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It's Time To Duel!!!! Mafia [Game Over]


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Green Poet has been lynched. He is a she, and she was...

Dear Green Poet, you are Marik Ishtar.

You are the child of the Pharoah's House Guardian family. You possess keen abilities naturally leaning towards the dark arts, and can communicate telepathically with the spirits in other realms. You wish for the power of the Pharoah, and will stop at nothing to get it. Your big sister, Ichizu, looks out for you, as does your lifelong servant, Odion, but the dark realm's spirits won't let your soul be free, and threaten your very life should you disobey it. Why should you, though?

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Also activating [CARD]. You will play a second card during the night, bypassing the one card per night limit. [CARD] may be any card other than your first played card. You may also play a second day [CARD], should you be holding multiple cards with day restrictions.

Your Soldier of the Past hand includes:

In short, you are the Mafia Double Player.

You are aligned with The Bad Guys, and win when The Bad Guys finally get to take over the world!

Results going out regarding Daily Draws in a little bit.

Card Graveyard update coming after that.

Still seeking a sub.

Night 2 has begun, and ends in 36 hours (10:30PM on 3/25/14, so tomorrow night for all you people in the USA, and whatever Shin time is)

Edited by Elieson
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[spoiler=D2 additions to the Card Graveyard]

[spoiler=Bullet Block (BP Maker)]You are holding the Bullet Block card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Bullet Block on [uSER]. [uSER] will become bulletproof for the remainder of the game, and will be informed of any attempts on their life.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Hand Dismissal (Hand Destroyer)]You are holding the Hand Dismissal card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Hand Dismissal on [uSER]. You will force [uSER] to drop his/her entire hand into the Card Graveyard.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Hand Dismissal (Hand Destroyer)]You are holding the Hand Dismissal card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Hand Dismissal on [uSER]. You will force [uSER] to drop his/her entire hand into the Card Graveyard.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Light Barrier (Safeguard)]You are holding the Light Barrier card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Light Barrier on [uSER]. You will protect [uSER] from anything that would target them, unless it's hostile.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Blank Card (Vanilla)]You are holding the Blank Card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Discarding Blank Card. You will toss the Blank Card to the Card Graveyard. This card has no hidden abilities, and is essentially a Vanilla card.

Once this card is successfully discarded to the card Graveyard, you will be rid of this card. Should you choose to discard this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

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Subbing in eclipse for Shinori, and due to circumstances, considering this slot as a Hydra until further notice.

Due to this, Night Phase is extended by 12 hours.

Night 2 now ends in 26 hours (10:30AM CST on 3/26/14, so tomorrow night for all you people in the USA, and whatever Shin time is)

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Obviously, this game is getting boring. Let's up the ante. The winner of this game will win an all expense paid trip to Kaiba Corps' own Kaiba Land for two weeks, and will be allowed to bring along one guest of their choosing. Should that guest defeat me in a duel, I'll let them in with you.

Wait a minute, I'm not Seto Kaiba. Who am I again?

SB has died. He was...

Dear SB., you are Mana.

You are the Pharoah's best childhood friend, and the pre-incarnation of the fabled Dark Magician Girl. You practice the Dark Magical Arts, and you're not too bad at them either.

You have no designated night abilities, but you do have your word and your vote.

Your Defender hand includes:

In short, you are the Town Vanilla.

You are aligned with the The Good Guys, and win when all threats are removed from the game.

Hahahahaha! Vhaltz laughed, knowing that he was the best town that there ever was, and thought he'd solved the ga-

Vhaltz has died. He was...

Dear Vhaltz, you are Serenity Wheeler.

You are Joey's little sister, blinded due to a birth defect that rose later in life. You are eventually cured, and live to cheer on your big brother.

You have no designated night abilities, but you do have your word and your vote.

Your Kitty hand includes:

In short, you are the Town Vanilla.

You are aligned with the The Good Guys, and win when all threats are removed from the game.

No one else wants to speak? Good. I don't like you anyway.

