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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I haven't been on Facebook for 3 years. Not really missing it to be honest.

I have a WhatsApp group chat involving my closest rl friends.

There's this place for nearly 7 years now.

Some Skype groups.

I don't bother with Twitter etc.

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This forum about 3 years.

I also have a facebook account but tbh I don't know why I have it. I use it to lurk walls of a lot of people on my friends list. I think its just curiosity lol.

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I don't use facebooky stuff because I generally can talk to people I want to face to face or on the phone.

If we're counting here, bordering 6 years. That sure is something.

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Didn't this already get asked?

... Ah, fuck. I only searched 'social media' and 'facebook' and it turns out the wording for question, like, 110 was 'social networking' lmao who even uses that term

don't care, though, it was ages ago and people are still giving fresh answers

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I have Facebook for certain friends I like to occasionally keep in touch with or for group projects, other than that I hardly use it. I keep up with music and other random interests via Twitter, I sometimes go on tumblr but very rarely because i'm not patient enough to wait for everything to load with poverty Aus internet.

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i had fb for the longest.id keep deactivating and reactivating. i deleted it again, but this time i've done so with the intent of never going back, i dont really need it.

other than that, i had a yt account 3-4 years ago. i'd post video game music and those would get like thousands of views. this was before the google takeover. that account got wiped in one of the great yt purges. would have been nice to have it, might have been able to make some monies.

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I use FB mainly because my college requires it for academic contact. :/

No twitter, no myspace, no reddit, etc.

I have accounts on a few other forums that follow the same name pattern. [sharpy, Czarpoon, Czarpy, etc.]

I go on skype from time to time, but I have none.

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forums, livejournal, orkut

and that's pretty much it, no twitter/facebook/tumblr/etc accounts (well i do have a facebook account with a fake name and stuff, but i only used it for a few days)

don't really use steam's social functions other than im so it doesn't count

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facebook for certain school stuff and high school contacts, though i use it about once a month maybe

mostly tumblr but i don't particularly socialise on it; I use it as an art gallery mostly and somewhere to get nice pics of things I like

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Didn't this already get asked?

Social media in nearly all its forms is a source of infinite hugboxing and view polarization. It creates an illusion of a world where almost everyone agrees with you. It's also ugly.

I realize I didn't exactly answer the question.

I have been an active part of Facebook, Tumblr, and various smaller projects. The one thing I haven't touched is Twitter.

Facebook is where drama monarchs go to die. Tumblr is where you can spit out your hot-takes with a sense of entitlement and a passive aggressive attitude and still get positive attention. Twitter just isn't worth my time.

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Question 400. What is your favourite genre of music?

lmao literally four hundred fucking questions and this hasn't been touched upon, kill me

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