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Training Filler - Game Over


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Honestly, I'd love it if Makaze & Ciraxis stuck around past this game. Makaze in particular I hoped would get into mafia for a while, since he seems to be good with debates and such.

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I don't want Makaze to stick around for mafia because he's a literal pedophile.

just jealous

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I don't want Makaze to stick around for mafia because he's a literal pedophile.

Ciraxis can stay.

Don't pull your punches, do you?

If you have a problem with me, please feel free to discuss it privately or publicly.

Please do not shun people without talking to them.

See you around.

Edited by Makaze
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There clearly is. If I didn't believe so, I would not be open about it.

The problem lies with your judgment.

I offered a public forum for discussion as well.

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why they would do that.

i live for the mad kay white knighting PMs

E: Also I'm good at getting information on people and being meticulous from practice modding a forum as a kid where it got trolled constantly because the head admin was a douchebag and made lots of enemies. Gotta figure out who's secretly a troll alt and whatever. It's actually really fun; if I could conceivably work as intel and essentially stalk people for a living that would be my dream job, except I'd feel weird doing it and it'd also be too "secretive" for me. This is probably creepy but you guys are already willing to let a pedophile play mafia so who cares right.

Edited by Prims
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would rather just learn how professionals go about detecting and catching frauds, liars, criminals, etc but then lock myself in my room and use my newfound skills to Own Noobs in Forum Mafia online.....

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E: Also I'm good at getting information on people and being meticulous from practice modding a forum as a kid where it got trolled constantly because the head admin was a douchebag and made lots of enemies. Gotta figure out who's secretly a troll alt and whatever. It's actually really fun; if I could conceivably work as intel and essentially stalk people for a living that would be my dream job, except I'd feel weird doing it and it'd also be too "secretive" for me. This is probably creepy but you guys are already willing to let a pedophile play mafia so who cares right.

And this is why I leave as much information out of my internet profiles as possible. If people know something about me I want that to be because I've told them or I've told someone who I expect might tell others.

Not like I care if you do this nor find it creepy, anyways. If people care it's their fault for leaving information there for everybody to see.

Still, even if I absolutely disagree with Makaze's views, what do you think will be achieved by "punishing" him like you're doing? I really doubt Makaze will change because of what you've done.

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I try to keep personal information like full name to a minimum due to potential employers (though I plan to change my real name one day anyway) but I'm not really sneaky about internet info; if people want to follow me around the internet then whatever because I can't be harmed over cyberspace and nothing on record can be used to make me look worse than a guy e-stalking somebody to make them look bad.

idk being mostly transparent is cool

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I don't want Makaze to stick around for mafia because he's a literal pedophile.

Ciraxis can stay.

Imo, Makaze has the gameplay and overall feel of the Mafia games. In terms of experience/what he can offer to games, I honestly see no reason to ban him out of games because of an aspect in his PERSONAL life.

**Sure, the vast majority of us may or may not have issues with it, but Mafia games aren't meant to be reforms of any sort or filters to "only allow X types of people to exist/play in said games". Unless his personal preference BLEEDS over into gameplay (IE. [Please do not take offense to this, Makaze, as I personally have no idea of your preferences/habits/etc. IRL] He goes off on comments wrt flavor in characters in whether he likes/doesn't like them, and/or says comments that may be over the line towards some specific players that fall under his "preferred" category.), I don't see how it should influence how he performs in Mafia games, nor do I think it should affect whether someone does or doesn't let them in.

Yes, if/when you host your own games, you're more than capable of letting in/keeping out who you want to do at your discretion, and that's fine. I just think it's a bit wonky to bar someone for something that's not in-game REASONS (IE. Prone to being inactive, not-so-great player as a whole, plays completely against their wincons, etc.), especially if/when there's no real conflict with the IRL concerns (which falls upon Makaze to keep himself in line and/or refrain from saying/doing any sort of inappropriate behavior that anyone/everyone else generally wouldn't do).

[TL;DR: I believe Makaze was good Mafia player from this game alone, and I'd personally like to see him in more Mafia games. I can't say that I know him personally, but isolating/rejecting people based solely on what happens behind their personal life (as long as it doesn't become a detriment to said game(s)) and/or preferences feels pretty shallow to me. Sorry if this comes off badly to you, Prims, but I don't see what's to gain by kicking out a potentially good Mafia player based on that.]

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i live for the mad kay white knighting PMs

E: Also I'm good at getting information on people and being meticulous from practice modding a forum as a kid where it got trolled constantly because the head admin was a douchebag and made lots of enemies. Gotta figure out who's secretly a troll alt and whatever. It's actually really fun; if I could conceivably work as intel and essentially stalk people for a living that would be my dream job, except I'd feel weird doing it and it'd also be too "secretive" for me. This is probably creepy but you guys are already willing to let a pedophile play mafia so who cares right.

This is giving me new insight into why I am always lynched early.

idk being mostly transparent is cool

Except when it's me being transparent.

I think you're missing something here. You would have a hell of a lot more to worry about if I were secretive about this. You specifically said your problem was with how 'open' I was. You are punishing me for not hiding.

What's the point?

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Wasn't one of the players in the game of champions an ex-convict who used mafia as therapy? I remember reading something like that in the introductions.

I don't care about the personal life of mafia players in game context, to me it's important to keep game state and other socialization separate or we'd all be yelling at each other half the time or be too biased during games.

I know nothing about Makaze but judging from this game he seems like a decent player. I can take personal issues with people outside of games.

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@ Eury and j00: I think it's wrong to treat this as if it didn't matter. It's something that doesn't concern Makaze only, because it can hurt people around him depending on what he does.

It's not a matter of whether it's right or wrong to treat someone a certain manner, but of what the action you have in mind will achieve. Would Makaze change after not being allowed to play mafia games? I think it would only make matters worse.

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Can we stop discussing this? I think j00 said it best; it's one thing if you have an issue with Makaze as an SF mafia player, and another if you have an issue with him outside of mafia.

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@ Eury and j00: I think it's wrong to treat this as if it didn't matter. It's something that doesn't concern Makaze only, because it can hurt people around him depending on what he does.

It's not a matter of whether it's right or wrong to treat someone a certain manner, but of what the action you have in mind will achieve. Would Makaze change after not being allowed to play mafia games? I think it would only make matters worse.

This issue actually has absolutely no effect on my actions in any way shape or form. I am pan/bi+demi sexual. I have been attracted to people of all types, but I have high standards for all of them, including children. Naïveté turns me off. As a result, I am decidedly not attracted to the vast majority of young people. Who I find beautiful has extremely little bearing on who I pursue.

For those of you with problems, I currently have a lover that is my age, and I find them extremely attractive. I have no intention of going after people who are not mature enough to handle me at any age. My 'pedophilia' ends at my having a natural attraction to a certain body type, among many body types. That should be the end of it.

The fact that I have to explicitly mention that this view exists for people to realize it does should say something.

Edited by Makaze
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