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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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I dunno, it doesn't seem like a scummy lie to me. Also I don't think both codrivers are scum and if Elieson was scum, I don't see why he'd try so hard to make sure that his codriver didn't get revealed.

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I dunno, it doesn't seem like a scummy lie to me. Also I don't think both codrivers are scum and if Elieson was scum, I don't see why he'd try so hard to make sure that his codriver didn't get revealed.

Perhaps it's one of those "when one codriver dies the other becomes full driver". I'm reading Boron right now, and I can't follow her logic. HELP!

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That being said, it looks like I'm relegated to giving reads and thoughts based off of recent content for whatever reason. From what I can gather from Boron, she had Refa down as a scum read, then switched to Elieson because she didn't want BBM lynched, then subbed out.

Bizz - if you read this, why in the world would you want SB lynched when Refa stated that he's a hunter ATM? Can't it wait until D3, when he's no longer armed?

Dammit, my thoughts are scattered.

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Isnt this like em and hes just gonna dayvig today? Dayvigging doesnt end the day I assume?? I'm not following

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I'm going to bed in like 20 minutes so ask me stuff now

i'm kind of too tired to give opinions and I feel like all my reads are out the window and at neutral but I don't like elieson any more especially after he lied and bizz is messing with my gut but I can't tell why

i'm leaning town on eclipse though I kind of forget who she replaced

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I'm going to bed in like 20 minutes so ask me stuff now

i'm kind of too tired to give opinions and I feel like all my reads are out the window and at neutral but I don't like elieson any more especially after he lied and bizz is messing with my gut but I can't tell why

i'm leaning town on eclipse though I kind of forget who she replaced

You Boron.

I WISH I replaced you, so I can have the mayhem of being myself. ALSO Y U NO HAVE KILLING ROLE?!

Bizz - Reference

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So we're waiting for SB to dayvig then we're going to massclaim and then we're going to lynch? Is that what's happening?

No massclaim, I think.

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Mitsuki said they'd never take her alive. Well, she was right.

Dear Mitsuki,

Have you tried: Kill all the poor?

You are Paperblade, Mafia Operator.

Man, they thought my EIMM role PM was too humble? Fine. You are the perfect majestic most handsomest smartest funniest host, Papayabreido. You have been PROMOTED to not only admin of the defunct IRC channel, but Lord Tyrant of the mafia subforum. Unfortunately, your advisors and you do not see eye to eye. They will have to be eliminated.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Check USER's IRC activity." You will see if USER is in IRC, as well as everyone else there. As a result, you will be able to learn everyone that USER visited and was visited by, and then repeat this action on everyone that visited and was visited by USER until you reach the end of the chain.

Additionally, at night, you must respond to your role PM with "Night X - Posting MESSAGE in Mafia HQ." You may create a MESSAGE, which will be posted in the update transitioning from night to day. MESSAGE must consist solely of song lyrics (I will request a link if I don't recognize them).

Finally, at night, you may also respond to your role PM with "Night X - Getting a mod to shut down USER's topic." USER will attempt to start their game out of the queue, and you will get a mod to shut the thread down (since you have no such powers yourself). This will stop USER's from using his night action, but you will still learn who he intended to target.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

What'd you expect when you rolled me as mafia?

Phase continues.

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. . .alrighty then. It looks like that matches Rein's report. And this means I need to read backwards. SB you jerk, I was just about to go to bed! :cry:

Screw it, RL comes first.

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Oh, I just remembered. Could someone who was in the EM game say who was in it? I was not and think it may be helpful so we can know who potentially got powers from it (did everyone who participated in it get something)?

Out of the living people:


Blitz: Santa

Me: Hunter (I'm vengeful for today)

Mitsuki: Miller

Refa/bear: Vanilla


Kay: Godfather

Elieson: Hooker

The mafia never actually killed someone and got lynched D1/D2. No problem outing this considering Mitsuki was in the game so scum already know (also lol mafia miller.)

Rein is obvtown and Iris is probably town too based on the hook. I think Rein should out everything to restrict what scum can claim now and because the mafia already knows all the information anyway. I'm also inclined to think Shinori and Via are town based on general posting style, so yeah. BBM is probably town because Mitsuki pushed at him the hardest for most of the day.

