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So is there any point on Mist being able to combat physically? At all?

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I think the only times I've used her, was on NM, on my very first runs. okay, so she worked...abit. Sort of. Thing is, for one- I ended up promoting her at around 3-11 and she just really needs of Adept to be able to kill (and for that, she also needs to be Str blessed, given at least one Energy Drop and then abuse the very little BEXP slowplay potential she has on her remaining levels...).

This is coming from someone who can make of something from Heather, Astrid- And maybe even Lyre. In HM. Thing is, Heather can actually become something useful in combat, thanks to her being able to BEXP slowplay for Str, having excellent Spd, and by extension, naturally high Avo (coupled with her high Luck). Also, while rather expensive, at least Knives can be forged and have 2-range.

So, liek, is there a good reason why I would want to use Mist? I'm on fair terms with her, as a character- And I want to like her, I guess. But she seems m00t, agaisnt the likes of Elincia or something (they really just took a crud on Mist, since Elincia also FLIES, has a great Prf and +5 Str cap).

tl;dr: Convince me to like Mist. Much preferably, on HM. And as a combat unit, rather than a simple staff unit.

Edited by Big Boss
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I like her and use her, but I don't think I could convince you of anything. I just use that weapon she comes with and Alondite, feed her a bit, and have a blast. I just like using her for some reason, at least in FE10 (not as much FE9). XP

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You can view it as leveling her so you have a more durable staffbot around, if that's something you'd like

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I understand the feeling of liking a character and wanting to make her redeemable- Thing is, she just doesn't seem to cut it (theorically speaking...I may try it sometime), unless an extreme amount of favoritism is given and your luck is great (that Str...e____e). See, I feel that way towards Heather and maybe Lyre- I find Heather to be a sort of "Mia Lite". With 2-range.

Thinking of something like feeding her KOs, having her heal when given the chance and all with Paragon on. Florette is great, but you just know IS trolled us by giving it to Mist in the form of Str-based Mt. They could've at least given it to Mia.

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no, other than because she's ike's sister. she might have not been crap if florette actually did what was in its description.

edit: i was beaten to it. D: well, her hair's orange, so if you're into that...

Edited by Comet
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Her hair is brown, lol.

sorry im tired and should do my work already at least she has a horse and a speed cap over 34?

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Yeah, I've sort of considered that, I guess. I also think I may just end up using her, at least for 4-4 or something, because of Rescue...or something to that effect.

Mist with Alondite sounds really cute, but until that happens...

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Mists' main problem is that FE10 has no magical weapons. So she cannot use her Florett effectively due to her shitty strength base. And her magic base is also not very high, so I always give her Rhys' mend stuff in the beginning of part 3.

I use her mainly as healer, but if she can kill someone, I'll give her the kills. She has the advantage that she can promote at level 10 with the "holy crown". So it's not hard to give her 10 levels till part 4.

I only bring Mist to the endgame on easy mode because of "Alondite" and the fact she's Ike's sister. On harder difficulties her strength and defense are just too bad. And it's not worth to spend item boosts on her.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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Mist with Alondite is the funniest fucking shit and i love it. (T)Mist is really fun to play with, btw but yes, there is a lot of BEXP leaking and her finishing off stuff with Florete to get her that sweet combat exp. Her "point" is to be the only mounted healer not named Elincia. Plus Florete is 1-2 range and thats not that bad considering....

Yeah her combat is meh (even though she gets Sol on promotion) but shes still handy in a pinch.

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There are certainly times where her scratch damage might be helpful. Unfortunately with an increasing difficulty level, scratch damage can quickly turn into no damage at all.

Either way, 9000 gold for a second Florette is a sick joke.

Edited by BrightBow
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I think Florette is a fantastic sword. A 15 Mt, 1-2 range Sword...on top of a nice 45 uses? In itself, that's just great. The obvious drawback is, well...Mist. But apparently, the 15 Mt could've just been a bit of a way to "balance" things for Mist, in the Atk apartment. They could've at least kept her FE9 35% Str growth...

All this Mist has gotten me curious, damn.

