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Shadow Queen from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Fuck that boss. Seriously. Took me 2 years to finally beat it.

I remember having immense trouble with the shadow queen, and had to put the game down.

Year later, pick the game up from where I left, kill her in one attempt. Still, she was an excellent final boss.

Also this guy right here.


Oh god, not just the mask, but everything about the Necropolis. Screw it all!

it took me way too long before i finally managed to beat shuu in srw alpha gaiden

I think I spent more time on the Earth Cradle chapter with Sanger and the Machinery Children, but for a singular enemy, I've seen nothing like Shu. I love alpha gaiden, but I am not gonna do the hard route again.

Edited by LunaSaint
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Whitney and Clair in Pokemon Gold were brutal when I was a child. Nowaday I know the proper countermeasures but back then all I had were grind and save-scum to keep my money.

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Fucking Hard Man in Megaman 3. I'm having so much trouble beating him.

Not exactly a boss, but in Dracula X Chronicles, the boss rush for Chapter 6. Fuck Shaft, seriously, for summoning all those monsters. If there's a pork chop hidden somewhere in that fight, let me know, because I'm having so much trouble. I haven't made it past the Mummy, and I KNOW there's more!

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Tough boss huh... well, to me back then that was Spike from Spyro: Year of the Dragon. Took me a lot of tries, mostly since I could just not damage him faster than he could to me, since I sucked at dodging his attacks heh...

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Yes, she does. Granted, a car can't roll on the floor to turn around but it is nevertheless far from idea.

She is fast, can jump high but something as simple as changing directions takes her several seconds. And the lock on is only maintained as long as you keep firing. Once you stop, (or turn around so much that Lara can't keep her guns aimed at the enemies) the camera will automatically move behind her. Which usually means that you will loose your enemies out of sight and are therefore pretty helpless as a result. Better hope they don't use poisoned darts or you need to use a medi-kit right there.

It's "lose", not "loose". :facepalm:

Anyway, I've had her locked onto an enemy without her firing, though (mainly when the enemy temporarily moves out of her range).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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it took me way too long before i finally managed to beat shuu in srw alpha gaiden

Same game, except for me, I never got the requirements to fight Shuu, I just got that damn fight with all those Machinery Children and Magus... I raged at that too hard. (Under preparation is a bitch)

Edited by Soledai
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The most recent for me is the über duke from tales of vesperia, who is still kicking me around.

Every underwater monster in MH3U is a bitch for me, being a lefty without a circle pad pro...

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[spoiler= Kingdom Hearts 3D]

Young Xehanort, my god. Those clocks, his clones, and I just had to keep restarting. Took me 3 months, I rage quit, then came back to beat it after getting the dive ranks to A to unlock one of the secret keyblades for Riku.

why am i the only person in this world to find him piss easy? seriously just use the dark shield to block everything and when he's wide open go in for attacks

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Tigrex from MHFU. That bitch...my weapon bounced all the times, cant get a clean combo on his head or tail. Kept being run over and over and over. Oh, and that rage button, I have never seen such an angry monster before.

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Hmm... Most of my recent Hard Boss comes from Demon Gaze.

That game is pretty vicious

Some of the Demon are pretty brutal, particulary Uranus who spam Seeds Like there's no tomorrow, and hit really hard.

Strangely enough Pluto was one of my easiest fight.

Others include (in spoiler)...

[spoiler=That Demon]

Astarte, obviously. Took me quite a while.

Ether Mirage was not that hard because Assassin are OP (Cross Fix ftw).

And then there was...

[spoiler=Heavens !]

Lord Shark.
He hits the entire Party, and come with his two Mantas

So, you can never blocks his attacks completely.

Luna is pretty challenging afterwards too, actually.

And, indeed the Final Boss :

Archangel Sol summon up to three Dark Version of the Demon at any time, starting with Dark Comet, who isn't that hard.

