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Best Enemy Army


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All was peaceful until ______ suddenly attacked. That's pretty much the mad lib that starts every new Fire Emblem story in the series. But which evil army was you're favorite. Which did you feel was the most threatening? Which one accomplished the most? Which one managed to put up the best fight despite going up against plot protected characters? You can judge your opinion on anything you like from gameplay difficulties to story to the type of units they like to use.

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I guess the army that was already forced into the defense by Innes before the start of the second act is a bit of an odd choice. But I really like how intelligently they approached their goals.

They started a Blitzkrieg against Renais, and took capital in no time flat. Afterwards, they didn't waste any time and used their momentum to strike against Frelia. This works so well that they are already attacking Frelia's borders before Eirika and Seth manage to cross them. Of course, that didn't work out too well for them in the long run but their goal were the Sacred Stones, not world domination. Conquest is only one way archieve that goal. So when Frelia won the upper hand against them, they switched to Plan B and send a commando team past their borders to destroy Frelia's sacred stone.

They also made preparations to overthrow the remaining nations early on. It worked like a charm in Jehanna. Fortunately the same didn't happen in Rausten because Riev is apparently kinda lazy. Despite being told early in the game to take care of Rausten, he only makes his move late in the game when Ephraim's group is around to throw a wench into his plan. The Demon King would have won if Riev didn't pull a Manfroy there.

The only other thing that makes you question their competence is Lyon's decision to rely on Valter. This guy turned out to be a totally unreliable wild card and probably ended up harming Grado more then helping them. But overall they are a very cunning foe.

Edited by BrightBow
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I guess the army that was already forced into the defense by Innes before the start of the second act is a bit of an odd choice. But I really like how intelligently they approached their goals.

They started a Blitzkrieg against Renais, and took capital in no time flat. Afterwards, they didn't waste any time and used their momentum to strike against Frelia. This works so well that they are already attacking Frelia's borders before Eirika and Seth manage to cross them. Of course, that didn't work out too well for them in the long run but their goal were the Sacred Stones, not world domination. Conquest is only one way archieve that goal. So when Frelia won the upper hand against them, they switched to Plan B and send a commando team past their borders to destroy Frelia's sacred stone.

They also made preparations to overthrow the remaining nations early on. It worked like a charm in Jehanna. Fortunately the same didn't happen in Rausten because Riev is apparently kinda lazy. Despite being told early in the game to take care of Rausten, he only makes his move late in the game when Ephraim's group is around to throw a wench into his plan. The Demon King would have won if Riev didn't pull a Manfroy there.

The only other thing that makes you question their competence is Lyon's decision to rely on Valter. This guy turned out to be a totally unreliable wild card and probably ended up harming Grado more then helping them. But overall they are a very cunning foe.

I can see the logic to all that but when playing through the game the first time they seemed like a joke to me. They only managed to fully conquer one nation. It didn't help that on my first playthrough I choose Erikia's route so it Ephraim literally took on the entire army off screen leading me really surprised the game was entering its climax stage. Comparatively Doluna managed to conquer the entire world save three very minor kingdoms, Granvalle did manage to take over the entire continent if you count the peace treaty with Thracia and Bern, when confronted with a military force as strong as themselves managed to over throw it with political manipulation. I guess Ashnard only conquered one country too but unlike Grado he really didn't make any attempt to conquer anywhere else. Grado just seemed to be failing at everything they do with the exception of conquering Renais. Except where Caellach was involved. Dude was carrying the entire team. However you have changed a good deal of my opinion of them with a single comment. The tactics they actually used to achieve their goals were pretty smart...Caellach stills wins everything though and they wouldn't have got far without him.

Edited by Jotari
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Thracia because their dracoknights are cooler than Bern's and Trabant is infinately cooler than Zepheil or his dad that I forget the name of because he was a huge chump.

Macedon is pretty cool too. I wish they made Michalis a moving boss like he should have been and stuck some chump on the throne so you couldn't just warp marth there on turn 2. Would have made that chapter waaaay cooler.

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Zephiel's dad's name is Desmond, but who cares about him?

I'm with BrightBow and Furet about how Grado's the best, with Thracia and Bern tied for second.

Edited by ZM©
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Macedon is pretty cool too. I wish they made Michalis a moving boss like he should have been and stuck some chump on the throne so you couldn't just warp marth there on turn 2. Would have made that chapter waaaay cooler.

Oddly enough, in FE1/FE3B1 Camus was not a moving boss while Michalis was. In Shadow Dragon they swapped over their roles for some reason.

As for the best army, I'm probably going with Thracia.

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Haven't played fe's 1-5 so I can't say for the armies there, but from what I've played I would say fe6 Bern. They took over Ilia, Sacae and made their way through Lycia killing Hector. They made actual advancements and more or less held them excluding Lycia and Etruria for some time until the second route split, where Roy was protected by the conveniences of being the main character.

Grado was good, but they were never backed up completely by its soldiers and generals, and it was basically only Caellach and his crew who made real progress for the army following the blitzkrieg on Renais. Kinda fitting that when he fell in that desert chapter, Grado was basically finished from then on in the game and were known as remnants the rest of the way. They were tools for the Demon King anyways so I don't personally think they were the best enemy army.

In Shadow Dragon, Grust and Macedon never really gave the impression of a dangerous, invading force aside from the prologue. Although I guess it would be due to the fact that the game focused on Marth's return and further rise to glory so I can't really say much. I guess it says a lot that Grust actually won and held land for some time, but they achieved it through a surprise attack. Marth was practically on the offensive for the entire game basically so its hard to tell of their worth.

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I dunno... Valm conquered a massive continent in like 2 years, from a country the size of a small city. That's impressive

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno... Valm conquered a massive continent in like 2 years, from a country the size of a small city. That's impressive

Yeesh, I wish Awakening did a better job of building its world. Valm kind of just... happened.

I haven't played enough FE to give a credible opinion but I think Granvale in FE4 made for a pretty good enemy.

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I'll go with Begnion. They're so powerful that they could just wreck the rest of the continent. It seemed like the only way to beat them was to have all but two of the countries join in one massive army and have half of their own army defect. The senators are so loathsome as well.

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The fire mage army in Genealogy wins by default for overcoming plot protection.

This is the only correct answer

(i'm also gonna hop onto the grado bandwagon)

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