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Which characters did you like and why?


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^You'd like the lord character of my fanfic then. :) Azura has that wants-to-be-treated-as-equal-to-men thing as well, though she isn't as tomboyish-looking as Sully, nor does she swear as much. She even has some prejudice against men/boys for awhile because of how they treated her when she was younger. She also has trouble accepting help because she wants to prove that she can hold her own, and she has arachnophobia. lol But she's still loyal, kind, and dedicated as well.

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I like Severa because not only can I sorta relate to her and I think she's pretty, but her attitude is frequently hilarious. lol I guess I'm one of those people that like tsunderes. :P

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My 5 favorite characters in the game:

Gregor: This guy is simply hilarious, his entire attitude, his speech manners, and the 'wisdoms' he shares with the others easily make me laugh. His supports with Cordelia were absolutely golden, and what makes him all the better for me, I know someone who acts like him (no, that person CAN speak normally, I'm talking about Gregor's personality).

Severa: I can understand that quite a few here hate her, she sure likes to insult and scream at others, aside from her being a tsundere. As for me, her attitude doesn't bother me at all, I would hate her if she were real, but her interactions with others constantly amuse me, I don't have anything against abusive characters. Besides, it's not like everything she is saying is baseless, she does have a point at times. And not only that, she also has reasons for her behaviour. That might not justify her actions for many, but exactly because of this, one can't say that she is utterly bland and unremarkable, she does have a decent amount of realism to her personality, and depth, I daresay. Regarding her tsundere gimmicks, I always was charmed by the mindsets and actions of tsunderes (as long as a series doesn't have too many of them, at least), so that is actually a pluspoint as well for me.

Lon'qu: The badass of the game. He rarily fails to look cool when he needs to, and at that has an interesting backstory. I already knew that I'd like him when he was introduced, as one of his first sentences was : "He gives orders. I stab people. I think our roles are clear." His fear of women is not bad , but it is all the better seeing him overcome said fear and marry a woman.

Henry: A sociopath done right, right here. He takes part in a lot of funny conversations, and even though he is always cheerful, he still craves for blood and war. But it's not like he is utterly mad, he does show an ounce of humanity at times. His quotes while fighting and on event tiles are great as well.

Gaius: Half of what he is saying revolves around sweets. He overdoes it at times, but all in all it is another entertaining gimmick. When it is about sweets, he is a goofy guy, but he does have a caring and serious side as well. I loved his support with Maribelle, it heavily improved my opinion of him, as it proved that he may be a thief, but he does not lack a sense of morality at all.

Other mentions go to Tharja ( I like certain scenes of her, the thing with the child abuse is horrendous) , Stahl (the nice guy), and Noire (her alternate personality is quite well-done).

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Severa - Tsundere and destroys the world

Inigo - I like his support with his father(s), how he puts on a smile to show no weakness

Owain - My inner child as a character

Cynthia - Justice Cabal

Lon'Qu - my first playthrough he was my Joshua v.2

no specific order :P

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I like most of the cast in this game, even if it doesn't have my favorite support system (that honor goes to PoR :3), but I do have a few top favorites! The first one should be obvious.

Frederick :wub:

My favorite in the game by far and I love him to pieces. He's amazing, wonderful, and badass! And freaking hot. :D I think he's one of the more well-done Jagens in the series, he was given so much more personality than the others as far as I could tell. He's hardly one-dimensional either, with how many sides we see of him! Frederick is typically serious and actually pretends not to fear anything. He's even a bit cold sometimes. And his butler tendencies are hilarious. lol But through his supports, we discover that deep down, he's really a big softie and there actually are things that he's really afraid of. And we see how much of a sweetheart he really is and what a drama llama he can be. lol I mean, this guy loves hugs and crying tears of joy! Also, he resembles my ideal husband, which is a reason my Avatar married him. He doesn't act all weird and goofy about his feelings (unlike a certain lord in this game), he remains a gentleman and calm and collected. And he freaking kneels and kisses Avatar's hand! You never see that. I'm so old school, I know. XD

As for his badassness, five words. PICK A GOD AND PRAY. :D

Second: Inigo! I love him to pieces too, cause he's just like another FE womanizer I'm really fond of! Sain from FE7. <3 They're examples of really well done womanizers because there is really a lot more to their ambitions than just getting some attention from cute women. Inigo loves because he doesn't want to hurt anyone. And he wants to get over his shyness. He's really a more serious person than he let's on, and it's the same with Sain.