My reasons for thinking Eli is town are pretty much gone now considering he lied on the claim. I didn't think scum would fakeclaim something so weak day 1 but I don't see why he would lie here as town and I can see it as being Elieson Can't Fakeclaim or something. If he'd gone back on it himself later maybe it would've been better but considering the only reason he told us what his real role is is because Rein's report exposed him, I don't really feel good about that. The only thing that really makes me doubt it are his interactions with Mitsuki because she had him as a pretty high suspicion.

Gonna reread in full now.

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not irc admin anymore 8]

Wow good thing Refa visited everyone. The only thing I'm paranoid about is cult right now, I don't think Paper would try to throw someone off like that and not really have one. Right now I'm really tired too and just woke up for no reason so I'll do it later to not fuck up.

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After rereading I'm pretty sure that Refa's scum. His early content made me feel like he was kind of a non-factor and he was just sort of commenting on things without really contributing much? Which is just like his scum meta. His cases have been really weak too, with his Weapons case (I'm aware this was RVS) and his BBM case (where he never says why he's actually voting for him.) It also feels like his scumhunting has been really lazy (see: here, here [whilst his earlier posts implied he scumread me] and here [which I'll talk about in a minute]) and there are points where his conclusions don't make sense? If you look here he says that he thinks Eury is scum and that Boron hasn't done anything too bad, but instead of going for Eury he goes for Boron which doesn't make sense? There's also the point where he was hard townreading Elieson but still thought one of the neighbours were scum so the other should claim which is drawing out a 1v1 for no real reason? His Mitsuki read basically comes down to a waffle with another conclusion that doesn't make sense so he still didn't really have an opinion of her at that point. Then there's a post that suggests his read on Marth is better than null but then here he completely flips on it just because of one point BBM made and then he led Marth's turbo. I also feel like Refa visited everyone just so he could get Mitsuki full night action results on the entire game? It'd make a lot of sense for him to do it.

I mainly dislike bear because he's really not doing and he didn't try to do anything in the EM pregame last night when I prodded him? I don't think his interactions with Mitsuki are bad though considering she went into today pushing him, so I'm not too suspicious of him for now. Want him to get some content up soon though.

Apparently I need to disassemble furniture today so I might be a while doing the rest of my reads.

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-Elieson lied about being a 0-shot Driver and drove me and Psych.

Bear targetted you, I targetted Psych. Notttttt quite the same

Perhaps it's one of those "when one codriver dies the other becomes full driver".

As far as I'm told, it's not that way

I'm reading Boron right now, and I can't follow her logic. HELP!

That being said, it looks like I'm relegated to giving reads and thoughts based off of recent content for whatever reason. From what I can gather from Boron, she had Refa down as a scum read, then switched to Elieson because she didn't want BBM lynched, then subbed out.

Bizz - if you read this, why in the world would you want SB lynched when Refa stated that he's a hunter ATM? Can't it wait until D3, when he's no longer armed?

Sounds like you're pointing out reasons to find yourself scummy, oddly

Good point to Quote akaBizz though

Mitsuki's Flip

That track is incredible. Rein's essentially obvtown due to that though; balance would be thrown out the window if Rein and Mit were same aligned.

The mafia never actually killed someone and got lynched D1/D2. No problem outing this considering Mitsuki was in the game so scum already know (also lol mafia miller.)

Rein is obvtown and Iris is probably town too based on the hook. I think Rein should out everything to restrict what scum can claim now and because the mafia already knows all the information anyway. I'm also inclined to think Shinori and Via are town based on general posting style, so yeah. BBM is probably town because Mitsuki pushed at him the hardest for most of the day.

My reasons for thinking Eli is town are pretty much gone now considering he lied on the claim. I didn't think scum would fakeclaim something so weak day 1 but I don't see why he would lie here as town and I can see it as being Elieson Can't Fakeclaim or something. If he'd gone back on it himself later maybe it would've been better but considering the only reason he told us what his real role is is because Rein's report exposed him, I don't really feel good about that. The only thing that really makes me doubt it are his interactions with Mitsuki because she had him as a pretty high suspicion.

Yea Kay and I were mafia in EM, and since we lost, we gained nothing :(

Why is Iris town due to the hook? Quote was the one who claimed hooked for N1+2.

