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I just beat PoR and my body is ready for Radiant Dawn. I've done lots of browsing on the site so I have a good idea about the game, but I don't know how to approach everything. I'm going to ask a few questions:

1. Are there any apparent changes or additions I need to know for the game? If so, what are they and how should I use them to my greatest advantage.

2. I heard from one source that this game is exceedingly difficult. Is this true? What should I be prepared for? (Assuming I don't do hard mode on my first playthrough)

3. I've heard there are parts in this game. Four different parts. From playing Blazing Sword, I'm pretty sure I know how to deal with this, but I will be very confused on using units wisely and making the most out of exp. In addition, I don't know the stats of all of the characters I could check and create an efficient overall team, but that would take quite some time. I would greatly appreciate a few recommended teams or at least good units to use.


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I just beat PoR and my body is ready for Radiant Dawn. I've done lots of browsing on the site so I have a good idea about the game, but I don't know how to approach everything. I'm going to ask a few questions:

1. Are there any apparent changes or additions I need to know for the game? If so, what are they and how should I use them to my greatest advantage.

2. I heard from one source that this game is exceedingly difficult. Is this true? What should I be prepared for? (Assuming I don't do hard mode on my first playthrough)

3. I've heard there are parts in this game. Four different parts. From playing Blazing Sword, I'm pretty sure I know how to deal with this, but I will be very confused on using units wisely and making the most out of exp. In addition, I don't know the stats of all of the characters I could check and create an efficient overall team, but that would take quite some time. I would greatly appreciate a few recommended teams or at least good units to use.


1. The elevation mechanics for hit. Use it wisely.

2. Dawn Brigade parts (mostly the beginning of the game) sucks because Micaiah is made out of paper.

3. You won't be having your fixed team until Part 4. Just worry about playing the game.

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1. Yeah, a few things you should know:

- More gameplay mechanics were added that really change up how you have to strategize on some chapters. For example, units can now attack from atop ledges and those that do gain a huge advantage over the unit down below. Accuracy and strength/magic go up for the unit attacking from atop the ledge and the opposite happens for their target below the ledge. Mounted units can attack from atop ledges, but they cannot climb them. Only infantry can climb ledges. Another mechanic that was added is laguz being able to attack in their human forms, though they can only do so in counterattacks. Their attacks in human form are generally weak, but sometimes they will cut a chunk of HP out of their target.

- The support system was severely downgraded. Everyone can support with everyone, basically, but the conversations are so generic that it's hard to take any of the paired endings seriously (I don't even support any of them myself except for one or two). So I would just ignore the support system all together, it's quite possible to beat the game without it.

- The game jumps from points of view and is divided into four parts. For a few chapters or so, you'll be controlling one group of units while you'll control another group after and so on.

2. Yes, this game is a lot harder than PoR, if you ask me, thought the gameplay is much better and the story is still pretty awesome (part 4 drops the ball a bit, but besides that, awesome story!).

3. Don't bother training the Dawn Brigade much after Part 1 except for Micaiah and Sothe. They suck compared to Ike and his mercenaries and Elincia and her knights (for the most part). You want to take some of Ike's buddies and Elincia's party to the Endgame. You can only take ten units to Part 4 endgame not counting the forced ones (Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, etc).

Edited by Anacybele
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Differences between PoR and RD:

- RD has a few new weapons (bow guns, crossbows) and new weapon types (dark magic)

- more playable characters

- more chapters

- no more arrive missions

- there are quick battle saves. You can save before every turn.

- there is a 3rd tier class. 3rd units have mastery skills, which are totally broken.

- in RD everyone can support with everyone. But the downside: Default and vacuous support conversations.

- bonus expierence system works different: bonus experience level up always gives you 3 stats, except there are so many stats maxed already that you cannot get 3 stats

- difficulty is harder than in PoR. I would compare PoR normal mode with RD easy mode and PoR hard mode with RD normal mode. RD hard mode has no weapon triangle and the movement of the enemies is disabled.

