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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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The notions by Via/Weapons seem strange to me, honestly. I don't see anything noteworthy/"super-scummy" about my responses, but alright.

(Though I will agree that, yeah, I didn't give any reads, 'cause today's pretty much done in terms of "Who's on the chopping block" and such, and I only put that post together to respond to whatever was being directed at me, not towards making/putting out actual reads when I've limited time to respond.) Would rather take the time to give actual, in-depth reads, vs. half-assed/surface reads at best.

I don't believe that I've been "anti-town" in the notion that I'm standing by my intial gut reads (which generally flip 80%+ correct for me across my games), + the fact that I've already been correct on at least 2 counts thus far. So not seeing the hypocritical part there, Weapons.

Also, from my skimming of Refa/whatever pages I could, I see no change in how I feel wrt Refa, so thus my read on him since D1 really hasn't changed. Whether that makes me scummy or not for staying with my gut/vibes I've gotten from him is debatable.

And why would I back Kirsche up when I've hardly read any of his posts/content? o.O (No offense, Kirsche- I haven't honestly read in depth with a lot of player's posts as the day phases sorta drag on.) Makes little to no sense.

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i'm inclined to just say yes i think we've gotten all that we really can so unless people who are somewhere except for here decide to be here, i doubt something new that hasn't been said will come up

so ya? i guess if no objections i can hammer sometime l8r tonight

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isn't eclipse L-2 right now because weapons unvoted or did he vote again

because yeah it feels like we're not really doing anything much now besides [shit about refa here]

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I could probably help hammer or whatever, but I'm too busy to make an ACTUAL CONTENT post although in all honesty it'd just be a reply to kirsche and a "what" added in for FFM's Iris case.

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refa is content from you important or would you rather just end the day today bc there's nothing else being done, everyone except Iris and eclipscum have said their pieces

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