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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Question 372. What very poorly-received game did you personally really enjoy?

i'm literally the only person i know with a positive opinion of fable 3.

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man I was putting off answering that previous question because it looked hard and then only now saw

this question literally means what way would you prefer to find out, and unless people like 'flat-out being ignored', well

I, for one, would prefer to be more or less told up-front.

being told up-front would be ideal, but the worst is generally finding out from a third party

yesterday: cobalt

today: FFTA seems pretty widely mocked

it's not really like, very poorly received, but eh

also Golden Sun Dark Dawn I suppose

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OH MAN. . .

Let's start with NieR, then branch into Beatmania IIDX (the American version was not well-received), and then wander into FFTA, FF13 (if the fanbase is any indication), and end with Spectral Force Genesis (DO NOT ASK).

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I guess Warriors games with how everyone bashes it for being a 'mindless' hack and slash, tedious, and repetitive.

I would've said Growlanser, but that's not quite poorly received, that's underappreciated.

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ActRaiser 2. I completely understand why a lot of people dislike it, but I have a soft spot for it. I'm not too sure on how Kirby's Epic Yarn was generally received, but a lot of Kirby fans seem to hate it. Big_Boss also hates it for the dumbest reason ever. Regardless, I think it's a genuinely amazing game. And then I can think of several Castlevania games, namely Bloodlines, Belmont's Revenge, The Adventure and Simon's Quest.

Probably more games I can't think of atm.

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I just assume everyone likes the games I like cause I have great taste.

if people hate kirbys epic yarn theyre fucking stupid, and thats the end of it p much

I knew someone on GameFAQs who was especially salty over Epic Yarn not being "traditional", good times.

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I guess Warriors games with how everyone bashes it for being a 'mindless' hack and slash, tedious, and repetitive.

The same.

Generally I don't seem to play games that are considered mediocre or bad but I liked Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.

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sonic 3d blast (genesis)

while it was a flawed game alright (sonic game without speed, haha), it had an amazing soundtrack at the very least

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I guess Castlevania 64. Well, technically Legacy of Darkness but the two are essentially the same game.

The castle was a very intimidating place, with the music successfully managing to strike the same balance as Ocarina of Time in terms of being both atmospheric and memorable and most importantly the game is mostly linear. I never quite realized until playing this game that my life contained way too little linear 3D platforming.

I absolutely love the amount of control you have in this game. Like, you crouch walk, slide, climbing sideways on ledges... And a little quirk of the game is that you can cling to any ledge as long as you are close enough to it. Doesn't make a lot of sense but it allows all kinds of cool maneuvers that just feel really good to execute. I wish more jump-heavy games would allow that.

The characters also stand out from the rest of the franchise... which is not because they are good but because that is a very low bar to take. I mean, I can at least say I liked them and that they were a pleasant surprise.

I particular like Renon, a well-mannered demon buisnessman who serves as the game's shopkeeper who is out for the player character's soul. I really love how the shopkeeper is actually an antagonist. Usually they are friends of the protagonists, which is why they come out all the way into the lair of a demon castle. Yet somehow they don't quite care enough about them to just give them the stuff they need to survive. But of course Renon only cares about his personal gain.

When I played for the first time, I was suspicious of him. Once I knew what his deal was, trading with him made me feel uneasy despite never again coming close to trigger the unreadable fine print of the contract and him being a complete joke of a boss. In games like Aria of Sorrow, the castle feels awfully crowded but here you really feel like you have no real allies inside those walls.

Actrise was also really neat. Having killed a massive amount of children for the sake of her personal vanity, she might well be the most rotten entity in the entirety of Castlevania,. But she still doesn't come across as being evil for evils sake like the usual side villains and feels like she has genuine respect for Carry and wishes for her to follow her example, which makes her quite unnerving.

And then there is Carry herself. She was really a pleasant surprise. Given that she was a little child, my previous experienced with the franchise made me expect her to be a atmosphere-destroying goofball like Rondo Maria or Charlotte (or Judgement Maria *shudder*). But she turned out to be a genuine badass. She is kind to younger children and holds her late adoptive mother in high regard but she really displays the kind of attitude that allows a hero to face the forces of evil.

Dracula is also slightly better then in most games, if only because he was actually rather active this time around and his forces were doing stuff like burning down villages and kidnapping children as sacrifices for rituals. By contrast, in the last decade, he usually got killed like ten minutes after being revived.

Not sure were all the complaints about camera and controls come from. Heck, I never even played the game back then. I only played it in recent years when I should be too spoiled by the supposedly superior cameras of modern games to enjoy such early 3D titles. Legacy of Darkness did improve the camera, though. But either way, the camera most certainly doesn't need to hide from the ones used in other awesome games of those days like OoT or Mario 64. And like I said, I really love the controls otherwise. I'd say they are better then the ones of most modern 3D games.

Edited by BrightBow
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