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Games you hate but most people like


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The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker

Oh, did I mention The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker?
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@ Minecraft = Glorified Lego simulation

Considering how much Legos actually cost $26 is pretty damn good for the ridiculous shit you can do with it

But maybe I just like building things

I don't really have games I particularly hate that I've actually played, I guess

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Ok, after reserving a single post for my hate of the legenda of zelda: the Wind Waker, which i really hate, I can post more answers to this topic.

Besides wind waker, other games many people like and I dislike include Fifa/PES and most games based on sports.

Also, it pains me to say so, but while I really, really loved the first mario galaxy, Mario Galaxy 2 bored me to tears. I couldn't play it past 25 stars =(. Maybe I'll be able to like it if I try it again?

I also dislike WRPGs in general, and most people seem to like those.

Pokemon gen 3 was gen 3 for me (after having owned Red, Yellow, Silver, and Crystal) and it's my favorite :P.

Same here.

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Sonic & SEGA Allstars Racing: Transformed

Gamers hail it as "the best modern Mario Kart" because "the items only play a secondary role" and "every item can be avoided easily with the right strategy." However, it shows what modern Mario Kart without the emphasis on the items really is like; holding A throughout the entire race and doing a few turns and tricks here and there, with the racers staying in the same place throughout most of the race, without any major setbacks, with comebacks and turnarounds becoming so much more rare. Items in Mario Kart are so tightly integrated into the game's design that removing them sterilizes the game entirely.

Also at least in the PC version the online mode is a ghost town and never seems to work properly.

Spec Ops: The Line

It's a generic modern single-player linear corridor FPS with cover mechanics. But gamers revere it for having a deep and subversive narrative. It still doesn't change that the gameplay is a modern FPS.

Thomas Was Alone

With 'most people' being that it's moderately succesful for an indie game and that it won a few awards.

I mean, I love Shadow Dragon because of its minimalism and think the original Super Mario Bros. is the pinnacle of minimalist game design. But this game is when you strip a few things too many. Dry puzzle platforming with nondescript rectangles through nondescript areas. But it's all good because of the quirky narrative told by the charismatic narrator!

Tripe like this is why the term 'indie' is so polarizing in the first place.

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While it seems to be appreciated generally, I usually get the feeling that FE13 is quite the base breaker here.

Vocal Minority.

I dont like Sonic The Hedgehog. I had a good time with the first two games, but the rest can all eat a bag of dicks and meh.

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Pretty much any first person shooter because I can't handle not knowing what's going on behind me.

I've always found Zelda games to be really bland, especially OoT, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I don't mind Wind Waker and Majora's Mask though.

A lot of JRPGs, though only the ones that give you the ability to buy armor, spells, shoes, etc. All it does for me is turn it into a grindfest to get cash.

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A lot of JRPGs, though only the ones that give you the ability to buy armor, spells, shoes, etc. All it does for me is turn it into a grindfest to get cash.

Is it because you compulsively try to get the best of everything every time you visit a new town? I mean I totally understand if that's the case, but otherwise there are quite a few where you don't need to grind at all.

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This may sound odd, I don't think Pokemon X and Y is that great. I mean, I love the new Pokemon they added, I love mega-evolutions, I love fairy type, I love the online and connectivity features, super training, wonder trading (love wonder trading), but as a single-player game, it seems kind of small. It seems like a much more multiplayer focused game rather than single-player focused, as there is minimal post-game, no new areas to explore after completion besides Kiloude city and everything in the game seemed like it was encouraging me to trade or battle with other players, as if the game itself was only a prelude to that. The single-player is still entertaining, but it could be better. It's not like I dislike Pokemon multiplayer, and if judged simply on that aspect, X and Y are the best in the series, but the sinlg-player is lacking. The plot didn't seem like there was as much effort as there was in gen V, gen IV or even gen III.

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I really didn't like Mario Galaxy 2. It just felt like Mario Galaxy 1, but without the charm and fun that I got from the first one.

Edit: Also Pokemon X and Y.

This may sound odd, I don't think Pokemon X and Y is that great. I mean, I love the new Pokemon they added, I love mega-evolutions, I love fairy type, I love the online and connectivity features, super training, wonder trading (love wonder trading), but as a single-player game, it seems kind of small. It seems like a much more multiplayer focused game rather than single-player focused, as there is minimal post-game, no new areas to explore after completion besides Kiloude city and everything in the game seemed like it was encouraging me to trade or battle with other players, as if the game itself was only a prelude to that. The single-player is still entertaining, but it could be better. It's not like I dislike Pokemon multiplayer, and if judged simply on that aspect, X and Y are the best in the series, but the sinlg-player is lacking. The plot didn't seem like there was as much effort as there was in gen V, gen IV or even gen III.

