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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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This claim could go either way for me, I already talked about the Numbers part and I've seen Neighbors of both alignments on SF. Agree with others that his play has been lacking, and he hasn't really pushed any cases or done much of anything since. Comfortable with my vote here.

Go back and read those pages and tell me all of the important topics discussed. If you got more than roleclaims, a reads post from Euklyd, and more roleclaims, then let me know because I must've missed that.

How did I miss it at all lol. Are you deliberately ignoring my posts...I read his post, where he had basically no scumreads and a bunch of nullreads. Hence the "he hasn't really pushed any cases".

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So I just read (read: skimmed) to catch up and found Euklyd getting all these votes and stuff so I'm ISO'ing him. Seems the other wagons are way behind but what other person/people are you guys most up to lynching? I'll ISO them to (my mind works better on ISOs)

As for Shinori I still think he's pretty scummy but his recent posts are ok so he's not as scummy to me as he was.

Also for what's it's worth I'm Euk's neighbor partner who hasn't said hardly anything to him (this probably won't change anything but I see no reason not to claim it).

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I actually commented on this a bit. The whole he didn't mention Prims thing was weird to me. Also at the point in time that I posted I thought there had been more activity from other players which is why I felt better about the SB vote. I felt like he had ignored more people than he actually had. That's what I get for trying to rush a read and a post out. WRT the underlined, I would have voted him because I didn't like it and it felt bad to me, but over time I felt better about him and I am currently reading him as more likely to be town. Partially because of gut but meh.

I quoted this post when I voted him because I felt it was bad. Like I stated above I felt like he had ignored more people than he actually had, so that was my bad. But also WRT other reasonings for voting him the posts down below and other posts similiar to it made me honestly feel like he wasn't really doing that much.

So yeah. That was kind of my logic behind the SB vote, it wasn't the best because most of it was because I misinterpreted what I actually saw.

@Bladescape: I feel better about Refa because I'm liking a few more of his recent posts. Also my top two scumreads are matching up with his scum reads which gives him brownie points in my eyes.

^That was my last actual content post and then you posted this.

Shit I fell asleep while ISO'ing and lost the post to my comp running out of battery overnight.

I have to get going pretty soon so more reasons later but rn I find Shinori the scummiest for basically the same reasons as Blade (yeah I know this is lame).

##Vote: Shinori


And now you say my most recent posts are making you feel better about me.


Which of

This game is such a cluster already.


I kind of want to say FFM is town based on the claim. The role could go either way but I don't see him claiming it as scum considering his buddies most likely would have told him to not claim it and probably just claim a passive role if he's literally just a 1 shot global blocker. Since ya know he'd probably just use it then been idling the rest of the nights sooooooooooooooooo it only makes sense.


These posts

Also, I'm honestly probably about to go to bed. I'm really tired today. I'll try to be up early tomorrow to post and stuff.

Made you feel better about me? CAUSE THIS WAS ALL THAT WAS THERE.

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Okay so I finished reading Euklyd and I don't see why he has 7 votes on him. He seems to be getting voted for not defending himself (how is this scummy though? wouldn't scum bullshit something?) and apathy (and I don't see how attitude is anything other than null.)

His recent listpost isn't townie though imo (he mentions me and Poly hardly ever posting and seems to be padding his reads with townreads instead of just sticking to whoisscum).

Overall I would lynch if I had to but he's null to me.

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Oh and I think some people said he was passive-agressive but that isn't really a scumtell to me.

He (and others) should stop flavorspeccing imo since it's just fluff and eli is good enough with flavor for a hole to be nearly impossible to find (if possible at all). It's also confusing to me (since I haven't played FFTA and just signed up because it's a game by Eli and these are always great).

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Remember that time when I need a sub? It happened again. It's happening again.

I need another sub.

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bearclaw is:


##Vote: Da Bear
jk he's probably not because Euklyd is worse and it's unlikely both are scum but that last string of posts was bad
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a lot of waffling on Shinori and Euklyd, being too lazy to find another scumread even after your biggest one does something townie, and someone who's "not that scummy" being your vote 7 hours away from the end of D1.

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Agree about bear's posts, agree Euk is scummier. Really just posting to say I'm here.

I would prefer FFM act tonight just because putting a strong-willed scum in a game with a global roleblocker is a huge dick move and I doubt that actually exists.

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hi I'm not dead

I'll try and post in a bit once I can go through ISOs

did we already do a mass claim? srs?

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"okay I'm home at 3:15PM I have an hour before I have to leave"

"nope we're actually leaving at 3:45...and you're preparing dinner"

time is a cool thing I wish I had more of it

really I'm just having a hard time efforting since I'm having a hard time finding anyone really scummy and tbh I'd probably just be a drag on town at this rate, especially since my family seems to think "summer" means "Euk has no time commitments so we don't have to worry about scheduling him for things"

So I just read (read: skimmed) to catch up and found Euklyd getting all these votes and stuff so I'm ISO'ing him. Seems the other wagons are way behind but what other person/people are you guys most up to lynching? I'll ISO them to (my mind works better on ISOs)

As for Shinori I still think he's pretty scummy but his recent posts are ok so he's not as scummy to me as he was.

Also for what's it's worth I'm Euk's neighbor partner who hasn't said hardly anything to him (this probably won't change anything but I see no reason not to claim it).

confirming this

since I'm gonna die anyways my ~something~ looks like it's probably a vigshot of some sort

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You said you need to target someone first before you can copy their ability?

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You said you need to target someone first before you can copy their ability?


sounds a lot like my role from NSFMM4; do you get the role same night (and can use it) or is it a mimic?

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oh I have network in the lobby

annoyed about being lynched for not bullshitting reads; I really don't have any !!strong scumreads!! to push

have been voting Refa because I don't really see anyone I think is more likely to be scum

really don't like Marth's rolespec and flavorspec

would vote any of Marth/Refa/FFM/GP

probably have to go soon; may be back home before deadline, but no earlier than an hour before deadline (I think deadline is in 3.5 hours?)

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