Now, go, my minions. Show your best to the best, and make your way, towards me! THE ULTIMATE HOST (and his wacky Australian sidekick, Curly Manix)

Damn radio interference...Mark, shut that off, will ya?

I can't boss...

And through the loudspeakers, you all hear:

My friends reside in the mountains, watching from afar. Each has their own strength, but grows ever stronger with more numbers. Male, female, dragons ahoy~ beware of the harpies, for they will bring scum no joy. She never interrupts killers, yet remains untouched effectively. Kinda sucks, but all part of the plan I'm sure.
Lets shine some light on game mechanics.
1. Cards such as the ninja or janitor cards are modifiers and can be played in conjunction with an action card. This invalidates the theory that scum can apply modifiers to cards in another persons hand without a special action card.
2. The announcer card can be played alongside any other card. This means that using an announcer card does not make one scummy because they missed out on a night action.
-The Duke.

God those things.



Day 3 has begun. With 9 alive, 5 hammers. Day 3 ends in 72 hours, at 2330 CST (11:30pm) on 3/28/14. No Hammer = No Lynch.

Today's Decks include, in a completely random order:

  • Twelve Magical Hats Deck
  • Poorly Lit Magician Deck
  • Fourteen Tools of the Bandit Deck
  • Secrets of the Pharoah: Part 1 Deck
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[spoiler=Card Graveyard (Night 2)][spoiler=A Shiny Object (Roleblock)]
~You are holding the A Shiny Object card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating A Shiny Object on [uSER]. You will generate a shiny object within eyesight of [uSER], causing him or her to be distracted by it and forego using any of their abilities or playing any of their cards.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=What's That?! (Dual Target Roleblock)]You are holding the What's That?! card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating What's That?! on [uSER1] and [uSER2]. You will cause both [uSER1] and [uSER2] to look elsewhere, forcing their focus to be dropped and preventing them both from performing any actions or playing any cards during this night.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=A Shiny Object (Roleblock)]
~You are holding the A Shiny Object card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating A Shiny Object on [uSER]. You will generate a shiny object within eyesight of [uSER], causing him or her to be distracted by it and forego using any of their abilities or playing any of their cards.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Switcheroo (Redirect)]You are holding the Switcheroo card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Switcheroo on [uSER1]. Make him target [uSER2] instead! You will force [uSER1] to aim any and all actions during the night to [uSER2] against their will. If [uSER1] does not perform an action, nothing will happen.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Talk This Way (PR Enabler)]You are holding the Talk This Way card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Talk This Way on [uSER] Talk like [THIS]. You will force [uSER] to post with a post restriction identified by [THIS] for the next day phase only.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Talk This Way (PR Enabler)]You are holding the Talk This Way card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Talk This Way on [uSER] Talk like [THIS]. You will force [uSER] to post with a post restriction identified by [THIS] for the next day phase only.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Red Knot of Love (Neighborizer+Loverizer)]You are holding the Red Knot of Love card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Red Knot of Love on [uSER1] and [uSER2]. You will force [uSER1]'s life to be linked to [uSER2]. If one of [uSER1] or [uSER2] were to die, the other would as well. However, [uSER1] and [uSER2] will also gain access to a private communications room, and may communicate without limit in "outside communication", until the death of one or the other.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Boyscout's Handbook (Track)]You are holding the Boyscout's Handbook card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Boyscout's Handbook on [uSER]. You will track the steps and card play of [uSER], and identify anyone who [uSER] targets with a card or an action.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Incriminating Evidence (Framer)]You are holding the Incriminating Evidence card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Incriminating Evidence on [uSER]. You will cause [uSER] to appear as mafia-aligned under any checks of alignment on [uSER]. If successfully played, this card's effect will last until [uSER] dies.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Ninja Modifier to (Ninja Enchant to X Card)]You are holding the Ninja Modifier to card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Ninja Modifier to on [CARD]. You will cause [CARD] to be undetectable by any means. It may still be prevented from being successful, but if it is, no one will know that you played it.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other modifier card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Warp Portal (Commute)]You are holding the Warp Portal card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Warp Portal. You will vanish into a transdimensional portal for a brief period of time, and be unable to be targeted by any actions or cards during this night phase.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Hacker (Role Saboteur)]You are holding the Hacker card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Hacker on [uSER]. You will force [uSER] to target themselves with any action they perform. This does not apply to cards played.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Oracle of Wisdom (Oracle Enabler)]You are holding the Oracle of Wisdom card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Oracle of Wisdom on [uSER]. You will make [uSER] into an oracle for the current and following night. If [uSER] were to die, any player that they target with a card play will have their RolePM made public with the following day opening. [uSER] will not be aware of this.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Megaphone (Announce)]You are holding the Megaphone card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Megaphone. [WORDS]. This will cause [WORDS] to be displayed at the opening post of the following day phase. This card may be played in combination with any other card.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard.

