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Self-imposed challenges


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With what the various fire emblem games offer, I find myself doing things in generic casual playthroughs that aren't exactly efficient play, but still just something that I prefer to use.

I normally don't cheese with the Warp staff, and I don't like to use Legendary weapons (because pushing Funds ranks in FE7 when I was a wee lad always felt more important).

I also like to clear all enemies, even on defend maps, and try to stray from DLC in FE13.

I also also don't let chests go to waste, even though i usually ignore the loot in them, and if I can help it, i try to beat the game without using statboosters, and promoting units between 15~20 is just a reflex.

I've drafted plenty, and know all about efficiency and ltc pushes, but i'm not always pushing for that kind of game.

What are your general "I do this" things, that you do and/or used to do?

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I always save Warp and Rescue staffs for situations I think require them. Therefore, they never get used in the GBA games.

4, they're not actually worth using, and the one time they seem usable is in Chapter 2, but Nodion just HAS to be green, doesn't it?

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warp/rescue staves are broken as shit in fe4 are you kidding me

For XP abuse, yes, but for actual practicality, I'm better off just never using them after they level cap.

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Basically what you listed elieson. I also occasionally enjoy 100% critical challenges(not sure who came up with this idea)I think it was dondon. NVM it was Mekkah

I also like doing class challenges like only knights, archers, etc.

Edited by AMCC4728
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Chumps runs. Using the worst units available to you tends to make games slightly more difficult. FE6 was rageworthy enough that I had to allow myself crutches at a few points.

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For XP abuse, yes, but for actual practicality, I'm better off just never using them after they level cap.

They're broken from a gameplay perspective even if you ignore exp.

Regardless, low level runs and chump runs are always a good (bad?) time

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For XP abuse, yes, but for actual practicality, I'm better off just never using them after they level cap.

Lord moves - Rescue on Dancer - Dancer refreshes - Rescue on Lord - Lord moves.

Now you've advanced 4x faster than usual.


Lord moves - Rescue on Dancer - Dancer refreshes - Rescue on Dancer again - Lord moves.

Now you've advanced 3x faster than usual, but you can use the combo next turn.

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Chumps run, trying to replicate a good draft TC without popular choices like Edward, Nolan, Jill, Volug, Titania, Soren, Marcia, Nephenee, even Elincia. I like testing different unit combinations in drafts to open a perspective on units' usability and turn shaving.

I tend to not use Warp or Rescue on any game but sometimes I go like screw it, it's there for some reason, so wynaut?

getting Laura to Tier 3 by 1-E

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I remember when I was younger I would only buy iron weapons because I thought my money would run out in fe 8. Of course, this was me just being silly and not actually added for more of a challenge.

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I never do massive BEXP dumps in PoR, I always just put people to average level of the rest of my team at most and let the rest of the bexp fester around. The idea of having promoted broken Marcia or Jill or w/e just annihilating everything isn't particularly fun to me.

I quite enjoy using Warp in GBA for things here and there but FE6 is the only game I've ever really completely warpskipped entire chapters of, since on HM the mid to late Gaidens are all a pain in the ass to do "normally", ch 21 reinforcements are a pain in the ass*, and Niime is just too good. Unlimited range warp in other games seems somewhat less interesting though.

That being said the first time I beat the game in NM I didn't warpskip but HM is a different story...I used to be one of those people that never touched warp or even used prepromotes (haha Niime is totally worse than my arena abused Sophia guys who cares about staff rank?)

**admittedly the experience is awesome the first time you do the chapter on NM, but it takes way too much fucking effort to kill all the stupid reinforcements on HM beacse they are way too durable. Don't misunderstand the earlier point as me disliking the HM gaidens though, if anything they were the first things I'd played in an FE game that really made me go "okay this is too annoying to try to do the long way" and think about how to tackle them differently. Thats part of why I respect FE6 whilst most seem to just really dislike the more difficult parts of the game.

Oh yeah I finished my FE6 No HM bonus chars run.

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I tend to use different units each run. The results tend to be easier or harder depending.

I usually make an effort to use each character in an fe in at least one run

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I've only recently finished Thracia but I have considered replaying it with a no staves challenge on it. It would be pretty interesting, probably training up mostly mages (and, lol Ronan) with some very conservative uses of holy water.

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I've done:


FE9 Three Brothers only + BEXP'd Ike in endgame

FE10 no BEXP HM (this was hell)

FE11 no warp or Generals

FE12 Bow Users only H2

FE13 Solos of Ricken, Knight Sumia, Frederick, Stahl, Kellam

FE13 Lunatic Draft (still in Chapter 17 because that map is harder in a draft)

off the top of my head. There might be more.

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FE5 Chumps Run is sooooooo fun. Thanks to scrolls any unit can be made at least decent, and wrecking shit with Marty is hilarious.

THe LP on the lp archive has him kill the final boss and otherwise be awesome. "The marty party" was apparently a bit of a meme on the original something aweful thread.

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Lords only runs, though i have never completed any FE on this run mostly due to how boring it gets eventually or getting stat screwed on dumb lords like Eliwood or Eirika.

All footie runs are interesting though they take far longer to actually complete. especially on FE4 (arden prologue solo baby)

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Lords only runs, though i have never completed any FE on this run mostly due to how boring it gets eventually or getting stat screwed on dumb lords like Eliwood or Eirika.

All footie runs are interesting though they take far longer to actually complete. especially on FE4 (arden prologue solo baby)

Combine the two! lord only Fe4 sigurd/celice solo would certainly be dififcul... Oh,, wait, that's far too similar to the WIP TAS(which never got compleated because glitch abuse gets too boring:)


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