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What is your stance on Lowen


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I used to frown upon Lowen because, back in my newbie days, I'd hate on his 30% Str/Skill/Spd growths, without realizing what he had to bring to the table. Now? I think he's pretty good. He can be a potentially tankt unit, with that massive 90% HP growth, quite above average (and pretty good for the GBA games) 40% Def growth and even his 50% Luck growths helps a bit, against criticals and a bit of Avo.

His bases are decent and I tend to not get screwed up bad with his offensive growths, so he turns out alright offensively. His high Con allows him to wield a bit of heavier weapons and a support with Marcus, may help patch up his offense. The fact that he's mounted and gains axes upon promotion, makes him an above average unit.

Also, 'dat goldie knight.

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Good to use early on. Falls behind as soon as Sain and Kent rejoin/catch up, and needs a very good blessing to avoid that. That's how I see it. But it's obvious that Marcus is better than him in any case.

Edited by Just call me Al
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Good to use early, but once Kent and Sain rejoin/catch up, he falls behind and just can't recover.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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I do like him a lot, though it's not only because of its stats. Dat gold Armour, Dat Haircut ! ALl the love.

He is above all a mobile tank. It's base and growth in HP, Def, and Res and Luck are the best of all Horse Knights overall, and his base are pretty good.
The other stats are too shaky to be trusted, sadly.

In fact, it's like if Oswin exchanged some stats and growth for mobility and full weapons control.

Not a bad unit, by any means. He have a lots of great advantages, and fits a pretty unique role.
Obviously, once Heath is available, he is a flying Tank who deals tons of punishment too, especially on Hard Mode.

(Farina too, somehow...)

It depends heavily of how lucky you'll be with him, but he can be a pretty good unit

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I think he's not Marcus or Isadora so I don't use him

To expand: none of the cavs have ever been kind to me on HHM so I've given up praying to the RNG

More objectively I think he can be okay if you really want to use him (and doesn't have my bad luck with unpromoted cavs) and he does have a horse but he's not exactly special but he's definitely better than some of the other scrubs though

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Lowen has like Kent and Sain's bases (but worse) and Marcus' growths (but better HP/DEF). What a loser. If he didn't have a mount, he'd be bottom tier. As it is, he's decent (better in NM). The fact that he has a great availability advantage/level advantage over Kent/Sain and still ends up lamer should show you what a scrub he is, though.

EDIT I should also mention I end up with really good Lowens on HHM FSR. So I guess I'm a HYPOCRITE.

Edited by Refa
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Lowen has like Kent and Sain's bases (but worse) and Marcus' growths (but better HP/DEF). What a loser. If he didn't have a mount, he'd be bottom tier. As it is, he's decent (better in NM). The fact that he has a great availability advantage/level advantage over Kent/Sain and still ends up lamer should show you what a scrub he is, though.

EDIT I should also mention I end up with really good Lowens on HHM FSR. So I guess I'm a HYPOCRITE.

honestly i think Lowen's bases are way better than Kent's and a little better than Sain's too. He has D in both weapon types, and a pretty significant hp buffer (3 on kent, 4 on Sain) and higher defence than both, faster than Sain, stronger than Kent.

Like compare Kent's non Lyn mode stats to Lowens. As a level 5 unit (compared to Lowen's level 2). He ties HP, wins by one in str/skl/spd, and actually loses in defence.

That being said I still think Kent/Sain are better.

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Lowen is probably my favorite cavalier in FE7. Who cares that his offensive growths suck, he can tank whatever he damn well pleases and when he promotes, it's devil axe time. Lowen with S axes is awesome

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I don't like him much. I don't find durability very valuable in this game so his 90/40 HP/Def, while amazing for this game, just doesn't matter to me. Offensive growths of 30/30/30 just doesn't cut it. Sure, he's good in normal modes, but everyone is good there. Kent and Sain are both easily better, and while that doesn't matter most of the time, HHM only has two Knight Crests. I mean, each of them beats him all around in Str/Skl/Spd growths and their durability isn't exactly bad.

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Hey kent is just awful. Lowen's durability is good enough because once he gains axes at promotion, he can tank well enough. Even if his Str fails, a decent speed on him works well with his huge HPDEFLUK

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With bias, I'd say he's better than Kent and worse than Sain. Because, man, those Kents Ive had just make me cringe. But in reality, I know I must just had bad Kents, so I have to say he's a worse version of Kent/Sain with more availability. He's nice in the normal modes for sure, but he tends to do poorly when it comes to HHM in my experience. EHM isnt too bad to him, though the decreased exp still hurts him quite a lot.

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Lowen has his uses but his damage output suffers in HHM. He's pretty tanky, but it starts to hurt when he's not doubling nor dealing crazy amounts of damage.

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honestly i think Lowen's bases are way better than Kent's and a little better than Sain's too. He has D in both weapon types, and a pretty significant hp buffer (3 on kent, 4 on Sain) and higher defence than both, faster than Sain, stronger than Kent.

Like compare Kent's non Lyn mode stats to Lowens. As a level 5 unit (compared to Lowen's level 2). He ties HP, wins by one in str/skl/spd, and actually loses in defence.

That being said I still think Kent/Sain are better.

I mean Lowen will probably be better statwise when you get to Kent/Sain, but just by base stats alone he's losing (not talking about Lyn Mode Kent/Sain here, he totally wrecks those guys).

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Didn't use him often. Sain was my main Cavalier/Paladin. Marcus was my Merlinus guardsman, Kent I never touched after Lyn's story. Lowen got the occasional usage whenever there was a huge amount of units available for usage in a level and I had nobody else to throw out that I cared about.

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I love me some Lowen. My beef is that his STR just plain sucks in the long run and thats sad. Cuz hes good just about everywhere else that matters. Its pretty bad when hes barely scratching guys while promoted with an axe. D: But i do like him better than Kent. Sain is a better investment in the long run cuz he squishes things. Lowen's got good speed doe. I dunno.

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Lowen is a good unit to have in the early game, and if he gets good stat gains in Str/Spd at least, he can be quite a force to be reckoned with. His tankiness allows him to stand and hold chokepoints along with Marcus, and having supports with Marcus and Rebecca help him out quite a bit in the offense department.

I usually have him close to Marcus while playing HHM, since they make quite a good pair in combat. Also, he has higher Con than Kent and Sain, which helps out his offense even more, which has been stated before by others.

Of course if Lowen does end up getting RNG screwed, there's always either Sain or Kent to replace him; although it's unlikely that they will have the same tankiness as him due to their growths being more offensive.

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I typically avoid using all cavalry units except for Marcus. I don't know why, but I have a thing against cavalry units. I'm not sure why, but I think it has something to do with their ability to move further than any other unit. But then again, I've nothing against Florina and use her in most cases. Meh.

As for Lowen, I've never seriously used him. But he's got good bases, and 40% growth in defense means he is definitely destined to become a tanky horse unit but only has 30% strength growth, which is on par with Guy's and 10% less than Rebecca's. In a game as easy as this, Oswin and Hector are all you really need as far as defense-oriented units go.

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Honestly, I'm not a fan of mounted units in general (Except for good ol' Percy :drool: ). However, I've had a Kent who got very good speed and defense. He ended up with very low strength (16 strength at 20/14) but capped skill, 22 speed and 18 defense. Not great, he didn't make it on my Light team, but still not bad. As for Lowen, I just don't see him competing with Kent or Sain.

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