[spoiler=Megaphone (Announce)]You are holding the Megaphone card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Megaphone. [WORDS]. This will cause [WORDS] to be displayed at the opening post of the following day phase. This card may be played in combination with any other card.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard.

[spoiler=Secrets of the Pharoah, Volume 3 (Setup Piece 3/3)]You are holding the Secrets of the Pharoah Volume 3 card.

This card cannot be played unless you hold all three Secrets of the Pharoah Volume 1-3 cards. During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Unleash the Secrets of the Pharoah.

If you do, and play this, you will learn the numbers setup of the game, as well as earn the right to ask one "Yes or No" question to the hosts, inquiring about anything with the exception of a specific player's alignment or general setup information.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Radar Beacon (Voyeur)]You are holding the Radar Beacon card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Radar Beacon on [uSER]. You will learn all actions performed on [uSER], as well as all cards successfully targetting [uSER]. You will not learn who performed or played them.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Radar Beacon (Voyeur)]You are holding the Radar Beacon card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Radar Beacon on [uSER]. You will learn all actions performed on [uSER], as well as all cards successfully targetting [uSER]. You will not learn who performed or played them.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Blank Card (Vanilla)]You are holding the Blank Card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Discarding Blank Card. You will toss the Blank Card to the Card Graveyard. This card has no hidden abilities, and is essentially a Vanilla card.

Once this card is successfully discarded to the card Graveyard, you will be rid of this card. Should you choose to discard this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Blank Card (Vanilla)]You are holding the Blank Card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Discarding Blank Card. You will toss the Blank Card to the Card Graveyard. This card has no hidden abilities, and is essentially a Vanilla card.

Once this card is successfully discarded to the card Graveyard, you will be rid of this card. Should you choose to discard this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Blank Card (Vanilla)]You are holding the Blank Card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Discarding Blank Card. You will toss the Blank Card to the Card Graveyard. This card has no hidden abilities, and is essentially a Vanilla card.

Once this card is successfully discarded to the card Graveyard, you will be rid of this card. Should you choose to discard this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Blank Card (Vanilla)]You are holding the Blank Card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Discarding Blank Card. You will toss the Blank Card to the Card Graveyard. This card has no hidden abilities, and is essentially a Vanilla card.

Once this card is successfully discarded to the card Graveyard, you will be rid of this card. Should you choose to discard this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

Edited by Elieson
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Today's Decks include, in a completely random order:

  • Twelve Magical Hats Deck
  • Poorly Lit Magician Deck
  • Fourteen Tools of the Bandit Deck
  • Secrets of the Pharoah: Part 1 Deck
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Ok all results SHOULD be out. Graveyard is properly stocked from what I can tell, and Decks are up.

Good night!

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lol if anyone thinks Eury's scum since that confirmed her flavour as what I had known it to be thanks to D2 OC

##Vote: Shinori

tempted to use kamikaze vig on him but fuck it fite me

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Still, the flavour claim I received yesterday was legit based upon the RPing in the announcement, and no way that Mai flavour would be scum based on this game.

I know I'm doing too much flavourspec atm, but honestly I have no fucking idea what to make of this game anymore. I've also been sick/depressed/insomniac the last little while, so maybe that's affecting things? idk.

