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What mechanic introduced in Awakening should be a mainstay for the rest of the series?

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We all remember pairing up and it being... lame.

But I also thought the dual strike was cool.

So why not add in the Dual Strike for people standing next to eachother.

Just a thought.

O yeah

bring back Shove. Awakening felt off without shove.

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I don't think pairing up is lame. I find it realistic and cool. It makes a lot more sense for characters to build support by teaming up in battle rather than standing next to each other for an insane amount of turns like GBA FE or just being in the same map like Tellius.

So pair-up is one of the few things in Awakening that I want future FE games to use.

I wouldn't care if shove returned as long as it doesn't take up skill space like in RD (that was one of the few things in that game I found to be totally stupid).

Edited by Anacybele
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bring back Shove. Awakening felt off without shove.

Shove only exists in the Tellius-series. But yeah mechanics like shove, rescue, take and drop should return.

However "pair-up" is one of few features I actually like in FE13.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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rescue, take and drop should return.

those exist in fe13, they're all inherent in the pair-up system :P

EDIT: unless you wanted awakening to have two versions of the same mechanic, one which lowered stats and one which raised them?

Edited by Integrity
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those exist in fe13, they're all inherent in the pair-up system :P

Except if someone is in a dangerous spot, or weakened badly, your only choice is to use a Rescue Staff. In older games, you could pick them up to get them out of danger, whereas this one all you can do is stand behind them and hope you either give them enough of a boost to survive, or activate a Dual Guard.

As far as Pair Up goes, I like the premise, but the execution sucks. You either completely overpower the enemy, or the enemy is so obscenely overtuned that even pairing up barely means anything.

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They do work differently though: rescuing worked in a way that if a unit who already moved was in danger, the rescuer would make them disappear from the map and thus the rescued takes no more risks.

With pair up, if a unit who already moved is in danger, you either pair them up with a unit who gives them some serious defence, or guards them from a fatal blow (a risk too high to take, if I might add); since the unit who was supposed to rescue them is now in the back, the unit in danger in still on the map, still in front all sorts of danger, and they can't switch places with the unit in the back.

So yeah, it's not the same; not that it hurts: you just plan things in other ways.

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I like pair up but I think it should be either

A. less OP


B. Enemies can do it too.

I love Awakening its only mechanic that really bugged me is the lack of weapon weight

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eh my problem with that is the implementation of weapon weight in every previous FE was generally anus, so i didn't miss it much at all when 13 rolled around.

neat concept but it was consistently fucked in some way or another.

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They should change how skills work, IMO, because due to reclassing and the 5 skills set ups Awakening is another power level game that requires tons of grinding.

Also they should erase Gale Force from existence: having it makes a lot of difference from not having it, no unit is strong enough to beat one without Gale Force, yadda yadda, etc.

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We all remember pairing up and it being... lame.

But I also thought the dual strike was cool.

So why not add in the Dual Strike for people standing next to eachother.

Just a thought.

O yeah

bring back Shove. Awakening felt off without shove.

Shove is a silly mechanic. You wouldn't shove someone on a real battlefield to give them a movement boost (or do it to move priests out of the way, usually).

Dual Strike and Dual Guard are great, though. That's the most sense the support system has ever made to me. A boost to hit and avoid ("Look out for that lance!" - Nearby S-Support) makes sense too, but I'd be okay with decreasing or ditching the pair-up boosts to str, def, etc. in future games.

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They should change how skills work, IMO, because due to reclassing and the 5 skills set ups Awakening is another power level game that requires tons of grinding.

there's plenty you can do with grinding in awakening but i never felt like i was required to grind for anything at any point in the game

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Yeah, it's not required unless you want to play Apotheosis (grinding is necessary with Limit Breaker) or harder free dlc maps, but I'd rather have something like skill scrolls instead of having to do 15 levels of a promoted class to get to Dual Guard+ with a Chrom whose internal level is 40. It's really tedious, and the grinding DLC map doesn't help.

Besides, like you said there's plenty you can do with it, and I think not using skills and not planning skillsets is like throwing away one of the most unique parts of the game.

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i'm still confused

i thought awakening's skill setup was pretty great as far as the main game goes, the only time it got tedious was for min/maxing the best stuff at the end of the game and let's be real that's true of pretty much every rpg ever

like, i did all that using skills and planning skillsets while i was going through the game, without grinding at all. it was satisfying.

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I liked Pair Up. The only thing I want of future games is for enemies to use it (not necessarily all of them, but some of them).

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I liked Pair Up. The only thing I want of future games is for enemies to use it (not necessarily all of them, but some of them).

Agree with this. Enemy Pair Up could serve to humanize enemies, like if there's some quick dialogue between two enemies about how one has the other's back and then their sprites Pair Up, in addition to the added challenge and many tactical scenarios. It could also give newer players some ideas for how to use Pair Up effectively. It makes sense. Ideally, it would be implemented alongside some sort of broader theme ("Our enemies aren't soulless, support-less warriors this time. Are we really Team Good??") or important plot events (like the part in Awakening Chapter 13 with the assassin). Victor and Vincent should've had Pair Up.

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I don't think it's really appropriate to include pair-up again. It changed the game from planning a well-rounded army to crafting a bunch of unkillable super units. Half of your army's only use is their stat bonuses upon being paired up. Just buff support bonuses and you'll have the same effect except your other units will be able to do stuff.

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I was thinking about rescuing by mounted units and then riding back to a safe spot through canto.

BTW canto should also return.

Now this I agree with 100%. I loved using the hit-and-run tactic.

Problem is, how will it work will galeforce? I can honestly not see anyway canto and GF could work if they procced at the same time, since GF is already canto on steroids. Then again, maybe they're smart and take GF out in the next game, making it 100% more balanced and creating room for canto to return.

The only thing I absolutely WANT to come back in the next game is War Cleric/Monk. I love gameplay changes, but I need my cute healers with axes :3

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Problem is, how will it work will galeforce? I can honestly not see anyway canto and GF could work if they procced at the same time, since GF is already canto on steroids. Then again, maybe they're smart and take GF out in the next game, making it 100% more balanced and creating room for canto to return.

The only thing I absolutely WANT to come back in the next game is War Cleric/Monk. I love gameplay changes, but I need my cute healers with axes :3

Huh? Galeforce isn't like Canto. Canto enables a unit to move again after they attack. Galeforce enables a unit to attack again after they kill a unit. I see no issue. If anything, these two would be an amazing combination.

A unit with both can do this sequence:

1. Move once and kill a unit

2. Canto triggers, unit moves somewhere else

3. When movement is done, Galeforce triggers and the unit repeats the first two steps.

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't think it's really appropriate to include pair-up again. It changed the game from planning a well-rounded army to crafting a bunch of unkillable super units. Half of your army's only use is their stat bonuses upon being paired up. Just buff support bonuses and you'll have the same effect except your other units will be able to do stuff.

pretty much this.

also i'd like supports to have a range effectiveness of 3 spaces

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Canto allows you to run to safety after making a kill, essentially increasing the number of kills you can make without bothering a Staffbot per turn by 1. The difference between units with Canto and without would be as big as the difference in Awakening between units with Galeforce and those without.

Please don't talk about balance and ask for Canto in the same post.

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