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You know, I miss FE10

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About cash and the GMs, i always bring loot from the DBs and have Ilyana haul it over to them. Shes hella useful for that.

A mule, she's a lightning charged pack mule

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I was lax in my point. In Thunder magic I was thinking in regards to special tomes or a special tome. In 3-2, I believe, it's possible to steal a Bolting which has a Wt of 19. And I personally always aim for it. A Sage Ilyana with 9 Str would suffer hinderance. Though in one example, I realize that Str is not that important for mages. In the case of stealing Bolting for Ilyana, having good Str growths could help. But yeah, I'm not overly concerned or anything. The main issue with mages it seems is their Spd.

No one is going to get the Bolting scroll in an efficiency playthrough. If I recall correctly, it adds several turns.

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well, then. when you make this kind of statement, you are very clear about your lack of interest in substantive discussion.

I don't think so. Tiers are for queers. That's my good opinion and it well never change.

Ok, my word choice in my comment was kinda meh... but oh well.

It's incredibly hard to train either of them. Even on Easy. I cannot tell you how many turns it took, and how much effort. Even then, their growths never came out for me. I ended up turning a priest to stone on Part 1 endgame and having them prod at it with iron/bronze weapons for 200 turns until they promoted, just so I could keep them viable. It was just easier to toss them aside and bring in Leonardo and Edward.

Meg is underleveled, if she joins in chapter 4. Her growths are untypical for a knight. She has better speed than strength and defense growth. On easy mode, it's not a huge problem to train her. After a few levels, she will be on the ball.

To be honest I don't like to use her either on higher difficulties because of her low starting level, poor movement and the fact she's another sworduser. But I've seen a LP on normal with a great Meg! She's definitive not the worst unit i the game!

I have never used Fiona, because her starting stats as level 9 are horrible. And on normal or hard it's a pain to train her, although her growths are decent. She starts with 8 strength as level 9. That's way too low.

lol! Indeed.

Did you have transfers on her? That does help a lot. Ilyana is pretty functionable for most of the game with them. Its when part 3 rolls around, she might have trouble catching up with the GMs. Soren always has transfers on my runs and always caps speed. Always. Of course, Soren always gets special attention on my runs.

In my first HM run: yes - Ilyana had boosts in strength, magic, skill and speed => she maxed everything

In my second HM run: no => she maxed everything, she even maxed speed in tier 1 (grew in 7 of 8 levels in speed) and had the best level ups of all my units

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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Oh gee, there were so many things that annoyed me about this game (like how it was too damn long, how stupid the masteries were, character availability...).

But FE10 really is a great sandbox. I remember spending a couple hours trying to steal silver longbows early with disarm, only to realise that...

A: They were really terrible

B: Rofl didn't have the rank to use them

C: They were completely useless when Rofl hit tier 3 anyway

It was just such a good game to explore.

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No one is going to get the Bolting scroll in an efficiency playthrough. If I recall correctly, it adds several turns.

That's why I said I personally aimed for it. I enjoyed the challenge of obtaining a long range weapon for my unit. It's a whole matter of the feeling of success. :^_^: Mind you I can't always do this. Just when I know that I am able. For an efficiency playthrough, pffft screw Bolting.

Aww no one is a queer for how they view/play the game. =(

It's just a game.

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Aww no one is a queer for how they view/play the game. =(

It's just a game.

well thanks for calling us queers you flithy casual

appearently you do care otherwise you wouldn't reply to this stuff

fucking casuals, god damn you fire emblem awakening

Are you really feeling concerned about my comment? :huh:

"Tierlists are stupid and bland". Is it obvious enough, now?

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I just didn't want a fight to start. :(

There's nothing wrong with having your opinion. Some people get offended by the way such opinions are expressed.

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I just didn't want a fight to start. :(

There's nothing wrong with having your opinion. Some people get offended by the way such opinions are expressed.

more or less this.

there's a huge difference from "i don't follow tiers" and "tiers r 4 queers lul my fanny nearly decade old maymay"

the latter is near shit posting tier.

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LOOOL Some things never freakin' change!

"mummy, he called me a tier fag again!"

I was never arsed to get a Bolting. Pffft. Id just pilfer Calill's Meteor cuz i like getting Soren's special ending, and with that tome, he can meet the requirements with no issue. Plus Blizzard for Levail squishings. Yeah Soren's weapon levels are usually even across.

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RFoF, do you think the tier list thread you own would keep running under the same modality (effeciency), if we could keep a discussion going? Don't want to get my hopes up and kick a dead horse, but, I'm curious.

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RFoF, do you think the tier list thread you own would keep running under the same modality (effeciency), if we could keep a discussion going? Don't want to get my hopes up and kick a dead horse, but, I'm curious.

Hard to say. All the old efficiency people got tired of it. However, when I tried to take it in a new direction in order to revive it (and a few other reasons), I was met with a surprising amount of hostility.

And I may have joked about "owning" the list, but I don't see it that way at all. It's a community project, and I'm just the moderator (not in the forum staff sense).

