flagging Wii U's sales?

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Because it isn't mentioning the sales at all? I was saying that I think the Wii U not being "innovative" or anything isn't a valid reason for not getting it if you're getting a PS4 or Xbox One because Sony and Microsoft are even less innovative than Nintendo is. So it makes no sense to me for a gamer to want to move onto an Xbox One from a 360 or a PS4 from a PS3, but not a Wii U from a Wii.

I never said that someone couldn't have OTHER reasons for not wanting a Wii U, which is where it's failing to appeal to enough people.

I now see that I wasn't clear on this though, and I humbly apologize.

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Because it isn't mentioning the sales at all? I was saying that I think the Wii U not being "innovative" or anything isn't a valid reason for not getting it if you're getting a PS4 or Xbox One because Sony and Microsoft are even less innovative than Nintendo is. So it makes no sense to me for a gamer to want to move onto an Xbox One from a 360 or a PS4 from a PS3, but not a Wii U from a Wii.

I never said that someone couldn't have OTHER reasons for not wanting a Wii U, which is where it's failing to appeal to enough people.

I now see that I wasn't clear on this though, and I humbly apologize.

Thing is that the 100 million wii solds weren't all bought by gamers. The very large majority of the sales came from people that barely play games buying the console for its novelty. 7 years later, most of these people have abandoned it for the Kinect first and then for the new tablet/smartphone game craze.

And some people may have just lot their interest in Nintendo games. Some out of a pure change in taste, some because they're sick of Nintendo coming out with a weaker system(and others IMO, because peer pressure tells them Nintendo is for kids). The fact that Nintendo again lacks third support may be another reason why people aren't returning.

And the Gamepad is a pretty hands-on experience. I thought it was pretty 'meh' before getting my hands on one and trying it myself. It's not like the Wiimote where the possible applications were instantly exciting and obvious. Most people look at the Wii U and think it's an over sized DS or a tablet controller for the Wii(and the reason for that is, again, because Nintendo dropped the ball big time in regards to their launch and marketing)

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(and others IMO, because peer pressure tells them Nintendo is for kids).

And this is one of those stupid reasons I was talking about. Nintendo DOES appeal more to kids overall, but not all their games are E-rated. I think a lot of people are too close-minded because of this and if they'd just open up a little more, Nintendo would get a little more love.

But unfortunately, not even that alone will help save the Wii U. Nintendo needs to win back their Wii fans, market the Wii U more, and pump out some more big gun titles.

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And on the other hand there are probably people like me, who really can't afford to get any consoles anytime soon and probably will not either. (3DS is okay since I can bring it around with me. WiiU? Not portable.) Sure, I'm looking forward to the new Smash brothers, but I'm not buying an entire new system just for that, when there is no guarantee I'll get anything else for it and it's going to be released on a system I already have. Plus, Smash is best played multiplayer, and I have a few friends with WiiU already, so I can just play it with them.

Does the WiiU have a lot of good single player games? Yesterday, one of my friends mentioned something about the WiiU having games that are fun if you play it with a lot of people, but not a lot of good single player ones. I don't really know anything about the WiiU or games it has. How true is this statement?

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People undervalue Nintendo for what they don't have rather than what they do have.

No one is denouncing Mario and friends, but not having GTA and other games is a huge deal breaker for many people.

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People undervalue Nintendo for what they don't have rather than what they do have.

No one is denouncing Mario and friends, but not having GTA/Call of Duty and other games is a huge deal breaker for many people.

It has call of duty, though.

Still, it misses many 3rd party games and that's a big deal.

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Nintendo doesn't have games like GTA because they want to make games that everyone can enjoy. GTA is too mature for that and my parents never allowed my brothers and I to play it. Granted, games like Medal of Honor are mature too, and there is an MoH game on the Wii (I should know, I have it), but I was allowed to play it all I wanted. It wasn't so gorey and it didn't involve you playing as a criminal that can use a tank to kill innocent people in every direction. Nintendo isn't like that and I like them for it.