This makes the battle partially luck based, because if he summons Dark Mars, you're pretty much over (Dark Mars hit like a Truck, and 2-3 time at once. A hit is enough to kill a party member (or Demon), or at least leaving it near death. When resurrecting is really hard to do, and she isn't the only one to attack.

Damn. The satisfaction when I won. That was worth it.

Edited by shytende
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The Quaggled Mireclops from Pikmin 3 is nauseating. Either you use Blues and run the risk of crushing, or the Rocks and run the risk of drowning. Compared to, say, the Scornet Maestro, it's a whole new ballgame.

Cynthia was this to me when I played Pearl when I was younger. I wasn't very good at Pokemon then.

Leygance was also a huge hindrance when I first played FE6. I didn't know about the whole triangle attack method.

Oh, and Ashera. The rest of RD is for the most part a joke, but her and Dheg are completely different.

Also, I find having trouble with the Shadow Queen funny because I beat it on my first try. I only did because of Flurrie actually. Oh Flurrie <3

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As far as Mega Man goes, Dr. Wily in 7 is just a nightmare. His main attack is to shoot four orbs of either fire, ice or lightning out, which head in your direction, stop, then home in on your position again.These are extremely hard to dodge, unless you and he are both of opposite ends of the screen (and even then, you might have a hard time avoiding them). The fire orbs burn you, causing even more damage, and the ice orbs freeze you, leaving you open to the occasional followup attack where he shoots a lightning projectile onto the floor, which spreads out in both directions. In addition, he likes popping up high enough that his weakness, Wild Coil, can't reach.

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Shadow Queen from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Fuck that boss. Seriously. Took me 2 years to finally beat it.

I think im the only one who didnt have a problem with Shadow Queen. Shes not hard wowow.

Xord in Xenoblade during my first run(s) was a huge pain in the fanny and since you dont have Dunban in your party yet, its hard to Topple at will. Cuz Reyn sometimes doesnt Wild Down when he should. (fucker lel) My first run, i was kinda too underleveled for that fight. D:

Ramsus and Miang in Xenogears. The last fight with them. Miang especially. Ugh ugh ugh!!! I just...*table flip* i always run out of fuel in that fight and stuff sucks.

Grand Jewel in Legend of Dragoon as far as main story bosses. That one is a pain, but i have figured out how to spam the hell out it. Lenus is also a pain in the ass. The trick with those two bosses is to be faster than them. Lenus, a party with Meru, Haschel, and Dart in it with Bandit's Shoes on Dart (and Haschel cuz being fast is awesome) will cut Lenus' turns so hard and its awesome. Grand Jewel is more about speed and magic defense.

But then theres Faust and even with the right gear, hes a pain in the fucking ass!

Bloodbane in Valkyrie Profile (Lenneth). Fuck. That. Guy. That mummy guy in that one dungeon in that game is also a pile of shit. Its all about the right gear, but holy crap...I dont get why he isnt called Nidhogg....

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Basically any boss in Contra, especially 3, is over-the-top difficult. It should be illegal to fight the final boss in Contra 3.

Psycho Mantis in MGS Twin Snakes made me rage quit many times. The whole controller rumble thing just made it fifty times worse.

Smough and Ornstein from Dark Souls are just too much as well. Even after playing through that game 3 times, I still die about 3 or 4 times every time I fight them.

King K. Rool kept me from completing Donkey Kong 64 and my childhood.

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I think im the only one who didnt have a problem with Shadow Queen. Shes not hard wowow.

Xord in Xenoblade during my first run(s) was a huge pain in the fanny and since you dont have Dunban in your party yet, its hard to Topple at will. Cuz Reyn sometimes doesnt Wild Down when he should. (fucker lel) My first run, i was kinda too underleveled for that fight. D:

Ramsus and Miang in Xenogears. The last fight with them. Miang especially. Ugh ugh ugh!!! I just...*table flip* i always run out of fuel in that fight and stuff sucks.