This is basically my reasoning. Also because I can't do anything online because stupid new internet >:

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I really didn't like Mario Galaxy 2. It just felt like Mario Galaxy 1, but without the charm and fun that I got from the first one.

I got the same feeling from it. It got a higher score than Galaxy 1, but it didn't feel as special or new to me :<

Also Twilight Princess. While I do not hate it per say, it is the only 3D Zelda game I never replayed.

And I didn't really find A Link Between Worlds all that interesting gameplay wise >_<

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Is it because you compulsively try to get the best of everything every time you visit a new town? I mean I totally understand if that's the case, but otherwise there are quite a few where you don't need to grind at all.

Well it's more like when all the characters start off unequipped and I go to an item shop and buy a hat for one of them. My OCD kicks in and how I have to buy hats for the other three of them, but I only have enough money for one hat.

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This may sound odd, I don't think Pokemon X and Y is that great. I mean, I love the new Pokemon they added, I love mega-evolutions, I love fairy type, I love the online and connectivity features, super training, wonder trading (love wonder trading), but as a single-player game, it seems kind of small. It seems like a much more multiplayer focused game rather than single-player focused, as there is minimal post-game, no new areas to explore after completion besides Kiloude city and everything in the game seemed like it was encouraging me to trade or battle with other players, as if the game itself was only a prelude to that. The single-player is still entertaining, but it could be better. It's not like I dislike Pokemon multiplayer, and if judged simply on that aspect, X and Y are the best in the series, but the sinlg-player is lacking. The plot didn't seem like there was as much effort as there was in gen V, gen IV or even gen III.

How is that an unpopular opinion at all, seriously I hear that all over the place.

Well it's more like when all the characters start off unequipped and I go to an item shop and buy a hat for one of them. My OCD kicks in and how I have to buy hats for the other three of them, but I only have enough money for one hat.

Fair enough. Clearly you should play TF2, enough hats for everyone!

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1st, 3rd and 5th gen of Pokemon. While I started with Red, Its too outdated and i dont view it with enough nostalgia to make it seem good these days. 3rd gen because ruby was just plain awful. Everything about Ruby bothered me back then. It felt empty...especially postgame. Emerald is super cool though. 5th gen i dont even know why. The pokemon designs are basically what put me off from bying or playing them.

Mario Galaxy the first. I dont actually hate the game, but it feels idk...i admire it for being damn revolutionary, but I felt its sequel was better in every way imaginable and even more creative.

Twilight Princess. Dont hate it (in fact, i love it). But Its my least favorite 3D Zelda. My order being Majoras mask>OOT=WW>Skyward Sword>TP these days. Skyward Sword being better than TP is an unpopular opinion, so yeah.

Final Fantasy 8. Now this is a game I just plain hate. Absolutely atrocious in my eyes. Broken nonsense story, bad gameplay (woohoo nice, i get punished for leveling up wow) and a cast of characters i didnt care about at all.

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I simply can't understand how people like 3rd gen pokemon games

Other than first game bias, that is

Because the music is amazing This game has the best music out of all the generations.

(Seriously, that's one of the reason I'd consider FFIX as my favorite, and also partly why I love Layton.)

This game has a lot of issues (Fucking Feebas. The Regii. The Sky Pillar.) but also have lots of more or less good idea.

But mostly, it's about my young self first hearing Petalburg Music, then the rival music theme, and letting the game turned out while doing nothing but listening to the music.

Final Fantasy VII




While I won't deny FFVII had a huge impact on the gaming industry, which I respect it for that, I still feel the game is WAY too hype for its own good. Overhyped Protagonist, overhyped Villain, the game is riddled with bugs, and I heavily disliked the Materia System. Also, the fact that Cloud HAS to be playable in the final part of the game is silly, seeing as how there are about 6 playable characters, if you disclude Cloud, you only get to use 2 of them, technically. Either way, I feel the game has not aged well at all. Perhaps if we got that remake we've all been waiting for, my mind might possibly change, assuming they fix all the bugs that ruin the game for me.

It also eclipsed the far superior FFVI.

FFVI just survived the passage of time far better.