I also really like Donny! He's so adorkable, and I'm usually fond of the southern accent bearing boy character. lol He's always so cute in his supports, especially the one with Lissa! And despite that he's still technically a kid, he really wants to become a great warrior and he doesn't seem to be afraid at all. I really like that.

Lon'qu is a fav too, cause he's just freaking badass. He also reminds me of an OC belonging to a friend of mine. Oh yeah, this guy's deep voice is sexy too. :D

I can't forget Virion, another one of those well-written womanizers. He's a lot smarter than he let's on, and this is shown well in his support with the Avatar. Also, FRENCH ACCENT! :D

Gaius is adorkable. That love for sweets is hilarious and I like that for once, we have a really noble thief character. Gaius went and saved the lives of two people that he never even met, just because he's a good guy like that.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot Cordelia. She's a lot like me and I can relate to her. Except there's one big difference. She can handle hardships in her life a lot better than I can. She remains so strong despite her heartbreak over Chrom. I really wish I could be more like that. She's also pretty, I admire her hard-working attitude, and she's a really good unit too.

I support this all the way and Cordelia is actually distant of Chrom despite her obsession of him. Shows this in one of their summer scramble DLC convos.

I'm probably the only one who has Chrom as one of their favourites. Sure he has the generic "Gotta protect my family, friends, country and never give up on my ideals" but that's fitting for his purpose in the story. Plus I think he's cute :3 -- with the flowing white cape and dashing blue locks. I thought he was so adorable confessing his love to the avatar, him and his dramatic deep breaths. Although the events leading up to the confession were a bit of a stretch >.>

Lucina is pretty cool too. Despite what has happened in her life she keeps going. If I were her I would have hid under a rock.

Owain is hilarious.

Donnel has a likeable personality and he's a great unit.

Lon'qu is a pretty good unit too and his voice is sexy.

Gaius wasn't my fav at first but his obsession with sugar and nicknaming habit won me over.

Henry has funny support convos.


Heh, glad you guys are enjoying the thread.

Even though I like everybody, I'll probably take some time to talk about just about everyone. x3 But...! I suppose I'll start with my top five (from the parent generation, at least)!

5) Henry - TBH this is mainly because my GF is so enamored with the boy, and it rubbed off on me quite a bit, heh. His cheery demeanor combined with his bloodlust is morbidly hilarious, and on top of that, he has a highly sympathetic and tragic backstory to boot. It's so hard not to love this boy.

4) Gregor - Goddamn, this mofo is just so likeable. I looked at his official art of him doin' the ole hearty muscleman laugh and was like, 'Oh I'm gonna like this guy'. And you know what? He didn't disappoint. His Russian accent makes no sense but I don't care because of how fun his dialogue is, and underneath his goofy and seemingly-greedy exterior he's actually a super kind, careworn, surprisingly wise guy. THIS is how you write someone who seems outwardly greedy (Anna, I'm looking at you. Okay no more negativity sry sry).

3) Cherche / Minerva - Not only is Cherche a totally classy lady, polite and kind at all the right times, she's also a complete badass who doesn't take shit from anybody, like a more refined, effeminate version of Sully (though I sort of feel bad to compare the two, very different as they are). I love the fact that she can see the beauty in almost any creature, since she finds ferocious creatures utterly adorable-- something about that is just so endearing. SPEAKING of which, Minerva shares this slot for being the most (/ only) developed animal character, which I like that they did. Animals, while not self-aware and such, totally have a degree of sentience that not a lot of people realize, and I love that Minerva has that too.

