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Units that never turn out well for you

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FE 7 Lyn. In two of my playthroughs she only got strength twice after getting her to level 20

FE 8 Ross. Never gets speed for me.

FE 9 Zihark. He thinks it's fun to take axes to the face and never get strength. It's a real shame though because he's my favorite myrmidon character wise.

FE 10 Edward. Basically Zihark 2.0 for me. Never dodges which results in him wrath killing a mook and allowing the next one to kill him.

FE 13 Stahl. He thinks he's a knight since all ever gets for me are HP, Str, and Def level ups.

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I instinctively know which units that will turn out well for me and only use them. Although my MU's never end up as overpowered as I've been led to believe they should, discounting that one time I did a solo run.

Edited by Refa
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FE4: Units like Alec and Noish don't really like gaining key stats, but hey, everyone kinda kicks ass in this game no matter what.

FE5: Scroooooolls

FE6: Roy, Deke, Clarine

FE7: Matthew

FE8: Forde

FE9: Ike

FE11: Doga

FE12: Cecille

FE13: Virion

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Mainly units like Florina and Sumia. They just never want to gain anything but speed. Same with Mia. Micaiah never turns out good for me either. She doesn't get anything but magic.

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the only really painful one is frederick; i'm fairly sure a dented rock could get better level-ups than him. normally i bench him once his earlygame pair-up-bot job's finished, but considering my latest save is a f!avatar support log grinding save... yeah, getting him even remotely ready for that is like pulling teeth

i know, i know, jagen archetype, but still

(oh and virion, i guess)

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oh man.

FE7: Dorcas hates me. It is known. He is never good no matter what. Wil is also another one i just cannot get to function. Rebecca, i can get to function, its just her class sucks a big penor.

FE8: Oh Knoll... :(: Ewan is another one but ehh.

FE9: Gatrie. To be fair, i used him like once past the time you get him back. Brom never ever works. Nephenee is hit-or-miss really, but her start is always ass.

FE10: Neph again. D:< Kyza i cant use. Ive made Lyre work before but Kyza...i cant.

FE13: Kellam falls off for me. Vaike...ughhh

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Almost all fighters and pirates for me suck nothing but butt; my only exception is Boyd, he was one of the only people I used in my first playthrough of FE9.

Most knights as well. My only exceptions with this are Oswin in my most recent FE7 playthrough, and Gatrie in both FE9 and FE10.

...I can't say most peg. knights or cavaliers have been good for me. The only one I got even close to bothering with was Sumia... but only in my 2nd playthrough :I (My cousin LOVES cavaliers, but hates myrms... opposite for me.)

Annnnnd Archers. Rolf was only good for me in my 2nd playthrough, but that barely counts. And Virion? I tried to use him. I swear, I tried. That was the end of that...

However, my myrms in almost every FE game I played were AMAZING. (except Awakening, never really used Lon'qu too extensively). Edward was my pride and joy in FE10, HE WAS SO BLESSED. Mia was good in both games, too... you can say she's bad in FE9, but not FE10.

And I can't quite get the charm of mercs. The only good ones I ever had were Severa and Inigo.

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Marcia doesn't suck, except when I use her. Same with Jill. And Vanessa. And Florina (sometimes). The common denominator with the pegasi is Strength, and Jill is Speed (don't ask).


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FE 6: Ah, Noah...as much as I love you, I cannot make you turn out good with RNG rigging your level ups. As far as my 4 playthroughs were his stats were mere below or average.

FE 7: Serra, not really much of a reason to use you if I have Lucius.

FE 8: Gerik, I know you're good but do it for me, please ;n;

FE 13: Virion, you take too freaking long for me to grind...

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FE8: Kyle (slow), Vanessa (outclassed by Tana)

FE9: Nephenee (always got "HP-sauce" in her level ups), Mist (ridiculous low magic and strength)

FE10: Astrid (no surprise), Leonardo (no surprise either), Boyd (slow), Mist (even worse than in FE9), Zihark (bad strength and defense compared to Eddy and Mia), Eddy (has the problem that he joins in the party with the hardest chapters), Soren (slow, even slower than Ily and Micky)

FE11: Many units because of their bad growths - Marth always ends up very slow

FE12: Actually nobody, because most units have excellent growths and become good

FE13: Virion (even worse than Leonard), Sully (has bad speed and defense growth in my playthroughs)

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Forde. Kyle always end up better than him in every stat but SKL (yeah, even SPD). I don't even want to compare him to his brother and Seth...