Admittedly, I had fun the one time I DID get to try GTA, but nowadays, I don't want to touch games like that.

Sangyul: I think New Super Mario Bros. U, New Super Luigi U, and Super Mario 3D World are really fun. Nintendo Land is fun too, but I didn't get to experience it in full because my copy seems glitched or something. It wouldn't pick up my Wii remote even though I had it linked to the console. So I couldn't do the sword fighting in Zelda Battle Quest. :(

The Wii U Gamepad can also be configured to function as a tv remote if it's compatible with the cable you're using. You can use it to go directly to what channel you want instead of cycling through the cable guide. And you can transfer your Wii's data to the system so you can dump the Wii at some used gaming store for some extra cash. I haven't sold my Wii yet because I still might play some GC games, but if GC games get on the VC, then I probably will say bye-bye to my Wii.

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Nintendo doesn't have games like GTA because they want to make games that everyone can enjoy. GTA is too mature for that and my parents never allowed my brothers and I to play it.

The Wii U has Assasin's Creed you know.

The Wii has Mortal Kombat.

There isn't exactly a huge barrier of a principle preventing them from getting more 3rd Party Games. It's not even necessarily "more mature" games.

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And some people may have just lot their interest in Nintendo games. Some out of a pure change in taste, some because they're sick of Nintendo coming out with a weaker system(and others IMO, because peer pressure tells them Nintendo is for kids). The fact that Nintendo again lacks third support may be another reason why people aren't returning.

People aren't losing interest in Nintendo games. This is a return to form, the PS4 outselling the Wii U has nothing to do with Nintendo games getting worse or people not liking them anymore. Nintendo has a lot of fans and we all still love their games, but the Wii's sales were not the standard that we should expect from them. PS has always been the stronger brand in the home console market and the younger generation of gamers just don't remember because the last gen was so long. If anything the market is just shifting back to the way it was.

Some of the things being said are silly. Nintendo is not going anywhere, and I'm sure they'll come into their own and give us another good console along the lines of the GC and N64 with the U, lol.

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Nintendo doesn't have games like GTA because they want to make games that everyone can enjoy. GTA is too mature for that and my parents never allowed my brothers and I to play it. Granted, games like Medal of Honor are mature too, and there is an MoH game on the Wii (I should know, I have it), but I was allowed to play it all I wanted. It wasn't so gorey and it didn't involve you playing as a criminal that can use a tank to kill innocent people in every direction. Nintendo isn't like that and I like them for it.

Actually the wii u doesn't have GTA because rockstar didn't want to put it there.

If rockstar asked nintendo to put gta V in the Wii U, they'd accept without thinking twice. Same about most 3rd party games out there.

In case you don't know, there have been gta games in the gba and the ds. the presence (or lack) of 3rd party games has nothing to do with nintendo philosophy on their own games.

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The Wii U has Assasin's Creed you know.

The Wii has Mortal Kombat.

There isn't exactly a huge barrier of a principle preventing them from getting more 3rd Party Games. It's not even necessarily "more mature" games.

But do those games make you play as a criminal that can commit some serious crimes just for the sake of it? I don't think so. Mortal Kombat is a fighting game and I think Ezio is a protagonist. I've watched my brother play Assassin's Creed, but I'm not entirely sure.

Either way, Nintendo doesn't want their consoles littered with a bunch of games like that and for good reason.

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Either way, Nintendo doesn't want their consoles littered with a bunch of games like that and for good reason.

There you go again. Having your own "vision" of Nintendo.

I wonder how some of my Japanese friends would react to this thread if they could read English.

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But do those games make you play as a criminal that can commit some serious crimes just for the sake of it? I don't think so. Mortal Kombat is a fighting game and I think Ezio is a protagonist. I've watched my brother play Assassin's Creed, but I'm not entirely sure.

Either way, Nintendo doesn't want their consoles littered with a bunch of games like that and for good reason.

The Wii had Manhunt on it...

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There you go again. Having your own "vision" of Nintendo.

There you go again. Making unnecessary remarks about me.

