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petition to delete serious discussion


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Ah, I see. I'm sorry I overlooked that.

Can you explain why you believe Chiki's actions in this thread are not elitist?

Here's the difference between me and you: you actually think you know better than people with PhDs. It's like me lecturing Ed Witten about what string theory is, and what strings actually are. But I'm not so arrogant as to think I'm right and physicists are wrong, because I don't know anything about string theory, and I'm willing to admit it. The ironic part of this is that people don't think you're elitist when you're, by a giant mile, more arrogant than anyone on this thread.

Edited by Chiki
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I challenge you to email any professor of philosophy and ask them if you're right. I guarantee you they will tell you that you're confused on many points. I'll even give you some names and emails if you wish. I know many who specialize on free will.

I think it would actually be far more interesting and/or informative to ask them about their opinions on your conduct with regards to not being a complete ass.

Dear <professor>,

One of your students is whining about not being able to be taken seriously on the internet after working very hard at building up and maintaining a reputation as a complete and utter ass, and for some reason has requested that you arbitrate. Could you please inform the general public as to which side is correct about "free will" in this thread: <thread url>? Additionally, please guess which party happens to be your student. For bonus points, read your student's responses to the points starting from here.

Thank you very much for your time.


The Inhabitants of Serenes Forest Forums

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Makaze can come of as arrogant at times, but at least he isn't so petty as to bring up inane arguments about semantics in every other topic.

You are the biggest reason that I refuse to even step foot into Serious Discussion. You seem to be so obsessed with being right, regardless of whether or not you actually are. On top of that you constantly insult whatever party you are against, calling them or their arguments stupid and idiotic. You also like waving your degree in everyone's faces, as if that alone makes you better and more qualified than everyone else.

I can honestly say that my niece is more mature than you, and she's not even a year and a half old yet. And if you try to argue that a child that young can't be mature in any capacity that just proves my point.

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A pretentious dumbass, a pseudo-intellectual philosophy student with a degree in logic and a penchant for starting up shit that's got him banned in the past, and an argumentative, confrontative asshole walk into a bar

The bartender says what'll ya have.

The pretentious dumbass says I need something with less calories and a bit of fruit, because I'm trying to be healthy. The confrontative asshole says that's not going to make you healthy you idiot, it's totally clear that you cannot be healthy by drinking any form of alcohol, the end, period. The pretentious dumbass says well what would you expect me to drink, beer? Beer is far, far worse for you and full of all these empty calories and it's worse than marijuana, cocaine, a loaded pistol at the temple of a newborn, hitler and the third xmen movie combined. No way in hell I'd drink that. The pseudo-intellectual philosophy student with a degree in logic and a penchant for starting up shit that's got him banned in the past chimes in with it's been known that beer can have health benefits so your entire argument is obviously the most wrong thing I have ever heard. The pretentious dumbass responds with but it's my choice, I choose to drink something fruity and low caloric value at a grimy dive bar and brb I need to smoke my american spirits. The pseudo-intellectual philosophy student with a degree in logic and a penchant for starting up shit that's got him banned in the past responds with all my philosophy professors with PHDs told me that smoking is bad for your health and by smoking you are disagreeing with them, then goes on to explain the difference between hard, soft and flaccid determinism using only buzzwords philosophy students will ever give a shit about until they look up and realize their shift started 3 hours ago and the bartender needs more glasses washed for the night shift.

edit: omfg theiryre okay

Edited by jiodi
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How are compatibilism and hard determinism incompatible? That's so stupid, lol. Compatibilism thinks hard determinism is true.

I would think that hard determinism is incompatible with soft determinism because hard determinism denies the existence of freedom, while soft determinism allows for it. Simply because soft determinism describes itself as compatibilism, does not necessarily mean it is compatible with all versions of determinism. I apologize if this was pointed out by someone else, because I was too lazy to read everything. I especially apologize if this point was already contradicted. Also, compatibilism should be a word *adds it to his firefox dictionary*.

Edited by SeverIan
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and they all insist they don't drink because "why dull the ferocious power of my intellect" :smug:

I actually don't drink because the drinks that taste good are out of my price range.

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The bartender says what'll ya have.

The pretentious dumbass says I need something with less calories and a bit of fruit, because I'm trying to be healthy. The confrontative asshole says that's not going to make you healthy you idiot, it's totally clear that you cannot be healthy by drinking any form of alcohol, the end, period. The pretentious dumbass says well what would you expect me to drink, beer? Beer is far, far worse for you and full of all these empty calories and it's worse than marijuana, cocaine, a loaded pistol at the temple of a newborn, hitler and the third xmen movie combined. No way in hell I'd drink that. The pseudo-intellectual philosophy student with a degree in logic and a penchant for starting up shit that's got him banned in the past chimes in with it's been known that beer can have health benefits so your entire argument is obviously the most wrong thing I have ever heard. The pretentious dumbass responds with but it's my choice, I choose to drink something fruity and low caloric value at a grimy dive bar and brb I need to smoke my american spirits. The pseudo-intellectual philosophy student with a degree in logic and a penchant for starting up shit that's got him banned in the past responds with all my philosophy professors with PHDs told me that smoking is bad for your health and by smoking you are disagreeing with them, then goes on to explain the difference between hard, soft and flaccid determinism using only buzzwords philosophy students will ever give a shit about until they look up and realize their shift started 3 hours ago and the bartender needs more glasses washed for the night shift.

edit: omfg theiryre okay

You could have just gotten to the point and said "Ow."
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