- you can get boosts via transfer data. Units, who reached level 20 and maxed stat(s) in PoR, will get boosts in RD.

- skill system also works different: Skills are removable in general. Unlike in PoR units, who have a skill already, they have it for free in RD.

- Game Over conditions are complety different from chapter to chapter: Even sidecharacters are not allowed to die, so I recommend to read the conditions in every chapter. In the first four maps in this game everyone has to survive! In general Micaiah and Ike have to survive the entire game. Sothe and Elincia have to survive all the chapters before the endgame.

- availibility of the characters is totally unbalanced: Some units like Tormod, Muarim and Vika join for 3 chapters in part 1 and then come back for one chapter before the endgame. The best availibilty has Ilyana for some fricking reasons.

The 4 parts:

Part 1 deals with Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade. The chapters with this party are the hardest, because many characters are fragile or not that good and the enemies are pretty powerful.

Part 2 deals with Elincia and Crimean Knights. It is the shortest part, only 5 maps. You fight with 2nd tier units against 1st tier or low 2nd tier units. So not very hard.

Part 3 deals mainly with Ike and Greil's mercenaries. These chapters are easy, especially if some units have PoR-boosts. But in Part 3 you also play the DB three times and one time the Crimean Knights.

In part 4 you create 3 teams. But some units are not removable.

In the endgame you can choose 10 units + forced units: Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Sanaki, Kurthnaga, Ena and a heron

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Skills can now be removed and given to other characters. In part 1 you should remove resolve from Tauroneo, cancel from Leonardo, and Celerity from Tormod.

Ilyana can be used to ferry items to the GM. Gems and Celerity help them a lot.

Get beastfoe. It's in 1-4 left of the healing jar in the top left corner

Jill is the best user of the paragon scroll you get during part 1.

Paladins and Mages got hit hard by the nerf hammer.

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Radiant Dawn really puts the story in the driver's seat, so try to focus on it rather than optimization if you can. You get the opportunity to see things from many different perspectives, so take it. In other words, focus on surviving/defeating each chapter in and of itself rather than on the macro "So-and-so needs that kill to be on the fast track for Endgame dominance" stuff. Use characters you take a liking to, have fun, etc. etc.

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I forgot about the data transfer thing, but there's something about that that you should know: due to a stupid glitch in Radiant Dawn, easy mode data in Path of Radiance will not work in transfers. This is because in the Japanese version of RD, easy mode doesn't exist, so it can't read easy mode data. NoA forgot to correct this when they released the game. If you try to get RD to read easy mode data, it'll freeze up. They did offer to repair people's discs, but that was years ago and they no longer do it.

Edited by Anacybele
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In contrast to some of the previous advice, I would recommend using the support system. It's somewhat difficult to plan on when supports will rank up, but the bonuses are helpful enough that there's no point in ignoring it.

Not training any DB units except for Micaiah and Sothe is going to make the DB chapters in Part 3 difficult. I would recommend focusing the exp in Part 1 to either Nolan or Jill. Part 1 is pretty stingy with exp and bexp so trying to trying to train a full team is inadvisable.

Forging can be pretty helpful overall. I wouldn't focus much on 'overall team' because the game throws a lot of strong laguz units at you for Endgame anyway.

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I never meant that you shouldn't train ANY Part 1 units besides Sothe and Micaiah. Jill and Zihark are definitely usable. The others? They tend to fall WAY behind. Even Tauroneo due to his shitty availability.

And speaking of characters with shitty availability, you don't want to train them because you just can't use them enough to. They would be: Tauroneo, Tormod, Muarim, Vika, Geoffrey. Geoffrey isn't bad when you first get him, but after a couple chapters of Part 2, Geoffrey returns for only one chapter in Part 3 and one or two in Part 4. By that time, you'll have much better Gold/Silver Knights handy (Oscar, Titania, and Kieran, specifically). Part 4 Endgame also gives you another Gold Knight, but it's a spoiler character, so I won't reveal who it is.