I still say GTA is the most mature, gorey, and brutal thing I've ever played. I wouldn't want Nintendo to EVER put it on their systems.

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But do those games make you play as a criminal that can commit some serious crimes just for the sake of it? I don't think so. Mortal Kombat is a fighting game and I think Ezio is a protagonist. I've watched my brother play Assassin's Creed, but I'm not entirely sure.

Either way, Nintendo doesn't want their consoles littered with a bunch of games like that and for good reason.

read my post above yours. The presence or lack of 3rd party games has nothing to do with nintendo philosophy of making games for everyone. there have been GTA games on nintendo consoles, and the only reason there aren't any on the wii u is because of the lack of interest of the 3rd party developers.

And as tangerine pointed out, the wii has manhunt (and madworld as well), arguably the game with the most gore.

There you go again. Making unnecessary remarks about me.

I still say GTA is the most mature, gorey, and brutal thing I've ever played. I wouldn't want Nintendo to EVER put it on their systems.



Oh and there's also an (amazing) game full of gore on the wii u as well, arguably one of the best games on it:


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There you go again. Making unnecessary remarks about me.

Actually, I think they are necessary.

If I were to actually let go of my calmness that I've unnaturally had about this thread for the past few days, I'd be getting warned.

Look at the responses to you. Your responses have been... honestly just being vocal about trying to get people praise and worship Nintendo.

There is no actual discussion with taking place with you. Whenever someone provides examples to the contrary of your statements, you simply ignore it and continue on.

Such as the two posts above by Tang and Nobody.

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Nintendo doesn't have games like GTA because they want to make games that everyone can enjoy. GTA is too mature for that and my parents never allowed my brothers and I to play it. Granted, games like Medal of Honor are mature too, and there is an MoH game on the Wii (I should know, I have it), but I was allowed to play it all I wanted. It wasn't so gorey and it didn't involve you playing as a criminal that can use a tank to kill innocent people in every direction. Nintendo isn't like that and I like them for it.

Admittedly, I had fun the one time I DID get to try GTA, but nowadays, I don't want to touch games like that.

Sangyul: I think New Super Mario Bros. U, New Super Luigi U, and Super Mario 3D World are really fun. Nintendo Land is fun too, but I didn't get to experience it in full because my copy seems glitched or something. It wouldn't pick up my Wii remote even though I had it linked to the console. So I couldn't do the sword fighting in Zelda Battle Quest. :(

The Wii U Gamepad can also be configured to function as a tv remote if it's compatible with the cable you're using. You can use it to go directly to what channel you want instead of cycling through the cable guide. And you can transfer your Wii's data to the system so you can dump the Wii at some used gaming store for some extra cash. I haven't sold my Wii yet because I still might play some GC games, but if GC games get on the VC, then I probably will say bye-bye to my Wii.

There was a GTA on the DS. The main reason why there's not a lot of them is because they don't sell really well usually on Nintendo systems for multiple reasons, not because Nintendo don't wants these games on their consoles.

And on the other hand there are probably people like me, who really can't afford to get any consoles anytime soon and probably will not either. (3DS is okay since I can bring it around with me. WiiU? Not portable.) Sure, I'm looking forward to the new Smash brothers, but I'm not buying an entire new system just for that, when there is no guarantee I'll get anything else for it and it's going to be released on a system I already have. Plus, Smash is best played multiplayer, and I have a few friends with WiiU already, so I can just play it with them.

Does the WiiU have a lot of good single player games? Yesterday, one of my friends mentioned something about the WiiU having games that are fun if you play it with a lot of people, but not a lot of good single player ones. I don't really know anything about the WiiU or games it has. How true is this statement?

Well, it really depends on your taste. 3D world can be a blast with and without friends, there's tons of ports of 3rd party single player games(Deux Ex, Batman, Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed, etc.) and has other games like the Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, WW:HD and DK:TF that just came out. I'm not touching my Wii U a lot lately, but it's mainly because school and the 3DS keeps me busy enough.

It has call of duty, though.

Still, it misses many 3rd party games and that's a big deal.