Also I have a bad gut feeling about BBM's Insomniac enabling but that's about all it amounts to. Consider this just a note of my gutread.

Also hahaha Elieson can't fakeclaim unless it's Weak Watcher Survivor Rogue 2x Vig but also I'd like to point out that my neighbor and I weren't on equal grounds in terms of claiming too, so I could've been an assclown and fullclaimed pre-Rein, but that would've been unfair to da bear. As it is, I claimed without his permission and had to justify why later on.

After rereading I'm pretty sure that Refa's scum. His early content made me feel like he was kind of a non-factor and he was just sort of commenting on things without really contributing much? Which is just like his scum meta. His cases have been really weak too, with his Weapons case (I'm aware this was RVS) and his BBM case (where he never says why he's actually voting for him.) It also feels like his scumhunting has been really lazy (see: here, here [whilst his earlier posts implied he scumread me] and here [which I'll talk about in a minute]) and there are points where his conclusions don't make sense? If you look here he says that he thinks Eury is scum and that Boron hasn't done anything too bad, but instead of going for Eury he goes for Boron which doesn't make sense? There's also the point where he was hard townreading Elieson but still thought one of the neighbours were scum so the other should claim which is drawing out a 1v1 for no real reason? His Mitsuki read basically comes down to a waffle with another conclusion that doesn't make sense so he still didn't really have an opinion of her at that point. Then there's a post that suggests his read on Marth is better than null but then here he completely flips on it just because of one point BBM made and then he led Marth's turbo. I also feel like Refa visited everyone just so he could get Mitsuki full night action results on the entire game? It'd make a lot of sense for him to do it.

I mainly dislike bear because he's really not doing and he didn't try to do anything in the EM pregame last night when I prodded him? I don't think his interactions with Mitsuki are bad though considering she went into today pushing him, so I'm not too suspicious of him for now. Want him to get some content up soon though.

I feel so dumb saying this but the only Refa!meta I can think of is LightYagami!Refa. This seems plausible, but in all actuality I'm so null on Refa that it's hard to tell. TBH i feel like SB's subtly rolefishing here, despite Refa's claim sorta being out in the open. Also, did Refa really lead the marth Turbo? IIRC, Mitsuki'd been pushing Refa all day yesterphase, and if anything, I'd have a slight townread on Refa due to that.

Do you think that Bear and I are scum Co-Drivers then?

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You are the perfect majestic most handsomest smartest funniest host, Papayabreido

this is the best ever, why couldn't I have had this flavor in EiMM 3.3

Actually going by Refa's Mass-[Role] claim, having that plus the ?chain? trackerwatcher would be ridiculous in terms of information for scum. I'd rather push a vote on SB but with him rolling the hunter buff from the EM win, i'll wait until tomorrow.


This makes me think that Blitz is heavily town simply because I can't fathom why Mitsuki would make this post if one of her buddies had this role. It reads as genuine uncertainty? There was also BBM, but they don't really read as bussing eachother to me

She brings up Iris+Weapons here and there early phase but doesn't commit to anything really with them.

I can't find anything really definitive but those are the four playerslots (minus Marth and myself) that she spent a good chunk of time invested in.

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BBM and Elieson are probably town considering they're the only people who Mitsuki cased to any reasonable extent (I can see BBM bussing a scumbuddy Day 1 but I don't think that the same goes for Mitsuki, at least not right out of the gate).

Not sure what to make of her interactions with Iris, Weapons, SB/Kay, and Bizz. Like she has a few of them on her lynch priority but later on she says she prefers to wait until D2 to see what they do. I dunno, I think there's probably a scum here? Should probably read into more.

Eurykins is probably town or at the very least not Mafia for saying that she'd like to lynch Mitsuki or me in the last day and actually voting scum over me.

Not really sure what to make of Boron's interactions with Mitsuki. Like she did constantly complain about her but she never voted her for it. At the same time though, it kind of made sense for her to not vote Mitsuki according to her lynch priority but I dunno. Also this ("But if Mitsuki does flips scum, why is it only someone who's her scumbuddy that would say the thing you are harping on me for is what I do not get.") reads really weird to me now.

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