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If Florette were not locked to Mist, it'd be an awesome weapon. As it is, it makes Mist barely competent in combat. Or well, even that's something of a stretch - 14 mt on top of her 8 STR base is a fantastic 22 mt, enough to... 4HKO Sages. Um yeah.

Edit: With a +STR transfer, she can 3HKO Sages instead! She still doesn't double, even with a SPD transfer, but still, 3RKOing Sages! Who else could do that?

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As far as I'm concerned, I mostly like to just use her to finish off an enemy unit someone else bashed to within an inch of their life, as it means I don't have to waste a stronger unit's turn to clean up scraps.

I understand the feeling of liking a character and wanting to make her redeemable- Thing is, she just doesn't seem to cut it (theorically speaking...I may try it sometime), unless an extreme amount of favoritism is given and your luck is great (that Str...e____e). See, I feel that way towards Heather and maybe Lyre- I find Heather to be a sort of "Mia Lite". With 2-range.

Thinking of something like feeding her KOs, having her heal when given the chance and all with Paragon on. Florette is great, but you just know IS trolled us by giving it to Mist in the form of Str-based Mt. They could've at least given it to Mia.

Personally, I think both of them have it worse (in Lyre's case, A LOT worse).

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Uh, Heather definitely has it going better, when it comes to combat potential. She has +10 base Spd over Mist (Mist's Spd cap is Heather's base...xd), at base level herself. Her Max Mt Steel Knife forges get her to have +1 Atk over Mist (although, they can match, if Mist has a support), and the Spd part is obvious: She doubles everything, in Part 3. Her durability, despite being rather bad, marks a difference against Mist's. +4 HP/3 Def, almost on par with Res (Mist has +2 points, for all it matters). You're also forgetting that Mist happens to get doubled and 1RKO'd at base...and while Heather's concrete durability is on the worst side of things, she can at least be an incredibly mean dodger. The last thing is- She's just easier to fix, overall. She can cap Skill/Spd & Res for significantly easier BEXP slowplay (her Spd growth is great and her Skill & Res are close to capping). Give her a Robe for HP, and she'll be hitting those nasty Str/Def-level ups to simply get her up. Mist is many levels away from capping anything...Spd, her earliest capping stat, is at least 10 levels away. And she HAS to get Spd every level, 10 levels straight, just to cap it. Anything else she'll get from BEXP from that is Mag/Skill/Res. 8P

And no, I'm not saying Heather is better than Mist. I'm saying that she has it quite better, in the combat department...if Mist's...whatever that is, can even be referred to, as such. At least she's more useful, because of healing and Rescue (or something to that effect...).

Of course, Lyre is just awful. :awesome:

Edited by Big Boss
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Uh, Heather definitely has it going better, when it comes to combat potential. She has +10 base Spd over Mist (Mist's Spd cap is Heather's base...xd), at base level herself. Her Max Mt Steel Knife forges get her to have +1 Atk over Mist (although, they can match, if Mist has a support), and the Spd part is obvious: She doubles everything, in Part 3. Her durability, despite being rather bad, marks a difference against Mist's. +4 HP/3 Def, almost on par with Res (Mist has +2 points, for all it matters). You're also forgetting that Mist happens to get doubled and 1RKO'd at base...and while Heather's concrete durability is on the worst side of things, she can at least be an incredibly mean dodger. The last thing is- She's just easier to fix, overall. She can cap Skill/Spd & Res for significantly easier BEXP slowplay (her Spd growth is great and her Skill & Res are close to capping). Give her a Robe for HP, and she'll be hitting those nasty Str/Def-level ups to simply get her up. Mist is many levels away from capping anything...Spd, her earliest capping stat, is at least 10 levels away. And she HAS to get Spd every level, 10 levels straight, just to cap it. Anything else she'll get from BEXP from that is Mag/Skill/Res. 8P

And no, I'm not saying Heather is better than Mist. I'm saying that she has it quite better, in the combat department...if Mist's...whatever that is, can even be referred to, as such. At least she's more useful, because of healing and Rescue (or something to that effect...).