I was gonna say that even Watch Dogs future on the console is becoming grim, but I just read a statement from Ubisoft that claims they are still working on the Wii U version.

People aren't losing interest in Nintendo games. This is a return to form, the PS4 outselling the Wii U has nothing to do with Nintendo games getting worse or people not liking them anymore. Nintendo has a lot of fans and we all still love their games, but the Wii's sales were not the standard that we should expect from them. PS has always been the stronger brand in the home console market and the younger generation of gamers just don't remember because the last gen was so long. If anything the market is just shifting back to the way it was.

Some of the things being said are silly. Nintendo is not going anywhere, and I'm sure they'll come into their own and give us another good console along the lines of the GC and N64 with the U, lol.

My comment about people losing interest about Nintendo wasn't referring to the Wii but rather to the fact that their home console sold less every generations, minus the Wii(but I guess that may be more an hardware issue than people disliking the games).

People post faster than I can respond >.<

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Actually, I think they are necessary.

If I were to actually let go of my calmness that I've unnaturally had about this thread for the past few days, I'd be getting warned.

Look at the responses to you. Your responses have been... honestly just being vocal about trying to get people praise and worship Nintendo.

There is no actual discussion with taking place with you. Whenever someone provides examples to the contrary of your statements, you simply ignore it and continue on.

Such as the two posts above by Tang and Nobody.

Actually, I think they aren't necessary. Because they just derail the thread much like they are now.

Anyway, I admit I forgot about Zombi U. And I didn't even know this Manhunt existed. I guess here I'm very incorrect. My apologies.

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Actually, I think they aren't necessary. Because they just derail the thread much like they are now.

Anyway, I admit I forgot about Zombi U. And I didn't even know this Manhunt existed. I guess here I'm very incorrect. My apologies.

Says the person who infamously starts most the flame wars on this site.

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I still say GTA is the most mature, gorey, and brutal thing I've ever played. I wouldn't want Nintendo to EVER put it on their systems.

Why? Why do you care what software is available on any given console? It has no bearing on what you buy.

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The Wii U may not be doing so hot but it is at least entertaining some people

Monster Hunter is there, and as I mentioned I have a decent list of stuff I want for it when I get one.

Sonic Lost World, Mario 3D World, Hyrule Warriors, X, Smash etc etc etc.

But I will say something being loyal to a company isn't bad. But you can't ignore the faults such as marketing and I say this as a big Nintendo fan, I started as both a Nintendo and Sega fan. I'm also a fan of Sonys stuff. Microsoft interests me every now and again. Etc

Also Ana you seem to forget that No More Heroes and its sequel were Nintendo console exclusives for a bit in terms of bloody games

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I think some people are idiots

For not buying Nintendo this gen? I think its pretty smart not to invest in a console that isnt offering up much. Im a Nintendo loyalist and have been for 26 some odd years. But i do not own a Wii U and have no real desire to get one. Do you really think theres something wrong with me and that im a big ol' idiot despite owning a 3DS and loving the shit out of it? Or that it could possibly have to do with what Nintendo is doing? Spoiler: Its the latter.


I'm honestly 100% confused why people are interested in XBone and PS4. PC can do anything they can do easily. It's a lot harder for PC to replicate the Wiimote, or the Wii U gamepad, which makes for a gaming experience I can't easily get elsewhere. Nintendo offers consoles (and handhelds) that provide experiences I can't get elsewhere, yet people are still flocking to the other consoles. It legitimately puzzles me.

:/ Thing is, the Wii U looks like more of the same to many, many people. Myself included. I agree with the people somewhere upthread who said that Nintendo really dropped the ball on the marketing of the Wii U. Plus all this bleak news about third parties bailing on it isnt helping matters. Its unsettling to me that i feel this apathetic about a main Nintendo console. Smash 4 is getting a 3DS release so why should be motivated to get a Wii U? Wii U Zelda is still far off. Theres now a drought of games for the WIi U. *sigh*

But I will say something being loyal to a company isn't bad. But you can't ignore the faults such as marketing


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