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Morgan Male vs Morgan Female


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He just sounds like a grown man.

I really really do not like MMorgans artwork...I posted a long time ago somewhere, but his personality and artwork remind me of that annoying kid in grade school who is always looking over your shoulder and asking "what's that? What are you doing? Can I play with that?"

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I'm honestly biased towards F!Morgan since she is my in-game daughter in my main save.

No comment towards M!Morgan since I only used him in my support grinding file back when I worked on getting supports for F!Avatar and him.

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Well played.

Just reminding you of something similar to this line of thought...

Your sig gif:


How much strategic genius is in the colonel to troll the entire party time after time?

Someone get the Japanese voices. That'll decide the truth after all.

Why not both?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Someone get the Japanese voices. That'll decide the truth after all.

Well, the voice options are basically "default" and "Morgan's voice slightly altered" (and "masculine" but yeah) in both languages. With the males', the two options sound almost exactly the same in both English and Japanese, with "default" having a sharper tone. So, they both sound like a voice that would belong to someone who was 18-20-ish, and it certainly doesn't fit build 2/Morgan's portrait IMO. The females' voice options fit fine, idk about the males' one.

Edited by RightfulGod
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...What do any of those things have to do with being "derpy?" Or "wimpy" or "feminine," for that matter?

Well when I think "derp" I think childlike, empty-headedness, naivete. Playing pretend is definitely childlike. Also being Kjelle's squire when he could be studying or training, doing something more productive just kind of seems silly. I'll also say straight up, Yarne is a coward. Morgan doesn't seem to get that, seems naive to me. Also I suppose I was exaggerating a bit when I said feminine, what I meant is that he just seems to have a lack of masculinity in general. Morgan is just too polite, he's so afraid of hurting peoples feelings that he doesn't say anything negative at all. A man should not be afraid of telling people he disagrees. Not that there is anything wrong with being nice mind you, respect is also a very important part of manhood (and really everyone in general), but you're not going to agree with everyone 100% percent of the time. Morgan just seems too passive, he just loves everything, you know, like a derp. Anyway, that was my reasoning.

In response to Morgan not being a man, remember that biologically speaking adulthood comes with adolescence around 12 or 13. Culturally speaking, Fire emblem is based around medieval Europe. In that day and age, the average life span of a commoner was around 25 or so. Kings came into power and people got married at very young ages. Plus I think we can all agree that when your in an army and killing people, you deserve to be referred to as a man.

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Well when I think "derp" I think childlike, empty-headedness, naivete. Playing pretend is definitely childlike. Also being Kjelle's squire when he could be studying or training, doing something more productive just kind of seems silly. I'll also say straight up, Yarne is a coward. Morgan doesn't seem to get that, seems naive to me. Also I suppose I was exaggerating a bit when I said feminine, what I meant is that he just seems to have a lack of masculinity in general. Morgan is just too polite, he's so afraid of hurting peoples feelings that he doesn't say anything negative at all. A man should not be afraid of telling people he disagrees. Not that there is anything wrong with being nice mind you, respect is also a very important part of manhood (and really everyone in general), but you're not going to agree with everyone 100% percent of the time. Morgan just seems too passive, he just loves everything, you know, like a derp. Anyway, that was my reasoning.

In response to Morgan not being a man, remember that biologically speaking adulthood comes with adolescence around 12 or 13. Culturally speaking, Fire emblem is based around medieval Europe. In that day and age, the average life span of a commoner was around 25 or so. Kings came into power and people got married at very young ages. Plus I think we can all agree that when your in an army and killing people, you deserve to be referred to as a man.

But he also has the mental experience of a two month old thanks to the memory lose.

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...Okay, Japanese male Morgan does definitely sound like a grown man. Really unfitting voice, imo. English did him much better. However, I have to say the opposite for female Morgan. In English she sounds too mature while in Japanese she sounds just right. xP (I heard her English voice in a video some time ago)

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Just reminding you of something similar to this line of thought...

Your sig gif:


How much strategic genius is in the colonel to troll the entire party time after time?

You make a good point. Colonel Jade Curtiss is just too good. Speaking of Abyss, dont'cha think Guy Cecil is somewhere in between Lon'qu and Owain? He totally looks like he could be a recruitable FE Myrmidon doesn't he? Even though there already is a Myrmidon named Guy and another Myrmidon who is afraid of women.


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Uh, Morgan does NOT look like a grown man...

I'd say he's 16 at the oldest and males don't stop growing until they're 21.

That awkward moment when you realize that M!Morgan is one of the tallest characters in the game (judging by in-game models)

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That awkward moment when you realize that M!Morgan is one of the tallest characters in the game (judging by in-game models)

Actually, a looong time ago I compiled a bunch of ingame models for the sake of comparing heights. Morgan/Build 2 is actually one of the shorter ones, being the 2nd shortest male of all of them (shortest being Ricken, of course). Here's a picture comparing Morgan/Build 2 with Chrom (the middle man, I guess) and the tallest unit, Walhart.


Edited by RightfulGod
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Actually, a looong time ago I compiled a bunch of ingame models for the sake of comparing heights. Morgan/Build 3 is actually one of the shorter ones, being the 2nd shortest male of all of them (shortest being Ricken, of course). Here's a picture comparing Morgan/Build 3 with Chrom (the middle man, I guess) and the tallest unit, Walhart.


If you had a side by side extension of that example for the entire cast from smallest to tallest then I'd love to see it.

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I'd say my daughteru-Err... F!Morgan because she's more my style. I'd could see her being Sorin's in-game daughter.

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If you had a side by side extension of that example for the entire cast from smallest to tallest then I'd love to see it.

I was planning on it, but the cast is pretty huge and lord help me with the ones with spiky hair and hats. If you'd like, here's a shot from Walhart to Libra that I did quite a while ago. I'll... I'll get it done eventually. Some of these people are about the same height, so that's just a quick note.


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I was planning on it, but the cast is pretty huge and lord help me with the ones with spiky hair and hats. If you'd like, here's a shot from Walhart to Libra that I did quite a while ago. I'll... I'll get it done eventually. Some of these people are about the same height, so that's just a quick note.


Don't forget Build 2 Avatar!

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Do their heights change if they're in different, unmounted classes?

Nope; their heights only change if they're in Knight class. I reverted everyone back to their original class for this project, aside from Kjelle and Kellam where I changed them to General class for their "original" height. I don't know why Knight class makes them absurdly taller, it just does.

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