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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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The person who messaged me saying that their role seems to indicate that Euklyd is town should have included their character name... Either way I don't think that your role means Euklyd has to be legit. Also you should idle.

Don't really like Euklyd's last post; it seems to offer AtE as its main defence and still isn't giving more than surface-level reads.

Euklyd, you should also claim the ability you unlock when Totema X dies and also who Totema X is. There's no reason not to claim it at this point.

@GP- are you Doned? Also does your unlock condition involve someone dying?

And seriously Poly only two people said anything about the fakeslip. Try harder.

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bearclaw is:


##Vote: Da Bear
jk he's probably not because Euklyd is worse and it's unlikely both are scum but that last string of posts was bad

Bear saying "I don't get why Euklyd's scummy" but not having any alternative scumreads is bad but if Eukyd does flip as Scum!Neighbor then he's probably town.

oh I have network in the lobby

annoyed about being lynched for not bullshitting reads; I really don't have any !!strong scumreads!! to push

have been voting Refa because I don't really see anyone I think is more likely to be scum

really don't like Marth's rolespec and flavorspec

would vote any of Marth/Refa/FFM/GP

probably have to go soon; may be back home before deadline, but no earlier than an hour before deadline (I think deadline is in 3.5 hours?)

I don't like how you're listing several scumreads but not explaining them. Didn't you even say that GP was likely not to be scum because she's always dumb as town or something (sorry GP)? And do you think Marth would claim like that as scum?

we have not massclaimed poly

even though i almost feel we could break the game with it

TBH, if you feel like we could break the game with massclaiming then why don't we actually do it?

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TBH, if you feel like we could break the game with massclaiming then why don't we actually do it?

bc i'm not completely certain. and there may be others who don't agree, etc.
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bearclaw: who are your scumreads right now

I WISH I KNEW. (no seriously, it's like my brain was working better the game I played with a concussion...)

Shinori is still meh but his recent posts seem pretty townie to me so he's becoming more null.

bearclaw: do you have anything else to your role or are you just euklyd's neighbor?

The other part of my role is BETTER THAN EUKYLD'S. (yes I have a role and I like it for some odd reason)

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The person who messaged me saying that their role seems to indicate that Euklyd is town should have included their character name... Either way I don't think that your role means Euklyd has to be legit. Also you should idle.

Don't really like Euklyd's last post; it seems to offer AtE as its main defence and still isn't giving more than surface-level reads.

Euklyd, you should also claim the ability you unlock when Totema X dies and also who Totema X is. There's no reason not to claim it at this point.

I have no idea who Totema X is, just that they're a Totema. For all I know it could be FFM or Bear someone else entirely. If I had to guess it'd be Bear because elements and opposition and stuff, but I really don't know, and that's just flavorspec, which is dumb.

I don't like how you're listing several scumreads but not explaining them. Didn't you even say that GP was likely not to be scum because she's always dumb as town or something (sorry GP)? And do you think Marth would claim like that as scum?

I said that GP acting scummy like she had been was null because she's always dumb as town (to use those words); I haven't seen her scumgame and I don't want to speculate.

I would rather we lynch a scummy player whose claim I find sorta-town-but-maybe-not than me.

I have no idea if Marth would claim like that as scum; it depends on how much of a threat scum saw OMNIHOOK as being (I'm assuming a guaranteed no-kill night is something that scum would be Not Happy About). His flavor-/role-spec is scummy.

may or may not be here for phase end

Also @Euklyd- why would you vote FFM/GP if you think they have town roleclaims

I wouldn't vote FFM because his claim is easily provable and a large benefit to town if it's true.

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a no-kill night actually hinders town if it's 11/4 (not to mention town has zero additional info)

bc in 11/4 town has exactly 3 mislynches, no more no less (unless there's a vig)

and lynching at 10/4 gives less chance of lynching scum than in 9/4

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I don't like the talk of a massclaim; scum already have a LOT of info to work with, and it's not like there's a huge rush where we Need To Claim, especially since we basically have highly limited (but still very powerful) OC anyways, and still have ways to confirm who sent what message even if they are technically anonymized without giving scum additional info.

It's more likely that we'll have a Town Leader sooner or later and they can be claimed to, right?

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I don't like the idea of a massclaim; scum already have a LOT of info to work with, and it's not like there's a huge rush where we Need To Claim, especially since we basically have highly limited (but still very powerful) OC anyways, and still have ways to confirm who sent what message even if they are technically anonymized without giving scum additional info.

It's more likely that we'll have a Town Leader sooner or later and they can be claimed to, right?


talk is okay

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I won't be participating in massclaim since revealing it wouldn't really help at all.

That said, one user already knows my role.

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ps: i have already mentioned that the no-kill night did not help town some 24 hours ago-ish

We could be in 11:3:1 though. In any case with all the claims piling up it's still probably better for FFM to idle, doubt he's lying about his role regardless of alignment anyway. It'd also give us a chance to let Marf target him.
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Marth definitely said he'd need to target the person he's copying.

Does Amnesiac normally need to target the player it's copying?

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amnesiac normally targets dead players. generally if it's not on the third party role that directly copies the full role and alignment of the dead target, it's called a graverobber.

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