2) Tharja - The controversial one, eh ~3~ Honestly I totally get why most people don't like Tharja-- and yet, I don't. She's no different from many other people in that her outward personality and the player's first impressions of her speak little to her underlying personality. It's funny because, despite her stalker tendencies and outwardly being a habitual user of others, she's really not crazy and actually not that mean in reality-- if anything, her supports with Nowi show that she's the biggest goshdarn closet sweetheart on the planet. Despite acting as mean as possible to most people and pretending like she doesn't care what people think, you can see that it's more just a shell she puts around herself to maintain her reputation or to keep herself from getting hurt or whatever; her supports with the avatar show that she's actually pretty sensitive when it comes to bothering people she actually DOES like. Now, I know the main thing a lot of people hate about her is how she uses Noire as a guinea pig for hexes and such, and to be honest, I don't think I can really defend her for that-- I do think that she loves her daughter, though, in her own twisted way. (And let's be honest-- it's not as though being from a future where everything has gone to shit couldn't have had ANY bearing on Noire developing a split personality-- I think it's just a possibility, anyway, but maybe I'm being biased). I just think a lot of people ignore Tharja's good qualities, you know? She's really not that bad.

1) Tiki - My waifu ~3~ So yeah. Even though Tiki gets very little development in this game, I feel like the concept of what she is alone makes her incredibly deep. The notion of immortality being a curse by means of having to watch anyone/everyone you ever love leave or die isn't a particularly original one, I know, but I found its presentation quite touching with her all the same. The fact that she allows herself to befriend people despite knowing she's going to lose them and having experienced that pain before speaks to how strong she is, and the fact that she can both enjoy herself with and learn things from those infinitely her junior speaks to her wisdom as well. Her S-support with MU quite predictably went with a very Arwen-syndrome approach, yet even though I was fully expecting it, I still couldn't help get a bit misty-eyed at it all the same.

4. Downright awfully cute at heart. ^-^



Lissa questioned him only because he looked like a bum like those bandits from Plegia. You can't judge peoples looks by their appearance, Lissa. I mean, look at Gonzales(FE6).

3. Cherche and Emmeryn are likely the most likeable female in the game as they always sees the positively side in people and are very pretty to boot. How can anyone possibly hate them?

2. Still Tharja can't easily be forgiven by some people as she still messed Noire up. If she didn't, we'd have another Emmeryn like person.

1. Has shown a side of her that wasn't shown beforehand as she was just a 1000 yr old child in all of the other games.

Miriel's way of speaking is really awkward sometimes, but her excessively scientific approach to everything actually occasionally makes for some legitimately fascinating observations, considering the medieval level of technology in this very modern era (but that's another topic).

Nothing like Colress in anyway possible. xP

Really, there are only a few notable recruitable characters that I don't like. But I do have a lot of favorites. In no particular order:

Gaius - Kind of a husbando, but not really. He was an instant favorite from the first time I saw his dialogue; the way he delivered the line of "I'd rob her blind, but I'd never hurt her!" just stood out to me so much. I was worried that the obsession with sugar and sweets would get obnoxious, but it doesn't actually come up THAT often. Instead, a lot of his supports highlight his other talents and personality traits, with the sugar thing maybe being either only a catalyst or just a background tidbit. He doesn't steal because he wants to hurt people - he steals because that's just what he does, and he does it all with an excellent layer of sass and snark that just turns everyone's accusations on their heads. The backstory expressed in his support with Mirabelle is probably one of the best of the secondary cast, too.

Stahl - Stahl is just such a huge sweetie. He's the token "average" guy, but he embraces his averageness and doesn't let it get him down. Instead, he's always ready and willing to help everyone in any way that he can. And he is skilled - he's just very humble about the skills he does have and knows that others are better than him. He's just so genuinely nice, and this recognition of his limits and desire to better himself, not to achieve any kind of greatness or glory, but simply because his help is needed, makes him that much more likable.

Virion - aka alternate universe Miles Edgeworth What to say about him that hasn't already been said? He enjoys the finer points of life, but is by no means just a soft dandy. He has a razor sharp and cunning intellect underneath that shallow exterior, and he knows exactly how to use it to disarm any opponent and come out on top. He's always thinking three or four steps ahead, and is acutely aware of all the consequences that might come of the actions he and others around him might take. He flirts with women, but he always seems genuinely sincere about all the virtues he sees in them, even if it comes across as dramatic flattery. All in all, just another really fun character.