Stahl. Just so much worse than Sully... Which is a shame, since i like him and always try to use him (until he gets nothing but str, luk and/or hp 5 levels in a row)

Florina. No matter how much i use her, how many stat boosters she got in Lyn's mode, Fiora always ends up better or with similar stats when recruited. Even at a lower level =x

Matthew. Legault is always much better when recruited

I can't really think of someone else

Edited by Valesca Popozuda
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Treating it as "worse than expected/described by others" here.

FE7: Hector, Eliwood, Canas, Lowen. They don't double, and they never turn into killing machines like people make them out to be and like every other character I use does.

RD: Nolan, Aran, Soren. Nolan's not usually bad, but he typically doesn't perform much better than Edward for me. Aran just sucks. Soren kinda does to, though in his case it's less of what I would expect from him and more what everyone else thinks of him (since he never seemed like a good unit to me anyway).

Awakening: Sumia, mostly because everyone still thinks she's better than Cordelia, which simply baffles me.

Don't really have characters for the other games, mostly because I don't play them enough. In the case of PoR, everyone pretty much performs for me as I expect them to.

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FE6: Klein manages to get hp skill every single time I ever use him and is never better than Igrene.

FE7: Canas and Sain hate getting speed. Kent hates getting strength. Erk is always total rubbish. Luckily Marcus is awesome and somehow manages to keep proccing speed everytime I play this fucking game.

FE8: Forde sucks. Kyle is always good but I always have to drop Forde eventually.

FE9: I always have to BEXP rig Oscar some level ups for him to get out of his earlygame rut for some reason.

FE10: I've only beaten the game once. I thought Edward turned out bad but apparently he was simply exactly average. And yet he was pretty much at the same stats as base Zihark who I benched presuming Eddy could outgrow. Fuck Edward.

FE11: Only beaten it once, I ended up rigging growths a lot with savepoints so nobody was ever bad. Castor is hella underwhelming though.

FE12: My Luke turned out rubbish and had to be benched. Everyone talks him up as a second MU but he was probably worse than Rody in my run.

Edited by Irysa
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Well in my dozen or so attempts to complete H5 with shitty units, I have had a lot of units turn out well for me.

Gordin never gains anything

Ogma nevers get speed or strength

Navarre never gains speed

Lena never gets magic or speed

Matthis sucks

Vyland suck

Roshea sucks

Athena never gets strength

Bantu lol

Radd becomes thwomp on wings (not a bad thing)

Jeorge never gets recruited

Maria always gets magic but never speed

Minerva is a goddess.

Jake gets brutally murder

Every body in prison except midia dies

Astram couldn't proc speed if I held a gun to his head

Arran and Samson lol

Est is not the best

Lorenz doesn't proc strength or speed

Ymir doesn't get speed ever

so yeah over half the cast has never turned out well for me on. H5.

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FE2: Claire

FE4: Noish

FE6: Lance, Thany

FE7: Kent, Lowen (when I actually use him)

FE8: Franz, Garcia

FE10: Aran, unfortunately. Can't get that speed.

FE11: Cain, Castor (isn't good but I usually get several blank levels)

FE12: Rody

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FE6: This is my first playthrough, but Rutger has sucked for me. Fir's kicking his ass in basically every stat.

FE7: Lowen. He's supposed to be the tanky cavalier but every time I try using him he gets five levels of just HP and I give up.

FE8: Forde, Vanessa, Gilliam. Forde just sucks, Vanessa can't gain any strength, and I've had a level 15 Gilliam with base defense. Kyle sometimes sucks too.

FE9: Nobody off the top of my head, maybe Makalov.

FE10: Pretty much any laguz that's not a royal, Jill sometimes because Haar is always better. Thing is, if I really want to use a unit there's always BEXP to rig their levels.

FE11: Everyone

FE13: Miriel, Ricken, Cherche, Gregor. There's always grinding though.

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Really just Nolan. I can't understand why tiers keep calling him crutch, because to me he just has an obsession with gaining nothing but speed and luck levels

Oh, and FE10 Jill. Why the hell did they think that a level 14 Dracoknight with only 24 HP was smart is beyond me...

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