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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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what's the internet

"i, too, carry around a laptop in my pocket to work, as do all of my friends, that we can conveniently just skype each other and get notified of immediately while also having the option to call more or less everywhere"

he says sarcastically

indicating sarcasm

phones are legitimately useful and an extraordinary convenience in a society more or less built around them.

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do you know how many people actually use email anymore

it was frustrating compared to the ease of texting man

yes, i am aware most people prefer what's app and whatever nowadays

doesn't change the fact i'd still be expected to carry a fragile, expensive and stealable gadget with me all the time to keep up with the times

and that's when i already tend to have trouble conversing through regular phones, which have better signal quality and are usually used without heavy enviromental noise on either side

not to mention ravaged thumbs that can't handle a lot of portable gaming or browsing

as long as i can help not having a cellphone, i won't have it

and even if i eventually get one (or a tablet with cellphone capabilities, an android pc, or whatever), i'm likely to leave it at home unless absolutely necessary for whatever reason

"i, too, carry around a laptop in my pocket to work, as do all of my friends, that we can conveniently just skype each other and get notified of immediately while also having the option to call more or less everywhere"

he says sarcastically

indicating sarcasm

phones are legitimately useful and an extraordinary convenience in a society more or less built around them.

work isn't the place to chat to friends

walking isn't a good time to use a phone or whatever, full stop

a thoroughly crowded bus or train isn't either

currently, the life i live doesn't requre them, and the society i live in is still "more or less" built around them, they aren't mandatory yet

of course, the internet didn't use to be mandatory but it now is, and phones might be in the future as well

but then is then, now is now, and i'll enjoy my position as the odd guy without a cellphone for as long as i can, thank you

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I'm poor.


That except because I'm poor...

we were on food stamps at a point so those people were allowed to get a phone paid for them but it's such a bad free phone that I'd say

I have the bad kind of phone

I had a phone before this one back when my dad had a rich girlfriend who was fine paying for it for me but 1. after they broke up eventually her new boyfriend got her to quit paying for it and 2. I ended up losing that phone, falling out of my coat pocket while hiking....

but the point is that I used to have a phone that was way better than this one so I'm spoiled ;u;

At least recently they started letting us have unlimited texting and more call time if we reapplied or whatever so it's a bit better now

Edited by Freohr Datia
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A second hand Alcatel one touch fierce

My old one was a samsung s3 i got for free for switching to a dying mobile carrier but it was stolen at a festival earlier this year and i had to find a quick replacement

I mean, it texts, it calls, and im posting from it now, so it kinda does its job, but its really bad

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Sangsung Galaxy SII.


I've had it for nearly 3 years. Or 4. Fuck I can't remember what year I bought my phone.

Edit: Definitely 3 years, because the SIII came out the same year I bought my SII.

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