Grand Jewel in Legend of Dragoon as far as main story bosses. That one is a pain, but i have figured out how to spam the hell out it. Lenus is also a pain in the ass. The trick with those two bosses is to be faster than them. Lenus, a party with Meru, Haschel, and Dart in it with Bandit's Shoes on Dart (and Haschel cuz being fast is awesome) will cut Lenus' turns so hard and its awesome. Grand Jewel is more about speed and magic defense.

But then theres Faust and even with the right gear, hes a pain in the fucking ass!

Bloodbane in Valkyrie Profile (Lenneth). Fuck. That. Guy. That mummy guy in that one dungeon in that game is also a pile of shit. Its all about the right gear, but holy crap...I dont get why he isnt called Nidhogg....

Can't comment on anything else you mentioned, but the big issue with Lenus is, of course, her speed. Sometimes, it's as though for every one move my guys get, she gets one, maybe two. And if you're unlucky, as I was once... (I remember her getting something like 5 turns in a row) Also, her magic (Water and Dark) devastates those who are weak to it, be it from bad MDef or elemental disadvantage. As to Grand Jewel, the level down bullcrap is a serious pain.

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Oh I forgot the true Final Boss (Lawful Path) on Valkyrie Profile : Covenant of the Plume.
And he's accompanied by these goddamn units that cast magic 2-3 time.

And the last fight against the Fire Witch on the first Luminous Ark. Most of the game is painfully easy and dull, and then you have this fight full of Spirit who cast Area Magic and can rapidly kill you all.

Besides there aren't that much space, so it's really hard to not have more than one character hit more than once.

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I think im the only one who didnt have a problem with Shadow Queen. Shes not hard wowow.

Not the only one yo.


Practically every boss in SMT Strange Journey. Especially the last boss which forced you to use a party of all three alignments since one of her skills forces a randomly chosen alignment of demons to return to your stock so if you're using a party consisting of two or three same alignment your entire party goes away and then you'll probably lose horribly as you scramble trying to summon your party again. Also she has two phases and the second is only vulnerable to a specific element and immune to physical so you better have the strongest Almighty skills. :3

The Demi-Fiend in Digital Devil Saga 1 took me a week to finally take down. Dude has like the highest random crit rate to ever exist. I even lost an hour attempt after successfully surviving his Gaea Rage twice which finally made me resort to the Red Star strategy of draining all of the MP of his Uber Pixie. He's still one of the most fair super bosses out there. :3

Dark Souls section now:

Capra Demon took me 6 hours to finally defeat.

Ornstein and Smough took me a few days to finally defeat after many tearful losses.

Ruin Sentinels a good 2 hours.

Luna Belfry Gargoyles a good 3 hours.

Etrian Odyssey section too:

The elemental dragon trio

Salamox. Fuck Salamox. jesus


Ur-Child. Fighting it at night is RNG due to the completely randomized pattern it has which means each and every turn can be a Begon for an instant game over.

Abyssal God which I can still cannot beat due to how bullshit that fight is. 80,000 damage within 2 turns or else the stupid thing randomizes if you dealt too little damage and starts spewing any all kinds of status ailments as well.

Elder Dragon

Fallen One

Warped Savior

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Dark Souls section now:

Capra Demon took me 6 hours to finally defeat.

Ornstein and Smough took me a few days to finally defeat after many tearful losses.

Ruin Sentinels a good 2 hours.

Luna Belfry Gargoyles a good 3 hours.

When I fought the Ruin Sentinels with my melee build, I literally had to drag out the fight for almost a half an hour by blocking the two lower sentinels and sneaking attacks in every five minutes.

If Ornstein and Smough weren't so epicly awesome, I would probably hate that boss fight the most.

