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petition to delete serious discussion


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I'm not trying to. I'm trying to have serious discussions. But people here seem to get really offended over that sort of thing.

wha--geh--ka---nnnnnngggg...people get offended because you've blatantly insulted people over there!!!

even on this page, you just specifically spoke negatively about florina stark in an attempt to prove...whatever point you're trying to make here...oh and in any case, saying "even someone in their 30's can't" is an ignorant thing to say because not everyone's minds develop at the same rate, and mental disorders are a thing too...not to mention things like alzheimer's and amnesia that can actually cause people's minds to take steps backwards so to speak, depending on how severe the cases are but anyway...

it blows my mind like, how do you even...

What is this...I don't even...

ty, sasky


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I'd comment but I'd just be parroting rehab here.

Still, 10/10 thread, would read again.

Also, I think anyone who argues by driving discussions away from the topic at hand really needs to get their priorities checked out.

Edited by LunaSaint
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The reason why Serious Discussion is so controversial on this forum is because the vast majority of the people on this forum aren't mature enough to handle serious discussions. Even people like Florina Stark who are in their 30s can't do it.

yeah okay look at yourself m8

Just like FFTF or any other section that has shitty users/posts, so too does SD, but I've also found a lot of posts to be generally reasonable from people there too like Rehab, Esau, Pheonix Wright (and others). I won't lie and say there's not a lot of shitty posts or opinions there, though, it's just funny to laugh at them (for me).

(I suppose it's just cool to hate on SD - it deserves it, but that's because of the nature of the board lol)

I kinda got some reinforcement in my head on this particular thing from, of all things, a Total War loading screen quote, from Shogun 2

shogun 2 is well gud

Edited by Tryhard
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This topic made me look at the Serious Discussion board and I regret it

but if keeping it prevents those topics from leaking into the rest of the forums I'm okay

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15 pages in around 12 hours 2g

by the time i'd left for work and returned this was a new topic with eleven (11) pages and i was astounded

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I feel dumber for having read this thread. I'd rather go read some serious discussion. At least people talk about actual things in there for a while.

Oh hey wait opinion on the topic

Uhhh no how about we leave serious discussion to the people that live there. This thread has reached a magnitude of chaos, to the point that people are genuinely being offended/insulted.

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Complaining about Serious Discussion is the new fad, dude! You're a trendsetter.

Well I'd say thanks but I'm only the one who made a topic about it. Serious Discussion's been complained about for quite a long time.
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I enjoy intellectually stimulating conversation AND be baited by trolls into stupid infinite loop "no u" arguments, so SD seems fine.


While what that guy did was horrendous, stupid, lame, unacceptable, etc, etc, whathaveyou, etc, there IS a case to be made for the idea that the male-dominated culture rife with slut-shaming affects these beta male dudes in a negative way.

There are people who will watch that dude's video and relate to his pain. This is possible without agreeing with what he did. You spend your life seeing the alpha males snatch up all the ladies and you are more and more alienated and isolated and simply cannot get the women that society tells you you have to get to be cool. You try desperately to get women, getting more and more extreme in your means, leading to trying to "trick" them and eventually becoming one of these retarded "mens' rights activists".

What I noticed is everyone is banging on the slut-shaming drum, which is fine, but we're forgetting that these males are being tossed under the rug. This guy did a disservice to those who feel like he does because nobody is going to bother making his pain part of the conversation.

Not all males belong to the group of douchebag men that dominate society, they are just as much a victim as everyone else.

I can't even attempt to devil's advocate enough to justify what this guy did or take his side, but I really do think a discussion could be had about the effects of a male-dominated, hollywood-dominated culture has on guys who have some sort of complex or fear of women or spend their lives not attaining what they perceive as what they're supposed to be attaining. Which I guess is women to have sex with or something.

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as for the actual post

I think a common reaction for men who are continually rejected would be despondency. Yes, maybe anger. But I think very few would proclaim themselves a god and demand that the very act of sex be destroyed, which is what this guy did.

His manifesto, which I skimmed, read like a dark comedy. The guy was clearly mentally ill, I don't think anyone can deny that.

He also wasn't really a men's right activist, I believe that was just poor media coverage as always. That said, that doesn't mean he wasn't misogynistic, because he clearly was.

Some men's right activists groups came out to defend this cretin, and they should be condemned for that.

But I also have trouble with the rheteoric of feminist groups coming out to slam men because of this, of course, because if the opposite happened (extreme misandrist female (who may or may not be associated with feminism) went out and killed a bunch of people), I have no doubt that some feminist groups would defend this person, and the exact same thing would happen.

I have no love for either feminism or men's rights activism. I don't think the 'patriarchy' exists, in the west at least, which is why I have a hard time getting being the whole "male-dominated" society thing. But that's another topic.

Can we take steps to prevent society from forcing this mentality that you need to have sex otherwise you are worthless? Absolutely.

Can we correct human nature, though? I don't know.

sorry for shitting up your thread k

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Seriously though, the holier-than-thou attitude some users (hai dondon) have in that board are the reasons why people loathe it to begin with. Theres always "those guys" in an SD forum who think they know everything and come off as pretty goddamn insufferable. So people stop posting reasonably. Cuz seriously, if everyone who posted in that forum were Rehab (in terms of how to argue), more people would be willing to go in there and post. Instead we get Chiki.

So yeah, theres one reason why people dont like that forum. Like i said, its peanuts compared to the SD forums ive seen where shit gets legit disgusting.


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even on this page, you just specifically spoke negatively about florina stark in an attempt to prove...whatever point you're trying to make here...

there is a contradiction that comes in defending someone who is guilty of the same offense that was committed against her.

Just like FFTF or any other section that has shitty users/posts, so too does SD, but I've also found a lot of posts to be generally reasonable from people there too like Rehab, Esau, Pheonix Wright (and others). I won't lie and say there's not a lot of shitty posts or opinions there, though, it's just funny to laugh at them (for me).

my impression is that a "shitty user" is a euphemism for someone whom you disagree with but get frustrated debating with. i'm guessing that you are tacitly including chiki under the umbrella of "shitty user."

Edited by dondon151
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my impression is that a "shitty user" is a euphemism for someone whom you disagree with but get frustrated debating with. i'm guessing that you are tacitly including chiki under the umbrella of "shitty user."

In this case I think it's a moniker for people who believe their entire purpose in the discussion is to show everyone else how wrong they are. Even the wisest and most knowledgeable people have no business behaving that way. In fact, they have less reason to behave that way than others.

A shitty poster is someone who makes shitty posts with shitty intent behind them.

Chiki definitely qualifies.

Edited by Makaze
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In this case I think it's a moniker for people who believe their entire purpose in the discussion is to show everyone else how wrong they are. Even the wisest and most knowledgeable people have no business behaving that way. In fact, they have less reason to behave that way than others.

all i see here are words with no reasoning. i don't think there is a problem with people promulgating unpopular opinions as long as they're well-reasoned.

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