(Yes I just love FFVI)

About popular games I hate : Pokemon Gen. IV.

I didn't tried Platinum, but I wasn't really interrested at the time.

I actually felt like how most people felt about Awakening. Great hype, rapidly followed by... dissatsifaction, I guess.

I felt left behind. Gen. V proved me wrong, but at the time I felt like Pokemon will continue to be extremely childish, while we fans would grow up and won't feels at our place anymore.

The music is also extremely poor, especially when compared to the earfest that was Gen. III. (It's not bad, but it's far more simplistic)

Growing berry really was a pain that took all my time for nothing. Glad they abandOned thaT;

I actually have lots of thing to like about this game (my first PokéRUS and first shiny, Lucario), but I just... didn't feel it anymore.

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About popular games I hate : Pokemon Gen. IV.

I didn't tried Platinum, but I wasn't really interrested at the time.

I actually felt like how most people felt about Awakening. Great hype, rapidly followed by... dissatsifaction, I guess.

I felt left behind. Gen. V proved me wrong, but at the time I felt like Pokemon will continue to be extremely childish, while we fans would grow up and won't feels at our place anymore.

The music is also extremely poor, especially when compared to the earfest that was Gen. III. (It's not bad, but it's far more simplistic)

Growing berry really was a pain that took all my time for nothing. Glad they abandOned thaT;

I actually have lots of thing to like about this game (my first PokéRUS and first shiny, Lucario), but I just... didn't feel it anymore.

To my knowledge, gen IV is the least popular Pokemon gen, or at least close.
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Yeah, I get that impression as well. Although maybe Gen V because all of the people who are like "the new Pokemon designs are dumb" (don't agree with that myself, but yeah)?

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It makes sense for Gen. I to be the worst generation.

And it's actually a good thing. It was the first game. If they didn't improved for that point, the serie wouldn't be worth remembering.

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I agree with shytende's views on FFVI being far superior to FFVII. While on the topic of Final Fantasy, I think XIII-2 was a step down from XIII, even though the general consensus is the opposite.

Also, I don't really like the Kingdom Hearts series except for the original.

And, like many people in this topic, I don't really like FPSes that much.

In the Zelda series, I didn't really enjoy Skyward Sword, think Ocarina of Time is overrated (similar to FFVII, it's not a bad game, just far from the best in its series), and A Link Between Worlds was good but hampered by being way too short.

Bravely Default has the opposite problem of ALBW. To try to word this in the most spoiler-avoiding way possible: it's Game of the Year material for the first half or so and then gets really repetitive really quick and wears out its welcome. Yes, I know there's a storyline reason for it but they still could have cut down a little.

Now for the part that will probably get me hate: I did not enjoy FE IV. I tried a rom of it a few times but could never so much as finish the first chapter without getting bored. It's a shame, since the darker storyline intrigued me in a "Game of Thrones" sense.

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Wasn't there an inverse of this topic started about... 6 days ago?

Since I have amazing taste in games, there are very few games that I actually "hate", but there are some that I feel are a bit overrated. The most underwhelming game I've played in recent memory is Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I actually got Mario and Luigi: Dream team last week. I've been playing it a bunch, and it's significantly better.

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Wasn't there an inverse of this topic started about... 6 days ago?

Since I have amazing taste in games, there are very few games that I actually "hate", but there are some that I feel are a bit overrated. The most underwhelming game I've played in recent memory is Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I actually got Mario and Luigi: Dream team last week. I've been playing it a bunch, and it's significantly better.


And one with a similar premise not so long ago too.

Final Fantasy 8. Now this is a game I just plain hate. Absolutely atrocious in my eyes. Broken nonsense story, bad gameplay (woohoo nice, i get punished for leveling up wow) and a cast of characters i didnt care about at all.

Not sure how it is now, but I remmber FFVIII being really polarizing. Some loves him and a lot hates him with passion.

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I wouldn't say I hate it, but I can't bring myself to like Pokémon as much as other people do. I find it amusing on the beginning, until it becomes way too repetitive and easy for me to the point my interest ends quickly. Besides, I am not too fond of grinding.

I've the same feelings about Touhou. It's fun, but not as godly as some people put it. It must be the most overrated franchise ever.

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I dislike BioShock Infinite. I don't hate it, but I definitely view it as the worst one of the series. It had a weak plot, dull characters and bland atmosphere/setting (In general, where parallel universes are involved, things don't end well for the readers and the authors in my opinion, unless they are done EXTREMELY well).

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