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Hard to say. All the old efficiency people got tired of it. However, when I tried to take it in a new direction in order to revive it (and a few other reasons), I was met with a surprising amount of hostility.

What sort of things did you have in mind?

And I may have joked about "owning" the list, but I don't see it that way at all. It's a community project, and I'm just the moderator (not in the forum staff sense).

Oh, it's just a way of speech, really. I don't really mind who "owns" it. Pretty much referring to the OP, lol. 8P

I think it may be possible to change some things here and there. PKL was right- People get better at games, over time. And these things are fun, assuming we can be mature about it and all.

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What sort of things did you have in mind?

Particularly, since newcomers often had a difficult time understanding our methods of efficiency, I wanted to develop something that was easier for people to grasp. Tier philosophy discussions were way too common and annoying. I also wanted something that would hopefully be a bit more indicative of natural play, though that's a tough concept in general to manage.
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I don't think so.

you made it very clear that you wanted to express your opinion while abandoning any serious metric by which units can be judged.

that is, the very process of expressing your opinion made it entirely worthless. bravo!

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Hard to say. All the old efficiency people got tired of it. However, when I tried to take it in a new direction in order to revive it (and a few other reasons), I was met with a surprising amount of hostility.

Thats kinda weird. Why the hostility? Especially since this board's idea of efficiency might have changed a little bit over time (and people drafting). You'd think people would be up for a little bit of wiggle room and revising. O.o

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the only direction that has ever been proposed in my recollection is to tier for a playstyle more representative of the "casual player," which is impossible considering that one would have to willfully reject a plethora of information about how to trivialize the game.

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Thats kinda weird. Why the hostility? Especially since this board's idea of efficiency might have changed a little bit over time (and people drafting). You'd think people would be up for a little bit of wiggle room and revising. O.o

You'd have to ask them. They saw my idea as just taking steps back and weren't even willing to give it a try.
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I love Radiant Dawn. I've beaten it 4 times. It's still my favorite FE because of how you make any character usable. Sure, it wouldn't be fun, easy, or efficient, but I like using handicapped characters like Fiona or Meg. Ilyana with Stillness while standing beside a tanky character in 4-E-3 is fun.

also i think that even in normal, giving Fiona the time of day can be fun, especially if she excels in strength. Fiona is pretty tanky anyway, which helps in the Part 3 chapters. Meg sucks hard even with help though. Makalov is far better with Alondite.

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This game most certainly had a large impact on the way I played these games. I learned to really value the Jagen and that someone as frail as Micaiah can still be an amazing contributor if one knows what they do. As messy as the game's design is, it does result in situations that are interesting to play. It's just a shame that limited availability makes it less rewarding to raise the less gifted characters.

I got to play Radiant Dawn recently for the first time since my Wii was fixed. And man, it was awesome. After revisiting the borefest that is Awakening, I was downright unprepared to the possibility that a Fire Emblem game might actually end up cutting into my sleep if I didn't pay attention. And apparently my playstyle has changed even more since then. I not only managed a full run on hard for the first time but I actually managed to cut over 200 turns compared my best run so far. Of course the word "best" is an odd word to use when talking about my past runs, even if it is technically the correct correct word.

Part 4 went pretty bad. I never quite realized that the mercs had the most difficult chapters in part 4 and I didn't have too many useful units available to split on the three teams. I actually ended up loosing Nailah in 4-3.

I am currently playing it again after having replayed PoR. Normal is really too easy for me now. In 2F, I cut through Ludveck's troops so fast, I could have just as well killed him on the first turn. I hope this fast victory doesn't get in the way of my goal to get the alternate ending for Elincia. I guess I have to drag out the maps in part 4 now.

Edited by BrightBow
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Playing through the game, again, as I have been doing, has also made me want to go over the whole plot. Usually, once I beat an FE game, I tend to skip the whole story...but, having had played through about half of the games, when younger, I actually didn't pay too much attention to the plot. I mean, out of...let's say, "courtesy", I would read through the story, even if it bore me a little. But going through it, I can look at things, in a different light...

For example, while I have renounced to my Sothe "hater" bias before picking up the game, again, I'm developing an actual liking to his character. And yes, Sothe's character, tends to be pretty unappealing to most people, it seems. But, in a way, I can sort of relate to how he's sort of apathetic about others, but is rather over-protective of Micaiah. I like that and the way he's been doing so far, in relation. Also, being a Thief-branch character sort, automatically, gains you points, on my book (Heather's my favorite character in the game, go figure). Not to mention, being a Jeigan Thief character...just, wowzers.

So, let me give you a brief update on how I'm actually doing, on my testrun:

Part 1 has sort of been kicking my ass. And while there are chapters like 1-P (yes, the Prologue) that made me want to tear my hair off, chapters like 1-6-1 & 1-8, have been doing so, in the way of tedious repetitions (not actually hard, just hadn't had the best of luck). 1-9 went by in a breeze and I am currently standing at 1-E. I feel kind of lazy to think right now. 'dat map design. e___e

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