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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I'll give you a two for one special

1:Without knowing of the 136 year ban glitch I went online in for fun and spammed Warlock punches to blow off some steam. Luckily wasn't banned.

2:When I was still trick or treating a few years back, there was a nor'easter. Dressed as a gangster that year I slipped and something embarrassing happened on the the way home. You can guess if you feel like it.

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I had dinner with some friends recently. I drank a lot of water over the course of the proceedings, so I used the facilities at least 3 times. The first time I went in, I noticed there was a ceiling fan in the restroom. I don't recall ever seeing a ceiling fan in a restroom before, so when I got back to the table I commented to the friend next to me that I was surprised to find a ceiling fan in a restroom. This friend was also drinking a noticeable amount of water, and also went to use the facilities. After his first return, he said to me in mock astonishment, "Sev, there's a ceiling fan in there!" As the night went on we both remarked on the presence of the ceiling fan in the bathroom several times. Finally, as the session was wrapping up, I went to use the bathroom one more time. When I came back out, I reported to my friend that "they removed the ceiling fan!"





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I'm still amazed about this so I guess I will talk about it again~!

A couple sleeps ago I ended up having a dream about Integrity!! I saw his college newspaper and there were like THREE front page articles (it was a large "front page~") and all THREE of them were articles about HIM and how amazing and smarticals he was and how helpful to the university he was and so there were pictures of him all over it. Couldn't complain about that, op

That morning when I start to talk with him he opens up with:

[11/1/2014 06:13:01] Mr. Sparkles: i forgot to tell yu how POPULAR i am

[11/1/2014 06:13:05] Freohr Datia: POPULAR

[11/1/2014 06:13:11] Freohr Datia: according to my dream I already knew

Isaac proceeds to tell me about how he's going to get featured on the College of Engineering's front page


"Front page" ! What a coincidence~! I thought

And then he tells me that not only that, he's also going to get featured on the College of Liberal Arts front page!!


Two front pages!!!.... could it be...?

HE CONTINUES and says that even more, he's going to get interviewed by the school newspaper as well!!


........ well my response to him at this point is that "that better be front page"

to make it THREE front page entries for him!! =O

I had a magical dream!!!

....... yeah my dream didn't entirely match up to reality but seriously waking up to him telling me this felt pretty amazing ^o^

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You know one time i dreamed that some random old guy who was apparently my uncle was shadowofchaos and I said to myself "this is terrible news" and my uncle/soc kept sending my hateful messages on serenes

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I got trapped in Oxford University on my visit over to England this year. My family was on the way to the "Tolkien Pub" when my mom said she left her sweater in one of the courtyards. I ran to go grab it when I found what I thought would be a shortcut, there was a gate into a small, walled garden and on the other side was another gate that could save me a lot of time. I waved my hand in front of a motion sensor which opened the door and proceeded to the otherside, but the gate was locked. Then I went back where I came and found the gate I came through had no motion sensor to open it. Then a group of about 20 students came by and I got their attention, I asked them to wave at the motion sensor but it wasn't working. Then we all started to have a laugh about it, they apologized for being incapable to help me and then left. I wandered around and tried to find a spot on the wall I could climb, but no luck, I became convinced this was some sort of trap for tourists for them to be used in experiments later. Then I starved and died.

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I got trapped in Oxford University on my visit over to England this year. My family was on the way to the "Tolkien Pub" when my mom said she left her sweater in one of the courtyards. I ran to go grab it when I found what I thought would be a shortcut, there was a gate into a small, walled garden and on the other side was another gate that could save me a lot of time. I waved my hand in front of a motion sensor which opened the door and proceeded to the otherside, but the gate was locked. Then I went back where I came and found the gate I came through had no motion sensor to open it. Then a group of about 20 students came by and I got their attention, I asked them to wave at the motion sensor but it wasn't working. Then we all started to have a laugh about it, they apologized for being incapable to help me and then left. I wandered around and tried to find a spot on the wall I could climb, but no luck, I became convinced this was some sort of trap for tourists for them to be used in experiments later. Then I starved and died.

In The Ear, the Eye and the Arm, there's a small detail indicating that the ending line of a story is traditionally supposed to be "and then X the storyteller died." Gj matching up to a good standard.

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In The Ear, the Eye and the Arm, there's a small detail indicating that the ending line of a story is traditionally supposed to be "and then X the storyteller died." Gj matching up to a good standard.

When I began writing my epic I had a different ending in mind, but by the time I reached the climax I thought that this would be much better for dramatic effect.

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One time a girl I knew asked me to read something off of her hand. It said "backwards"; I read "blowjob." Out loud.


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so, moving to norcal for school, i quickly realized that [most] mexican food is total shit here...

that is, until my friends and i found the perfect place 30 min. away that has the 2nd best tacos i've ever had. now i just need to go to mexico to get some legit tacos.

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Well, there was this one time where i was walking to school, like any other day, and all of a sudden, some fat girl smacked into me outta nowhere. I was completely dazed as she started to profusely apologise, at which i just looked at her pitifully, said its ok, and walked off to school

One time a girl I knew asked me to read something off of her hand. It said "backwards"; I read "blowjob." Out loud.

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So there was this guy who made a topic for the QUESTION of the day, and then he didn't ask a question. . . :P:

I'm still an avid Vanguard player, and there was a tournament today! This is fairly unusual, as most Vanguard tournaments happen during the week, or on Saturday. I made my friend laugh, so it was all worth it~!

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Well, there was this one time where i was walking to school, like any other day, and all of a sudden, some fat girl smacked into me outta nowhere. I was completely dazed as she started to profusely apologise, at which i just looked at her pitifully, said its ok, and walked off to school

why pitifully?

anyway i...

i can't think of anything recent tbh.

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Something happened to me last Thursday when I was driving home. I had a couple of miles to go.

I looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the sky, to the east. It was moving very irregularly.

Suddenly there was intense light all around me - and when I came to, I was home. What do you think happened to me?

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