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Can't comment on anything else you mentioned, but the big issue with Lenus is, of course, her speed. Sometimes, it's as though for every one move my guys get, she gets one, maybe two. And if you're unlucky, as I was once... (I remember her getting something like 5 turns in a row) Also, her magic (Water and Dark) devastates those who are weak to it, be it from bad MDef or elemental disadvantage. As to Grand Jewel, the level down bullcrap is a serious pain.

K. Heres the skinny on Lenus. Its probably your team. I get that a lot of LoD players tend to use Albert and/or Kongol in their parties because they are physical powerhouses. Plus Albert has a really gr9 Dragoon spell. (Rose Storm) But these guys are the slowest people in the whole team. Kongol especially is slow as fuck. Even with Bandit's Shoes/Ring, Albert reaches Dart's base speed at best. (Kongol tends to reach Al's base speed with the Shoes.) However, Haschel has a base speed of like..uhh i think its 70? Plus he has no magical opposite in terms of defense. Thunder Dragoon is really that broken, mostly for the sheer damage output in complete Dragoon Addition. Slap the Bandit's Shoes/Ring on Haschel and watch his speed go up to 90 (which is higher than Meru's base speed and she has the best base speed in the game.)

In other words, use Haschel in that fight. His speed will jackknife right into Lenus'. You can find a Bandit's Ring in the Home of Gigantos or is dropped by Drake (back in Disk One) or those Gangster guys. The Bandit's Shoes arent found till much later. If you have Meru on your team, shes got pretty good mag defense so shes probably able to absorb some hits if shes got a Therapy Ring on. Shana is pretty balls in that fight because shes pretty balls in general. I used Rose and Haschel last time i found Lenus and Haschel totally destroyed her. Plus i had two Bandit's Rings so Dart had one on which brought his speed up to like 70 or something and he was able to cut in to Lenus' spam. She fell in two turns. Im not exaggerating. Dart had Final Burst and that makes Lenus cry out for whatever gods she holds dear.

With Grand Jewel, its about mag defense. But you want physical damage output too. Again, i used Haschel because Five Ring Shattering's final damage output is fucking insane. I used Meru cuz i always use her and shes fucking fast by that time because Dancer's Shoes. Which you find in that level. Shes always keeping everyone's HP up with Rainbow Breath. I also abuse the loophole there where if you use only one Dragoon level at a time, it doesnt register and it doesnt activate Dragon Block Staff. So if you have at least 100 SP, you can whomp on Grand Jewel with Dragoon. But yeah the level decrease move it does fucking sucks, as does its healing itself after a point. (But it cannot take too much in the way of physical attacks and this is why people use Albert and Kongol during that fight. But that just makes the fight all the harder because those two have shit for mag defense. A lot of guides suggest keeping Albert in the party a lot but im telling you right now, its better not to.)

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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K. Heres the skinny on Lenus. Its probably your team. I get that a lot of LoD players tend to use Albert and/or Kongol in their parties because they are physical powerhouses. Plus Albert has a really gr9 Dragoon spell. (Rose Storm) But these guys are the slowest people in the whole team. Kongol especially is slow as fuck. Even with Bandit's Shoes/Ring, Albert reaches Dart's base speed at best. (Kongol tends to reach Al's base speed with the Shoes.) However, Haschel has a base speed of like..uhh i think its 70? Plus he has no magical opposite in terms of defense. Thunder Dragoon is really that broken, mostly for the sheer damage output in complete Dragoon Addition. Slap the Bandit's Shoes/Ring on Haschel and watch his speed go up to 90 (which is higher than Meru's base speed and she has the best base speed in the game.)

In other words, use Haschel in that fight. His speed will jackknife right into Lenus'. You can find a Bandit's Ring in the Home of Gigantos or is dropped by Drake (back in Disk One) or those Gangster guys. The Bandit's Shoes arent found till much later. If you have Meru on your team, shes got pretty good mag defense so shes probably able to absorb some hits if shes got a Therapy Ring on. Shana is pretty balls in that fight because shes pretty balls in general. I used Rose and Haschel last time i found Lenus and Haschel totally destroyed her. Plus i had two Bandit's Rings so Dart had one on which brought his speed up to like 70 or something and he was able to cut in to Lenus' spam. She fell in two turns. Im not exaggerating. Dart had Final Burst and that makes Lenus cry out for whatever gods she holds dear.