Sumia - Oh gosh, where to start with Sumia. She's easily the character I relate to the most in the game. She genuinely wants to be helpful, but is clumsy and awkward and can be a little slow on the uptake, and this has a big impact on her sense of self-esteem. She cares about everyone and everything so hard, but still almost always manages to make mistakes or have something go wrong. She hates to fight, but knows she must, and wants to take care of everyone as well as she can until the fighting is over. She is accepting of everyone and just wants everyone to be happy. All she wants for herself is a peaceful life, even though she loves to read and imagine herself going on grand fantastic adventures. The fact that she's not only accepted, but embraced by everyone around her is truly heartwarming to me, and gives me hope that I might also eventually find my place and purpose in the world.

I just...I love Sumia a lot, okay.

Lucina - Again, what more is there to be said that hasn't been said already? She is just such a wonderfully strong, well-done character who goes above and beyond her trope. Her interactions with Chrom highlight her serious nature and how much she recognizes the responsibility that has been forced on her, but her interactions mother and sibling are a great example of showcasing her as a fully fleshed out young woman, with interests and habits beyond her duty and obligation to the world.

- Morgan (m)

- Yarne

- Owain

- Brady

- Miriel

- Laurent

- Gregor

- Cordelia

- Chrom

- Emmeryn

Support all the way and Stahl is only likeable because his personality is mirrored like Kakarot's.

Lucina - My favorite female character in the series. She obliterates everything and I love her personality along with the way that she's written.

Owain - FREAKING HILARIOUS! Dramatic, over-the-top and he's a powerful enough character. No matter how many times I play Awakening he never ceases to make me laugh.

Inigo - Best written womanizer imo. His supports (especially with Owain) were hilarious!

Chrom - Powerful lord, kind and warm. Plus is it just me or is his voice uber manly? I'm also a big fan of his character design. Plus Chrom has some funny supports and interactions (like with Female My Unit)

Henry - Hilarious sociopath. Never thought I'd ever say that.

Gregor - Dat Russian accent. Plus when he mentions that he killed his employer while asking for employment XD. Plus what he says in Exponential Growth is pretty funny too.

Noire - I <3 her bi-polarness. Oh Noire you're hilarious.

Yes. ^^

As usual, I'm the only person that gives Freddy any love. :P

Oh well, more Freddy Bear for me lol.

I have to admit something though. I kinda like Kellam too. He got slapped with a bad gimmick, but the poor guy is about as nice as Stahl, yet he used to be a bad kid, causing his family to ignore him. He turned himself around quite a bit.

I also like Severa quite a bit, she's my second favorite kid unit after Inigo. I think her attitude is funny, she's actually a really nice girl deep down, and OMG the hilarity between her and Inigo. lol I can see why people don't like how she insults just about anyone she talks to, but the thing is, she also realizes that this is wrong and she legitimately wants to change and be a good person. I can sorta relate to her too, since she was basically made fun of for being inferior to her mother. I used to be bullied a lot too.

I don't know why Freddie isn't liked by much. He's formal, so what. He only has a Careful nature and he's exponentially hot.

Two words: Child Abuse. There's a lot about Tharja that's played for laughs, but THAT shouldn't have been. Even if the worst of the abuse was Future!Tharja, the Present!Tharja still runs experiments if Noire's convos with her father are any indication. There's no redemption from that at all, no matter what heartwarming moments she has.


None at all. We could have had another Emmeryn if it only wasn't for her interference.

Basically this, and then add in the fact that the game outright states that she doesn't change/there isn't a difference in Noire's solo ending.

And it's not like Walhart's over the top spiel either [that at least is hammy enough to cross the line twice (and you don't see any negative effects either)].

The hate Tharja gets is well deserved.


My personal favorite character is Miriel. Don't ask me why, I really don't know. A mixture of personality and being the first mage you get?

I like Emmeryn because of her (sort of) death scene. I forget which chapter, I think 7 or 8, but the one where she threw herself off the cliff. It really made me like her a lot. The only problem is that she didn't actually die, that jump really should've killed her and it seems forced, taking away from the effects of her actions.

