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How does using a glitch qualify as stooping low at all lol. Also Ivaldi is worse than Aura for Bishops, so no it would not be superior in any way to something that can feasibly OHKO enemies for Bishops.

In the hands of a Bishop, Aura isn't so much better than Ivaldi as to justify losing 5 AS (woo-hoo, you get 2 more damage out of it). Also, Ivaldi actually boosts a USEFUL stat, unlike lolgleipnir, which boosts...lolskill.

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I was comparing it to Gleipnir (should have made that more clear, in all fairness), which would have 69 effective might for a Bishop.

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I was comparing it to Gleipnir (should have made that more clear, in all fairness), which would have 69 effective might for a Bishop.

Either way, we're dealing with SEVERE practicality problems here, given that in addition to Gleipnir's weight, which is in and of itself a dealbreaker, we're also having to work our way up from E rank dark magic, in addition to having to wait until 2 chapters from the end, at the earliest, to pull this off... Oh, and aside from loleclipse, all the dark tomes only give 1 WEXP per attack.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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92 might (number out of my ass idr what his mag cap is) is pretty handy if you just need to nuke something

definitely isn't the optimal choice, but getting moulder to combat at all is already pretty suboptimal

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Aaaaand when the hell did Creature Campaign become relevant to this discussion? Oh wait, that's right - it didn't.

If we're taking the time to get Moulder time to S rank Dark magic? Like, are you going to durdle around in the main game until he does and then finish it?

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If we're taking the time to get Moulder time to S rank Dark magic? Like, are you going to durdle around in the main game until he does and then finish it?

I was mainly highlighting one of the reasons I found the dark magic glitch impractical - given the point in time the ONE map where this can be done is accessible, unless you plan on doing Creature Campaign, there's just no point, and even if I was, I'd still see it as pointless, given the laundry list of issues I posed earlier.

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Creature Campaign is the only reason you'd NEED a Bishop, therefore I think mentioning it made perfect sense.

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Dark Bishop Moulder's most powerful tome one can buy that doesn't have AS loss is Flux, and most powerful tome period for producing OHKOs is Gleipnir. Any concerns about practicality and efficiency aren't really relevant to this discussion, since we are apparently considering Ivaldi Moulder as a viable option.

Edited by Baldrick
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Dark Bishop Moulder's most powerful tome one can buy that doesn't have AS loss is Flux, and most powerful tome period for producing OHKOs is Gleipnir. Any concerns about practicality and efficiency aren't really relevant to this discussion, since we are apparently considering Ivaldi Moulder as a viable option.

IMHO, I see S ranking staves as worthless and a waste of an S rank, because what good does it do you when all you get out of it is the ability to use a staff you probably wouldn't even need???

Creature Campaign is the only reason you'd NEED a Bishop, therefore I think mentioning it made perfect sense.

But on the other hand, it feels rather pointless to discuss imo.

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I brought up Creature Campaign because I saw you going on about an FE8-related glitch, and thought it was relevant.

Fair enough. Though honestly, I don't think Creature Campaign is something that would have much to discuss...

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FE9. Just about everyone has usability, since everyone's class and weapon specialty is mostly different. Except for Oscar and Geoffrey being the exact same, I guess.

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If we are talking exclusively about Fire Emblem games, Thracia 776 is my personal pick.

Every unit in the game has a use (yes, even Ronan, Marty and company). But more importantly, it rewards the player for using multiple units and the game is not overly focused on stats. There's also the crusader scrolls for stat fixing if needed.

Now, if we consider all games covered on the site... Berwick Saga takes the win, easily. The unit balance in that game is brilliant and should be a design lesson for all other SPRGs out there. Every character is very unique and has something going for it. Teamwork is also very important. If you just take a look at the unit data, you will notice that most units have unique skill, weapon set and class configurations. And that's how it's done: make every unit have its niche.

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