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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Question 326. Is charisma more important than intelligence?

Not by my standards. Charisma is only important in social situations and one can't rely on society to be around forever. Other charismatic people will try to take you down. At the least you can't reach everyone first. If you and another charismatic person take over your respective local societies and decide to go to war, charisma will not help you. Will you engage in a tug of war over each other's followers? You lack intelligence, so you will not think to prioritise recruiting intelligent people to be strategists for you. It takes intelligence to take advantage of others' intelligence.

On the other hand, charisma can be derived by an intelligent mind through experimentation and observation.

I define intelligence as one's ability to understand, combine and apply concepts to meet specific ends in their own head. Nearly everyone has intelligence when it comes to some group of concepts. This kind of intelligence is measured by how quickly and completely one grasps new concepts. A truly intelligent person can understand and apply any concept.

I don't think that charisma is inherently a part of intelligence because it relies partly on the crowd. If someone is naturally charismatic, it's just as possible that they happen to be liked as that they know how to be liked. Since charisma can be a result of understanding, it is a possible application of intelligence. In particular, charisma is a potential application of one's ability to understand, combine and apply concepts related to interpersonal interactions.

I think some people are born with a natural advantage in interpersonal interactions but lack the intelligence to use it to effective ends. Having seen intelligent people at work, it is far more valuable to derive the advantage from understanding.

For charisma: When it comes down to it, raw intelligence does not instantly give you a social advantage while raw charisma does. Charisma is more valuable in the short term.

For intelligence: Charisma understood and developed by an intelligent mind will leave the natural in the dust. Intelligence is more valuable in the long term.

Question 327. What is your favourite gun?

Can be fictional or non-fictional. Or one of each.

Don't have a favourite real gun so I'll go with the Aperture Science Portal Device (AKA the Portal Gun). Always been fond of portals.

Edited by Makaze
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The PPC, or Particle Projector Cannon, from every Battletech game ever.

There aren't many things more satisfying than throwing a bolt of lightning at a Mad Cat and watching it's missile rack explode.

I'd post a cool MW3/MW4 video but then I'd have to find one.

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The PPC, or Particle Projector Cannon, from every Battletech game ever.

There aren't many things more satisfying than throwing a bolt of lightning at a Mad Cat and watching it's missile rack explode.

I'd post a cool MW3/MW4 video but then I'd have to find one.

EDIT: way better spot in the video

EDIT2: blow me youtube

skip to 2m13

Edited by Integrity
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I don't like guns very much.
I do have a favorite real gun, though.


there's something about shooting an 18-inch, 23-pound projectile at more than 2200 m/s at ranges of 100 miles...

not sure about fictional guns (I feel like I have one but can't remember it), but I'm tempted to second Makaze when he says

I'll go with the Aperture Science Portal Device (AKA the Portal Gun). Always been fond of portals.

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I don't like guns very much.

I do have a favorite real gun, though.


there's something about shooting an 18-inch, 23-pound projectile at more than 2200 m/s at ranges of 100 miles...


not sure about fictional guns (I feel like I have one but can't remember it), but I'm tempted to second Makaze when he says

I'll just go with this. Cool gun.

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Colt SAA is probably my all-time favourite. I am also very much in love with 12-gauge shotguns and double-barrelled shotguns. And then there are gatling guns, which are very heavenly. Guns are just great in general. Also GUSTAV, since Dio posted the Paris gun.

As for fictional guns...Robocop's pistol thing is pretty great, though iirc that's not strictly fictional. I really like the Energy Weapon from Duke Nukem. There are probably more I can't really remember now. ;_;

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Pleb tastes coming through.


The Mateba Autorevolver is wanked all over, in part because it's very beautiful-looking but also because of its unconventional method of firing: It's recoil operated, which unlike regular revolvers which have to be manually cocked back --or more commonly simply operated with the trigger-- will have the cylinder rotated by the momentum of the gun firing.

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Fictional: Tie between the Gravity Gun and the BFG9000.

Real: Fuck it. Nail gun. Legal, useful, and fatal if used wrong.

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