Panne is nice, all serious and aloof. (Yes, I am awful at explaining why I like people)

Lucina is nice.

Virion got a lot more writing than most people, making him very likeable.

I would like Maribelle if she had balancing in her personality between her rudeness and redeeming qualities, the shallowness of the characters in this game is a big problem for her.

Ultimately, I like these characters a lot more when I fill in details about their past that are never developed in the game. I'm kinda just assuming they have complicated personalities when most characters are pretty shallow and one-sided.


Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

Man i love Cervantes.

Wishing he was playable as he's never lost before the Shepards appearance as his stache has made him invincible over the years.

I'm seeing more eye to eye with you now that I see where you're coming from, Loki. Yeah, I agree with you about that, but I don't think Tiki's look is COMPLETELY inappropriate for her... Admittedly, I can't make as strong a case for her as I could for Tharja/Nowi/Olivia, but I do think that it still suits her given that she still has a vestige of childlike behavior to her personality, and I already talked about the boobage issue... maternity and womanhood and all that. But I do see where you're coming from.

Cervantes is the freakin' best.



I think gender-locking is stupid as fuck for all classes

I also like muscular men in pretty dresses

...And wouldn't be beautiful either.

This. Why do the males only get their waifus in pretty dresses? Males should get a pretty class too.

Somebody get my man in a tux!

They should have done that making them like Shelly De Killer.

I'm fine with Dead Fighter. I love the way Freddy looks in it. :wub:


- She has a skarp tongue but is good enough on the bottom, and is a fierce fighter for social justice on top of that. Plus, her supports with the avatar are hilarious.

- Nice average guy who would be my husbando if the Radiant Hobo didn't exist. He has cute ruffly hair which is definitely a plus.

- She is just an amazing person, like a never-ending fountain of kindness. She brings out the best in just about everyone, and she seems to have a talent to get people to talk about their backstory. If I ever play as m!Robin, she would be my first pick for marrying.

Priam the Radiant Hobo
- Mah husbando and current target for 95% of my fangirling. No more explanation is needed.

- I find her to be incredibly cute. Like, I want to hug her and braid her hair and tickle her and give her piggyback rides. Some of her supports were a bit messed up though, espicially her and Inigo's.

Either her, Noire, or Emmeryn would be top waifu choices for Male MU.

i like Severa because she has nice hair and she's mean sometimes. (don't tell me she makes up for it, I think I would know about my own favorite character.)

And obnoxious.

But...she hates to show her sensitive side more than anything to make it even better.


No Order

Cherche-Always seeing the positivity in people and even treats animals the same respect as with humans. If she existed in rl, many boys would flock to her like a moth rushing to a flame.

Noire-Has a caring heart, although she sometimes snaps without warning to make it even more interesting. She is the utmost interesting character of the game.


Freddie-As what Anacybele already said above.

Walhart-Lets nothing become an obstacle in his side. Not even after defeat. Plus his supports with MU really get to me.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Henry. I mean, that's all there is to it. As soon as I met him for the first time in Chapter 13 and saw him cracking bad jokes, I was like, "SIGN ME UP I'M USING THIS CHARACTER EVERY CHAPTER." His personality only goes uphill from there; his bloodthirst and cheerful violence is portrayed so well and make him such an amazing and amusing character.

Love his supports with Tharja.

Stahl; I don't use him that often, but I do find it really funny that in his support with Miriel, she said he was average in every single aspect possible; in fact, he was abnormally normal. A lot of people say he has no personality, but I say his entire existence is really great.

Virion; I can point out things I like and hate about him. The good probably outweighs the bad, and I love how much dialogue and backstory he ended up being given. (And he's, like, the only starting-class archer.)

Nowi. Moe~

I really love Gaius's character. Like, I really love Gaius's character.

And Anna needed more love... Mischevious and moneyhungry, smooth-talking yet outright. I really wish she could have other supports, just because her MU support is great. (Also, hot diggity dog, how well would your Lunatic+ run go if you paired up MU with RNG goddess every chapter?)

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I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I really like Cordelia too. I feel she's a pretty complex character. She's more than just her feelings for Chrom: She's a perfectionist, she's not good at showing her feelings, and she has her share of insecurities, but she's also a hard worker and she cares deeply for her friends. Especially where Sumia is involved.