Of course, Lyre is just awful. :awesome:

Well... You have a point. IMO, my problem with Heather is her biorhythm wave being the same as Boyd/Lyre/Kieran/etc. (aka, goes from peak to slump just like that). It's annoying.

And yeah, "awful" states how bad Lyre is. And yet, she's still not the worst unit in teh franchise (that honor goes to none other than Wendy).

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Oh Mist... I do love her character. Its pretty cool how she ends up using both of her parents weapon types. Mist's problem is like most classes who try and balance magic and strength, decent at both but master of none. She's really just ok. Rhys is a better healer, and then swords well anyone else really. She is good if your going for the Boyd/Mist parring though I guess that's worth mentioning?

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Support Boyd+Mist, at least for that massive +3 Atk for each of them. It makes Alondite!Mist hilariously passable, and makes Boyd even better than normal.

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Well... You have a point. IMO, my problem with Heather is her biorhythm wave being the same as Boyd/Lyre/Kieran/etc. (aka, goes from peak to slump just like that). It's annoying.

And yeah, "awful" states how bad Lyre is. And yet, she's still not the worst unit in teh franchise (that honor goes to none other than Wendy).

What about Fiona? The game just seems designed to screw her over.

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What about Fiona? The game just seems designed to screw her over.

I doubt she'd really qualify for worst unit in the game, much less worst unit in the franchise. Lyre has to put up with cat gauge, which SUCKS, in addition to a slow leveling speed transformed (she gets what, 3 levels before the starts to level up like a third tier unit while transformed? [Assuming that laguz are treated as being double their actual level while transformed]).

(And in spite of all that, I still think Lyre has it better than Wendy)

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Well... You have a point. IMO, my problem with Heather is her biorhythm wave being the same as Boyd/Lyre/Kieran/etc. (aka, goes from peak to slump just like that). It's annoying.

And yeah, "awful" states how bad Lyre is. And yet, she's still not the worst unit in teh franchise (that honor goes to none other than Wendy).

Huh. I've always thought her Biorhythm was pretty good, kind of like Danved's.

On Lyre: .......I got nothing.

Oh Mist... I do love her character. Its pretty cool how she ends up using both of her parents weapon types.

I can see that. It's actually an interesting factor, to use her.

This image has been around for years, but when I saw it again, it sparked some interest to her:


She looks beautiful and cool, there.

Just wish it came around at the start of Part 4, rather than in the chapters we're beating oh-so-quickly.

Mist's problem is like most classes who try and balance magic and strength, decent at both but master of none. She's really just ok. Rhys is a better healer, and then swords well anyone else really. She is good if your going for the Boyd/Mist parring though I guess that's worth mentioning?

Oh, yeah...it's one of those unefficient classes made more for fun. Like BATTLE NUNS. I love Battle Nuns. And LIBRA.

She is good if your going for the Boyd/Mist parring though I guess that's worth mentioning?

Support Boyd+Mist, at least for that massive +3 Atk for each of them. It makes Alondite!Mist hilariously passable, and makes Boyd even better than normal.

Oh, yeah...I've quite forgotten about that. It can make quite a difference, actually...

What about Fiona? The game just seems designed to screw her over.

She does have it tough...but I wouldn't say she's irredeemable. She seems easier to fix than Lyre, too.

I have something for her, but I'll leave that for later. But I garantee you, she isn't worse than Lyre.

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"Florete" is spelled with one "T." Gosh, people.

If only the sword used magic at range, Mist would suddenly be a lot more redeemable. Still, though, if you put the effort into her and get her Str high enough, she's not a terrible combat unit on normal mode. If you really want to use her, she can become something.

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"Florete" is spelled with one "T." Gosh, people.

Yeah but "Floette" is spelt with two T's, and XY came out more recently than RD :P.

(That's my excuse anyway)

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"Florete" is spelled with one "T." Gosh, people.

If only the sword used magic at range, Mist would suddenly be a lot more redeemable. Still, though, if you put the effort into her and get her Str high enough, she's not a terrible combat unit on normal mode. If you really want to use her, she can become something.


I was just really convinced it was with the double. Like all those years I've read and pronounced "Wyern"...yes, without a "v".

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