With Grand Jewel, its about mag defense. But you want physical damage output too. Again, i used Haschel because Five Ring Shattering's final damage output is fucking insane. I used Meru cuz i always use her and shes fucking fast by that time because Dancer's Shoes. Which you find in that level. Shes always keeping everyone's HP up with Rainbow Breath. I also abuse the loophole there where if you use only one Dragoon level at a time, it doesnt register and it doesnt activate Dragon Block Staff. So if you have at least 100 SP, you can whomp on Grand Jewel with Dragoon. But yeah the level decrease move it does fucking sucks, as does its healing itself after a point. (But it cannot take too much in the way of physical attacks and this is why people use Albert and Kongol during that fight. But that just makes the fight all the harder because those two have shit for mag defense. A lot of guides suggest keeping Albert in the party a lot but im telling you right now, its better not to.)

First paragraph: I don't use Kongol in boss battles - too many of them from disc 2 on love using magic. And tbh, I think Albert's kinda iffy for boss battles too.

Second paragraph: I assume Final Burst by the time you face her would be reasonable, given that Dart must always fight.

Third paragraph: Yeah, the level down bullshit is bad enough, but the healing is just a huge dick move too. It's like "Really? I take forever and a day to almost kill you, and you just get back into yellow (or maybe even blue) just like that?". As to the Dragoon point, you have a point there... the DBS is just a kick in the nuts given that most normal enemies wouldn't really warrant Dragoon form to wipe out, and thus I tend to be stingy with it.

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First paragraph: I don't use Kongol in boss battles - too many of them from disc 2 on love using magic. And tbh, I think Albert's kinda iffy for boss battles too.

Second paragraph: I assume Final Burst by the time you face her would be reasonable, given that Dart must always fight.

Third paragraph: Yeah, the level down bullshit is bad enough, but the healing is just a huge dick move too. It's like "Really? I take forever and a day to almost kill you, and you just get back into yellow (or maybe even blue) just like that?". As to the Dragoon point, you have a point there... the DBS is just a kick in the nuts given that most normal enemies wouldn't really warrant Dragoon form to wipe out, and thus I tend to be stingy with it.

Good cuz Kongol actually sucks. A lot of Gamefaqs guides could use a good update cuz peeyeww some of those strategies! Albert's Rose Storm does help mitigate his own faults in mag defense. This is why so many people tend to include him but if you know how to bullshit, you may never need to use Albert at all.

Well, its really depends on the Additions you are using. By that time, Dart has Burning Rush which when final, delivers about 105 SP each time. Plus its only a two-part Addition. Its weak as shit, but dat SP gain helps. Its a good idea to work on building up Crush Dance during that lull that Dart hasnt got his Dragoon Spirit. So if you've been spamming Burning Rush for a while, Dart's sure to be level 3 Dragoon before facing Lenus. Otherwise you are doing it wrong.

Yeah lol. Its all about knowing exactly what you are going up against. I plan the following boss fights in that game:

Doel (i use Haschel in this fight despite no Dragoon yet. Doel's mag spam tends to fuck Albert up.)


Super Virage (a fast team can actually beat this before the 10 turns are up)

Grand Jewel

Divine Dragon (i actually save a bunch of those high level area attack spell items for that fight.)

Lloyd (Talisman, mang, Talisman.)

Faust (cuz HOLY SHEET)

And the final boss.

Every other boss after Lloyd is pretty much cake by that point in the game. If you can only afford one Legend Casque by the time you reach Faust, thats the party member who will be left standing. I dont think ive ever had more than one party member left standing by the time i finish that fight. (ok maybe once...)

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