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Dark Huntress, was it necessary to post all of the posts you were quoting instead of just the bolded stuff? Good gods. *glares*

Cherche and Emmeryn are likely the most likeable female in the game

Emmeryn sucks. A lot. Shes easy to like, but shes just plain awful in general. This is a bad example on how to write characters like her. Simply because shes just not very intelligent. Post-Splat Emmeryn is even worse.

I agree about Cherche. Cherche is easily one of the warmest females in the game not named Lissa.

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Virion; I can point out things I like and hate about him. The good probably outweighs the bad, and I love how much dialogue and backstory he ended up being given. (And he's, like, the only starting-class archer.)

Noire says hi.

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Emmeryn sucks. A lot. Shes easy to like, but shes just plain awful in general. This is a bad example on how to write characters like her. Simply because shes just not very intelligent. Post-Splat Emmeryn is even worse.

What an awful thing to say.


Emmeryn is the strongest, most noble girl on the planet. No one would even dare to do that honorable sacrifice. As I've said here before, she DIDN'T expect to live. Some guy off the street only found her an nursed her, otherwise she would have died. She still is dead emotionally except for her softlike attitude. How can you not have compassion for this girl? The deities only gave her another chance at life for such a courageous, honorable, sincere act. Plus she never sees any evil in people, ...or possesses none herself. She doesn't posses a single negative thought. Did she get scared when she jumped off the cliff, no. Did she yell and scream f u to Gangrel, no. Did she allow the other soldiers in Ylisse to help protect her, no. She cared for those people. Just how can you not understand on how perfect and noble that this woman really is...? If anyone, I repeat, anyone has even a glimpse of her thinking and compassion, the world would be a better place.

She even helped Gangrel overcome his grief in a DLC convo in the "Hot Springs Scramble".

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If anyone, I repeat, anyone has even a glimpse of her thinking and compassion, the world would be a better place.

Or more likely, a very empty one. She's a good person to be a figurehead leader, but she has actual power, and is thus not very competent in her role. Outside of Fire Emblem, no country with her as a leader would last very long.

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Or more likely, a very empty one. She's a good person to be a figurehead leader, but she has actual power, and is thus not very competent in her role. Outside of Fire Emblem, no country with her as a leader would last very long.

She's only respected by them as she is a girl. If it were a guy like her attitude, then it would be as you said. She could have had backup from her men, though she didn't need it. Shows on how strong a ruler that she really is by taking matters into her own hands. Sure she's not very smart at some of the decisions that she made, like allowing Cordelia's henchmen die doing nothing about that, but she tries her best to be a good ruler like Elincia.

Elincia also isn't a harsh ruler (showing what happened having a humble ruler. FE10 Part II.) and look where it got her after a little help from the royal knights. ^^

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What does her gender have to do with it? There have been plenty of "weak" male leaders, and plenty of "strong" female leaders in world history.

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Emmeryn sucks. A lot. Shes easy to like, but shes just plain awful in general. This is a bad example on how to write characters like her. Simply because shes just not very intelligent. Post-Splat Emmeryn is even worse.

I would not say, that Emmeryn is not intelligent. Her main weakness might be, that she is pacifist.

She's only respected by them as she is a girl. If it were a guy like her attitude, then it would be as you said. She could have had backup from her men, though she didn't need it. Shows on how strong a ruler that she really is by taking matters into her own hands. Sure she's not very smart at some of the decisions that she made, like allowing Cordelia's henchmen die doing nothing about that, but she tries her best to be a good ruler like Elincia.

Elincia also isn't a harsh ruler (showing what happened having a humble ruler. FE10 Part II.) and look where it got her after a little help from the royal knights. ^^

In my opinion the difference between Emmeryn and Elincia is, that Emmeryn is pacifist (only related to mainstory) and Elincia tries to be it. But it failed, because Elincia is swamped about the abuses, so she has to fight and send the CKs. Emmeryn´s decissions might not be smart, but she tries with all one´s might to prevent a war.