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I repeat. It's quite possible that Eury is claiming to be Mai. It's also quite possible that the announcement was made by Eury and that it's a continuation of that flavor claim. But you need to stop assuming that just because someone claims a flavor, it's legit. :/

Also, who did you neighborize last night, if you don't mind me asking?

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I repeat. It's quite possible that Eury is claiming to be Mai. It's also quite possible that the announcement was made by Eury and that it's a continuation of that flavor claim. But you need to stop assuming that just because someone claims a flavor, it's legit. :/

Also, who did you neighborize last night, if you don't mind me asking?

Meh, I'm tired so flavourspec is the best I'm giving for the night

Also, I tried to neighbourize SB but then he got shot so w/e

I still have my kamikaze vig though, and I just discarded last night

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Vhaltz is scum guys, he accidentally posted in the mafia champions observer quicktopic instead of the scum QT

seriously though will re-read the game tomorrow, today was birthday day so I didn't really feel like channeling my effort into mafia.

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Incoming Purple Rule Post (I completely forgot about this)

Hi, this is eclipse. I haven't read much of anything, and it'll take a miracle for me to finish reading before the end of this day phase. Later~!

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lol if anyone thinks Eury's scum since that confirmed her flavour as what I had known it to be thanks to D2 OC

##Vote: Shinori

tempted to use kamikaze vig on him but fuck it fite me

Am I just missing something or is this just the first you've mentioned Shinori as scum?
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also i redirected shin to shinori, so he wasn't the one on the kill

Nice to see you trusted me bro!

Poly, Eli said specifically that characters won't necessarily match up to their expected alignment, plus Mai was evil in one season or something. I may be having a brain fart, but I can't quite understand why you think that clears Eury. You've also said a,lot about Shinori being not scum before, did someone have a... change of heart? That was terrible.

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Well I'd been thinking Vhaltz was scum D1 and GP had overtaken him in my views of potential scumminess on D2, so I have different reads. It happens.

And remember, I was the one who tried to shoot Kay and was one of the first to vote GP yesterday, so no way that you're going to sell me as scum, which I'm not anyway.

Eury can verify my neighbourizer role, and my vig shot confirmed a redirector.

Anyways, if we're done thinking of why a confirmed vig/neighbourizer is scum, I'll give a detailed case on why I'm feeling Shinori is scum when I get on my laptop, since phone ISOing is hard.

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- Okay, I'm gonna keep this short n' sweet 'cause my posts are gonna look stupid big. >_>

- D2: I was out with some really bad stomach/chest pains, and honestly, I was out of it and was trying to catch up on sleep (and was hoping Poly would deliver some of my thoughts for me).

- N2: I used a Voyeur card on Scorri last night, but somehow it didn't affect her/my action didn't go through. Not sure why.


And yes, the flavor (first announcement) was from me, so consider that confirmed (and I was slightly bored and wanted to use the card. :<)

Also will need to re-read over D2 to see what happened, aside from scum being tagged with the lynch. Gj with that, btw.

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announcer 1 is eury

announcer 2 is randa

easy mode

What on earth makes you think that.

Also wrt Poly, I looked back through the ISO and he originally mentioned Eury back in day one when trying get her to claim. He also pretty much clears her Early day 2 and doesn't explain why. Then he explains the choice and the explanation is weird. Wy would you neighborize someone who is still under scrutiny. Why not go with somebody who was widely accepted as town and clear yourself? And looking back I can't say for sure you are the Vig. I think you are, but it could've been Garland/Baldrick and you claim the role after he was Vig. However this can easily be answered by Prims telling us if he redirected Poly night 1. Which would make no sense, because Prims wanted poly to shoot Kay. So there's no way he would redirect him to BBM.

##Vote Mango Sentinel

To many things aren't adding up right now.

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Oh god Eury. That's an awful restriction. Hysterical but awful. And that's weird. I used a Hand theme card against Scorri night 1. And had the same thing happen. Either somebody is extremely protective or he has some power/ability.

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