Tormod, Muarim, Vika, and Tauroneo show up for a few chapters in Part 1, then disappear until Part 4. Yeah.

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It's probably worth mentioning that quite a few units are going to leave the poor underdogs from the Dawn Brigade after Part 1. And they won't leave anything behind.

In case you would like to know, they are:


...technically the list isn't complete but with certain other characters it's obvious that they won't stick around forever, so there is no need to spoil them.

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Zihark and Jill can also switch sides, but they aren't forced to. They'll only switch if they talk to a laguz and Haar respectively. Also, Brom will not fight Meg (his daughter) despite them being on opposite sides.

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3. Don't bother training the Dawn Brigade much after Part 1 except for Micaiah and Sothe. They suck compared to Ike and his mercenaries and Elincia and her knights (for the most part). You want to take some of Ike's buddies and Elincia's party to the Endgame. You can only take ten units to Part 4 endgame not counting the forced ones (Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, etc).

Lol no. Nolan when trained > Boyd when trained. Nolan is also one of, if not the most important unit in the the Dawn Brigade as he helps carry them early on and usually grows well (Also he is extremely useful in part 3). Edward has potential to be better than Mia (this takes a bit more effort than Nolan though), and Aran can be much better than Nephenee or whatever her name is. I won't argue for the other DB units though, but due to the extreme amounts of magic in the end game, Tauroneo is actually better than Gatrie because of his much higher RES.

Also, aside from Kieran most of Elicinia's knights are really bad.

Micaiah can just be a heal bot, and Sothe can sit in the corner and not be deployed in Part 4 endgame. (He does waste a party slot however.)

Edited by Kamina
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Tauroneo is a perfectly usable character. He only has one map in Part 1, but he's so overleveled that you really don't want to use him because he trivializes the game at that point. He returns one chapter later than the rest of the Dawn Brigade for only two maps in Part 3, and he's essential to those maps due to the hugely powered enemies you face there.

The DB characters are all usable with the exception of Meg and Fiona who show up underleveled and aren't worth the time and money (since they require forges). Jill, Nolan, Edward and Aran can grow up to be great units (even better than their GM counterparts if you don't get RNG screwed) but they do require the extra training due to starting at lower levels. Laura is utility, you probably won't get her to tier 3, but sometimes I do it because she's one of my favorite characters and I favor her. If you can manage to train the DB units, don't be afraid of using them in the final maps.

Important thing to know is how Bonus EXP works. You give it similar to how it was done in FE9, but any unit will always get three stats on a BEXP level up. This is why it's great to give BEXP to a unit that has capped two or three stats because it will help with raising any lagging stats. i.e. Micaiah can get Speed screwed rather easily, but since she caps Magic, Luck and Resistance pretty fast, BEXP tends to solve her Speed problems.

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Don't hesitate to overuse the "prepromotes" or the blatantly overpowered units. The game never punishes you for this ever because it keeps on handing you more and more powerful units.

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I've replayed RD many times, and never were any of the Dawn Brigade members on par with the Greil Mercenaries. The GMs always outclassed them by a long shot. And I play on easy mode (because of how hard the game is). I can't even get Laura to be better than Mist or Rhys.

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...Oh boy, I'm going to regret responding again.

Ana, during all your contributions of gameplay in whatever game you're trying to contribute advice in whatever forum, you never let go of your first run evaluations of units and your first impressions of characters.

Your evaluation of units objectively are shoddy at best as you tend to pump exp on whosoever you like.

And I play on easy mode (because of how hard the game is).

That kind of... kills your credibility in regards to OBJECTIVE unit evaluation.

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That may be true but pretty sure she's 99% on the mark this time (only one that's not is Jill).

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The one thing the DB has going for them in the international version are their PRF weapons.

Chuck Nolan investment actually is worth it.