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She's only respected by them as she is a girl. If it were a guy like her attitude, then it would be as you said. She could have had backup from her men, though she didn't need it. Shows on how strong a ruler that she really is by taking matters into her own hands. Sure she's not very smart at some of the decisions that she made, like allowing Cordelia's henchmen die doing nothing about that, but she tries her best to be a good ruler like Elincia.

Taking matters into your own hand is not a sign of a good ruler. Knowing your own limitations and realizing that your subordinates can just as easily be your betters in certain things is. Also, being female has nothing to do with this really. Female or male, you can hardly let your morals stand between you and protecting your people. Ylisse hardly even has a standing army because, "Peace." I like that she sticks by her morals. I like her kindhearted nature, but that only goes so far. There's a point where it needs to stop. The dead care little for peace that one pretends is there.

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Guys, seriously, don't try arguing as to why a character is bad in this thread, there is another one for that, which tbh is kinda depressing.
I'm neutral about Emmeryn, but it is not pleasant for a fan of hers to see criticism of her in a thread that is supposed to share positive opinions.
Regarding Yen'fay, he is awesome as well, forgot to mention him.

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Emmeryn is like "hi i am perfect and nice and caring even to evil people i'm going to go jump off a cliff in a super long cutscene to make you "sad" even though i've had literally no development or character or whatever lol"

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In my opinion the difference between Emmeryn and Elincia is, that Emmeryn is pacifist (only related to mainstory) and Elincia tries to be it. But it failed, because Elincia is swamped about the abuses, so she has to fight and send the CKs. Emmeryn´s decissions might not be smart, but she tries with all one´s might to prevent a war.

Elincia gets forced to fight pointlessly (in RD p2), because her first action was to seek Ike's help at the hint of Civil War. Something that would've prevented the conflict from escalating to war [even if it wouldn't have been a "strong" showing, it would've prevented armed conflict]. Of course Bastian is a dumbass and thinks that civil war is a smart idea so he made Ike "disappear" so that option was off the table.

Elincia is a better ruler than Emm. Elincia sought to avoid war, but knew that when it came time to fight, to ****ing fight, not blunder into a trap.

Of course, then again, I could also point at the Valm arc and point out that Chrom is a better ruler than Emm, despite him worrying he might not live up to her. [No, he's her superior.]

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I think Bastian was being smart, actually. He was using the element of surprise in a really interesting way. Like Ike tells Elincia at the end of Part 2, sometimes it's necessary to deceive allies in order to properly deceive enemies.

But I agree that Elincia handled things better than Emmeryn, even if I don't think even Elincia ever truly had a firm grip on her crap. She, too, fell into traps set by her enemy, since that's what got Lucia captured in the first place. But in the end, she knew she could do nothing but watch Lucia die for her country (until Ike's group shows up of course).

Edited by Anacybele
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Guys, seriously, don't try arguing as to why a character is bad in this thread, there is another one for that, which tbh is kinda depressing.

I'm neutral about Emmeryn, but it is not pleasant for a fan of hers to see criticism of her in a thread that is supposed to share positive opinions.

Regarding Yen'fay, he is awesome as well, forgot to mention him.

The OP says only talk about the characters you do like. It says nothing about not being able to criticize them, and it also says nothing about only talking about the positive parts of a character.

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Elincia gets forced to fight pointlessly (in RD p2), because her first action was to seek Ike's help at the hint of Civil War. Something that would've prevented the conflict from escalating to war [even if it wouldn't have been a "strong" showing, it would've prevented armed conflict]. Of course Bastian is a dumbass and thinks that civil war is a smart idea so he made Ike "disappear" so that option was off the table.

Elincia is a better ruler than Emm. Elincia sought to avoid war, but knew that when it came time to fight, to ****ing fight, not blunder into a trap.

Of course, then again, I could also point at the Valm arc and point out that Chrom is a better ruler than Emm, despite him worrying he might not live up to her. [No, he's her superior.]

True, she's a good face for Ylisse, but by no means is anyone that I would give political control to during a time of crisis. Chrom may be more hot headed, but I much prefer his style of leadership to Emmeryn, who let such things continue in the haildom for many years. I think even Emmeryn knows/knew that. .

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