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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Very loyal to specific people. My immediate family (even though I don't like my brother a ton), and some of my cousins/ etc. Others I don't know too well, but if I did it would probably extend to them too. Also extends to my fiancée and her father.

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To an extent, it's there for everyone in my family. Now, whether or not I KNOW someone is in my family. . .

*grumbles about certain people having way too many kids*

Ah, I know the feeling. Sometimes you don't even know how exactly you're related to someone o.O.

I'm close/loyal to my immediate family, not so much with any other relative.

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deadly loyal to my immediate family

literally closer to op than any of my cousins

it's not even that i don't have any extended family loyalty, it's that almost every one of my extended family has wiggled their way out of my good graces at some point in our collective lives. or i haven't met them / they made no impression on me whatsoever the one time we met. i like to think that i'd have a blanket respect for extended family loyalty but most of my extended family fell out of that bracket so i guess it's functionally the same as not having blanket extended family respect.


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I myself am on good terms with both my mom and my dad's sides (as far as I'm aware, on reflection never quite been sure what some of my parents' siblings think about me/our branch as a whole), but my mom is something vaguely like estranged from her side

She had problems with them before I was born, but everybody was friendly enough that the entire time I was growing up, I had no idea, at least for the most part. Another portion, a great-aunt, was also estranged from most of my mom's side except her and one brother, who was the one my mom sided with on something in order to get sorta-estranged from the rest

Also, my sister and mom are. Maybe not on the worst possible terms with each other that they could be, but it kinda pisses my sister off to be in the same room with my mom, so not a whole lot better than that, either.

It's, it's some things

More of me identifies as Canadian than is probably warranted for somebody who only goes to Ottawa twice a year, though, so that probably says something about my relationship with my dad's side

(it rocks) (just about as far as it could possibly be said when they live in another country, and not like just over the border each, anyway x[ )

(of course that maybe also says something about my sense of family loyalty! don't hate or even not-like my mom's side or anything though, it's just that there's a loooooot of ominous stuff in the background. every cousin I have personally met unambiguously owns, though, so there's hope for the future)

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may i make a QOTD?

which person have you talked to the most in your life?

yeah, that seems okay

My family loyalty is absolute on my entire father's side. But my maternal grandfather and -mother were both the black sheep of their respective family, so I'm fairly... isolated, there.

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loyalty to...family?

that's a thing?

OH you mean the family I don't have yet.

I will let you know if and when I have kids

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Question 384. What is the best metaphor to describe your life?

the last request question from that question earlier. integrity's came first since I like him more and it was more interesting.

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ugh i don't like this question and i don't know why i picked it

that said it does have a small chance of actually turning out really interesting

gonna be one of those days eh

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Neurathian bootstrap


I honestly don't have a good answer for this I don't remember metaphors well unless I'm using them

maybe I'll just steal from someone else

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I was going to say "swift as the coursing river" because I'm easily distracted (so time usually goes super fast for me)/Mulan reference but that's a simile. : < I got nothing, man.

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