...I kind of used him as a crutch in hard mode >_>;

Edit: Oh! And OP, use Haar.

Haar is your god. Like I think he's been banned in some drafts.

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The one thing the DB has going for them in the international version are their PRF weapons.

Chuck Nolan investment actually is worth it.

...I kind of used him as a crutch in hard mode >_>;

Edit: Oh! And OP, use Haar.

Haar is your god. Like I think he's been banned in some drafts.

Yeah, the DB PRF weapons do help a lot in the international version of RD. (Dat Tarvos, and I guess the Caladbolg is kinda useful in Part 3 as well) It's a Smart idea to train the good DB units (Nolan, Edward, Aran, and Jill), because you actually get quite a lot of time to train them. In part 3 all of their chapters have a lot of enemies, and in whichever team you put them on in part 4 have fairly weak enemies and a lot of them, so training them is not that hard, even on higher difficulties.

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If we're going by the route of "Just use the most powerful units", then you don't even need the Greil Mercenaries because Ike can solo all his maps in Part 3 and all those Laguz Royals you get for Part 4 can completely solo the final maps.

The DB characters actually do require some form of investment, because they have several maps without an overpowered unit that will come to save their butts, so to an extent you HAVE to use them.

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No problem. :) And that's a good idea. Slow and steady wins the race, after all.

Also, yeah, I do admit that I turned out not to have enough knowledge on other games when it comes to stuff like this. But in the case of RD, I've actually experimented with pretty much every character (except for Stefan because at the time, I didn't know how the hell to recruit him) and done dozens of playthroughs (though I only ever finished the game once. After that, I only played up to Part 4 Endgame because I don't like a lot of the character endings).

Admittedly, I forgot about Aran, he actually rocks. he repeatedly took critical hits like a boss and survived. Screw Nephenee. xP

Jill is decent too, imo, but yeah, Haar is definitely superior. He's the reason Part 2 Endgame was easier for me the second time around (I missed recruiting him in my first playthrough because somehow I NEVER NOTICED HIM IN THE CHAPTER HE FIRST SHOWS UP IN. >_<). That guy is as broken as Ike, I swear.

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I think I'm going to try to dive into this slowly. I'll get characters as they go and I can assess their worth with the resources around me. Thank you all.

Yeah, it's a nice way to start. The most important thing is to distriubute exp and bexp wisely and efficiently, directly to the units you will use by endgame. Don't bother on trying to train every single unit in every part because you'll end with an unbalanced team, full of scrubs, and the game will get harder. Endgame only admits 10 units besides Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Sanaki, Ena, Kurthnaga and a heron of your choice. RD has a large cast of characters, for a total of 72 iirc, so take your time experimenting with them.

There is literally no unmanagable or unusable character, every single character can become a strong unit, even those who require more effort than others (Meg, Fiona, Tormod, Muarim, Vika, Kyza, Lyre among others). If you know how to train your units and how to distribute the low amount of statboosters given per part as well as the Exp and Bexp, then you'll have a solid team that will roflstomp the game.

Thing is, Part 1 is said to be hard because the units given by earlygame are kinda weak and rely on growth and level up, their bases are low and each of them need their care (ones more than others obviously). I don't like recommending characters because bias, use the ones you feel confortable or have affinity with them, just know how to train them because every single unit is usable (I won't fall on the silly position of "X unit is not worth the investment or time or turns", use whomever you feel fine). There are plenty of resources to use and forges are important for the weakest units. If you have any issues regarding this, feel free to ask for advice.

Enjoy your play! :awesome:

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Out of those 72 though, the Black Knight is the only one that doesn't become a permanent team player. Obviously, he's gotta face Ike again and get his butt whooped. :P

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Obviously, he's gotta face Ike again and get his butt whooped. :P

Yeah, sadly unlike in POR the fight against the Black Knight is really easy on every mode. However, if the Black Knight had all of his stats capped, Ike would actually lose that fight on a pretty consistent basis. (Even if Ike capped everything)

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